
他们一天看到那么多人的名字,如果不专门注意,是不会记住其中每个人的名字的~所以要再去看一次~- -
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  不好意思 我看懂了。。。  打死也想不到当年的大逃杀里面现在最稀饭这个mm~~
  对了,百度贴吧转来一篇——Lの忌文   因为我的文笔不是很好..所以就上网搜集了些L的文章...拼成了篇忌文..
差不多是一年前的这个时候,《死亡笔记》第一部完结了。对所有L的支持者来说,这都是一个异常寒冷的冬季。龙崎,一个十九岁的大男孩,他的手在空中划了一个弧线, 勺子掉在地上,发出咚的清脆声音……然后,他就这样闭上了眼睛,永远的离开了我们,留下的只有咽在喉咙里无法说出的
尼亚,梅罗,他们都在努力,欣慰吗?他们也很厉害,已经比你离开之前做得还要好了,可是一天不把killer bring to justice,我知道你一天不会瞑目。
   1.   The human whose name is written in this note shall die.   名字被写到死亡笔记上的人就会死亡。   This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore,people sharing the same name will not be affected.   写名字的时候,脑子一定要想着该人的样子,否则没有效果。因此,不能同时杀害同名同姓的人。   If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name,it will happen.   写完名字后有40秒钟可以写死因。   If the cause of death is not specified,the person will simply die of a heart attack.   不写死因的话默认为心脏麻痹死。   After writing the cause of death,details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.   写完死因,还有6分40秒的时间可以写详细的死亡状态。     2.   This note shall become the property of the human world,once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world.   死亡笔记一旦落到人间界就是属于人类的东西。   The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner,i.e. a god of death.   死亡笔记的主人可以看到死亡笔记的原持有者死神的样子和听到它的声音。   The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.   使用过死亡笔记的人不能上天堂也不能下地狱。     3.   If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack,the time of death can be manipulated,and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.   将死因定为心脏麻痹后,还有40秒的时间可以写具体的死亡时间。即使是心脏麻痹也可以操控死亡时间,而且可以将时间定为那40秒以内。   The human who touches the DEATH NOTE can recognize the image and voice of its original owner,a god of death,even if the human is not the owner of the note.   接触到死亡笔记的人都可以看到该死亡笔记的死神和听到它的声音。     4.   The person in possession of the DEATH NOTE is possessed by a god of death,its original owner,until they die.   只要持有死亡笔记,那么会被死神一直依附直到死亡。   If human uses the note,a god of death usually appears in front of him/her within 39 days after he/she uses the note.   一般来说,死神会在人类使用死亡笔记后39天以内现身。   God of death,the original owner of the DEATH NOTE, do not do, in principle, anything which will help or prevent the deaths in the note.   一般来说,死神不能帮助或阻碍人类使用死亡笔记。   A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or rules which will apply to the human who owns it.   死神没义务向人类说明有关死亡笔记的一切规则       5.   A god of death can extend his life by putting human names on the note, but humans cannot.   死神可以通过在死亡笔记上写名字延长自己的寿命,但人类却不能。   A person can shorten his or her own life by using the note.   可以在死亡笔记上写自己的名字以缩短自己的寿命。   The human who becomes the owner of the DEATH NOTE can,in exchange of half of his/her remaining life,get the eyeballs of the god of death witch will enable his/her to see a human's name and remaining lifetime when looking through them.   死亡笔记的主人可以用自己剩下寿命的一半跟死神交换一双可以看到别人姓名和剩下寿命的死神眼。         
   作者: 卩s丶頽廢灬
17:11   回复此发言
     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     2 死亡笔记用法。
   A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart with a knife or shot in the head with gun. However,there are ways to kill a god of death,which are not generally known to the gods of death.   即使用刀或枪攻击死神的脑袋或心脏也不能伤害到死神。不过也有一个很少死神知道的杀死死神的方法。     6.   The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human.   死亡状态的设定必须符合物理原则,而且必须是该人能力范围以内的事情。   The specific scope of the condition for death is not known to the gods of death,either. So,you must examine and find out.   连死神也不知道死亡状态能否实现,所以必须自己去验证。     7.   