
Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals Turned Me Vegan&|&Natalie Portman
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Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals Turned Me Vegan
Jonathan Safran Foer's book Eating Animals changed me from a twenty-year vegetarian to a vegan activist. I've always been shy about being critical of others' choices because I hate when people do that to me. I'm often interrogated about being vegetarian (e.g., "What if you find out that carrots feel pain, too? Then what'll you eat?"). I've also been afraid to feel as if I know better than someone else -- a historically dangerous stance (I'm often reminded that "Hitler was a vegetarian, too, you know"). But this book reminded me that some things are just wrong. Perhaps others disagree with me that animals have personalities, but the highly documented torture of animals is unacceptable, and the human cost Foer describes in his book, of which I was previously unaware, is universally compelling.The human cost of factory farming -- both the compromised welfare of slaughterhouse workers and, even more, the environmental effects of the mass production of animals -- is staggering. Foer details the copious amounts of pig shit sprayed into the air that result in great spikes in human respiratory ailments, the development of new bacterial strains due to overuse of antibiotics on farmed animals, and the origins of the swine flu epidemic, whose story has gripped the nation, in factory farms.I read the chapter on animal shit aloud to two friends -- one is from Iowa and has asthma and the other is a North Carolinian who couldn't eat fish from her local river because animal waste had been dumped in it as described in the book. They had never truly thought about the connection between their environmental conditions and their food. The story of the mass farming of animals had more impact on them when they realized it had ruined their own backyards.But what Foer most bravely details is how eating animal pollutes not only our backyards, but also our beliefs. He reminds us that our food is symbolic of what we believe in, and that eating is how we demonstrate to ourselves and to others our beliefs: Catholics take communion -- in which food and drink represent body and blood. Jews use salty water on Passover to remind them of the slaves' bitter tears. And on Thanksgiving, Americans use succotash and slaughter to tell our own creation myth -- how the Pilgrims learned from Native Americans to harvest this land and make it their own.And as we use food to impart our beliefs to our children, the point from which Foer lifts off, what stories do we want to tell our children through their food?I remember in college, a professor asked our class to consider what our grandchildren would look back on as being backward behavior or thinking in our generation, the way we are shocked by the kind of misogyny, racism, and sexism we know was commonplace in our grandparents' world. He urged us to use this principle to examine the behaviors in our lives and our societies that we should be a part of changing. Factory farming of animals will be one of the things we look back on as a relic of a less-evolved age.I say that Foer's ethical charge against animal eating is brave because not only is it unpopular, it has also been characterized as unmanly, inconsiderate, and juvenile. But he reminds us that being a man, and a human, takes more thought than just "This is tasty, and that's why I do it." He posits that consideration, as promoted by Michael Pollan in The Omnivore's Dilemma, which has more to do with being polite to your tablemates than sticking to your own ideals, would be absurd if applied to any other belief (e.g., I don't believe in rape, but if it's what it takes to please my dinner hosts, then so be it).
But Foer makes his most impactful gesture as a peacemaker, when he unites the two sides of the animal eating debate in their reasoning. Both sides argue: We are not them. Those who refrain from eating animals argue: We don't have to go through what they go through -- we are not them. We are capable of making distinctions between what to eat and what not to eat (Americans eat cow but not dog, Hindus eat chicken but not cow, etc.). We are capable of considering others' minds and others' pain. We are not them. Whereas those who justify eating animals say the same thing: We are not them. They do not merit the same value of being as us. They are not us.And so Foer shows us, through Eating Animals, that we are all thinking along the same lines: We are not them. But, he urges, how will we define who we are?
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adv. [用在过去分词之前] 刚刚, 最近, 不久前: un traje ~ comprado 一件新买的衣服. [在拉丁美洲也用于变位动词前, 如:Recién hemos llegado del campo. 我们刚从农村来.]
近义词:, &hace poco, &hace poco tiempo, &de algún tiempo a esta parte, &de ayer acá, &de un tiempo a esta parte, &de un tiempo acá, &desde hace poco, &en los últimos días, &, &反义词:, &en poco tiempo, &, &, &antes de mucho, &, &antes de mucho tiempo, &de un momento al otro, &dentro de breve tiempo, &dentro de poco tiempo, &dentro de un rato, &en pocos momentos, &en seguida, &, &a breve plazo, &a la brevedad, &a poco, &al poco rato, &de presto, &de un día a otro, &en breve, &en breve plazo, &en fecha cercana, &en fecha próxima, &en próxima fecha, &en sólo unas pocas horas, &en un futuro próximo, &de próximo
Un bebé recién nacido fue encontrado en un cubo一个刚出生的婴儿在一个桶里被发现。Se ven edificios recién construidos dondequiera.到处都能看到新建的楼房。Hay un concierto de un conjunto musical recién llegado de América有一场刚从美国来的乐队的演出。Muéstrame la calculadora recién comprado.给我看看那个新买的计算机吧Recién terminé de leer el tercer capítulo de la novela.我最近刚读完这部小说的第三章。Aplaudimos para dar la bienvenida al alumno recién llegado.我们鼓掌欢迎新来的同学。Me gusta mucho la computadora recién comprado.我很喜欢这个刚买的电脑啊Me enumera las obras recién publicadas你给我列举些新出版的著作.Estaban haciendo la descarga del barco recién llegado.他们正在为刚到的那艘船卸货。La raqueta recién comprada es cara.新买的球拍很贵呀Un recién nacido aprieta con su peque?o pu?o, por primera vez, el dedo de su padre.初生的婴儿第一次用他的小拳头抓住他父亲的手指。La pareja recién casado es muy feliz这对刚结婚的夫妇很幸福Los ni?os recién nacidos se inscriben en el registro civil.出生的婴儿要报户口。Los amores son como los ni?os recién hasta que no lloran no se sabe si viven.爱情就像初生的婴儿,不哭都不知道它是否还活着。Todavía no me has mostrado las fotos recién sacadas.你还没有给我看看你最近拍的照片。No toquen la barandilla, que está recién pintada.栏杆刚刚油漆,请勿挨碰。Ella me mostró las fotos recién sacadas.她展示给我看她最近拍的照片。El académico recién elegido por la Academia de Ciencias es un científico inglés.科学院新选中的院士是一名英国科学家。
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