li would have thoughtt l have got rid of you 出自哪里

Wait and see. Your spine is a complex collection of joints, nerves, muscles, blood vessels and connective tissue. There's lots of structures that can generate pain if you move your back the wrong way or experience some trauma. Severe back pain can come on quickly, but it can sometimes go away quickly also (without any treatment whatsoever) because the body has a tremendous ability to heal itself. As such, be patient for a few hours if you experience a bout of bad back pain, avoid any strenuous activities and keep a positive attitude.
Signs and symptoms that you should immediately seek medical attention include: muscle weakness and/or loss of sensations in your arms or legs, loss of bladder or bowel control, high fever, sudden weight loss.
Total bed rest is not a good idea for most types of back pain because some movement (even just leisurely walks) is needed to stimulate blood flow and healing. If you are in a lot of pain, wait 2-3 days before resuming normal activities.
If your back pain is exercise related, then you may be working out too aggressively or with bad form — consult with a personal trainer.
If you think your back pain is work related, then talk to your boss about switching activities or altering your work station — such as a more supportive chair or a cushioned mat for underneath your feet.
Apply something cold to your back. The application of ice is an effective treatment for essentially all acute musculoskeletal injuries, including back pain. Cold therapy should be applied to the most painful part of your back in order to reduce the inflammation and numb the pain. Ice should be applied for 10-15 minutes every hour, then reduce the frequency as the pain and swelling subside.
Compressing the ice against your back with a stretchy bandage or elastic support will also help control the inflammation.
Always wrap ice or frozen gel packs in a thin towel in order to prevent frostbite on your skin.
If you don't have any ice or gel packs, then use a frozen bag of veggies from your freezer.
Ice may not be appropriate for chronic back pain — moist heat may provide more relief.
Take a warm bath. Soaking your back in a warm Epsom salt bath can significantly reduce pain and swelling, especially if the pain is caused by muscle spasm or strain. The magnesium in the salt helps the muscles relax. Soaking in a warm bath or applying heat directly to your back likely isn't a good idea if you're experiencing lots of inflammation, which is often the result of joint, ligament and nerve injuries of the back.
Don't make the water too hot (to prevent scalding) and don't soak in the bath for much more than 30 minutes because the salty water will pull fluid from your body and start to dehydrate you.
Alternatively, apply moist heat to your back pain — microwaved herbal bags work well and are often infused with aromatherapy (such as lavender) that has relaxing properties.
Consider taking over-the-counter drugs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin can be short-term solutions to help you deal with bad pain or inflammation in your back. Keep in mind that these medications can be hard on your stomach, kidneys and liver, so it's best not to use them for more than 2 weeks at a stretch.
Alternatively, you can try over-the-counter analgesics such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or muscle relaxants (such as cyclobenzaprine) for your back pain, but never take them concurrently with NSAIDs.
Pain relieving creams and gels applied directly to your sore back are another option, especially if the pain is more muscle related. Capsaicin and menthol are natural ingredients in some creams that act to distract your brain from the pain by making your skin tingle.
Use a foam roller. Rolling on a piece of firm foam is a good way to massage your spine and potentially relieve mild-to-moderate discomfort, especially in the mid back (thoracic) region. Foam rollers are commonly used in physiotherapy, yoga and pilates.
Pick up a foam roller at a sporting goods or big-box store — they're very inexpensive and nearly indestructible.
Place the foam roller on the ground, perpendicular to where you're going to lay your body. Lie down on your back so that the foam roller is beneath your shoulders and begin to roll back and forth. Repeat as many times as necessary, although your muscles might be a little sore after the first time you use a foam roller.
Consider changing your sleeping environment. Mattresses that are too soft or pillows that are too thick may contribute to back pain. Avoid sleeping on your stomach as it can cause your head and neck to twist in ways that aggravate back pain and it can also compress and irritate lower back joints. The best sleeping positions for back pain are on your side (similar to the classic fetal position) or on your back with a pillow elevating your legs, which takes some pressure off the low back joints.
Although even waterbeds can be comfortable for some people, most people seem to benefit from a firm orthopedic mattress.
Spring mattresses typically last about 8-10 years with constant use, depending on the weight of you and your partner.
Schedule an appointment with a chiropractor or osteopath. Chiropractors and osteopaths are spinal specialists who focus on establishing normal motion and function of the small spinal joints that connect the vertebrae, called spinal facet joints. Manual joint manipulation, also called an adjustment, can be used to unjam or reposition facet joints that are slightly misaligned, which triggers inflammation and sharp pain, particularly with movement.
