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I am sure these has been asked before but cannot find clear instruction how to create a
batch file lets call it "Update Database" this batch file should
Execute sql scripts located in
different folders
Execute another 3 bat files.
Any quick examples how to do it?Never done it before
thanks a lot
Can I do this?
:On Error exit
:r C:\myPath\MasterUpdateDatabase.bat
SQLCMD -S (Local) -i C:\myPath\InsertUsername.sql
I get an error:
"GO" is not recognized as internal external command
Thanks for any input
It looks like you're trying to use DOS commands to create a batch file that either (a) executes other batch files or (b) executes SQLCMD to run sql or a sql script.
Here are a couple examples all rolled into one.
I'm using the DOS command START with the /WAIT switch, which will keep your original "master" batch file running in one window and execute the subsequent file or commands in a new window.
That new window stays open until the script finished AND exits.
Some of the ECHOs probably aren't required, but the script will talk back to you for now, a little.
So, this is pretty simple in the sense that you're just running the script.
If you're script1.bat has break points, you can return an error back to the main script and have it end immediately.
I wasn't clear if that was what you needed the master script to do.
echo Starting Database Update.
echo Excuting Script 1
start /wait C:\path\to\your\script1.bat
echo If there was a problem, break here.
echo Excuting Script 2
start /wait C:\path\to\your\script2.bat
echo If there was a problem, break here.
Here is where did used the same START /WAIT to run SQLCMD, which in this case just returns results from the query.
One thing to note here is that the -Q (uppercase) runs the query and quits.
If you use -q (lowercase) it will run the query and sit open in SQLCMD waiting for another query.
echo Running SQLCMD: "select top 100 * from sys.objects"
start /wait sqlcmd -S (local) -Q "select top 100 * from sys.objects"
And this is how you can run a sql script, which is what the -i denotes, but I also didn't run this in the START /WAIT as earlier.
Not that you have to, but I wanted to show both examples.
What this also shows is the -b will end the batch process if your script returns an error, which is useful if you're running multiple scripts that depend on success of the former(s).
echo Running SQLCMD from an (-i)nput file:
sqlcmd -S (local) -i
C:\path\to\your\script.sql -b
echo Update Complete.
So, I assumed you were looking for a .bat or .cmd file that utilized SQLCMD.
The example I provided is pretty basic, but hopefully it sets you on the right path.
And remember that CTRL+C breaks a batch script in process.
The actual error you're seeing is that the command line interpreter does not recognize 'GO', so you could just remove that line.
Hope this helps you :
sqlplus UserName/Password@DataBase @C:\myPath\InsertUsername.sql
P.S : Don't forget to add the command "" at the end of sql file (InsertUsername.sql), this command order Oracle to save performed changes in darabase
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Build and Install Hadoop 2.x or newer on Windows
1. Introduction
Hadoop version 2.2 onwards includes native support for Windows. The official Apache Hadoop releases do not include Windows binaries (yet, as of January 2014). However building a Windows package from the sources is fairly straightforward. Hadoop is a complex system with many components. Some familiarity at a high level is helpful before attempting to build or install it or the first time. Familiarity with Java is necessary in case you need to troubleshoot.
2. Building Hadoop Core for Windows
2.1. Choose target OS version
The Hadoop developers have used Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 during development and testing. Windows Vista and Windows 7 are also likely to work because of the Win32 API similarities with the respective server SKUs. We have not tested on Windows XP or any earlier versions of Windows and these are not likely to work. Any issues reported on Windows XP or earlier will be closed as Invalid. Do not attempt to run the installation from within Cygwin. Cygwin is neither required nor supported.
2.2. Choose Java Version and set JAVA_HOME
Oracle JDK versions 1.7 and 1.6 have been tested by the Hadoop developers and are known to work. Make sure that JAVA_HOME is set in your environment and does not contain any spaces. If your default Java installation directory has spaces then you must use the
instead e.g. c:\Progra~1\Java\... instead of c:\Program Files\Java\....
2.3. Getting Hadoop sources
The current stable release as of August 2014 is 2.5. The source distribution can be retrieved from the ASF download server or using subversion or git. From the
or a mirror. Subversion URL:
Git repository URL: git://git.apache.org/hadoop-common.git. After downloading the sources via git, switch to the stable 2.5 using git checkout branch-2.5, or use the appropriate branch name if you are targeting a newer version.
