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那么如今日本也不会在教育方面树立如此大的成就,造就了中日两国之间悠久的文化交流史,明治维新可以说是浓墨重彩的一笔。本文以日本女式和服为例,有着与日本人难以割舍的情节,教育制度的改革所发生的作用是有目共睹的,不断完善自己的教育制度。在日本明治维新时期,凭借着不断吸收外来文化。在日本的历史上。大家帮帮忙哈,这几天就得用了。这个有趣的民族在不断融合外来文化的同时,发展因素和唐代女子服饰与日本和服进行分析比较,从最开始的统治思想到后来的解放思想,形成了独具特色的民族风情,如果没有明治维新时期教育制度的改革。 日本传统的民族服饰——和服。中日两国是“一衣带水”的近邻,通过对它的历史渊源,因为明治维新的成功,对中日两国间的文化交流有更深的认识,特殊的地理条件,从而使我们对日本传统服饰有更深的理解,以及服饰制度的产生,让日本从一个封建国家变成了资本主义制度的国家,阐述了中国服饰文化对日本所产生的影响。日本和服受唐代女子服饰的影响随之发展。在明治维新中,从而奠定了如今教育大国的地位本文介绍了日本明治维新时期日本教育制度的变化
明らかである大きな成果、日本で精致中国の衣类の文化への影响、その结果を生成した我々の日本の伝统的な衣装は、难しいとは、例えば、日本の明治日本の教育システムの変更について说明します、システムはアパレル、日本とのプロットを手放すこと。本论文では、両国间の中日文化交流を作成している。日本の歴史の中で、比较し。外国の文化の継続的な统合でこの兴味深い国は、今では教育电源ステータスを敷设、常に独自の教育システムを改善し、明治维新间违いなく消えないマーク。开発の影响とともに、教育システムの改革は、今の日本がそう教育に设定されません、明治维新のために成功;狭い水の帯、発展因子や唐妇人服と日本の着物を分析し、特殊な地理的条件、その歴史を通じて、&quot、国の资本主义体制への封建国から日本人。明治维新では、唐王朝の衣装で日本の着物の女性、ユニークな民族の习惯を形成した、それによって、効果がない场合は教育システムの明治の改革に。日本の伝统的な衣装 - 着物、明治日本では、最初から心emancipatingの後の判决のアイデアに。常に外国文化を吸収のおかげで。中国と日本は&quot、日本の女性の着物では;隣人、长い歴史の中この记事では
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出门在外也不愁Ski industry optimistic for good season    CARRABASSETT VALLEY, Maine (AP) -- Autumn snowfalls have delighted skiers from coast to coast, allowing many resorts to open earlier in the season than usual and fostering optimism in the industry for a busy season.  缅因CARRABASSETT VALLEY,一场秋雪使众多的滑雪爱好者狂喜不已,也使得许多滑雪圣地比往年的开始运营时间提前,给今年的滑雪业带来曙光。    And so far, there's no evidence that higher gasoline costs will keep skiers away. Some smaller resorts think they may even benefit from high prices at the pump by drawing local skiers who might otherwise drive to bigger mountains elsewhere.  迄今,并没有迹象显示高的油价会让滑雪爱好者生畏,一些较小的雪场甚至认为他们会从高的油价中获利,因为他们可以吸引那些不愿意开车去其他地方大一些的雪场的游客。    Maine's preseason sales of season lift tickets and lodging are ahead of last year's, said Greg Sweetser of the Ski Maine Association.   来自缅因滑雪协会的Greg Sweetser告诉我们,缅因雪场季付门票和住宿的季前销售也比去年同期早。    &We don't want to be in denial on this thing (fuel prices),& said Sweetser, &but now, all indications are good.&  Sweetser还说:我们并不否认油价的影响,但目前所有一切都很正常。    This year, Maine's ski season began before Halloween, when exuberant skiers trudged to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain to take advantage of an early 40-inch dumping.   今年,缅因的滑雪季节早在万圣节前就开始了,一些滑雪好手爬到Sugarloaf山山顶,去尽情的享受从40英寸厚积雪驰下的感觉。    Next door in New Hampshire, 4 feet of snow also enabled Wildcat Mountain to open several trails before Halloween.  紧邻缅因的新罕布尔,Wildcat山上积雪也已4英尺厚,万圣节前夕也有几条滑道向游客开放。    Across the continent in Washington, Crystal Mountain opened November 2 -- the earliest since 1994 -- thanks to snowfall of up to 3 feet in some areas. Loveland Ski Area in Colorado opened its season even earlier, on October 14.  华盛顿的Crystal山也与11月2日向游人开放,自1994年来最早的一次,有些地方的积雪已厚达3英尺。科罗拉多的Loveland雪场也早在10月14日对游人开放。    Bookings at major western ski resorts were up 6.6 percent from where they were September 30 of last year, according to the Mountain Travel Research Project, which tracks the ski industry.  据对滑雪业具有参考价值的山脉旅游研究称:“截至9月30日,在西部主要的滑雪圣地的预定比率提高了6.6%.    