kitty lkes playing dasketvolleyball是什么意思思

LookHe+is+playing+dasketball+in+the+playground的疑问句怎样写拜托各位了 3Q_百度知道
LookHe+is+playing+dasketball+in+the+playground的疑问句怎样写拜托各位了 3Q
Is he playing basketball in the playground?
出门在外也不愁September 19th, 2009 by Lynn
My boys, you’re amazing…and I’m just tuning into a little “Dirty Dancing”, the movie, and I just thought I’d share in my moment with it all.
summer camp would be fun, and I hope we can do that with you, and that you like it. Not trying to like it, but tha twe hit the age when it will give you some good ol’ memories, ones to pass onto your kids and then to recreate those times…Also, another celeb has passed and I wonder if this will always be a thing we, normal people deal with, and now I’d like to answer that with a duh, yes, oh course.
It’s always interesting to me now much a celeb’s death can make you think..about so many things..yet everyday people are dying all the time…humm., well anyways, r.i.p. Patrikc
Kai, you’re a machine, not only with your crawling, but with your talking.
You llvoe to make car sounds too, you’re clapping, waving good bye/hi and now doing ’so big” for how bigs the baby…you are soooo adorable, and I can’t stop looking at you.
you are getting shy and dont’ like being with others, and I love it, cause it means you wan tme , and I just lvoe this cause I know it’s not going to last…you throw your food on the floor which I think is cute now, cause you’re so on a mission to do it.
It’s funny, I thik you’re a bit behid your bro. but maybe not, but to me you’re still such a baby..
Jack, you love to cuddle these days., love your movies too.
We’re now on 2 weeks of potty training=p.t., and at first I hated it…i even got sick, I hated the stress of always not wanting you to have an accident, so we had lots of time spent in the dining room- the furtherst place from your bro. who naps 2 times a day, and well, we’ve ventured out since then…hahad, of course, but the first week I got very sick , because of the stress, and that’s just who I am…but it’s silly I admit.. but I am very proud of your/our success thus far.
I have so much
more to say but, Hungry Eyes is playing…
August 13th, 2009 by Lynn
Again, we have reached a new month for you boys, and I don’t have much time, as sleep is very important in this house, so, I’m off to do that, but must quickly record this very funny moment.
I bought Jack new shoes, he lost one of his old ones, and he’s due for new ones, and really the rubber boots were just not happenin!
So, off to the mall I went this late afternoon with Kai, and got some, not what I wanted, but good ones none the less.
Home we come and I say to Jack, mom got you new shoes, do you want to try them on.
This was after dinner, just before bath. Well, if one knows Jack, these situations could go either way, and it went, I like them, instead of jack no like these ones.
He strutted, ran, walked funny, fell and checked himself out- very humous for us…but come to bath time, he does not want to take them off.
A struggle and quick shower with daddy, Jack is now in pjs, in bed WITH HIS NEW SHOES ON!
Jeremy reckons he just wanted to run, but, instead he is in bed, running in his dreams I’m sure.
So that’s you Jack, kind of in a nutshell, we just never know, one minute to the next, what you’ll be thinking, wanting and discovering.
You’re a dear one, now each time you see us after time away, “I love you”, and a big hug.
You love to laugh and spend time making kai laugh too, and this is a great joy for us!
Mister Kai- the cautious crawler, it’s official, but it’s cautious, and I don’t mind, as so far you’ve adventured into some hairy situations, but I’ve got to get on the safety measures for this home PRONTO!
Smiling, laughing, eating pretty well and finally sleeping through the night!
You have an amazingly strong and quicky grab, and it makes me jump when you get my skin on one of these grabs, and you think it’s so funny.
You are saying “day”, as plain as day too, of course you have no idea you are, but it’s amazing how you love to say it!
I think what stood out for me tonight is that this “unpredictable”stage with children is somewhat short.
One day, new shoes for Jack will be “yeah, blah, boring and thanks mum”- maybe not even the thanks.
