what can you dobirds docan后面加the吗

1.Let's do our homework f____.2.I like pandas b___ they are cute.3.We w___ to go to the zoo to see animals.4.Koalas sleep d___ the day ,but at night they get up and eat leaves.5.-What o___ thing can you see?-I can see some birds ,too.请翻译出这_百度作业帮
1.Let's do our homework f____.2.I like pandas b___ they are cute.3.We w___ to go to the zoo to see animals.4.Koalas sleep d___ the day ,but at night they get up and eat leaves.5.-What o___ thing can you see?-I can see some birds ,too.请翻译出这
1.Let's do our homework f____.2.I like pandas b___ they are cute.3.We w___ to go to the zoo to see animals.4.Koalas sleep d___ the day ,but at night they get up and eat leaves.5.-What o___ thing can you see?-I can see some birds ,too.请翻译出这些句子的中文意思,并将单词填完整给我答复
first 我们先做作业吧because 我喜欢熊猫因为他们很可爱want 我们想去动物园看动物during 考拉白天睡觉晚上起床吃树叶other 你还能看见什么我还能看见一些鸟
wish during other
1.Let's do our homework first.让我们先做作业吧。2.I like pandas because they are cute.我喜欢熊猫因为它们很可爱。3.We want to go to the zoo to see animals.我们想去动物园看动物。4.Koalas sleep during the d...
1.Let's do our homework first.我们先做作业吧2.I like pandas because they are cute.我喜欢大熊猫因为它们很可爱。3.We want to go to the zoo to see animals.我们想要去动物园玩4.Koalas sleep during the day ...
first 我们先做作业吧because 我喜欢熊猫因为他们很可爱want 我们想去动物园看动物during 考拉白天睡觉晚上起床吃树叶other 你还能看见什么我还能看见一些鸟 1.Let's do our homework first.让我们先做作业吧。2.I like pandas because they ar...
1.FINISH2.BECAUSE3.WALK4.DURING5.OTHERFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Life of Birds is a
series written and presented by , first transmitted in the United Kingdom from 21 October 1998.
A study of the evolution and habits of , it was the third of Attenborough's specialised surveys following his major trilogy that began with . Each of the ten 50-minute episodes discusses how the huge variety of birds in the world deal with a different aspect of their day-to-day existence.
The series was produced in conjunction with BBC Worldwide Americas Inc. and . The executive producer was
and the music was composed by Ian Butcher and Steven Faux. It won a
in 1999 for combining "spectacular imagery and impeccable science."
Part of Attenborough's 'Life' series of programmes, it was preceded by
(1995), and followed by
(2002). Before the latter was transmitted, David Attenborough presented
(2000) and narrated
In common with Attenborough's previous productions, the programmes include sequences that were filmed in many locales. The series took three years to make, involving visits to 42 countries. The subject matter had been covered before by Attenborough within Life on Earth, in an episode entitled "Lords of the Air", but now he was free to expand on it. However, by his own confession, despite being especially fascinated by one family, the , Attenborough was not an expert in . Nevertheless, the notion of an entire series devoted to the creatures excited him, as he would be able to not only communicate his findings to the viewing audience, but further his own knowledge as well.
From the outset, the production team were determined that the sound of birds calling and singing would not be dubbed on to the filmed pictures afterwards: it would be recorded simultaneously. To that end, meticulous care was taken not to include man-made 'noises off' from the likes of cars and aeroplanes. For one particular sequence, 's , it was important that the movement of the beak and the expelled warm air was synchronous with the accompanying song.
A trick used to entice some of the animals near the camera was to play a recording of the same species in the hope that the target would not only answer back, but investigate its source as well. This was employed in the episode "Signals and Songs", where Attenborough encouraged a
— one of nature's best mimics — to perform on cue. Despite such fortuity, filming on the series was not all plain sailing: in "Finding Partners", Attenborough was chased by a , which didn't even stop when the presenter fell over.
