英文儿歌one finger turn one s back toturn one s back toturn怎么唱吗

英文儿歌 《one finger turn turn turn》 在哪里可以听到速度给我个网站。。。。_百度宝宝知道网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明浙江教育学前网立场。
最新园所新闻有一首英文歌是女的唱的,很欢快歌词带turn turn turn_百度知道
有一首英文歌是女的唱的,很欢快歌词带turn turn turn
要歌名 。谢谢
I want to see what people saw
I want to feel like I felt before
I want to see the kingdom come
I want to feel forever young
I want to sing
To sing my song
I want to live in a world where I belong
I want to live
I will survive
And I believe that it wont be very long
If we turn, turn, turn, turn, turn
Then we might learn
So wheres the stars?
Up in the sky
And whats the moon?
A big balloon
Well never know unless we grow
Theres so much world outside the door
I want to sing
To sing my song
I want to live in a world where Ill be strong
I want to live
I will survive
And I believe that it wont be very long
If we turn, turn, turn, turn...
Turn, Turn, Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) - 茱迪 科林斯(Judy Collins)
    Open, Shut Them Open, shut them.       Open, shut them.    Give a little clap. Open, shut them.    Open, shut them. Gu gu . Wake up!    Time to take a nap. 5. Wash My Face    Wash my face, wash my face, 哗啦啦啦啦 Brush my teeth, brush my teeth, 吃吃吃吃吃 Comb my hair, comb my hair, 唔唔唔唔唔 Time to eat, and time to eat, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. 6. Clap, clap, clap your hands, as slowly as you can/ as quickly as you can. Shake, shake, shake your hands. Roll, roll, roll your hands. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet. Shake, shake, shake your body. 7.Listen, listen, listen, listen to me. 7. Up, up, up, stand up. Listen, listen, listen, listen to me. Down, down, down, sit down. 8.Nod your head, yes, yes, yes. 8.    Shake your head, no, no, no. Raise your hands, one, two, three. Put your hands down look at me. 9.One finger, one finger, turn, turn, turn. 9. Turn to a knife, piu, piu, piu. Two fingers, two fingers, turn, turn, turn. Turn to a rabbit, jump, jump, jump. Three fingers, three fingers, turn, turn, turn. Turn to a fork, cha, cha, cha. Four fingers, four fingers, turn, turn, turn. Turn to a cat, miao, miao, miao. Five fingers, five fingers, turn, turn, turn. Turn to a tiger, awu, awu, awu. 10.This is No.1, look at No.1, point to No.1, this is No.1, hey, this is No.1. 11.lu la la lu la la lu la lu la lei 11. see you see you see you see you again. lu la la lu la la lu la lu la lei see you see you tomorrow.    12.What number is it? What number is it? 1, 1, it’s number 1. 13. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 14. 14 rabbit, rabbit, long ears. Oh, a, oh, a, oh, a, a, a. Rabbit, rabbit, red eyes. Oh, chua, oh, chua, oh, chua, chua, chua. Rabbit, rabbit, four legs. Oh, dua, oh, dua, oh, dua, dua, dua. Rabbit, rabbit, short tail. Oh, shake, oh, shake, oh, shake, shake, shake. 15. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, please go back to your seat. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, please go back to your seat. 16. one potato, two, potato, three, potato, four. Five potato, six, potato, seven, potato, more. 17. Good morning Good morning to you, Good morning to you, Good morning, dear teacher, We’re glad to see you. 18. The way to be happy and gay Work while you work, Play while you play, That is the way To be happy and gay.    19. A week Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is the middle day. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, I can say the names of a week day. 20. Four seasons Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is gold, Winter is white. 21. Do better every day Bright day, sunny day, We are happy and gay. Study hard, work hard, Do better every day. 22. My kite My kite is white, My kite is light, My kite is in the sky! Now left, now right, Now low, now high, You see the kite,    You see it, you and I. 23. I have a banana I have a banana and you have two. You give me one and I have two. I eat one and give one back to you. I don’t have any and you still have two. 24. Pick fruits Pick an apple, pick a pear, Pick a banana over there! Let’s work, and let’s play, Pick fruits every day! 25. How Many How many seconds in a minute? Sixty and no more in it. How many minutes in an hour? Sixty for sun and flower. How many hours in a day? Twenty-four for work and play. How many months in a year? Twelve the calendar makes clear. 26. I can see… One, two, three, I can see a bee.    Four, five, six, I can see an ox. Seven, eight, nine, I can see a lion. Ten, eleven, twelve, I can see a wolf. 27. Don’t be late for class again One, two, three, four, Come in please and close the door. Five, six, seven, eight, It’s time for class, but you’re late. Nine, ten, nine, ten, Don’t be late for class again. 28. To make our country richer and stronger Shoulder to shoulder, We’ll work hard together, To make our country Richer and stronger. 29. The rabbit Rabbit, rabbit, Long, long ears, Red, red eyes, And white, white skin. Hopping all the day to my home, Waiting for the carrots as favourite food.    30. The months Thirty days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone, Which has twenty-eight days clear And twenty-nine in each leap-year. 目录: 1.Roll the ball 滚皮球 2.Good morning 早晨好 3.Goodbye 再见 4.My home 我的家 5.Little bee 小蜜蜂 6.The fly 苍蝇 7.Big apple tree 大苹果树 8.Round and round the garden 花园里转圈圈儿 9.I am a bus 我是一辆公共汽车 10.Tommy Thumb 大拇指 Tommy 11.Early to bed 早睡觉 12.Big ball 大皮球 13.Umbrella 雨伞 14.The kite 风筝 15.Fish 鱼儿 16.The butterfly 蝴蝶 17.My home 我的家 18.Rain,rain,go away 雨呀,雨呀,快走开 19.Stand up 站起来 20.Mr Bear 熊先生 …… 歌《I am a bus》:“I am a bus.I am a bus.I have seats inside.I am a bus.I am a bus.Come and take a ride.” Nod your head,Yes,yes,yes.Shake your head,No,no,no.Raise your hand, One two three.Put your head down!Look at me!”    