But, just 6 months ago, Jack got new shoes and it didn’t even faze him, now it’s the best thing…this little stage, the 1.5-4 year old, I reckon is a time where they/you change so much and interpret so much, even day to day.
Thanks my boys for another fantastic month, and of course for the laughs.
Keep ‘m coming, as that’s my fav. thing to do…and yes Jack, you’re all about fav. things now, but again, I’m not sure how much you understand about it…heaps of favs. are okay too!
July 4th, 2009 by Lynn
hello my boys.
I thought I’d write an early blog, as I usually try to hit your monthly birthdays, but as I finished the movie, Marley and Me, by myself, I thought I’d share some thoughts.
It was nice to see a movie that shows the trying times of parenthood.
It was also nice to confirm our thoughts on never having an animal. Well, your dad is very allergic, it also clarified the fact that animals are heaps of work- on top of work already in everyday life, and this particular dog was so naughty!- and who has time for that.
But in the end, the dog passed and it was so sad, hense the tears, and so that confirms it for me.
No dogs, no pets and thank goodness we have your dad’s allergies to back us up!
Kai- mister happy pants!
Rolling like crazy…not crawling yet, but up on your knees, so may be a month away.
Saying all sorts of sounds, ma, ba, da, and lots of raspberry type noises too!
You had your first swing solo today, so cute.
you’re nearly 8 months old, and okay, back to the movie, but as this baby stage goes so quickly, i could totally see me wanting another little baby, especially a girl, like the movie again…but let’s be realy here, I’m still not at all close to catching up on missed sleep with Kai..still waking at least once if not twlice a night.
But you’re getting better little one with the solids.
Are you kidding me?!
It’s liquid squash and carrots so far!!!
I’ll talk to the nurse on Monday, I think something may be up.
Here I thought I’d have my little eater, and now I’m not sure what ’s happenin?!
Jack- you say it all and I reckon practially know it all…very clever.
Some good ones “I do it all my by self”, “look , baby Kai really happy now”, “that’s a good idea mommy”.
You’re amazing, and full of humor.
You liked “school’ the first 4 times, but the 5th sent you crying, so we’ll see how the 6th goes.
I reckon it’s because the weather was crap and you were wanting to go outside.
instead, you were inside, yet again, with crying kids.
I did get you early that day, but next time, you’ll be playing outside and you love that.
I’m still not 100% comfortable with the entire experience.
I miss you.
I worry about you and wonder who’s listening to you.
I am busy at home, and this is time I’ve never had with Kai and I know you’re okay…and that I’m only a phone call away.
I don’t want this to be a devastating experience for you.
We’re busy here, and like the movie, I would like to have a pool!, and generally, just a nice yard for you boys to play in.
If I know your dad, it’s not far off.
We do have a lovely park however, but it’s being able to send you, Jack, outside and not worrying.
Finally , I liked the message in the movie about the couple staying together.
I was sceptical, thinking they’d split up…but they didn’t and I think that’s a great message.
It’s hard yakka, this parenting thing, but most of us go through it, some with more or less kids than the other, but it’s still hard, because it’s a change.
A change worth having, but sometimes hard to deal with.
It was nice to see their struggle, even with a dog- the major premise of the movie- but I got lots from it.
Even without a dog.
My boys, you’re my world…as you sleep soundly, I am at peace with my day.
You bring me much joy, and more obstacles than I ever imagined I’d be faced with.
It makes me love you more and love my own mother more, as I know I wasn’t an easy child.
Good night!
May 18th, 2009 by Lynn
Hi beautiful boys…yes, half a year has already gone by for little Kai, and it’s all going way to quickly…you’re rolling everywhere, creeping a bit too, your first tooth made a tiny appearance yesterday, and you’re in love with watching your brother and interacting with him.
You’re perfect, beautiful and a bundle of joy.
The sleeping thing continues to have ups and downs, but it was probably the tooth and the excitment of Grandma being here.
We did have a perfect schedule for a week or two, and you were putting yourself to sleep for each nap…well last week that all changed and you were not even having a morning nap for a few days.
Poor naps lead to poor nights, and so it was hard.