A technique that had been previously used for
was again called for to film
in flight. The newly hatched goslings were imprinted with a human 'mother', and, when fully grown, were able to be photographed flying alongside an open-top car.
is utilised in the first episode to illustrate extinct species, such as the
Production was suddenly halted during a trip to
in 1997 when Attenborough's wife, Jane, died:
"The next filming trip for the Birds series was, of course, cancelled. But I could not simply abandon the series. Three quarters of the filming had been done. The film of some of the programmes had been edited but none of the commentaries had yet been written. There was a lot of work that I had to do — and I was grateful that this was so.
"Birds are the most accomplished aeronauts the world has ever seen. They fly high and low, at great speed, and very slowly. And always with extraordinary precision and control."
— David Attenborough’s opening narration
Being the largest bird, the
(Struthio camelus) is unable to fly.
Broadcast 21 October 1998, the first episode looks at how birds first took to the skies in the wake of the . It begins in , where Attenborough observes
being outmaneuvered by a .
were the birds' forerunners, some 150 million years after
developed the means of flight, but eventually went extinct together with the dinosaurs. Birds had by then already evolved from early forms like , the first creature to possess . Its ancestry can be traced through , and some current species, such as the , possibly show paths this evolution may have taken. One of the biggest birds to have ever existed was the terror bird, which proliferated after
vanished and stood up to 2.5 metres tall. By comparison, the , while not closely related, is the largest and heaviest living bird. It was probably the evasion of predators that drove most birds into the air, so their
evolved because they had few enemies. Accordingly, such species are more likely to be found on islands, and Attenborough visits New Zealand to observe its great variety, most especially the . Also depicted is the moa, another huge creature that is now gone. The
is extremely rare, and high in the mountains of New Zealand, Attenborough discovers one from a population of only 40 pairs. Finally, another example on the brink of extinction is the , which at one point numbered only 61 individuals. A male is heard calling — an immensely amplified deep note that can be heard at great distances from its .
Broadcast 28 October 1998, the second programme deals with the mechanics of flight. Getting into the air is by far the most exhausting of a bird's activities, and Attenborough observes
that have taken to climbing trees to give them a good jumping-off point. The
is so large that it can only launch itself after a run-up to create a flow of air over its wings. A combination of
and upward air currents (or ), together with the act of flapping or gliding is what keeps a bird aloft. Landing requires less energy but a greater degree of skill, particularly for a big bird, such as a . Weight is kept to a minimum by having a
instead of , a light frame, and a coat of feathers, which is maintained fastidiously. The
holds the record for being fastest in the air, diving at speeds of over 300 km/h. Conversely, the
owes its predatory success to flying slowly, while the
spots its quarry by hovering. However, the true specialists in this regard are the , whose wings beat at the rate of 25 times a second. The habits of
birds are explored. After stocking up with food during the brief summer of the north, such species will set off on huge journeys southwards. Some, such as the , travel continuously, using both the
for navigation. They are contrasted with
and , which glide overland on warm air, and therefore have to stop overnight.
Broadcast 4 November 1998, the next installment focuses on dietary needs and how different species have evolved beaks to suit their individual requirements. The latter come in a multitude of forms.
have beaks akin to tweezers, with which to extract seeds, while the 's razor-like bill can deal with a cherry-stone. However, the
is the only finch that can twist its mandibles in opposite directions.
for winter by burying them in the ground, whereas
can keep up to 60,000 of them in one tree trunk.
is also desirable, and there are a variety of methods used to obtain it. The
is the only specialised leaf-eater, and accordingly has a digestive system more akin to that of .
recruit birds to aid , and offer
as a reward. hummingbirds eat little else, and the 's beak is the longest of any bird in relation to its body. Insects are also highly prized, and
are shown to possess some ingenuity as they not only strip bark, but also use 'tools' to reach their prey.
are hailed as being among the most intelligent birds, and one is shown using a twig to spear a
within a fallen log. The
is an opportunist, and Attenborough observes one seizing morsels as he digs a patch of earth. In , a
sits atop an obliging
and uses its vantage point to spot passing food that may be dislodged by its grazing partner.
or bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) feeds mainly on bone marrow, dropping bones from great heights to crack them.