Although a single spinal adjustment can sometimes completely relieve your back pain, more than likely it will take 3-5 treatments to notice significant results. Your health insurance may not cover chiropractic care.
Chiropractors and osteopaths also use a variety of therapies tailored more towards muscle strains, which may be more appropriate for your back issue.
Traction techniques or stretching of your spine with an inversion table may also help your back pain. Some chiropractors have inversion tables in their offices, which allows you to turn yourself upside down in a controlled and easy way, enlisting the help of gravity to decompress your spine. Consider buying an inversion table for home use.
Get a professional massage. A strained muscle occurs when individual muscle fibers tear, which leads to pain, inflammation and some degree of guarding (muscle spasm in attempts to prevent further damage). A deep tissue massage is helpful for mild-to-moderate strains because it reduces muscle spasm, combats inflammation and promotes relaxation. Start with a 30 minute massage, focusing on your entire spine and hips. Allow the therapist to go as deep as you can tolerate without wincing.
Always drink lots of water immediately following a massage in order to flush out inflammatory by-products and lactic acid from your body. Failure to do so might cause a headache or mild nausea.
As an alternative to professional massage therapy, position a tennis ball underneath your body (wherever your back pain is) and roll on the ball slowly for 10-15 minutes a few times daily until the pain subsides.
Try an acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture involves sticking very thin needles into specific energy points within the skin / muscle in efforts to reduce pain and inflammation. Acupuncture for back pain can be effective, especially if it's done when the symptoms first occur. Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture works by releasing a variety of substances including endorphins and serotonin, which act to reduce pain.
There is mixed scientific evidence that acupuncture is helpful in relieving chronic back pain, but there's lots of anecdotal reports that many people find it extremely helpful.
Acupuncture points that may provide relief to your back pain are not all located near where you feel the pain — some can be in distant areas of the body.
Acupuncture is practiced by a variety of health professionals including some physicians, chiropractors, naturopaths, physical therapists and massage therapists — whoever you choose should be certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
"Dry needling" is another type of therapy involving acupuncture needles, but without the Chinese traditional medical techniques. It may be helpful to relieve pain.
Consider relaxation or "mind-body" therapies. Stress-relieving practices like meditation, tai chi and breathing exercises have been found to help alleviate musculoskeletal pain and help prevent injuries in many people. Yoga is also great for relaxation and involves practicing specific postures or poses and helpful breathing exercises.
Yoga poses can stretch and strengthen muscles and improve posture, although you might need to modify some poses if they aggravate your back pain.
See your family doctor. If diligent home care and alternative therapies are not effective for alleviating your back pain, then make an appointment with your family physician in order to consider any potentially serious spinal issues such as a herniated disc, nerve entrapment, infection (osteomyelitis), osteoporosis, stress fracture, rheumatoid arthritis or cancer.
X-rays, bone scans, MRI, CT scan and nerve conductance studies are modalities that your doctor may use to help diagnose your back pain.
Your doctor may also send you for a blood test to rule out rheumatoid arthritis or a spinal infection such as meningitis.
Your doctor may refer you to medical specialists such as an orthopedist, neurologist or rheumatologist in order to better figure out your back condition.
Get a referral for physiotherapy. If your back pain is recurring (chronic) and caused by weak spinal muscles, poor posture or degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis, then you need to consider some form of rehabilitation. A physical therapist can show you specific and tailored stretches and strengthening exercises for your back. Physiotherapy is usually required 2-3x per week for 4-8 weeks to positively impact chronic back problems.
If need be, a physiotherapist can treat your sore back muscles with electrotherapy such as therapeutic ultrasound or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).
Good strengthening exercises for your back include swimming, rowing and back extensions, but make sure your pain is under control first.
Consider an injection. An injection of steroid medication near or into spinal joints, muscles, tendons or ligaments can quickly reduce inflammation and pain, and allow normal movement of your back again. Corticosteroids are hormones that display powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The most common preparations used are prednisolone, dexamethasone and triamcinolone.
Potential complications of corticosteroid injections include infection, bleeding, tendon weakening, local muscle atrophy and nerve irritation / damage.
If corticosteroid injections fail to provide adequate resolution for your back pain, then as a last resort, surgery should be explored.