One page taken from the DEATH NOTE,or even a fragment of the page,contains the full effects of the note.   死亡笔记的一张纸或一个角,都具有死亡笔记的所有性质。   The instrument to write with can be anything,(e.g. cosmetics,blood,etc) as long as it can write directly onto the note and remains as legible letters.   只要可以写出东西,用什么道具来写死亡笔记也可以。化妆品或血等东西都可以。   Even the original owners of the DEATH NOTE,gods of death,do not know much about the note.   有关死亡笔记的事情,即使是死亡笔记的死神也可能有很多不知道。     8.   You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individual. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death.   You have about 19 days according to the human calendars in order to fill in a name.   先写死因和死亡状态,后写名字一样生效。不过这期间不能超过19天。   Even if you do not actually possess the DEATH NOTE,the effect will be the same if you can recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.   即使不是死亡笔记的主人,只要有人想着某人的样子在死亡笔记上写他的名字也一样有效。     9.   The DEATH NOTE will not affect those under 780 days old.   死亡笔记对出生未满780天的人无效。   The DEATH NOTE will be rendered useless if the victim's name is misspelled four times.   想着同一个人的样子,但四次写错该人的名字后,死亡笔记对该人失效。     10.   &Suicide& is a valid cause of death. Basically all humans are thought to possess the possibility to commit suicide. It is, therefore, not something &unbelievable to think of&.   几乎对于所有人类来说,“自杀”都是有效的死因设定。   Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident,If the death leads to the death of more than the intended,the person will simply die of a heart attack.   This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced.   不管是自杀死还是事故死,都不能直接导致第三者的死亡。如果死亡状态将会导致第三者的死亡,那么被写名字的人将会在不导致第三者死亡的状态下心脏麻痹死。     11.   Even after the individual's name,the time of death,and death condition on the DEATH NOTE were filled out,the time and condition of death can be altered as many times as you want,as long as it is changed within 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time it was filled in.   But,of course,this is only possible before the victim dies.   写好名字、死亡时间和死亡状态后,在那6分40以内可以随意改变。当然,前提是那人还没死。         
   作者: 卩s丶頽廢灬
17:11   回复此发言
     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     3 死亡笔记用法。
   Whenever you want to change anything written on the DEATH NOTE within 6 minutes and 40 seconds after you wrote,you must first rule out the characters you want to erase with two straight lines.   要在那6分40秒以内改变死亡时间或状态,首先在想改动的地方划上两条横线。   As you see above,the time and condition of death can be changed,but once the victim's name has been written,the individual's death can never be avoided.   虽然死亡时间和状态可以根据以上方法改变,但一旦名字被写到死亡笔记上,就肯定会死,没有任何方法可以消除。     12.   If you lose the DEATH NOTE or have it stolen,you will lose its ownership unless you retrieve it within 490 days.   死亡笔记丢失或被盗后490天以内不取回的话,自动丧失所有权。   If you have traded the eye power of a god of death,you will lose the eye power as well as the memory of the DEATH NOTE,once you lose its ownership. At the same time,the remaining half of your life will not be restored.   交换了死神眼的人,在失去死亡笔记的所有权后,有关死亡笔记的记忆和死神眼的能力都会消失,但失去的寿命却要不回来。     13.   You may lend the DEATH NOTE to another person while maintaining its ownership.   Subletting it to yet another person is possible,too.   只要自己还有所有权,可以出借死亡笔记给其他人,二手出借也没问题。   The borrower of the DEATH NOTE will not be followed by a god of death. The god of death always remains with the owner of the DEATH NOTE. Also,the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death.   死神不会依附借去死亡笔记的人。死神由始至终都只依附拥有死亡笔记所有权的人。借用死亡笔记的人不能做死神眼交易。     14.   When the owner of the DEATH NOTE dies while the Note is being lent,its ownership will be transferred to the person who is holding it at that time.   