Broadcast 11 November 1998, this episode examines those birds whose sustenance comes from flesh and their methods of hunting. In New Zealand, Attenborough observes ,
that do not eat meat exclusively, raiding a shearwater's burrow for a chick. However, it is the dedicated , such as , , ,
and , to which much of the programme is devoted. In order to spot and pursue their victims, senses of sight and hearing are very acute. Vultures are the exception, in that they eat what others have left, and once a carcass is found, so many birds descend on it that the carrion seems submerged beneath them. The
is an anomaly within its group, as it also has a keen sense of smell. Eagles defend their territory vigorously, and a pair of
are shown engaging in an aerial battle. The
hunts , but can only do so when its quarry is vulnerable, during the breeding season. The
has adapted to extracting burrowing animals by virtue of an especially long, double-jointed pair of legs. By contrast, a
is not equipped with the requisite sharp beak and talons needed for butchery, and so dismembers its kill by impaling it on the
eats bones, and will drop them on to rocks from a great height in order to break them down to a digestible size. Also featured are the ,
Broadcast 18 November 1998, the next programme details river and ocean dwellers. The
swims completely below water to search for food, whereas the
uses a 'harpoon' technique, diving from a vantage point. However, the
uses a combination of both methods, stalking its prey underwater before spearing it. By contrast, the
uses a kind of dance to flush out the aquatic inhabitants.
have different-sized mandibles, the lower one being used to skim the water's surface for small fish.
have developed an assortment of angling skills. Some dabble, like the , while others are of a more streamlined design and are at home underwater, such as the . , which specialise in feeding on mud flats at low tide, include , ,
feeds in groups, their pouch-like bills being more successful when used collectively.
fish in the open ocean and are shown dive-bombing shoals en masse. Attenborough visits , off Australia, and by imitating the calls of various birds, invites a group of curious
— which are indigenous — to investigate. Because there are no humans in their habitat, they are a very trusting species, as Attenborough discovers when one perches on his hand. Out on a seemingly empty area of ocean, the presenter is able to fill it with various sea birds within seconds, simply by throwing fish oil on to the water.
Broadcast 25 November 1998, this installment describes ways of communicating. A colony of
in Sweden deters a
from raiding a
by collectively raising an audible alarm. However, in an English wood, all species co-operate to warn each other surreptitiously of approaching danger. By contrast, a
is shown expanding its plumage to discourage a group of marauding hawks. The members of the finch family exemplify how colour aids recognition. Birds have excellent colour vision, and the feathers of many species react to
light. Flocking birds, such as , also have a 'ranking system' that determines seniority. In , Attenborough demonstrates the effectiveness of sound: he summons a
by knocking on a tree. The nature of
means that their occupants tend to make much louder calls than those in other habitats, and several such species are shown.
vary their calls so that even individuals from different areas can be identified. The dawn chorus provides a mystery, as there is still much to learn about why so many different birds sing together at the same time of day. (Proclaiming territory or attracting mates are two likely reasons.) Finally, Attenborough introduces the
as one of the most versatile performers: it is a skilled mimic, and this particular one imitates not only other species, but also cameras, a car alarm and a chain saw.
(Frigata minor) nesting on Genvoesa in the Galapagos.
Broadcast 2 December 1998, this programme discusses
rituals. If a male bird is on the lookout for a partner and has a suitable nest, it must advertise the fact, either by its call, a visual display or both. The
provides an example of the latter, with its inflated throat pouch. The 's courtship, among that of many others, also runs to the offer of a gift. For some species, dancing can also be an important component, and
are shown performing a . The , which dances solo within a group, is contrasted with the team performance of the . Once trust has been established between a pair, mutual preening can follow. After mating, the individuals usually remain together to rear their eventual family. In this regard, the
are highlighted as unusual because in both instances, it is the male that
the . Some females judge a prospective companion on its nest-building ability, and this is a conspicuous part of the 's behaviour. The
puts on one of the most elaborate displays: a hut-like construction, completed by a collection of objects designed to impress. Competition among males can be fierce and in Scotland, Attenborough observes rival
engaging in battle — after one of them chases the presenter. Avian polyandry is not widespread, but is illustrated by the , where the male's family can easily comprise young that it did not father.