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Please be as detailed as possible in your explanation. We will take your detailed information, edit it for clarity and accuracy, and incorporate it into an article that will help thousands of people.Don't say: Eat more fats.
Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
To maintain proper posture when standing, stand with your weight equally distributed over both feet and avoid locking your knees. Tighten your stomach and buttock muscles to keep your back straight. Wear supportive shoes if you’ll be standing for
alleviate muscle fatigue by periodically resting one foot on a small footstool.
Quit smoking because it impairs blood flow, resulting in oxygen and nutrient deprivation to spinal muscles and other tissues.
Keep your back straight, and still apply a heat pack to help it recover.
Stay fit because back pain is more common in people who display poor physical fitness.
To maintain proper posture when sitting, choose a firm chair, preferably with armrests. Keep your upper back straight and your shoulders relaxed. A small cushion behind your lower back can be helpful in maintaining the natural curve of your lumbar spine. Keep your feet flat on the floor, using a footstool if necessary.
See your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms: quickly escalating severe back pain, loss of bladder and/or bowel control, weakness in your arms or legs, high fever, sudden unexplained weight loss.
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Becomean Author!【 The Best Damn Thing(2007) 】【 英文 】【 2007-04 】
摇滚酷世代教主 艾薇儿睽违三年2007酷力全开最新专辑“The Best Damn Thing美丽坏东西”Avril Lavigne / The Best Damn Thing是酷
就听 艾薇儿玩弄美丽
超有型酷翻全世界的不败摇滚神话◎《展翅高飞》、《酷到骨子里》创下全球2400万张总销售,并写下台湾史上最长寿西洋专辑、第一张空降综合榜冠军西洋专辑、连续四个月“月冠军”空前纪录,全球注目最新专辑就要酷翻你的天!玩美爆酷12连发◎收录首支超高能量劲酷单曲Girlfriend,及追加收录电影“龙骑士”主题曲Keep Holding On (不同于电影版)等12首2007酷世代恋爱国歌!编号:-2条码:-2(3)艾薇儿是个很清楚自己想要什么的女孩。在她创作第三张专辑“The Best Damn Thing”时,她的脑海中已经有了非常明确的目标:就是要很好玩。当艾薇儿在2004年为了她上张专辑“Under My Skin酷到骨子里”巡回表演的时候,艾薇儿就发现她比较偏好表演速度与节奏较快的歌曲,于是,她决定录制一张能捕捉她在舞台上尽情宣泄、冲劲十足、火力全开的超高能量专辑。“The Best Damn Thing”盛满了热腾腾的吉他节奏、琅琅上口的热闹副歌、强力流行庞克、以及叛逆的摇滚态度。这和调性灰暗内敛的“酷到骨子里”专辑大大不同,而在一些像是跟劈腿男友说掰掰的“Everything Back But You”之类的歌曲里,就像她所说的---这次的歌词灵感不是“来自我的日记”,而是出自她构思出的虚构情节。从优美、有力的“I Can Do Better”(艾薇儿最喜爱的歌曲之一)到超高能量的首支主打“Girlfriend ”---将嘻哈节拍与强而有力的副歌、拍手声以及女生团体合唱结合在一起,又在其中注入庞克摇滚。再到艾薇儿为大众电影公司的冒险魔幻片“Eragon龙骑士”所特别创作的情感盈溢抒情曲“Keep Holding On”。艾薇儿极参与专辑的每一个创作阶段:从独立谱写自己的歌曲(“我在创作这张专辑里的歌曲时,身边没有唱片公司的人来左右我的意见。”她特别强调,“我非常清楚我要什么样的音乐。”),到选择制作人和合作伙伴,再到录音室琢磨吉他和鼓声,艾薇儿都亲自悉心参与,只为制作一张有史以来最棒的作品。“The Best Damn Thing”展现出艾薇儿迈入新阶段的生命,她已经走过愤世嫉俗的灰暗青少年时期,准备好要尽情享受工作与生命的乐趣、尽情摇滚、甚至尽情舞蹈。正如她的专辑名---这是她所做过的最棒的事(The Best Damn Thing)。
感谢 维克 小葛 ★倍倍★
提供歌词 感谢 cawaii粉红 玖月 ♂书书⊙﹏⊙* 徐奶奶
提供动态歌词 感谢 i love avril cawaii粉红[中文] 阿炼 傻妞*‵
okay小恶魔[中译] okay★I'm Crazy Girl★[中译] ★蟑螂★
()[Chorus]Hey, hey, you, youI don't like your girlfriendNo way, no wayI think you need a new oneHey, hey, you, youI could be your girlfriendHey, hey, you, youI know that you like meNo way, no wayYou know it's not a secretHey, hey, you, youI want to be your girlfriendYou're so fine, I want you mineYou're so deliciousI think about all the timeYou're so addictiveDon't you know what I can do to make you feel all rightDon't pretendI think you know I'm damn preciousAnd hell yeahI'm the mother****ing princessI can tell you like me tooAnd you know I'm rightShe's like, so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowAnd that's what everyone's talking about(Chorus)I can see the wayI see the way you look at meAnd even when you look awayI know you think of meI know you talk about me all the timeAgain and againSo come over here and tell me what I want to hearBetter yet, make your girlfriend disappearI don't wanna hear you say her name ever againCause she's like, so whateverAnd you can do so much betterI think we should get together nowAnd that's what everyone's talking about(Chorus)In a second, you'll be wrapped around my fingerCause I can, cause I can do it betterThere's no other, so when's it gonna sink in?She said 'Stupid, what the hell were you thinking?'