But you’re kind of back on track with putting yourself down, I just have to make sure you don’t get overtired!
You were also getting down to only waking up once during the night, and one night it wasn’t unti 5!!, so that’s pretty much all night long, but again, we’re back to 2 times, and it’s probably the tooth, and since we’ve also started solids, your tummy may be bothering you too…I belive that’s the case, because nights when we don’t give you solilds, you sleep much better!
Now Jack, my goodness, the potty training is interesting!!!
Last night you wanted to do a pee at 3:30- so we helped you on the potty etc. , but we forgot to tuck and pee all over the carpet!
And then there’s the poo in the potty which is gross, but you seem to do better on that than the toilet.
Yes, I’m already over it, and it’s just starting!
On the plus side, your brilliant, you can sing the alphabet song all on your own and you love to learn words to songs too, your newest one being, “hey, dj” by the Black Eyed Peas, and this is very cute!
Well, it’s here, one of my favorite times of day.
You’re both down for your naps, and I love how quiet the house is, and I love knowing that my two boys are getting some much needed rest.
It also gives me a chance to recharge- nap too!, and be prepared for the afternoon!
You two rock!
April 12th, 2009 by Lynn
It’s Easter Monday, all the boys are napping, and I’m sitting down with a chicken pita sango, thought I should do this five month update…still have your baby books to work on, my this parenting thing is a full time job!!!
We hosted a big Easter dinner, and you were both rock stars- Jack learning the tough task of sharing and Kai, the ever smiling baby!
A very different hunt for Jack this year, wanting to keep the eggs in his hand and of course running out of room , as there were about 20 eggs to find…so entertaining for the parents to say the least, you ate one and then they were put away.
Your hard working father spent the whole weekend building a fence, but it was still really nice to have him home for four days in a row- making Easter break for me, one of my favorites.
Some things you say Jack amaze me- for one- because I don’t know where you get it from, and secondly, it’s a wee bit of an abstract concept- I’ll elaborate…lately I’ve been asking you if you want certain things, not sure why I ask, but anyways, questions like, do you need your nappy changed, or can I but some cream on you exema, and you say, “No, I’m fine”.
I just think that’s so amazing, cause for me, it’s an abstract term and also, we really don’t use it much, but maybe more than I realize… and then there’ s the new, “Yes I did”.
I put you on the toilet the other day and you needed some privacy, so I checked on you a few minutes later and asked…so did you go poo, and you said, so plain and grown up- Yes I did!- with the emphasis on I.
Very cute.
You are busy still, running all the time, love to ask us to play with you, come mummy, come
play wif me…so cute!
You’re getting better at playing with your friend Patrick, the both of you can get very LOUD!, but you have a riot together.
Mister Kai- you have found your tongue, practically on your five month birthday- the pictures will speak for this!
So happy, so content and still very loud when you’re just about to go to sleep.
Life is so busy right now, with a new home and all, and you just watch it all unfold, but do ask for attention, rightfully so!
I am blessed!
You are darling little boys- full of life!
March 24th, 2009 by Lynn
Time to share a little secret…
I harp, harp, harp away and complain, and get frazzled by this new role I have as a parent.
It’s heaps of work, and a challenge for me, but I’m not sure why, because my life is perfect.
So, it’s going to change…
I’m working on seeing that, through the good and bad, how perfect my life is…and setting resonable expectations, so the complaining and harping disappear…today is a perfect day to write this down and record it because…
I’ve just tucked Kai into bed for his afternoon nap, you both have one at the same time now, a nice little routine we’ve fallen into.
Although Jack goes to bed later than we’d like, it works out well, and soon daylight savings will end and he’ll be on a 8-7 schedule and Kai you’re on a 7-7, so this really is great…Heh, it’s just great that you’re sleeping through the night again Jack, and Kai, you’re waking only once and sometimes twice for a feed at only 4.5 months old!
Also, you’re healthy…that in itself is all that I need to have my life perfect.
On top of that, all the people we love, our friends and family are healty too, and happy- what luck for us!
You’re both so curious and smart- another bonus.