Broadcast 9 December 1998, this episode explores the lengths to which birds will go to ensure that their chicks are brought into the world. Attenborough begins on an island in the , where , which have hitherto spent their lives on the wing, have landed to lay their eggs. This is a necessity for birds, as eggs are too heavy to be borne in the air for any considerable length of time. It is imperative that nests are kept as far away from predators as possible, and unusual locations for them are shown, such as: behind the water curtain of
in South America (as chosen by ),
on 's coast favoured by parrots, an ants' nest occupied by a woodpecker, and a tree hole inside which a female hornbill seals itself. Eggs require warmth, and some nests are insulated by the owners' feathers, others from ones found elsewhere. External temperatures dictate how the eggs are incubated. The
has to do so itself, be however, the
is able to take advantage of solar heating. The amount of eggs laid also varies: for example, the kiwi lays just one, whereas the blue tit will deposit many. Their mottled surface serves to camouflage them. Birds that steal eggs include
and . A number of strategies are employed to deter the thieves, as illustrated by the , which builds a decoy nest atop its actual one, and the , which distracts marauders by feigning injury.
Broadcast 16 December 1998, the penultimate installment concentrates on the ways in which birds rear their offspring. Having successfully incubated their eggs, the moment arrives when they hatch — and then the real challenge begins: feeding the chicks.
and dippers are shown doing so virtually non-stop throughout the day. The
has a further problem in that its tree-hollow nest is dark inside, so its young have conspicuous markings inside their mouths for identification. Grebes are fed feathers with which to line the stomach, and so protect it from fish bones.
and pelicans are among those that turn on their own and force death by starvation if there is insufficient food. The
tricks other species into raising its chick, but it is by no means alone in doing this. Protecting a family is also a priority, and
are shown nesting close to snowy owls as a means of insurance, but as soon as the eggs hatch, they and their young must flee to avoid giving their neighbours an easy meal. The million or so sooty terns in the Seychelles prove that there is safety in numbers and the nearby predatory
have little success when attempting to steal. The behaviour of
is more akin to that of a troop of : they do everything for the benefit of a group as a whole. Eventually the day will come when flight beckons, and the grown bird will leave the nest to start a family of its own.
(Neophema chrysogaster) is a .
Broadcast 23 December 1998, the final programme investigates the challenges that must be surmounted if birds are to survive. The
is a species that has adapted to
living: its breast feathers are capable of absorbing water, which it can pass on to its young. The
also nests in the sand, and burrows until it finds a comfortable temperature. Birds that choose remote places can proliferate hugely, like the
soda lake. Meanwhile, during winter, the entire world population of
can be found in just a few assemblies on patches of the . The
is a relatively recent habitat, but many have become accustomed to it, such as the
in . In Japan, crows have learned to crack nuts by dropping them on to pedestrian crossings — and waiting for the traffic to stop before collecting them. In ,
have become totally dependent on
for their nest sites. Attenborough highlights man's influence by describing the
island of , whose bird population was wiped out following the accidental introduction of
during the 1940s. Examples of species that were hunted to extinction are the , the
and, most famously, the . However, there are conservation efforts being made, such as those for Australia's , the
(the latter two both of ).
"Birds were flying from continent to continent long before we were. They reached the coldest place on Earth, Antarctica, long before we did. They can survive in the hottest of deserts. Some can remain on the wing for years at a time. They can girdle the globe. Now, we have taken over the earth and the sea and the sky, but with skill and care and knowledge, we can ensure that there is still a place on Earth for birds in all their beauty and variety — if we want to… And surely, we should."
— David Attenborough, in closing
The series is available in the UK for Regions 2 and 4 as a 3-disc DVD (BBCDVD1020, released 4 December 2000) and as part of . Each episode features additional footage, accessed separately.
The accompanying book, The Life of Birds by David Attenborough (), was published by
on 24 September 1998.
, May 2000.
Attenborough, David (2002). Life on Air. BBC Books. pp. 359–363.  .
Attenborough, David (2002). Life on Air. BBC Books. p. 372.  .
(1998) [First published 1998]. The Life of Birds. England: .  .
at the PBS Television website
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