(x2)(Chorus)[00:01.00]艾微儿 - girlfriend[00:03.00][00:07.85][00:10.81][00:19.64][01:00.95][01:06.57][01:09.32][01:18.10][01:59.17][02:04.95][02:07.98][02:16.68][02:43.03][02:51.87][02:54.81][03:03.71][03:08.46][03:15.25][03:20.04][03:27.00]Hey, hey, you, you[00:03.28][01:02.14][02:00.43][02:47.31][03:10.73]I don't like your girlfriend[00:04.93][00:16.59][01:03.59][01:15.34][02:02.28][02:13.73][02:49.06][03:00.64][03:12.39][03:24.12][03:29.82]No way, no way[00:06.35][01:04.98][02:03.46][02:50.54][03:13.68]I think you need a new one[00:09.35][01:07.93][02:06.39]I could be your girlfriend[00:15.12][01:13.67][02:12.12][02:59.07][03:22.48]I know that you like me[00:18.01][01:16.62][02:15.09][03:02.48][03:25.67]You know it's not a secret[00:21.07][01:19.53][02:18.07][03:28.32]I want to be your girlfriend[00:22.57]You're so fine, I want you mine[00:27.35]You're so delicious[00:28.29]I think about all the time[00:30.20]You're so addictive[00:31.35]Don't you know what I can do to make you feel all right[00:34.31]Don't pretend[00:38.20]I think you know I'm damn precious[00:40.15]And hell yeah[00:41.21]I'm the mother****ing princess[00:43.06]I can tell you like me too[00:44.82]And you know I'm right[00:46.25]She's like, so whatever[00:51.62]You can do so much better[00:54.54][01:52.98]I think we should get together now[00:58.17][01:56.70]And that's what everyone's talking about[01:00.51]转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网[01:21.20]I can see the way[01:25.26]I see the way you look at me[01:26.92]And even when you look away[01:28.85]I know you think of me[01:30.04]I know you talk about me all the time[01:32.15]Again and again[01:33.21]So come over here and tell me what I want to hear[01:38.62]Better yet, make your girlfriend disappear[01:41.70]I don't wanna hear you say her name ever again[01:44.82]Cause she's like, so whatever[01:50.15]And you can do so much better[02:19.54][02:34.25]In a second, you'll be wrapped around my finger[02:25.34][02:37.06]Cause I can, cause I can do it better[02:28.42]There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in?[02:31.32][02:39.98]She said 'Stupid, what the hell were you thinking?'[02:53.25]I could be your girlfriend No way, no way[03:05.20]I want to be your girlfriend No way, no way[03:16.76]I could be your girlfriend No way, no wayGirlfriend中文版歌词Hey Hey You You我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You我可能会是你的女朋友Hey Hey You You我知道你喜欢我No way No way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友You're so fineI want you mineYou're so deliciousI think bet you're all the timeSo addictiveDon't you knowWhat I can doTo make you feel alrightDon't pretendI think you knowI'm damn preciousHell YeahI'm the mother fucking princessI can tell you like me tooAnd you know I'm rightShe's like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that's what everyone's talking aboutHey Hey You You我不喜欢你的女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You我可能会是你女朋友Hey hey you you我知道你喜欢我No way No way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友I can see the waySee the wayYou look at meAnd even when you look awayI know you think of meI know you talk about me all the timeagain and againSo come over hereand tell me what I wanna hearBetter, yeah, make your girlfriend dissapearI don't wanna hear you say her nameever againShe's