2.4. Installing Dependencies and Setting up Environment for Building
file in the root of the source tree has detailed information on the list of requirements and how to install them. It also includes information on setting up the environment and a few quirks that are specific to Windows. It is strongly recommended that you read and understand it before proceeding.
2.5. A few words on Native IO support
Hadoop on Linux includes optional Native IO support. However Native IO is mandatory on Windows and without it you will not be able to get your installation working. You must follow all the instructions from BUILDING.txt to ensure that Native IO support is built correctly.
2.6. Build and Copy the Package files
To build a binary distribution run the following command from the root of the source tree. mvn package -Pdist,native-win -DskipTests -DtarNote that this command must be run from a Windows SDK command prompt as documented in BUILDING.txt. A successful build generates a binary hadoop .tar.gz package in hadoop-dist\target\. The Hadoop version is present in the package file name. If you are targeting a different version then the package name will be different.
2.7. Installation
Pick a target directory for installing the package. We use c:\deploy as an example. Extract the tar.gz file (e.g.hadoop-2.5.0.tar.gz) under c:\deploy. This will yield a directory structure like the following. If installing a multi-node cluster, then repeat this step on every node. C:\deploy&dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9D1F-7BAC
Directory of C:\deploy
3. Starting a Single Node (pseudo-distributed) Cluster
This section describes the absolute minimum configuration required to start a Single Node (pseudo-distributed) cluster and also run an example
3.1. Example HDFS Configuration
Before you can start the Hadoop Daemons you will need to make a few edits to configuration files. The configuration file templates will all be found in c:\deploy\etc\hadoop, assuming your installation directory is c:\deploy. First edit the file hadoop-env.cmd to add the following lines near the end of the file. set HADOOP_PREFIX=c:\deploy
set PATH=%PATH%;%HADOOP_PREFIX%\binEdit or create the file core-site.xml and make sure it has the following configuration key: &configuration&
&/configuration&Edit or create the file hdfs-site.xml and add the following configuration key: &configuration&
&/configuration&Finally, edit or create the file slaves and make sure it has the following entry: localhostThe default configuration puts the HDFS metadata and data files under \tmp on the current drive. In the above example this would be c:\tmp.
For your first test setup you can just leave it at the default.
3.2. Example YARN Configuration
Edit or create mapred-site.xml under %HADOOP_PREFIX%\etc\hadoop and add the following entries, replacing %USERNAME% with your Windows user name. &configuration&
&/configuration&Finally, edit or create yarn-site.xml and add the following entries: &configuration&
3.3. Initialize Environment Variables
Run c:\deploy\etc\hadoop\hadoop-env.cmd to setup environment variables that will be used by the startup scripts and the daemons.
3.4. Format the FileSystem
Format the filesystem with the following command: %HADOOP_PREFIX%\bin\hdfs namenode -formatThis command will print a number of filesystem parameters. Just look for the following two strings to ensure that the format command succeeded. 14/01/18 08:36:23 INFO namenode.FSImage: Saving image file \tmp\hadoop-username\dfs\name\current\fsimage.ckpt_0000000 using no compression
14/01/18 08:36:23 INFO namenode.FSImage: Image file \tmp\hadoop-username\dfs\name\current\fsimage.ckpt_0000000 of size 200 bytes saved in 0 seconds.
3.5. Start HDFS Daemons
Run the following command to start the NameNode and DataNode on localhost. %HADOOP_PREFIX%\sbin\start-dfs.cmdTo verify that the HDFS daemons are running, try copying a file to HDFS. C:\deploy&%HADOOP_PREFIX%\bin\hdfs dfs -put myfile.txt /
C:\deploy&%HADOOP_PREFIX%\bin\hdfs dfs -ls /
Found 1 items
- username supergroup
-18 08:40 /myfile.txt
3.6. Start YARN Daemons and run a YARN job
Finally, start the YARN daemons. %HADOOP_PREFIX%\sbin\start-yarn.cmdThe cluster should be up and running! To verify, we can run a simple wordcount job on the text file we just copied to HDFS. %HADOOP_PREFIX%\bin\yarn jar %HADOOP_PREFIX%\share\hadoop\mapreduce\hadoop-mapreduce-example
s-2.5.0.jar wordcount /myfile.txt /out
4. Multi-Node cluster
TODO: Document this
5. Conclusion
5.1. Caveats
The following features are yet to be implemented for Windows. Hadoop Security Short-circuit reads