You’re kind- Jack always checking on us and your mates to see if they’re okay.
We live in such a beautiful place, and Jack, you’re always up for a walk to our very own beach, hardly ever a soul on it.
You’re so good at listening to me too, when it’s time to go, to stay close to me- such a clever boy!
You have an amazing father, and this is such a huge bonus for all of us.
He works so hard and never complains.
As soon as he’s home, he’s playing with you boys, or taking Jack outside to work on something.
He does your bedtime routine each night Jack, and challenges you to read with him and answer his questions and sing his silly songs. He’s so in love with you boys, such a natural father, who loves you more than I have words to express to you.
He beams each day he sees you!
Also, after months of work, we are settled in a beautiful brand new home, which your dad did so much of his own work on , how lucky are we!!!
Everywhere we look, there’s your dad’s work,
and the painting that your granddad did!
So, as part of my own little self challenge, and this will directly be shared with you, I am going to do my best to have my new mantra as, “I am lucky, smile and be thankful”.
You boys rock, and I really do have it all- three amazing “men” in my life, happy and healthy in my little family!
Mummy loves you!
March 13th, 2009 by Lynn
Your grandparents just left and your dad and me are very sad, and in the morning, little Jack, I think you’ll be sad too.
We all had so much fun, and for you two, it was wonderful bonding.
It’s these times, the goodbyes that make me wonder what we’ve done, moving here to Oz.
It’s just so hard to be away from our family and friends.
It’s also hard here, hard work for your dad, and hard times with money.
We’re living out a dream, but I’m just not too sure for how much longer…
On the lighter side, Jack, you are amazing and verbally brilliant.
You say everything!
You are also starting to play with others, in a more purposeful way and you are so genuine with these play pals.
You don’t know your personal space very well, and just brush up along side them whenever you’re curious.
Its such a joy to watch you.
Two funny things I’d like to mention are:1.
we got a new vacuum and I don’t want you playing with it, so have been saying, “Don’t touch, it’s brand new”.
So the other day your aunty Jill was babysitting you and you were out on a lunch date with Indi, and Indi was grabbing your shirt, I think trying to guide you and you said to her, “don’t touch, brand new”. Amazing how you used the concept from the vacuum, to not wanting her to touch your shirt- and then throwing in the reason- it’s brand new, which is wasn’t!
Secondly, we’ve been asking you lots to play quietly etc. while baby Kai is sleeping.
So lately, when your dad is singing and you’re not in the mood, you’ve been saying, “Jeremy, Jeremy, no talking, baby Kai sleeping.”
Again, very funny how you transferred the meaning!
Little Kai, you crack us up, cause you’re always cracking up!
You smile in a heart beat, just when you hear us talking.
You’re nearly rolling over, from you back to tummy!
You’re chopping on your hands, chatting up a storm and putting lots of things in your mouth, including your hands!
A super content little baby, and you often sleep six hours a night, and sometimes up to 8!
You’re amazing, and stealing our hearts more and more each day!
You boys rock our world, and we feel so lucky to have you healthy and happy!
Now, our next goal is getting you to sleep a wee bit earlier, but that’s going to happen smoothly when day light savings ends.
January 8th, 2009 by Lynn
I wanted to write last month, and had very good intentions, but like I said and I’m sure it’ll be my mantra, life is so very busy!
Firstly, welcome Kai!
You are a beautiful, bright eyed and very content little baby!
You have a way to let us know when things are not going good for you- it’s not a bad scream, but a little cry that says, “heh, I need some food over here!”
You’re smiling, cooing, and squealing and it’s such a delight.
I just wish there was more time to enjoy it and you!
It’s been busy with life stuff, some visitors, like uncle Craig and the grandparents, but really, everyday life keeps me busy and I hate that it takes away from time with you and Jack.
I really should just let us live like pigs!- who eat take away!
That’d give us heaps more time!
I knew that this would be busy, but had no idea it’d feel like this.
I haven’t had a full nights sleep, let me rephrase that, had more than fours hours of sleep in a row, in 8 weeks now.