In some areas, such as Lake Tahoe, California, bookings are expected to rise sharply. The Lake Tahoe Visitor's Authority predicts an 18 percent increase in the number of nights booked in local hotels this winter.  有些地方如:加州的Lake Tahoe今年预定率也将大幅提高,Lake Tahoe旅游当局预测今年冬天在酒店预定住宿的天数也将提高18%。    And nationally, the trend is positive, with records set in tickets sold by the ski industry in four out of the last five winter seasons in terms of numbers of tickets sold, says the National Ski Areas Association.  国家雪场协会表明:”根据过去5年里4年冬季门票销售的数量创造的记录来看,今年全国势头良好”。    The outlook was similar elsewhere in New England as well as other regions of the country. Heather Atwell of the Vermont Ski Areas Association said that based on early bookings, &they're still fairly certain people are still going to come.&  在新英格兰和其它地区的情况也不禁相同,佛蒙特洲雪场协会的Heather Atwell也告诉我们,根据早期的预定来看,任有相当数量的人即将到来。    Just a month ago, the average retail price for regular gasoline nationally was $2.60 per gallon, 81 cents per gallon more than it was last year at the same time, according to the American Petroleum Institute.  就在一个月前,全国普通汽油的平均零售价为2.6美元/加仑,来自美国石油组织的数字显示比去年同期1加仑价格上升了81美分。    Prices since then have dipped, but where they will be when the ski season hits its peak is anyone's guess.  此后油价开始下将,但在滑雪的旺季会降到多少对我们来说仍是个未知数。    Cathi Jerome at Silver Mountain in Kellogg, in Idaho's Bitterroot Range, said gas prices remain a concern. That's why the resort in late October sent post cards to pass holders who hadn't renewed this year to ease their worries about fuel prices.  来自爱达荷洲Bitterroot山脉,Kelloogg银山的Cathi Jerome说:“由于油价需要进一步的关注,所以他们寄贺卡给那些还没有续接的门票持有者来减小他们对油价的担心。    &Save Money! Save Gas!& say the cards, which tout easy access from major highways and preseason ticket discounts for the resort, which is about an hour's drive from Spokane, Wash.  贺卡写道:”省钱,省油”,通过宣传从高速到雪场的方便和季前票的折扣来吸引滑雪爱好者。这个雪场离Spokane也就大约一小时的车程。    With higher energy prices in the picture, the national group's Troy Hawks said ski areas will undoubtedly look for ways to economize on fuel used in operations.  由于较高的能源价格,国家队的Troy Hawks说,雪场在运作中肯定得想一些办法用来节约燃料。    American Skiing Company plans to use more than 500 low-energy snowguns, which consume up to 75 percent less energy than standard equipment at its resorts. ASC's Chip Carey said it also pre-purchased a significant portion of eight-resort company's energy needs, including diesel, propane and heating oil.  美国雪场计划使用500多支低能耗的雪枪,它将比标配节省75%的能耗。ASC的Chip Carey说他已经事先购买足够8家雪场能耗的能源,有柴油,丙烷和民用燃料油。    At Maine's Sugarloaf, employees Troy Haskell and Chris Hull were busy installing snowmaking equipment in early November, including some that use less energy. But the natural snow provided plenty for skiers.  在缅因Sugarloaf的雇员Troy Haskell 和Chris Hull在11月初都开始忙着装产雪设备了,其中有一些低能耗设备。不过对滑雪者来说天然的雪也足够了。    &It's the best skiing I've ever had in my life,& said Haskell.  Haskell说这是我所经历的最愉快的一次滑雪。  Other ski areas, like Idaho's Silver Mountain, have launched promotions that take price rises into account. But no one's panicking, said Hawks.  其它雪场如Idaho's 银山,Hawks说:他们考虑到油价的上涨也实施了促销,但大家好像并不急于购买。    Ski areas tend to worry more about snow droughts, bitter cold and Saturday blizzards that keep skiers off the mountains, said Sweetser.  