like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that's what everyone's talking aboutHey Hey You You我不喜欢你的女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You我可能会是你女朋友Hey Hey You You我知道你喜欢我No way No way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger'Cause I can, Cause I can do it betterThere're no other, so when's it gonna sink inShe's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger'Cause I can, Cause I can do it betterThere're no other, so when's it gonna sink inShe's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?Hey Hey You You我不喜欢你的女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey hey you you我可能会是你女朋友No way no wayHey hey you you我知道你喜欢我No way No way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友No way No wayHey Hey You You我不喜欢你女朋友No way No way你需要一个新的Hey Hey You You我可能会是你女朋友No way No wayHey Hey You You我知道你喜欢我No way no way这不是一个秘密Hey Hey You You我要当你的女朋友No way No wayHey Hey!END
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril LavigneI couldn't give a damn what you say to meI don't really care what you think of mecause either way you're gonna think what you believethere's nothing you could say that would hurt meI'm better off without you anywayI thought it would be hard but I'm okI don't need you if you're gonna be that waycause with me it's all or nothingBridge :I'm sick of this shitDon't denyYou're a waste of timeI'm sick of this shitDon't ask whyChorus :I hate you nowSo go away from meYou're gone, so longI can do betterI can do betterHey, hey youI found myself againThat's why, your goneI can do betterI can do betterYou're so full of shit更多更详尽歌词 在 I can't stand the way you actYou just can't comprehendI don't think that you can handle itI'm way over, over itI will drink as much Lemoncello as I canAnd I'll do it again and againI don't really care what you have to sayCause you know you know you're nothingBridge + ChorusWhat'd you say ?I told you soYou know thatCause I always knowGet outta my faceHey HeyYou're not my tasteHey HeyI am soSick of youYou're on my nervesI want to pukeGet outta my faceHey HeyYou're not my tasteHey HeyChorus (2x)[中译]艾薇儿【美丽坏东西】I Can Do Better 没你我更好我管你对我说什么我不在乎你对我有什么看法因为不管怎样你就是会朝你相信的方向想你说的话丝毫不会伤害到我反正没有你更好我以为会很痛苦但我好的很如果你那样的话我根本不需要你因为要跟我在ㄧ起就要全心全意我烦透了这种鸟事 别否认你只是在浪费我时间我烦透了这种鸟事 别问我为什么我讨厌你 快点离开我你玩完了 掰掰没有你我更好 没有你我更好嘿 嘿 你看 我又找回我自己了所以你出局了没有你更好 没有你我更好你真是够了 我受不了你的举动让我难以理解我不认为你可以好好处理我要喊卡了 喊卡了我爱喝多少柠檬酒随我高兴我要ㄧ次又ㄧ次这随心所欲我不在乎你要说什么因为你知道 你知道你根本没什么我烦透了这种鸟事 别否认你只是在浪费我时间我烦透了这种鸟事 别问我为什么我讨厌你 快点离开我你玩完了 掰掰没有你我更好 没有你我更好嘿 嘿 你看 我又找回我自己了所以你出局了没有你我更好 没有你我更好你说啥 我已经告诉过你了你心知肚明因为我ㄧ直很清楚从我面前消失吧 嘿嘿你不符合我品味 嘿嘿你让我烦透了你惹毛了我 我看你就想吐从我面前消失吧 嘿嘿你不符合我品味 嘿嘿我讨厌你 快点离开我你玩完了 掰掰没有你我更好 没有你我更好嘿 嘿 你看所以你出局了没有你我更好 没有你我更好我讨厌你 快点离开我你玩完了 掰掰没有你我更好 没有你我更好嘿 嘿 你看所以你出局了没有你我更好 没有你我更好更多更详尽歌词 在
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril Lavigne(Avril Lavigne, Lukasz Gottwald, Kara Dioguardi)Published by Avril Lavigne Publishing Ltd./Almo Music Corp. (ASCAP), Kasz Money Publishing/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing(ASCAP), K'Stuff Publishing (BMI) administered in the U.S. and Canada by Arthouse Entertainment, administered outside theU.S. and Canada by EMI Music Ltd.Got up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I'm gonna be really lateMy phone doesn't work cause it's out of rangeLooks like it's just one of those kind of daysYou can't kick me down I'm already on the groundNo you can't cause you couldn't catch me anyhowBlue skies but the sun isn't coming out noToday it's like I'm under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can't help myself, don't you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeah更多更详尽歌词 在 So So is how I'm doing if you're wonderingI'm in a fight with the world