儿歌《little bee》: “Little bee,little bee,round,round,round.Little bee,little bee,sound,sound,sound.” 手指歌:“Mother finger and baby finger making a telephone,hello-hello - hello . Four finger and middle finger making a rabbit , jump-jump-jump.Mother finger and four finger making a gun,bang-bang -bang.” 《Ro11 the ball》:“Roll,roll,roll the ball,roll the ball to me.Roll it,roll it,roll it,roll the ball to me. 《One little body》:“Tow little hands clap,clap,clap.Tow little feet tap,tap,tap.Two little hands thumb,thumb,thumb.Tow little feet jump, jump,jump.One little body turns around.One little body sits down.” “One,one,one,run,run,run.Two,two,two,go to the zoo.Three, three,three,swim in the sea.Four,four,four,stay at the shore.Five, five,five,find a behive.Six,six,six,pick up the sticks. seven, seven,seven,go to seven-eleven.Eight,eight,eight,stand by the gate.Nine,nine,nine,form a line.Ten,ten,ten,catch two shen.” (选自《英语儿歌大家唱》,中国唱片总公司出版)    “What’ this?guess, s guess, guess. What's this?guess, guess, guess. What’ s this?a pen,a book,a pencilbook.Yes,yes,yes.”(选自《英语儿歌 大家唱》,中国唱片总公司出版)    英 语 儿 歌 《 Buttefly 》 : “ Butterfly butterfly the butterfly goes up. Butterfly,butterfly,the butterfly goes down. Butterfly,butterfly, the butterfly goes all round.”(选自《朗文英语儿童歌谣集》(l),外 语教学与研究出版社 1999 年版)    儿歌《Traffic lights》:“Red,yellow and green,the traffic lights are seen.Red means stop.Green means go. Yellow means wait,it shines in between.”(选自《朗文英语儿童歌谣集》(l),外语教学与研究出版社 1999 年版)    儿歌 love apple》 (I : “Apple round, apple red, Apple juicy, apple sweet. Apple apple,I love you.Apple sweet I like to eat.”    儿歌《One Two Three,Play the ball with me》:“One,two,three,play the ba11 with me.Four,five,six,pick up the sticks.Seven,eight,nine, walk in a line.Ten,eleven,twelve,go fishing ourselves.”教师准备 了皮球、小拐杖、钓鱼竿,先让幼儿做“say and do”的游戏,教师发命令,幼 儿根据命令做相应的动作:“Play the ball”,“Pick up the stick”,“Walk in a line”,“Go fishing”。    ?小学英语儿歌集    这是网上找到的儿歌资料,我觉得很不错,转载来共享!    ◆ 歌曲《If your're happy》中文名字叫《如果感到幸福你就拍拍手》 If your're happy and you know it, clap your hands(唱完这一句拍两下 手) If your're happy and you know it, clap your hands If your're happy and you know it, (双手在胸前交叉摆动) And your face will surely show it (伸出两个食指从嘴巴往上划,做 微笑状) If your're happy and you know it, clap your hands 将 clap your hands 改成 stomp your feet(跺脚)成一段,改成 shout “hurray”(双手举起来做欢呼状),再改成 do all three(把拍手、跺脚、 欢呼连起来做一遍)。这首歌曲对节奏感要求比较强,尤其要等到唱完 clap your hands 才能拍手,很好地训练了孩子的音乐节奏感,以及眼睛和手的协 调,更促进了孩子的社交互动力。