在死亡笔记被出借期间,如果死亡笔记的主人死亡的话,所有权会自动落在当时持有死亡笔记的人身上。   If the DEATH NOTE is stolen and the owner is killed by the thief,its ownership will automatically be transferred to the thief.   死亡笔记被盗的话,如果盗窃者杀害了死亡笔记的主人,所有权也是自动转移到盗窃者身上。     15.   When the same name is written on more than two DEATH NOTES ,the Note which was first filled in will take effect,regard less of the time of death.   如果同一个人的名字被写到两本死亡笔记上,只有最先写的那本有效,跟记入的死亡时间没关。   If written the same name on more than two DEATH NOTES is completed within a 0.06-second difference,it is rega the DEATH NOTE will not take effect and the individual written will not die.   如果同一个人的名字被写到两本死亡笔记上,而且被写上的时间差不超过0.06秒(几乎同时),那么该人不会死。     16.   The god of death must at least own one DEATH NOTE. That DEATH NOTE must never be lent to or written on by a human.   死神本身一定要持有一本死亡笔记,那本死亡笔记既不能给人类也不能让人类写。   Exchanging and writing on the DEATH NOTE between the gods of death is no problem.   死神之间可以交换死亡笔记,也可以写对方的死亡笔记。     17.   If the god of death decides to use the DEATH NOTE to kill the assassin of an individual he favors,the individual's life will be extended,but the god of death will die.         
   作者: 卩s丶頽廢灬
17:11   回复此发言
     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     4 死亡笔记用法。
   如果死神对某人怀有好感,并抱着要延长该人的寿命写死亡笔记的话,死神就会死亡。   The dead god of death will disappear,but the DEATH NOTE will remain. The ownership of this DEATH NOTE is usually carried over to the next god of death that touches it,but it is common sense that it is returned to the Great god of death.   死神死后,它的死亡笔记所有权一般会转移到捡到该死亡笔记的死神身上。但其实应该将它交还给死神大王的。     18.   Only by touching each other's DEATH NOTE can human individuals who own the DEATH NOTE in the human world recognize the appearance or voice of each other's god of death.   即使是同样持有死亡笔记的两人,但接触不到对方的死亡笔记的话也不能看到对方的死神。   An individual with the eye power of a god of death can fell the name and life span of other humans by looking at that person's face. By possessing the DEATH NOTE,an individual gains the ability to kill and stops being a victim. From this point,a person with the DEATH NOTE cannot see the life span of other DEATH NOTE owners,including him/herself. But,it is not really necessary for the individual to view the life span of him/herself nor other DEATH NOTE owners.   拥有死神眼的虽然可以看到其他人的寿命和姓名,但不能看到同是拥有死亡笔记的人的寿命(包括自己)。   The god of death must not tell humans the names or life spans of individuals he sees.   This is to avoid confusion in the human world.   死神不能告诉人类别人的姓名和寿命。     19.   It is prerequisite for the DEATH NOTE used in the human world that a living god of death makes sure that the humans in the human world use it.   落到人间界的死亡笔记,必须死神(活着的)的意志认为可以给人类使用才能生效。   It is very difficult to consider that a god of death who has possessed a human could die,but if he should die,the DEATH NOTE that he brought into the human world will not lose its power.   虽然死神一般不会死,但如果死神死了,落在人间界的该本死亡笔记仍然有效。     20.   In order to see the names and life spans of humans by using the eye power of the god of death,the owner must look at more than half of that person's face. When looking from top to bottom,he must look at least from the head to the nose. If he looks at only the eyes and under,he will not be able to see the person's name and life span.   Also,even though some parts of the face,for example the eyes,nose or mouth are hidden,if he can basically see the whole face,he will be able to see the person's name and life span. It is still not clear how much exposure is needed to tell the name and life span,and this needs to be verified.