but I'm winningStay there come closer it's at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can't help myself, don't you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahRunaway Runaway……I just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeah[中译]艾薇儿 【美丽坏东西】第三首Runaway 逃得远远今天什么都不对开车开到撞车 我要迟到了手机也不能用因为收不到讯号看来是倒楣的ㄧ天你不能把我踢倒因为我已经倒在地上不,你不能,因为你怎样都不能命中天空是蓝的但太阳没有出来我的头上笼罩着厚厚的乌云但我感觉充满活力我无法克制自己,你了解吗我只想大叫抛开ㄧ切高举双手随他去忘掉ㄧ切逃的远远我只想放手豁出去放声大笑,笑到痛忘掉ㄧ切逃的远远如果你要问的话,我现在普普通通我正在和世界对抗但我占上了风停在那里或走近一点是你自己要冒的险耶,你知道生命有时很惨忍但我感觉充满活力我无法克制自己,你了解吗我只想大叫抛开ㄧ切高举双手随他去忘掉ㄧ切逃的远远我只想放手豁出去放声大笑,笑到痛忘掉ㄧ切逃的远远逃的远远...,逃的远远...我只想大叫抛开ㄧ切高举双手随他去忘掉ㄧ切逃的远远我只想放手豁出去放声大笑,笑到痛忘掉ㄧ切逃的远远--------------------------------------------------------Runaway(逃得远远)作词:Avril Lavigne
作曲:Avril LavigneGot up on the wrong side of life today yeah今天什么都不对Crashed the car and I'm gonna be really late开车开到撞车,我要迟到了My phone doesn't work cause it's out of range手机也不能用因为收不到讯号Looks like it's just one of those kind of days看来是倒楣的一天You can't kick me down I'm already on the ground你不能把我踢倒因为我已经倒在地上No you can't cause you couldn't catch me anyhow不,你不能,因为你怎样都不会命中Blue skies but the sun isn't coming out no天空是蓝的但太阳没出来Today it's like I'm under a heavy cloud我的头上笼罩着厚厚的乌云And I feel so alive但我感觉充满活力I can't help myself, don't you realize我无法克制自己,你了解吗I just wanna scream and lose control我只想大叫抛开一切Throw my hands up and let it go高举双手随他去Forget about everything and runaway yeah忘掉一切逃得远远I just wanna fall and lose myself我只想放手豁出去Laughing so hard it hurts like hell放声大笑,笑到痛Forget about everything and runaway yeah忘掉一切逃得远远So So is how I'm doing if you're wondering如果你要问的话,我现在普普通通I'm in a fight with the world but I'm winning我正在和世界对抗但我占了上风Stay there come closer it's at your own risk停在那里或走近一点,是你自己要冒的险Yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch耶,你知道生命有时很残忍But I feel so alive但我感觉充满活力I can't help myself, don't you realize我无法克制自己,你了解吗I just wanna scream and lose control我只想大叫抛开一切Throw my hands up and let it go高举双手随他去Forget about everything and runaway yeah忘掉一切逃得远远I just wanna fall and lose myself我只想放手豁出去Laughing so hard it hurts like hell放声大笑,笑到痛Forget about everything and runaway yeah忘掉一切逃得远远Runaway Runaway......逃得远远,逃得远远......I just wanna scream and lose control我只想大叫抛开一切Throw my hands up and let it go高举双手随他去Forget about everything and runaway yeah忘掉一切逃得远远I just wanna fall and lose myself我只想放手豁出去Laughing so hard it hurts like hell放声大笑,笑到痛Forget about everything and runaway忘掉一切逃得远远I just wanna scream and lose control我只想大叫抛开一切Throw my hands up and let it go高举双手随他去Forget about everything and runaway yeah忘掉一切逃得远远I just wanna fall and lose myself我只想放手豁出去Laughing so hard it hurts like hell放声大笑,笑到痛Forget about everything and runaway忘掉一切逃得远远更多更详尽歌词 在
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril LavigneLet me hear you say hey hey hey!Hey hey hey!Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!Hey hey ho!I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door,even though I told him yesterday and theday before...I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab and Ihave to put my money out and that looks bad!Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?My Cinderella story scene. When do you thinkthey'll finally see......(Chorus)That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of menever, like it or not even though she's a lot likeme....We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeahI'm a lot to handle, if you don't know, shove it,I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm adrama queen, I'm the best damn thing that youreyes have ever seen!All right, All right, yeah...I hate it when a guy doesn't understand why acertain time of month, I don't want to hold hishand, I hate it when they go out and we stayin, and they come home smelling like theirex-girlfriends...I found my hopes, I found my dreams.My Cinderella story scene. Now everybody'sgonna see.....