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&&&&&&&&&&The Script - Man on a Wire
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《The Script - Man on a Wire》歌词:
[db:简介] Peace (feat. Tia Ray) 词:方大同 曲:方大同 演唱:方大同 Wake up wake up Terror on my tv Blood spilled on your cv Make me queazy uneasy like a kid with a gun Time to run can I flip the scene or change the script can I change your line and change it quick straight out of a horror flick Are you worried if the rocket hits apocalypse
Prayers at the edge of your lips Hold steady when it's time to eclipse Get ready lets enjoy your last moment of bliss Rewind and let me change my rhymes In time you'll find i'll spit better thoughts divine Words refined
Words that rearrange the mind Find the light before we see the dark Cease the fight So we can seize the heart Let me talk about a whole new place to start Peace love living in harmony one world in unity my brotha no enemy (so let me talk about it) Peace love living in harmony one world in unity my brotha no enemy Sirens are spinning They say terror is winning This era might be the biggest error we've been in Induction Of man made instruction Paid for a seat at the brink of destruction 3D it's gonna jump right at cha Even too much for a man of your stature Think twice cos you playing with fire So play nice cos I be wearing a wire Switch it up Like a game of soccer Forget about the name and stop fighting for lockers So be careful for dat violent streak Or you might be out cold on a crowded street Now dodge Like a tai chi master think faster know exactly what comes after meditate hesitate calm your soul We need a worldwide team and a common goal Peace love living in harmony one world in unity my brotha no enemy (so let me talk about it) Peace love living in harmony one world in unity my brotha no enemy
The world is one country Mankind its citizens A speck in the universe And we are its denizens A renaissance
Of spiritual nature This lyric is major They say our species endangered Sign says don't trample Strive to be an example I hope my song Ends up being a track that they sample I'm thankful That I'm in this position Somebody said music is the greatest physician
Human condition Can be the vainest prison of all Time to wake up Break out Better climb that wall Truth be told With fire we test gold With gold He tests His servants It's the story of old They sold their souls Served up on a stone cold platter handful of grapes A bit of snake bladder Take matters In your hands and mine The hands of time Passing by with every word I rhyme Peace love living in harmony one world in unity my brotha no enemy
(so let me talk about it) Peace love living in harmony one world in unity my brotha no enemy Peace love living in harmony one world in unity my brotha no enemy (so let me talk about it) Peace love living in harmony one world in unity my brotha no enemy
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欧美MV推荐下载罗伯科恩 拍过什么电影_百度知道
罗伯科恩 拍过什么电影
罗伯·科恩对中国历史及文化有十分浓厚的热情与情感,虽然向来拒绝接替别人拍摄续集影片,但在得知《木乃伊3》已经将故事发展引入中国古代,才接受了任务,用他的话说,他会用赋予木乃伊一个全新的故事,他会用自己的方式给西方观众讲一个古老的东方传奇故事。  代表作品:《速度与激情》《XXX》《绝密飞行》《李小龙传》。编辑本段作品年表作为导演  Alex Cross(2012年)  双刃Shuang Ren (2011年)  King of the Nudies (2009年)  木乃伊3:龙帝之墓/木乃伊3:龙的诅咒/神鬼传奇3(台)/盗墓迷城3(港) The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008年)  绝密飞行 Stealth (2005年)  Rammstein: Lichtspielhaus (2003年)  极限特工/限制级战警/3X反恐暴族/极限战士 xXx (2002年) ...
出门在外也不愁Smashing Magazine
Kendra Schaefer has been living predominantly in China since 2002. A former front-end designer and art director, Kendra now writes about pretty Chinese interfaces and the Beijing tech scene, taking on the occasional UI design project.
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