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学年新译林小学英语五上5A期末测试卷& && &Class___________Name___________Number___________听力部分(30分)一、& && && && &选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分)&&(& & )1.&&&&A./d&#652;k/&&&&B./b&#652;s/&&&&C./s&#652;n/&&&&(& & )2.&&&&A.fridge&&&&B.front&&&&C.from&&&&(& & )3.&&&&A.there&&&&B.these&&&&C.here&&&&(& & )4.&&&&A.bear&&&&B.near&&&&C.hear&&&&(& & )5.&&&&A.swing&&&&B.swim&&&&C.sing&&&&(& & )6.&&&&A.thirsty&&&&B.thirty&&&&C.third&&&&(& & )7.&&&&A.nice&&&&B.juice&&&&C.nine&&&&(& & )8.&&&&A.yellow&&&&B.you&&&&C.your&&&&(& & )9.&&&&A.go&&swimming&&&&B.go&&boating&&&&C.go&&climbing&&&&(& & )10.&&&&A.no&&legs&&&&B.long&&legs&&&&C.long&&ears&&&& &&&& &&&& &&&& &&二、听录音,给下面的图片标序号。(6分)
1.jpg (15.36 KB, 下载次数: 54)
13:37 上传
三、& && && && &听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答句。(5分)&&(& & )1.&&&&A. Yes, they are.&&&&B. Yes, there are.&&&&C. Yes, it is.&&&&(& & )2.&&&&A. No, I can’t.&&&&B. Yes, I like.&&&&C. No, I don’t.&&&&(& & )3.&&&&A. He likes swimming&&&&B. I&&like singing.&&&&C. She likes dancing.&&&&(& & )4.&&&&A. There is one.&&&&B. I have five apples.&&&&C. There are five dogs.&&&&(& & )5.&&&&A. He can swim.&&&&B. He has a cat.&&&&C. He likes climbing.&&四、听录音,把对话填充完整。(9分)1. 1.They have big __&&____ and big __&&______.2. Her __&&____has red eyes and a short _& & ___ . 3.A: What __& &___ she like doing?B:She _& &____ reading&&.4.&&Wehave a&&____& &_.
笔试部分(70分)一、选出下列单词中画线部分读音不相同的一项。(5分)&&(& &&&)&&1. A. cousin&&&&B. doctor&&&&C. Science& & &&&&(& &&&)&&2. A. rubber&&&&B. ruler&&&&C. but& & &&&&(& &&&)&&3. A. weather&&&&B. season&&&&C. yellow &&&&(& &&&)&&4. A. foot&&&&B. room&&&&C. good& &&&&&(& &&&)&&5. A. year&&&&B. happy&&&&C. many& & &&二、英汉互译。(10分)&&1. 在森林旁边&&&&&&2. look&&out& && && && && & &&&&3. 正合适& &&&&&&&4.talk about their teachers& && & &&&&5. 在二楼& && && & &&&&6.yellow and&&white& && && && &&&&&7. 不擅长& && & &&&&8. all&&like& && && && && &&&&&9. 喜欢看电影&&&&&&10.the kangaroos in Australia &&三、按要求,写单词。(10分,每空1分)1. Theelephant has a big___________(/b&#594;d&#618;/)2. Howmany ___________ (library)are there in your school? 3. Can youshow ______(she )around?4.___________ is the third day of a week. 5. Let’s go and__________(fly) a kite. 6. Mybrother (喜欢)going to the cinema .7. There_________any water in the bottle.8. I don’t like __________(skate).9. Myfather can swim very________(good) .10. ______ (it’s) name is Bobby.四、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。(10分)(& & )1.The boy can’t playpiano,but he can playfootball.A.& & / ;the& && &&&B.&&/& && && & C.&&/ ;/ (& & )2.It has no arms&&legs. & && && &&&A.and& && && & B.or& && && && & C.no(& & )3.There ______ a pencil , a book and two pens on the table.& && && &&&A. have& && && &B.are& && && && &C .is(& & )4. ________thisdog ________a big mouth?A.& & Do;has& && & B. Dhave& && &C. D has(& & )5.---- _______Helen have a rabbit? ---- _______,she has a parrot.A.& & DYes& &&&B. Do;No& && && && & C.D No (& & )6. Jim isreally good at__________.A. swiming& && && &B.swimming& && && &&&C. swim(& & )7.She likesdancing.& && && &&&A.too& && && &&&B.both& && && &&&C. also (& & )8.One is red and______&&is black.A .two& && && &&&B.the other& && & C. other(& & )9.There are some trees my house.& && && &&&A.behind& && &&&B.between& && &&&C.in& && && & (& & )10. You’re alucky dog.& &&&A. 你是条可爱的小狗。&&B.你是个幸运儿。& &C. 你是条幸运的狗。五、按要求改句子,每空一词。(5分)1. It has two bigeyes. (改为否定句)&&It& & twobig eyes.2. Nancy likes dancing.(对划线部分提问)&&What______Nancy like _________ ?3.There is some teain the cup. (改为一般疑问句)& && &