Some nights are really bad, and then I cry all day.
But I haven’t had any days to recover either, so I’m in a bit of a state.
I’d like to point out that I’m holding it all together pretty well, but there are times when I do cry a bit too much, over react and get angry at my boys, and I appologize for that.
You don’t mean to make this any more difficult on me, I know.
I just wish that I could catch up on sleep and then I’d see things a little more clearly!
Jack, today was your 2nd birthday and
you’re a little ball of energy.
Genuine love of life, ball of energy!
You say EVERYTHING now!
So I’ve stopped recording those words, cause it’s all there and you count in spanish and say a few little phrases in french that Grandma taught you.
You are in love with your dad, and me sometimes too, you decide…and you love your grandma connie and I’m so happy that she was here to influence you for so long.
You are a little follower of older kids like Indi, but a little bosy boots around little ones like Zoe.
You love all your toys, especially your cars and Thomas stuff.
Can’t really see a true passion yet, as you are well balanced and seem to like it all.
You still love books and can resight all sorts of nursery poems and songs.
You hate to perform though, so many relatives haven’t seen this adorable side of you! Bedtime and naps are always changing.
You used to scream and carry on and make it hard for us, only a few nights ago, and now all you want is for your dad to lay on the floor.
He’s fallen asleep a few times now, doing this!
Your eating is also up and down.
You’re eating almost everything that we do, and always surprise us with things you’ll try and not.
You still love “weird” things like olives and pickles and raw mushrooms.
Now that the company has left, I am trying to get us out each morning and afternoon, and this also helps to get your brother to sleep, as he loves to sleep in his car seat.
(Very different from you, Kai does not fall asleep so easliy, and as a result, gets overtired.
However, his overtired is not that bad, as he won’t cry and such, but it’s really hard to get him so settle at night for long sleep stints.)
As a result of getting out and about, you have had some fun beach days and a few scary moments of getting to close to the water too quickly.
You have a wee bit of no fear, and so jump into pools and the ocean without much notice for us.
Yes, near heart attacks have been happening.
In closing for this blog, Jack you are the best- smart, energetic, whitty, strong, determined, careful, kind, and loving.
You make us smile and we love you so much!
Our little Kai, maybe you’re not sleeping so much because you wondering why in the heckyity heck you were put with such a crazy family!
Well, no one will love you more than us.
Alrealy you one to reckon with, deciding your hours to sleep, talking up a storm and moving and grooving like no ones business.
I can’t believe how quickly these past two months have been with you . I really feel like you never had much of that newborn sleep all the time phase.
Even on the day you were born, you were awake for 3 hours.
That’s crazy amazing!
maybe I should stop stressing and just let you take it all in?
Well, it’s hard to sleep when you have Jack as your older brother!
Also you’ve been really sick with a cough, so hopefully that’ll clear up and you’ll be sleeping longer stints on your own by next month!
In closing for this blog for you Kai, you are an amazing little baby- so content, cute and bright eyed.
You’re getting so chubby and I can’t believe how you’ll talk to me and look at me.
I love you dear little baby boy!
October 14th, 2008 by Lynn
Hi my dear baby boy!
Yes, you’re just over 21 months, and although tonight may not be the best night to write this, I’ll try to keep in mind- it’s all about balance.
What I mean is, you’re going through a stage where bedtime is becoming PAINFUL, for us I think, more than you.
You’re wanting most things now, one your terms and your time.
We encourage this and even marvel over how independent you can be at times, but bedtime is just not the time when we want to see this, or have it go on for an hour.
The result of this too, is me now thinking, how do we solve this, or make it better?
I have struggled with your bedtime since you were born, and I can’t say there’s been a time where I’ve been completely happy with it.
Well the other night, you did go to bed without any visits from us, without any fussing- but I think those days may be gone?
I think you know there’s some big changes about to happen- new baby
and new home.
I think you miss your dad and the routine we all had…and I think you also wonder who will be here and when- as your grandma is here off and on to help.
However!!! You’re so amazingly wonderful for so much of the day, and we enjoy your company so very much!