5.2. Questions?
If you have any questions you can request help from the . For help with building Hadoop on Windows, send mail to . For all other questions send email to . Subscribe/unsubscribe information is included on the linked webpage. Please note that the mailing lists are monitored by volunteers.Linux and UNIX mysql command help and examples
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Linux and Unix mysql command
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About mysql
mysql is a simple
commands. It can be used
by entering commands at a special prompt, or you can use it to run a batch script containing your SQL commands.
When used interactively,
results are presented in a table format. When used noninteractively, the result is presented in -separated format. The
format can be changed using command options.
The simplest way to invoke mysql is to specify your MySQL user name with the -u option, and to tell mysql to prompt you for your password with -p:
mysql -u username -p
You will be shown a brief introduction message and then be placed at the mysql& prompt.
At the mysql& prompt, you can enter MySQL commands such as:
To list the databases which exist, or:
mysql& USE dbname;
...to begin using the database named dbname, or:
mysql& SELECT 21 * 2 AS meaning_of_
...to display the mathematical product of 2 and 21.
To end your mysql session and return to the shell prompt, use the command:
mysql& QUIT
Running MySQL Commands From A Batch Script
Instead of using mysql interactively, you can execute MySQL statements from a
file. For instance, if you have a text file named mysqlscript.txt containing MySQL commands, one per line, you could use this command:
mysql -u username -p db_name & mysqlscript.txt & output.txt
...and after prompting you for your password, mysql would execute the commands in mysqlscript.txt on the database db_name, writing the output to the file output.txt.
For an in-depth description of how to install MySQL on your system, and an overview of the basic interactive usage of mysql, see .
mysql [options] db_name
mysql supports the following options, which can be specified on the
or in the [mysql] and [client] groups of an option file.
--help, -?
Display a help message and exit.
Enable automatic rehashing. This option is on by default, which enables database, table, and column name completion. Use --disable-auto-rehash to disable rehashing. That causes mysql to start faster, but you must issue the rehash command if you want to use name completion.
To complete a name, enter the first part and press Tab. If the name is unambiguous, mysql completes it. Otherwise, you can press Tab again to see the possible names that begin with what you have typed so far. Completion does not occur if there is no default database.
Cause result sets to be displayed vertically if they are too wide for the current window, and using normal tabular format otherwise. (This applies to statements terminated by ; or \G.) This option was added in MySQL 5.5.3.
--batch, -B
Print results using tab as the column separator, with each row on a new line. With this option, mysql does not use the history file. Batch mode results in nontabular output format and escaping of special characters. Escaping may be disabl see the description for the --raw option.
On a computer having multiple network interfaces, this option can be used to select which interface is employed when connecting to the MySQL server. This option is supported only in the version of the mysql client that is supplied with MySQL Cluster. It is not available in standard MySQL Server 5.5 releases.
The directory where character sets are installed.
Write column names in results.
--column-type-info, -m
Display result set .
--comments, -c
Whether to preserve
in statements sent to the server. The default is --skip-comments (discard comments), enable with --comments (preserve comments).
--compress, -C
Compress all information sent between the
if both support compression.
--database=db_name, -D db_name
The database to use. This is useful primarily in an option file.
--debug[=debug_options], -# [debug_options]
log. A typical debug_options
is 'd:t:o,file_name'. The default is 'd:t:o,/tmp/mysql.trace'.
Print some debugging information when the program exits.
--debug-info, -T
Print debugging information and
usage statistics when the program exits.
The client-side authentication plugin to use.
This option was added in MySQL 5.5.7.
Use charset_name as the default character set for the client and connection.
A common issue that can occur when the operating system uses
or another multi-byte
is that output from the mysql client is formatted incorrectly, due to the fact that the MySQL client uses the latin1 character set by default. You can usually fix such issues by using this option to force the client to use the system character set instead.
Set the statement . The default is the semicolon character (“;”).
Disable named commands. Use the \* form only, or use named commands only at the beginning of a line ending with a semicolon (“;”). mysql starts with this option enabled by default. However, even with this option, long-format commands still work from the first line.