there& &teain the cup?4.Tim likesswimming. Sam likes swimming too. (合并为一句)Tim andSam& &&&swimming.5. She has a lot ofbooks. (用They替换She)& &______a lot of books.六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1.desks, there,many, in, are, how, classroom, the&&( ? )& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &2. brother ,reading , Jack’s , stories , like , does&&( ? )___________________________________________________3. now , aren’t ,students , there , in , any , classroom , the ( . )___________________________________________________4. let's, and, go,a, this, have, picnic, afternoon ( . )& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &5.likes, playing,also, he, piano, the ( . )& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & 七、在II栏中找出I栏相对应的答句,将序号填入题前括号内。(5分)& && && && & Ⅰ& && && && && && && && && && && & Ⅱ(& &)1、Is there afootball?& && && && && && && && && && && &A.No, he doesn’t.(& &)2、How manybooks do you have?& && && &&&B. I canmake a salad.(& &)3、Does Mikelike rabbits?& && && && && && && && & C.Ten.(& &)4、How muchis thepen?& && && && && && && && && & D.Yes, there is.(& &)5、What canyoudo?& && && && && && && && && && && & E.Thirteen yuan, please.八、&& &&重新排列下列句子,使之成为一段完整的对话(5分)(& & )A. Does she like drawing?&&(& & )B. I usually play football with my friends.(& & )C. She often draws picture in the park. (& & )D. What do you usually do on Sundays?(& & )E. What about your sister?( 6&&)F. Yes, she does.九、阅读理解,判断正误,正确的打”T”,错误的打 “F”。 (5分)John is an old man. He has a big house. He likes dogs very much. He hasthree dogs.One dog isfrom the UK.Her name is Cote. One dog is fromthe US.Her name is Dot. Onedog isfrom China.Her name is Potty. John loves his dogs very much. He buys many toys forhisdogs. Cote has a red cat. It issmall and fun. Dot has a blue toy monkey. It can jump and run.Potty hasa white toy rabbit. It has long ears. The dogs like their toys and they likeJohn, too.They likeplaying with John vey much.(& & )1.John has six dogs.(& & )2.Cote is from China.(& & )3. Dot’s toy monkey can jumpand run.(& & )4. Potty’s toy is a bluerabbit.(& & )5. The dogs like their toys and John verymuch.十、书面表达, 根据提示完成。(5分)这是我的朋友。她高高的。她有长头发和大眼睛。她会游泳。她喜欢画画和跳舞。我喜欢她。This is_________________. She__& && && && & .She _______& && && & .She____________________. She _______________________________________.I____________________. 小学英语5A期中自测卷一、/b&#652;s/,&&from,&&there,&&near,&&sing,&&thirty,&&nice,&&you,&&goboating,&&long legs.二、1.He isn’t goodatfootball.& && && && & 2.My little dog has two big ears.3. There are somecomputers in the room.& &&&4. This bed is just right.5.They likewatching films very much.& && & 6. He canplay basketball very well.三、1. Arethey on the first floor?& && && &2.Do you likeplaying the piano?3. What does yourmother like doing?& & 4. How many applesare there on the table?5. What does Mikehave?四 1.They have big
bodies and big __ears&& .2. Her __rabbit&& hasred eyes and a short _ tail _ . 3.A: What __does& &___ she like doing?B:She _ likes&&_ reading
stories .4.&&Wehave a
new &&_ friend&&_.


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