唱这首歌的时候可以把全家人甚至周围的 人都发动起来,唱的人越多就越快乐! ◆歌曲《one little finger》 One little finger, one litter finger (依次伸出左右两个食指) One little finger, tap tap tap (同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下) Point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板) Put it on your head. (放在脑袋上) 最后一个 head 改成 nose, mouth, 等其它身体部位, ear 甚至可以改成 chair、 table 等等地方,呵呵,可以灵活运用哦。 ◆洪恩节拍英语:歌曲《One little flower》 One little flower(伸出一个食指做“1”状,然后两个手腕并在一起放在 下巴下面,做“花朵”状) One little bee(两个手臂放在身体两侧,手掌快速扇动做蜜蜂飞) One little blue bird, high in the tree.(两只手臂大幅度地扇动做小鸟 飞行状,然后举到空中)    One little brown deer, smiling at me.(手掌张开,拇指顶在太阳穴扮成 小鹿的角,脸部做一个大大的微笑) 这是洪恩节拍英语里一个数字歌谣,洪恩节拍英语的特色就是把歌谣跟身体 动作协调地结合起来,让孩子在手舞足蹈中快乐地学习英语。 ◆洪恩节拍英语:歌曲《Ten little fingers》 Ten little fingers (伸出十个手指) And ten little toes (指指你的脚趾) Two little arms, and one little nose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻子) One little mouth, and two little ears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳朵) Two little eyes for smiles and tears.(指指眼睛,两个食指从嘴角往上 划做微笑状,往下划做哭泣状,表情也要搭配好哦。) ◆歌曲《Finger family》 Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? (把大拇指藏起来) Here I am, here I am,how do you do?(露出大拇指,一边弯曲它做鞠躬 状) Daddy finger 指的是大拇指,同样 Mommy finger、brother finger, sister finger, baby finger 分别是指食指、中指、无名指和小指。在各个手指上 画上眼睛嘴巴,建议把每个手指的特点都画出来,增加趣味性:比如 daddy finger 上画一个特别的大大的鼻子,不用画头发。Mommy finger 夸张地画上 红嘴唇,长头发;brother finger 的脖子处就画一个领结;sister finger 头上画一个发结;至于 baby finger,画一个大笑的嘴巴好了。你的宝宝一 定喜欢这个充满趣味的游戏,而且很快,他就可以用 how do you do 来问候 你了。 ◆《The finger family》 Daddy finger, daddy finger Here I am, here I am. How are you today? Very well I thank you. Run away , run way.    (把拇指藏在拳头中间) (伸出拇指) (一只拇指向另一只弯腰鞠躬) (另一个拇指鞠躬还礼) (两只拇指一起消失)    ◆歌曲《clap your hands》 Clap clap clap your hands, as slowly as you can. (一边念一边拍手,语速要慢) Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can (语速加快,拍手的速度也跟着加快) 这里的 clap your hands 可以依次改成 shake your hands(摆手), roll your hands(拳头握起来平放在胸前,前后交替移动), wiggle your fingers(十 个手指一张一合), pound your fists(握起拳头互相轻轻敲打)。 ◆Hello hello hello,how are you? I’m fine ,I’m fine ,I hope that you’re too. 在你的手掌心里用笔(当然最好用鲜艳的颜料)画上嘴巴鼻子,嘴巴的形状    可以夸张一些,比如一张哈哈大笑的嘴巴。一边唱这个歌,一边摇晃着手掌 跟宝宝打招呼,还可以让弯曲你的手掌让它鞠躬。要是孩子喜欢听故事,听 完这首问候的歌以后,妈妈可以让你的手掌脸讲故事、背歌谣。 ◆歌曲《Twinkle little star》 Twinkle twinkle little star, (两个手的手指一张一合,示意星星在 眨眼睛) How I wonder what you are, (两个食指放在太阳穴旁边做思索状) Up above the world so high (双手举到空中随着音乐节奏摇晃) Like a diamond in the sky. (两手的食指和大拇指分别伸出来放 在一起,做成一个钻石形状) Twinkle twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are. 这也是一首广泛流传的儿歌,节奏轻柔温馨,让人不由变得安静和快乐。在 唱整首歌的过程中,身子都可以跟着音乐节奏轻轻摇晃。 ◆歌曲《Let everyone clap hands》 Let everyone clap hands like me,(拍两下手) Let everyone clap hands like me,(拍两下手) Come on and join into the game (双手垂直身体平伸出去,手掌往里弯曲 做 come on 状) You’ll find that it’s always the same. (双手交叉放在胸前 摇晃身子) 这里 clap hands 可改成 laugh(嘿嘿笑)、cry(boo-hoo 哭)、sneeze(a -choo 发出打喷嚏的声音)。这首歌跟《If you’re happy》有异曲同工之 妙,也是训练孩子的音乐节奏感,除了第一、二句的动作以外,其它的都可 以省掉了。 ◆The elephant goes like this, like that. (四肢着地,慢慢地像大象 一样走) He's terribly big, (站起来,把手举高) And he's terribly fat. (双臂向两边伸开) He has no fingers, (握拳,藏起手指) He has no toes, (摇动脚趾) But goodness gracious, (做一个吃惊的表情) What a nose! (指鼻子) 歌谣很形象地描述了大象的模样和动作,通常孩子们都是喜欢模仿动物的动 作。呵呵,要是你周围的地方比较狭窄的话,就不用模仿大象走路啦。 ◆《Five little ms》 Five little ms jumping on the bed(一只手的五个手指放在另一只手掌上) One fell off and bumped his head (收起一只手指,然后作抱 头状) Mama called the doctor and the doctor said: (手拿电话,在空中作拨 号状) "No more little ms jumping on that bed." (表情严肃地摇动手指)    其中的 five 依次改成 four、three、two、one。这也是一首节奏轻快的歌谣, 既幽默又有趣,很好了锻炼了孩子的幽默感。整首儿歌用调侃俏皮的语气来 念,念到最后一句的时候就故作严肃。 ◆FLASH 儿歌《Walking, Walking》(三只老虎曲调) Walking, walking, walking, walking, (把食指和中指放在另一只手背上,象走路一样地一前一后移动两个手指) Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, (两个手指同时跳起来再落回到手背) Running, running, running, (快速地移动两个手指,做跑状) Running, running, running, Now, let's stop, (停住不动) Up and down. (两只手指指天空,再指指地面) 要是你们活动的地方稍大一点,可以不用手指来示意这些动作了。比如你和 宝宝在房间里一边唱一边表演走路、蹦跳、奔跑、停止等动作,up 的时候就 把双手高高举到空中,down 的时候蹲下来,双手触摸地面。 简易英语儿歌带动唱 ◆伦敦大桥垮下来 London Bridge falling down'falling down'falling down. (爸妈伸出双手,搭出一座桥,把宝宝围在中间,做出桥突然垮下来的样子, 重复 3 次) London Bridge falling down'My fat lady! (最后一次桥垮下来,一定要表情夸张,再双手缩紧,父母和宝宝都抱在一 起,必要时还可以搔宝宝的痒;若是较大的小孩,可以绕着爸妈跑,再学火 车过山洞,钻过小桥,并避免被垮下来的桥抓住,较大的孩子也会觉得很好 玩。) ◆当我们同在一起 The more we get together'together'together. (****和宝贝坐在一起,肩搭着肩随着旋律做左右摇晃状) The more we get together'the happier will be. (****和宝贝继续肩搭肩, 爸爸在前做隔空发功的指挥状, 爸爸往前推, **** 和宝宝就往后倒,爸爸往后拉回去,****和宝贝就往前倒) Cause your song is my song. (双手握拳,伸出食指和大拇指,比出七的手势,食指向着对方一指,再把 双手大拇指对着自己指回来) And my song is your song. (继续重复双手大拇指比自己,再伸出七的手势,食指比对方) The more we get together'the happier will be. (爸爸妈妈和宝宝一起肩搭肩左右摇晃) ◆划船歌 Row'Row'Row your boat',Generally down the stream',    Merely'Merely'Merely' Life but a dream. (先把双腿并拢,再把孩子放在腿上,伸出两手食指,让孩子握紧,再做出 划船的前后拉锯状) ◆手指歌(10 个印地安小朋友) One little'Two little'Three little fingers'(双手握拳,先从右手的小 拇指依序数起,每数一个数目,就翘起一根手指来) Four little'Five little'Six little fingers'(再数到左手的大拇指来) Seven little'Eight little'Nine little fingers'(左手继续数下去,右 手的 5 个手指头此时全是张开状) Ten fingers on my hand!(双手食指全部张开,再拍 2 次手) Ten little'Nine little'Eight little fingers'(十指都张开以后,再倒 数回去,这次从左手小拇指开始,每数一次收一根手指) Seven little'Six little'Five little fingers'(继续收回右手指) Four little'Three little'Two little fingers'(随着数目越来越少,手 指头也越比越少) One finger on my hand!(最后只剩一只右手小拇指还竖起来,可以故意左 右摇摆,秀给宝宝看) ◆老麦先生有块地 Old MacDonald has a farm'yee ya yee-ya-o. He raise some ducks in his farm'yee ya yee-ya-o. Quack'quack here and quack'quack there.Here quack'there quack'everywhere quack'quack' Old MacDonald has a farm'yee ya yee-ya-o. (歌词中的动物可以随时代换成鸡鸭牛羊马猪,一边唱一边学动物叫) ◆中文的“黄老先生有块地” 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。他在田边养小鸡(两手拇指食指相对,其他 手指握拳,上下做啄状),咿呀咿呀哦,唧唧唧,唧唧唧,唧唧唧唧唧唧。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。他在田边养小鸭(右手手心盖上左手手背, 上下扇),咿呀咿呀哦,嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎,嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。