Enable the mysql_clear_password cleartext
. This option was added in MySQL 5.5.27.
--execute=statement, -e statement
Execute the statement and quit. The default output format is like that produced with --batch. With this option, mysql does not use the history file.
--force, -f
Continue even if an SQL error occurs.
--host=host_name, -h host_name
Connect to the MySQL server on the given host.
--html, -H
--ignore-spaces, -i
Ignore spaces after function names. The effect of this is described in the discussion for the IGNORE_SPACE SQL mode.
SQL statement to execute after connecting to the server. If auto-reconnect is enabled, the statement is executed again after reconnection occurs.
Write line numbers for errors. Disable this with --skip-line-numbers.
Enable or disable LOCAL capability for LOAD DATA INFILE. With no value, the option enables LOCAL. The option may be given as --local-infile=0 or --local-infile=1 to explicitly disable or enable LOCAL. Enabling LOCAL has no effect if the server does not also support it.
--named-commands, -G
Enable named mysql commands. Long-format commands are permitted, not just short-format commands. For example, quit and \q both are recognized. Use --skip-named-commands to disable named commands.
--no-auto-rehash, -A
This has the same effect as -skip-auto-rehash. See the description for --auto-rehash.
--no-beep, -b
Do not beep when errors occur.
--no-named-commands, -g
Deprecated, use --disable-named-commands instead. --no-named-commands was removed in MySQL 5.5.3.
Deprecated form of --skip-pager. See the --pager option. --no-pager was removed in MySQL 5.5.3.
Deprecated form of --skip-tee. See the --tee option. --no-tee is removed in MySQL 5.5.3.
--one-database, -o
Ignore statements except those that occur while the default database is the one named on the command line. This option is rudimentary and should be used with care. Statement filtering is based only on USE statements.
Initially, mysql executes statements in the input because specifying a database db_name on the command line is equivalent to inserting USE db_name at the beginning of the input. Then, for each USE statement encountered, mysql accepts or rejects following statements depending on whether the database named is the one on the command line. The content of the statements is immaterial.
Suppose that mysql is invoked to process this set of statements:
DROP TABLE db1.t1;
CREATE TABLE db1.t1 (i INT);
CREATE TABLE db2.t1 (j INT);
If the command line is mysql --force --one-database db1, mysql handles the input as follows:
The DELETE statement is executed because the default database is db1, even though the statement names a table in a different database.
The DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE statements are not executed because the default database is not db1, even though the statements name a table in db1.
The INSERT and CREATE TABLE statements are executed because the default database is db1, even though the CREATE TABLE statement names a table in a different database.
Use the given command for paging query output. If the command is omitted, the default pager is the value of your PAGER . Valid pagers are less, more, cat [& filename], and so forth. This option works only on Unix and only in interactive mode. To disable paging, use --skip-pager. See
for more information about output paging.
--password[=password], -p[password]
to use when connecting to the server. If you use the short option form (-p), you cannot have a space between the option and the password. If you omit the password value following the --password or -p option on the command line, mysql prompts for one.
Specifying a password on the command line should be considered insecure. You can use an option file to avoid giving the password on the command line.
--pipe, -W
On Windows, connect to the server using a named pipe. This option applies only if the server supports named-pipe connections.
The directory in which to look for plugins. It may be necessary to specify this option if the --default-auth option is used to specify an authentication plugin but mysql does not find it.
This option was added in MySQL 5.5.7.
--port=port_num, -P port_num
number to use for the connection.
Set the prompt to the specified format. The default is mysql&. The special sequences that the prompt can contain are described in the
The connection
to use for connecting to the server. It is useful when the other connection parameters normally would cause a protocol to be used other than the one you want.
--quick, -q
Do not cache each query result, print each row as it is received. This may slow down the server if the output is suspended. With this option, mysql does not use the history file.
For tabular output, the “boxing” around columns enables one column value to be distinguished from another. For nontabular output (such as is produced in batch mode or when the --batch or --silent option is given), special characters are escaped in the output so they can be identified easily. , tab, , and backslash are written as \n, \t, \0, and \\. The --raw option disables this character escaping.