(Chorus)That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of menever, like it or not even though she's a lot likeme....We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah更多更详尽歌词 在 I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm adrama queen, I'm the best damn thing that youreyes have ever seen!Give me an A!Always give me what I want!Give me a V!Be very, very good to me!R!Are you gonna treat me right?I!I can put up a fight!Give me an L!Let me hear you scream loud!Let me hear you scream loud!1..2..3..4...Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?My Cinderella story scene. When do you thinkthey'll finally see......(Chorus)That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of menever, like it or not even though she's a lot likeme....We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeahI'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm adrama queen, I'm the best damn thing that youreyes have ever seen!Let me hear you say hey hey hey!Hey hey hey!Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!Hey hey ho!Hey hey hey!Hey hey hey!Hey hey hey!I'm the best damn thing that your eyes haveever seen![00:00.00]The Best Damn Thing[00:03.32]Let me hear you say hey hey hey![00:05.50]Hey hey hey![00:07.25]Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho![00:11.24]Hey hey ho![00:12.76]I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door,[00:15.31]even though I told him yesterday and the[00:17.67]day before...[00:18.70]I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab and I[00:21.41]have to put my money out and that looks bad![00:24.32]Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?[00:27.37]My Cinderella story scene. When do you think[00:31.77]they'll finally see......[00:33.94][00:35.49]That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,[00:38.51]you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me[00:41.53]never, like it or not even though she's a lot like[00:44.05]me....[00:45.44]We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah[00:48.08]I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,[00:51.16]I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a[00:54.64]drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your[00:57.86]eyes have ever seen![01:00.31]All right, All right, yeah...[01:04.27]I hate it when a guy doesn't understand why a[01:08.01]certain time of month, I don't want to hold his[01:11.31]hand, I hate it when they go out and we stay[01:13.31]in, and they come home smelling like their[01:15.38]ex-girlfriends...[01:16.86]I found my hopes, I found my dreams.[01:19.93]My Cinderella story scene. Now everybody's[01:24.41]gonna see......[01:26.91]That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,[01:31.02]you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me[01:33.32]never, like it or not even though she's a lot like[01:37.00]me.....[01:38.02]We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah[01:40.64]I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,[01:43.71]I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a[01:46.77]drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your[01:50.29]eyes have ever seen![01:51.65]Give me an A![01:52.86]Always give me what I want![01:54.15]Give me a V![01:55.52]Be very, very good to me![01:56.93]R![01:58.90]Are you gonna treat me right?[02:00.21]I![02:01.55]I can put up a fight![02:02.90]Give me an L![02:04.23]Let me hear you scream loud![02:05.88]Let me hear you scream loud!.[02:07.40]1..2..3..4...[02:08.85]Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?