Sweetser.告诉我们:雪场更担心缺雪,严寒还有周六的峰期会影响滑雪者的到来。    And he noted that higher fuel prices may bring about a twist: added business for ski areas that are closer to big population centers.  他还提到:高的油价可能会给离人口密集区更近的雪场带来生意。  Shawnee Peak in Bridgton, Maine, could benefit in that way by diverting traffic from the larger areas to the north. Shawnee, a mid-size ski area, has a marketing strategy that uses high gasoline prices to bring in skiers.  缅因Bridgton, Shawnee一个中型雪场,可从滑雪市场由大雪场而北迁的转变中受益。Shawnee的市场策略就是用高的油价为自己吸引更多的滑雪者。     Last season, Shawnee started giving skiers who produced gas receipts from targeted areas $10 discounts on their lift tickets, said Marketing Director Melissa Rock. The program will continue this season, said Rock.  Shawnee的市场总监Melissa Rock告诉我们:去年Shawnee就已经开始给那些从指定区域购买汽油并可出示收据的滑雪者在门票上享受10%的优惠。    To encourage carpooling, Shawnee also offers &Carload Days& on non-holiday Mondays when everyone in a car gets a lift ticket for the price of one: $59.  为鼓励搭伙驾车,Shawnee在周一推出搭伙驾车日,这天每辆车的每个人都可以以59美元购买一张票。    Skiers and boarders will be looking for others with room to spare in their vehicles to economize on fuel. An Internet-based business, , is based on that very idea.  滑雪者无论是滑雪橇的还是滑雪板的都想找到可以搭载他们的人来节省油料。网站就是经营此项业务的。    AlterNetRides, which organizes carpools to ski areas, has already signed on at least a half-dozen ski areas from Boreal Mountain Resort in California to Waterville Valley in New Hampshire. The business set up 1,000 rides in its first three years, but President Mark Evanoff expects to exceed that number this season alone because of the high fuel prices.  AlterNetRides提供组织搭伙驾车去雪场服务,已经与从加州的Boreal Mountain到新汉普郡的Waterville Valley至少六家雪场有合作。在开始的三年里他们已经组织了1000车次。由于高油价AlterNetRides的董事长Mark Evanoff预计单今年就将超过1000车次。    Hard core skiers and snowboarders will be drawn by new attractions around the country, including those under the heading of extreme.  主要的雪橇和雪板爱好者以及那些极限滑雪者都将前往郊区周围的新雪场。    Mount Bohemia in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, which boasts extreme skiing challenges and is known for its backcountry glade runs, has no place for novices. &Warning,& says a red sign on Bohemia's Web site. &No beginners allowed.&  密歇根上部半岛的Mount Bohemia以挑战极限闻名,有鲜为人知的低洼地速滑。不过初学者可不能来这,在Bohemia的网站的红色的标牌上写着:警示,初学者请勿入内。      Boreal will open northern California's only all-mountain terrain park this season, featuring a 450-foot super pipe. Echo Mountain, west of Denver in Colorado, is reopening as a terrain park exclusively, with 40 features or &as many as we can fit on the mountain,& said spokesman Chris Harris. Previously a locals' mountain known as Squaw Pass, it closed in 1974.      At the same time, many destination resorts are taming their trails a bit with more grooming and fewer obstructions to keep the baby boomers, whose reflexes aren't what they used to be, coming back.    
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  Ski industry optimistic for good season    滑雪行业艳阳初现      抛砖引玉  自己觉得,意思是差不太多但是不够确切    等高人了。。。  
  不过太阳出来雪不就化了么。。。还是不对    —_)—
  to above     thanks.
  试译题目    滑雪旺季到,行业盼春来            不要笑我!
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