You are saying so many words too, and after I finish this, I am going to start an official record page on the computer…as I’ve just been doing it in my journal.
You also say so many two and three words sentences!
Plus, with all the Diego watching you do, you say a few things in Spanish too- like gracias!
You love to give hugs and you do a cute little hug hand gesture, and say, “hug, hug”.
It’s so cute!
Today at playgroup- which we almost didn’t go to, because you were determined to not wear a shirt- you were in a cubby house with a boy and girl and you were okay with it!
You still played along side them and came out to give me coffee, tea and cake!
I was so happy to see that you didn’t get with their presence.
By this date, next month, there will be a new baby in our world.
I am a little nervous for all of us- for me the lack of sleep, and balancing my attention between both of my babies, but also nervous about how you’ll do.
There’s a part of me that believes you’ll be just fine.
Marvelous even.
But I also worry about the times when Mr. Independence comes along.
Either way, we’ll just take it day by day.
It’s really heating up here now, so it’s been fun taking you into the pool- both your little one here, and the one at grandmas.
We’ve discovered how to get you swimming independently- with your water wings and life jacket, and you love it!
I am very proud of you!
October 4th, 2008 by Lynn
Sept.19, 2008- For July, August and most of September..your 18, 19, and 20th months
It’s late, so I’m going to do this over two nights.
It’s going to get very crazy around here in the next few days, and it’ll be lasting a few weeks, so I thought it’d be a good idea to catch up on the last few months.
Again, I wanted to do a better job of this, but I have almost every major moment in your life recorded in my pink book, so now I just have to summarize it on here.
We’ve been back in Oz for just over a month, and you are amazing us each day with your brilliance.
I’m not sure if I thought this way during other times with you, watching you grow, but this particular time is really amazing to see and be a part of- be your very proud parent!
Each day lately, you learn so many new words and concepts and make connection between things!
You are very busy, but more independent.
You can play with your toys for many hours by yourself, but you do prefer to grab someone’s hand to have them join you.
You still love to read books, but there’s one other thing you love and that’s T.V.
It’s not that bad though, I believe.
Maybe from an outsider’s perspective, but from mine, you usually decide when you want it on, and many times when it is on, you are busy doing things around it, and then you’ll tune in for a few minutes and then play again.
Right now, it is easy to get you away from it, but it’s not something I am proud of, so we’re working at not having it on so much.
We did well this afternoon, and you had lots of fun playing with granddad and your toys.
When we first got to Canada, you seemed to need timeouts, or a break, when you were crabby.
It was very cute to see you on one, as you just went and laid down, and then would let us know when you were ready to come out.
You rarely resisted them.
Towards the end of the trip, you were not getting any, and also, you haven’t had many since you’ve been home.
Since home, we were having difficulties getting you to get in your highchair, getting you to eat, getting you out, and into a bath.
For a few nights, we were resorting back to timeouts, but they were really upsetting you further.
We then figured out that giving you notice on stuff and letting you do things on your own seemed to work.
Sometimes a firm voice is what you need too, when you’re having a temper tantrum.
Often times you’ll snap out of it and listen.
It’s very cute when you say “Yes”, when we ask you something like, “are you going to be a good boy now and join us for dinner”, or “are you going to be a big boy and not cry”.
I think it’s amazing that you say “Yes” so nicely!
Your comprehension is amazing and your interaction because of it is amazing too.
You have opinions about so many things.
The other morning, when I got you up, I said, “should we go and make some coffee for mommy”, and you said, “no, tea”.
So we did!
You are quick to pick up on differences too, like yesterday, you had granddad’s helmet, and you said, “granddad’s hat”, and I said, “yes, that’s granddad’s helmet” and you immediately said, “granddad’s helmet”!
Off to bed now…
Back, so some more late night typing!
I wanted to go back to Canada…it was maybe the third night that we were there, and you were being babysat by Don and Margo, and your dad and I went to your Uncle Craig’s 40th birthday.
We knew you’d be up a few times, because we were all jet legged still!