他在田边养小羊(两手放头顶,伸出拇指食 指,其他手指捏拳),咿呀咿呀哦,咩咩咩,咩咩咩,咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩。 黄老先生有块地,咿呀咿呀哦。他在田边养小狗(拇指顶住太阳穴,其余四 手指做扇状上下扇),咿呀咿呀哦,汪汪汪,汪汪汪,汪汪汪汪汪汪汪汪。 ◆Johnny, Johnny Johnny, Johnny ,Johnny, Johnny (依次从孩子的小手指,点到食指) Whoops, Johnny (whoops 时,从食指顺着手滑到大拇指的指尖) Whoops, Johnny (whoops 时,从林拇指指尖顺着手滑到食指的指尖) Johnny, Johnny ,Johnny !    小学英语 英语儿歌集 英语 集 Chant 儿歌 (Amy 收集) 集 1. Hush-a-bye, baby, Daddy is near, Mammy's lady, And that's very clear. 不要吵,小宝宝, 爸爸陪你来睡觉; 妈妈不是男子汉, 这件事情你知道. 2. Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock; When the bough breaks the cradle will fail, Down will come baby, cradle and all. 小宝宝,睡树梢, 风儿吹,摇篮摇, 树枝断,摇篮掉, 里面宝宝吓一跳. 3. Bye, baby bunting, Daddy's gone a-hunting, Gone to get a rabbit skin To wrap the baby bunting in. 睡吧睡吧胖娃娃, 爸爸打猎顶呱呱; 剥下一张兔子皮, 回家好裹胖娃娃. 4. He next met a barber, With powder and wig, He play'd him a tune, And he shaved an old pig. 理发师,他碰着, 戴着假发真时髦; 给他拉首开心典, 他给老猪剃猪毛. 5. Barney Bodkin broke his nose, Without feet we can't have toes; Crazy folks are always mad, Want of money makes us sad.    巴尼碰破大鼻子, 没脚不能长脚趾; 疯疯颠颠是疯子, 没钱只能哭鼻子. 6. A Little Betty Blue Lost her holiday shoe, What can little Betty do Give her another to match the other, And then she may walk out in two. 小贝蒂, 丢只鞋, 这个难题怎么解 给只鞋, 配那只, 穿着鞋儿好上街. 7. Bbb, baaa, black sheep, Have you any wool Yes, sir, yes, sir, Three bags full; One for the master, And one for the dame, And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane. 咩咩咩,黑绵羊, 多少羊毛身上长 先生先生你来看, 三个口袋鼓囊囊; 一袋主人面前放, 一袋是为主妇装, 一袋送给小男孩, 住在前面小街巷. 8. As a little fat man of Bombay Was smoking one very hot day, A bird called a snipe Flew away with his pipe, Which vexed the fat man of Bombay. 孟买有个胖老头, 大热天里把烟抽; 一只鹬鸟飞过头, 抢走他的大烟斗,    惹得老头把气怄. 9. When I was a little boy I had but little wit; 'tis a long time ago, And I have no more yet; Nor ever, ever shall Until that I die, For the longer I live The more fool am I. 当我是个小男孩, 那时我就没包含各类专业文献、专业论文、高等教育、中学教育、各类资格考试、应用写作文书、行业资料、52幼儿英语儿歌童谣等内容。 
 ” (选自《英语儿歌大家唱》,中国唱片总公司出版) “What’ s this?guess, guess, guess. What's this?guess, guess, guess. What’ s this?a pen,a ...  假期特载】英语儿歌集(汇编) 假期特载】英语儿歌集(汇编) 1楼 致小读者和家长们: 1990 年左右, 武汉外语学院 编撰的 初级英 语教学录像带 是一套非常好的 ...  幼儿英语儿歌童谣_幼儿读物_幼儿教育_教育专区。假期特载】英语儿歌集(汇编) 1楼 致小读者和家长们: 1990 年左右,武汉外语学院 编撰的 初级英语教学录像带 是一...  幼儿园英语童谣创作_少儿英语_幼儿教育_教育专区。浅谈幼儿园英语童谣创作摘要:英语...) 这些错误虽然不是原则性的,也并不影响幼儿对儿歌的理解和吟诵,但这些琅琅上...  二、如何进行英语儿歌教学要对幼儿进行英语儿歌的教学,首先要了解英语儿歌的分类。一般说来,英语儿歌没有 固定的结构章法,随着时代的变迁,无论是民间流传下来的童谣,...  幼儿英语儿歌少儿英语歌曲: 少儿英语歌曲:铃儿响叮当 Jingle Bells Dashing ...幼儿英语儿歌童谣 51页 免费 经典英文儿歌及歌词 18页 免费 英语儿歌(已经打印...  2013 少儿英文儿歌精选汇总
英文...144页 免费 幼儿英语儿歌童谣 51页 1下载券 英文儿歌歌词大全 51页 免费...  中英文儿歌童谣_一年级其它课程_其它课程_小学教育_教育专区。《中英文儿歌童谣》...《幼儿园英文童谣教与唱》 曲目数:9 首 幼儿园英文童谣教与唱》 曲目数: ...


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