The following example demonstrates tabular versus nontabular output and the use of raw mode to disable escaping:
mysql& SELECT CHAR(92);
| CHAR(92) |
mysql& SELECT CHAR(92);
mysql -s -r
mysql& SELECT CHAR(92);
If the connection to the server is lost, automatically try to reconnect. A single reconnect attempt is made each time the connection is lost. To suppress reconnection behavior, use --skip-reconnect.
--safe-updates, --i-am-a-dummy, -U
Permit only those UPDATE and DELETE statements that specify which rows to modify by using key values. If you have set this option in an option file, you can override it by using --safe-updates on the command line.
Do not send passwords to the server in old (pre-4.1.1) format. This prevents connections except for servers that use the newer password format.
Cause warnings to be shown after each statement if there are any. This option applies to interactive and batch mode.
(typically the result of typing Control+C).
--silent, -s
Silent mode. Produce less output. This option can be given multiple times to produce less and less output.
This option results in nontabular output format and escaping of special characters. Escaping may be disabl see the description for the --raw option.
--skip-column-names, -N
Do not write column names in results.
--skip-line-numbers, -L
Do not write line numbers for errors. Useful when you want to compare result files that include error messages.
--socket=path, -S path
For connections to localhost, the Unix socket file to use, or, on Windows, the name of the named pipe to use.
Options that begin with --ssl specify whether to connect to the server using SSL and indicate where to find SSL keys and certificates.
--table, -t
Display output in table format. This is the default for interactive use, but can be used to produce table output in batch mode.
Append a copy of output to the given file. This option works only in interactive mode. the section called “MYSQL COMMANDS”, discusses tee files further.
--unbuffered, -n
Flush the buffer after each query.
--user=user_name, -u user_name
The MySQL user name to use when connecting to the server.
--verbose, -v
Verbose mode. Produce more output about what the program does. This option can be given multiple times to produce more and more output. (For example, -v -v -v produces table output format even in batch mode.)
--version, -V
Display version information and exit.
--vertical, -E
Print query output rows vertically (one line per column value). Without this option, you can specify vertical output for individual statements by terminating them with \G.
--wait, -w
If the connection cannot be established, wait and retry instead of aborting.
Produce XML output. See mysql manual for more information.
MySQL Commands
mysql sends each SQL statement that you issue to the server to be executed. Note that all text commands must be first on line and end with ';' .
There is also a set of commands that mysql itself interprets. For a list of these commands, type help or \h at the mysql& prompt:
Synonym for 'help'.
Clear command.
Reconnect to the server. Optional arguments are db and host.
Set statement delimiter.
Edit command with $EDITOR.
Send command to mysql server, display result vertically.
Exit mysql. Same as quit.
Send command to mysql server.
Display this help.
Disable pager, print to stdout.
Don't write into outfile.
Set PAGER [to_pager]. Print the query results via PAGER.
Print current command.
Change your mysql prompt,
Quit mysql.
Rebuild completion hash.
Execute an SQL script file. Takes a file name as an argument.
Get status information from the server.
Execute a system shell command.
Set outfile [to_outfile]. Append everything into given outfile.
Use another database. Takes database name as argument.
Switch to another charset. Might be needed for processing binlog with multi-byte charsets.
Show warnings after every statement.
Don't show warnings after every statement.
For an in-depth description of installing MySQL, and an overview of basic commands, see .
The following are a few other notable commands:
mysqldump -u hope -p -h localhost hope_SMF & smf.sql
Backup the database &hope_SMF& to the smf.sql file after the username and password were verified.
mysql& status
Running status while at the mysql& prompt would give you MySQL status results similar to what is shown below.
Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.35, for debian-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 6.2
Connection id:
Current database:
Current user:
Not in use
Current pager:
Using outfile:
Using delimiter: ;
Server version:
5.5.35-0ubuntu0.13.10.2 (Ubuntu)
Protocol version: 10
Localhost via UNIX socket
Server characterset: latin1
characterset: latin1
Client characterset: utf8
characterset: utf8
UNIX socket:
2 hours 3 min 4 sec
Threads: 1
Questions: 577
Slow queries: 0
Opens: 421
Flush tables: 1
Open tables: 41
Queries per second avg: 0.078
Related commands
& Check, repair, optimize, or fetch information about a MySQL database.
& A tool for backing up or transferring MySQL databases.
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