  用死神眼看别人的姓名和寿命时,必须看到人脸的左右一半以上;上下的话,必须看到头顶到鼻子部位,如果只是看到眼睛以下部位的话无效。另外,如果眼睛、鼻 子、口等其中一个部位被遮掩起来的话,也可以看到。要遮掩外貌的百分之几才会看不到姓名和寿命,这就有待死亡笔记的主人自己去验证了。   If above conditions are met,names and life spans can be seen through photos and pictures,no matter how old they are. But this is sometimes influenced by the vividness and size. Also,names and life spans cannot be seen by face drawings,however realistic they may be.         
   作者: 卩s丶頽廢灬
17:11   回复此发言
     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     5 死亡笔记用法。
   从照片和录像上也可以看到该人的姓名和寿命,但根据大小和清晰度也有可能会看不到。不管多么仿真的绘画也是无效的。     21.   Those with the eye power of the god of death will have the eyesight of over 3.6 in the human measurement,regardless of their original eyesight.   持有死神眼的人类,不管之前视力是多少,一概变为3.6以上。     22.   The individuals who lose the ownership of the DEATH NOTE will also lose their memory of the usage of the DEATH NOTE. This does not mean that he will lose all the memory from the day he owned it to the day he loses possession,but means he will only lose the memory involving the DEATH NOTE.   丧失死亡笔记所有权的人,关于死亡笔记的记忆会随之消失。但并不是指持有死亡笔记期间的记忆全部消失,而是以跟死亡笔记没有关系的状态继续存在。     23.   Whenever an individual with ownership of more than two DEATH NOTES loses possession one of the DEATH NOTES, he will not be able to recognize that DEATH NOTE'S god of death's appearance or voice anymore. The god of death himself will leave, but all the memory involving that DEATH NOTE will remain as long as he maintains ownership of at least one other DEATH NOTE.   如果持有两本或以上死亡笔记的人类,放弃其中一本后,会再也感知不到该死亡笔记的死神。但只要手上还有一本,有关所有死亡笔记的记忆也不会消失。     24.   the god of death must not stay in the human world without a particular reason. Conditions to stay in the human world are as follows:   死神在没有特殊理由之下不可以留在人间界。留在人间界的条件如下:   i. When the god of death's DEATH NOTE is handed to a human.   1.死神的笔记被人类拥有。   ii. Essentially, finding a human to pass on the DEATH NOTE should be done from the world of the gods of death, but if it is within 82 hours this may also be done in the human world.   2.基本上,应该从死神界找到人类传递死亡笔记,但如果在82个小时之内完成,也就可以在人间界执行。   iii. When a god of death stalks an individual with an intention to kill them, as long as it is within 82 hours of haunting them, the god of death may stay in the human world.   3.如果死神找到一个想杀的目标,在依附他的82小时之内,它可以留在人间界。     25.   The god of death must not hand the DEATH NOTE directly to a child under 6 years of age (based on the human calendar).   死神不可以把死亡笔记交给6岁以下的小孩(以人间时间计算)。   The DEATH NOTE must not be handed to a child under 6 years of age, but DEATH NOTES that have been dropped into the human world, and are part of the human world, can be used upon humans of any age with the same effect.   虽然死亡笔记绝对不能直接给予六岁以下的儿童,但是若笔记是直接掉落至人间界,便成为了人间界的物品,任何年龄的人也可使用。     26.   If you just write, &die of accident& for the cause of death, the victim will die from a natural accident after 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time of writing it.   若在笔记上写上“事故死”作为死亡原因,受害人会在六分四十秒后死于自然意外。   Even though only one name is written in the DEATH NOTE, if it influences and causes other humans that are not written in it to die, the victim's cause of death will be a heart attack.   如果在笔记中写了一个人的名字该而引发一名在笔记中没写上名字的人死亡,那么在笔记中有名字的人会死于心脏麻痹。         