However, we went, knowing you’d sleep for a few hours before waking…when we pulled up, sure enough, you were awake and your grandma was just about to go in.
Later, once settled, she told us that you were saying, “mommy?….(pause), yes?”
You were answering your own question the way you had heard me do so.
Well, over the next few nights we listened for this, and it will probably go down as one of the cutest things you’ve ever done!
You started to use, “Yes” to answer our questions in mid July.
I’m jumping all over now, but I wanted to mention that you’re saying over 50 words now, plus two word sentences.
This has all come about since our trip to Canada.
Before that trip, you could mimic around 30 words, but only say on your own, a few such as Mommy, Daddy, banana and more with the sign.
You could say bubbles, and that was a big one!
Once it started, you just took off!
If you could see a piece of fruit and knew its name, you’d ask for it.
You knew grandma and granddad’s name.
You had lots of fun doing the actions to the Scarecrow song and Ring O’ Rosie.
You also started to take an interest in the boy in the mirror and you’d walk back and forth checking him out.
You learned to say “Yee Haw” and that it related to cowboy hats and county music, and pretty much feeling good!
You showed so much interest in the dogs and loved to be the one walking them. You started to say Bye bye to things, like the grasshopper and kitty.
You started to point to people and animals in books and photos, when asked, “where is the dog?”
You’re sense of humor started to build too, as one day, I was asking you questions like, “do you want to see the monkeys etc.” and you’d answer “no” with a smile.
Then you quietly did this by yourself, asking yourself questions and replying “no”.
You learned a few more zoo animals’ names, such as “giraffe and crocodile”.
According to my notes, while in Golden, you also learned, “fish, wolf, hippo and waffle.”
I would say though, that I haven’t heard you say hippo or waffle since we’ve been back and that may be because we haven’t had them in your environment lately.
While in Calgary, you started to go down the slide feet first, and on your bottom.
For a while, you had to be held on to, then you progressed to going down on your tummy, facing backwards, but now you’re a pro!
Like I said, your vocabulary is growing each day- and today, I think for the first time, I heard your Aussie accent, because you said “bear”, and it sounded like “beh”.
I am going to try and get this on video though!
You also have shown some dislikes lately, which I did mention before, but the other interesting thing is that you don’t like playing with others at play group.
When someone comes up to you to join you, you often fuss.
Not always though.
You will offer toys to others occasionally.
I am not sure if it’s a new stage, but hopefully it won’t last too long.
It was so cute to see you a few months ago, chat away to other little ones and join them in the cubby houses.
It didn’t bother you one bit.
Your eating is slowly getting a bit better.
You’ll try a bit more variety…but we still do lots of noodles and cheese.
You still love fruit and some new items you like are tea and you’ll sometimes grab raw mushrooms to snack on.
You like hamburger too, so it’s been nice to see you eat a bit more meat!
You have been sick lots lately, and when we took you to the nurse, she said that 8-10 colds a year are common.
You didn’t get your first cold until just before we left for Canada, and now you seemed to have only had two, two weeks breaks from them.
One break in Canada, and one just ended yesterday.
You’re a little trooper through them though!
We have just got the keys to our new home in Madora Bay.
I think you’re going to like it, as each trip there, you seem to have lots of fun running around etc.
There is lots of work for your dad and grandparents to do, unfortunately, you and I cannot help.
I hope it all gets done, with time for us to settle in and get to know the place, before you little brother arrives.
I do worry a little bit about how you are going to do with this big change.
In fact, you have two big changes, a new house and new family member.
I would like to believe that you’ll do great, as you’ve always shown how adjustable you are to new situations, such as staying at your grandparents for two months.
This crappy rental has been your home now, but I think you’ll prefer the new place.
Your parents will and I’m sure you’ll feed off of that!
With you new little brother, I think the extra help here from grandma and granddad will help give you the attention you need, or to your brother, so I can be with you.
It is going to be hard to share my time, but it’s all meant to be, and it will be wonderful- as life has always been with you!
I am off to bed and hope this was a good catch up from the past three months!


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