   作者: 卩s丶頽廢灬
17:11   回复此发言
     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     6 死亡笔记用法。
     27.   If you write, &die of disease& with a specific disease's name and the person's time of death, there must be a sufficient amount of time for the disease to progress. If the set time is too tight, the victim will die of a heart attack after 6 minutes and 40 seconds after completing the DEATH NOTE.   如果在笔记上写上“死于疾病”而又填上疾病的名称和死亡时间,那么必须要足够的时间去让疾病形成。若果时间过于紧迫,受害人会在写上名字及详情后的六分四十秒后死于心脏麻痹。   If you write, &die of disease& for the cause of death, but only write a specific time of death without the actual name of disease, the human will die from an adequate disease. But the DEATH NOTE can only operate within 23 days (in the human calender).   如果在笔记上写“死于疾病”,却只写上死亡时间而没有疾病的名称,那么该人会死于一个适当的疾病。但死亡笔记只在23天内有效。   This is called the 23-day rule   这是“23天定律”     28.   If you write, &die of disease& like before with a specific disease's name but without a specific time, if it takes more than 24 days for the human to die the 23-day rule will not take effect and the human will die at an adequate time depending on the disease.   如果在笔记上写上“疾病死”,疾病的名字,却没写上指定的死亡时间。如果该疾病需要超过24天才能致命,那么“23天定律”便不会生效,而该人则会按疾病而定,在适当的时候死亡。   When rewriting the cause and/or details of death it must be done within 6 minutes and 40 seconds. You cannot change the victim's time of death, however soon it may be.   若要重写死因或死亡详情,持有者必须在六分四十秒内完成。持有者不能改变受害者的死亡时间,但可以提早。     29.   You cannot kill humans at the age of 124 and over with the DEATH NOTE.   不能用死亡笔记杀死124岁或以上的人类
  You cannot kill humans with less than 12 minutes of life left (in human calculations).   不能用死亡笔记杀死生命少于12分钟的人类(以人间时间计算)。     30.   If you have traded the eye power of a god of death, you will see a person's primary life span in the human world.   如果和死神交换了死神眼的能力,就可以看到一个人在人间上剩下的生命。   The names you see with the eye power of a god of death are the names needed to kill that person. You will be able to see the names even if that person isn't registered in the family registration.   使用死神眼的能力看到的名字就是用来杀死那人的名字。 就算对方没有在户籍上登记,都可以看到他的名字。     31.   The number of pages of the DEATH NOTE will never run out.   死亡笔记中的纸将永不会用完。         
  作者:jane111222 回复日期: 15:14:28 
    光子,牛!当时可是夜夜做梦被她追杀!    我也想被她追杀也。。。。 看了后篇的预告感觉L还是要死 感觉后面的结果可能和漫画差不多。。
  我就是不肯相信L已经死了!!555  该死的小田键啊你又一次欺骗我的感情啊!!!
  看玩了  不得不再次佩服日本人的BT心理阿
  死亡笔记的用法还真是详细啊- -  好象是专门黑人类准备的一样  是无意掉落在人间??
  作者:AOIKAWA 回复日期: 08:46:06 
    死亡笔记的用法还真是详细啊- -    好象是专门黑人类准备的一样    是无意掉落在人间??  --------------------------------  故意的
    日本人就是BT啊,我也觉得.  而且我觉得现在日本的演员都好难看,不论男女,个人意见罢了!
  很好看  一点都不BT啊  人家有创意  不一样就叫人家BT?  那中国影视没发展前途了
  看剧照,喜欢L    看了电影,觉得,演夜神月的那个演技比较不错
  我 还是 喜欢 动画版的 死亡笔记 !!!    不过 不管 动画版 还是 真人版    我都 喜欢 K !!!    太 厉害了。 他的 设计 推理!!!    特别 是 设计 知道了 FBI 探员的名字    和 设计 杀死了 他女友 和 南美直宫    太 强 了!!!!  那个 设计 太完美了!!!    
  尼亚,梅罗,是L出生的孤儿院中的另两个孤儿,因为天才,所以被选做L的接班人进行培养.    漫画版中,L死后,L的继承计划就自动,于是,尼亚和梅罗就分别从孤儿院出现    一个叫K
一个叫X    他们并不是想为L报仇,实际上是因为他们觉得这个游戏有趣,连L也不能破解的游戏,如果我们破解了,那么我们就超过了L,同时,K和X两人心中也存在着竞争心理.  他们把捉住基拉做为表现自己的方式    用L的话形容他们,我们为的不是正义,只是这个游戏好玩,只是目地一样.L,基拉,K,X,我们都是同样幼稚,同样争强好胜的人.
  楼主    没看漫画    也不知道本来就计划上下篇的
  作者:hisoka521 回复日期: 04:49:33 
    月最后死了被枪打死的......死得很狰狞.....让我不能接受.....  你确定你看过了?????  月分明是被硫酷杀的啊,月中枪但是没有死,但是肯定面临着终身监禁,而死神只有等笔记持有者死亡才能获得自由,没有办法,硫酷就自己动手了。  这个结局有些出乎我的意外,但是月的失败和死亡却是一开始就被决定了的,如果月不死的那作者可是就有反人类的倾向了啊,哈哈,而且,万一N也输,总不能再来个O,P,Q吧。    总之,LZ看过漫画的话就绝对不会说电影好看,那个圆脸小包子实在没有月1%的气质。    PS:电影版的裕庄相当萌啊,喜欢。
  再翻一遍,发现很多人都看过漫画,但是很多人看过的和我不一样???    L失败以后,他的继承人是N,M是L的孤儿院里的和N同样天才的少年,但是由于个人理念的不同放弃了继承权决定依靠自己的方法找出基拉。  M=梅罗,N=尼亚。  L,M,N他们的风格都不一样。L作风大胆,而且思维缜密;M心狠手辣;N头脑冷静。N自己也说过,自己缺乏行动力,M没有冷静的思考,但是他们能合作的话就能够超越L。最后,如果不是M的行动打乱了月的计划,魅上的冒险行动暴露了月的企图,胜利者绝对是月,这一点N自己承认了。    关于月是否正义,抓捕月是对还是错?L,M,N的答案应该是一样的,虽然这个总结出自N之口:月是否争议他们不需要去了解,对于他们而言,月只是一个大量杀人犯。
  作者:gp02chen 回复日期: 10:44:20    那个圆脸小包子实在没有月1%的气质。  =======================================================  同意同意,藤原龙也(是叫这个名字吧)长得那叫一个丑。
  我感觉我好象一直都比较喜欢月...不过我也知道月从一开始的清理罪犯到后来杀FBI已经走上了一条不归路...他的结局我是可以预见的.只是很不满作者把他的结局画得那么悲惨!  我宁愿只看到L的死!  我也从来不觉得L是代表什么正义,他只是要挑战KIRA,把他找出来而已!(虽然目的上也是为了将他绳之以法),但是,个人以为,他既然那么确定月就是KIRA,他完全可以直接把月监禁起来,而不是给了月那么充分的时间和精力去准备这场月胜券在握的战争!但他却偏要这样,因为他希望月能露出马脚...在我看来纯属庸人自扰!  看了漫画,很失望的.真的
  不要让自己的是非观去左右自己观片的心情嘛,  这部片挺娱乐,很有想法.  不错哦。
  作者:濮上雪 回复日期: 12:05:34 
    作者:gp02chen 回复日期: 10:44:20      那个圆脸小包子实在没有月1%的气质。    =======================================================    同意同意,藤原龙也(是叫这个名字吧)长得那叫一个丑。  ==============================================================  再怎么丑也不至于吧,怎么说藤原也是日本观众评选出来最适合演月的人,说话表这么极端
  作者:濮上雪 回复日期: 12:05:34 
    作者:gp02chen 回复日期: 10:44:20      那个圆脸小包子实在没有月1%的气质。    =======================================================    同意同意,藤原龙也(是叫这个名字吧)长得那叫一个丑。  ==============================================================  再怎么丑也不至于吧,怎么说藤原也是日本观众评选出来最适合演月的人,说话表这么极端
  喜欢Light  这个人物  但是  不喜欢真人板电影  一贯如此  不喜欢真人的


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