[02:12.27]My Cinderella story scene. When do you think[02:16.45]they'll finally see.......[02:18.72][02:20.16]That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,[02:23.28]you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me[02:25.95]never, like it or not even though she's a lot like[02:29.19]me....[02:30.04]We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah[02:32.92]I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,[02:36.07]I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a[02:39.31]drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your.[02:42.32]eyes have ever seen![02:44.53]Let me hear you say hey hey hey![02:48.00]Hey hey hey![02:50.01]Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho![02:53.80]Hey hey ho![02:56.71]Hey hey hey![02:59.36]Hey hey hey![03:02.22]Hey hey hey![03:03.90]I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have[03:05.83]ever seen![中译]艾薇儿【美丽坏东西】第四首 The Best Damn Thing 酷到爆让我听你们喊嘿嘿嘿好,现在让我听你们喊嘿嘿?我讨厌男生不帮女生开门更何况昨天前天我都跟他说过我讨厌男生不付钱我得自己掏腰包变成难看的场面希望在哪里,梦想在哪里我的灰姑娘美梦你觉得他何时才会了解你不会不会不会有任何改进你不能不能不能把我抹去,决不不管你愿不愿意,即时她很像我我们就是不同耶耶耶,我很难对付你没碰过麻烦但我就是麻烦制造中心我是目光焦点我是小事化大的高手我是你前所未见酷到爆的正妹好阿,好阿,耶我讨厌男生不了解为何一个月有几天我不想牵他的手我讨厌他们出去没有我跟着结果他们回来身上都带着前女友的味道但我找到了希望找到了梦想找到了我的灰姑娘美梦现在大家都要看到你不会不会不会有任何改进你不能不能不能把我抹去,决不不管你愿不愿意,即时她很像我我们就是不同耶耶耶,我很难对付你没碰过麻烦但我就是麻烦制造中心我是目光焦点我是小事化大的高手我是你前所未见酷到爆的正妹来个A,永远要达到我的要求来个V,对我要非常非常好R,你会好好对我吗I,我可以跟你对抗来个L,让我听到你们大声叫1,2,3,4希望在哪里,梦想在哪里我的灰姑娘美梦你觉得他们何时才会了解你不会不会不会有任何改进你不能不能不能把我抹去,决不不管你愿不愿意,即时她很像我我们就是不同耶耶耶,我很难对付你没碰过麻烦但我就是麻烦制造中心我是目光焦点我是小事化大的高手我是你前所未见酷到爆的正妹让我听你们喊嘿嘿嘿好,现在让我听你们喊嘿嘿?我是你前所未见酷到爆的正妹
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril LavigneI always needed time on my ownI never thought I'd need you there when I cryAnd the days feel like years when I'm aloneAnd the bed where you lieis made up on your sideWhen you walk awayI count the steps that you takeDo you see how much I need you right now?When you're goneThe pieces of my heart are missing youWhen you're goneThe face I came to know is missing tooWhen you're goneThe words I need to hear to always get me through the dayAnd make it OKI miss youI've never felt this way beforeEverything that I doreminds me of youAnd the clothes you leftare lying on the floorAnd they smell just like youI love the things that you doWhen you walk awayI count the steps that you takeDo you see how much I need you right now?When you're goneThe pieces of my heart are missing youWhen you're goneThe face I came to know is missing tooWhen you're goneThe words I need to hear to always get me through the dayAnd make it OKI miss youWe were made for each otherOut here foreverI know we wereYeah~~~~~~All I ever wanted was for you to knowEverything I do I give my heart and soulI can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with meYeah~~~~~~When you're goneThe pieces of my heart are missing youWhen you're goneThe face I came to know is missing tooWhen you're goneThe words I need to hear will always get me through the day更多更详尽歌词 在 And make it OKI miss you我一向需要独处的空间我没想到哭泣时 会需要你在旁边我孤独一人度日如年你平常睡的那一边 已帮你铺好了床当你离开时 我细数着你的每一脚步你知道我现在有多需要你吗从你离开后我片片心思全系着你从你离开后眼前的脸孔我都视若无睹从你离开后我渴望听你说的话 伴我渡过漫漫长日支撑着我我真的好想你我从没有过这样的感觉不管做什么都让我想到你你丢在地上的衣服还留着你的味道我好爱你做的每一件事当你离开时 我细数着你的每一脚步你知道我现在有多需要你吗从你离开后我片片心思全系着你从你离开后眼前的脸孔我都视若无睹从你离开后我渴望听你说的话 伴我渡过漫漫长日支撑着我我真的好想你我们原来注定要在一起永永远远我知道我们可以我只想要让你知道我所做的一切都付出了真心我几乎无法呼吸 我需要你在这里从你离开后我片片心思全系着你从你离开后眼前的脸孔我都视若无睹从你离开后我渴望听你说的话 伴我渡过漫漫长日支撑着我我真的好想你[00:00.00]Avril Lavigne[00:09.36]When You're Gone[00:16.95]I always needed time on my own[00:21.88]I never thought I'd need you there when I cry[00:30.02]And the days feel like years when I'm alone[00:35.24]And the bed where you lie is made up on your side[00:43.52]When you walk away I count the steps that you take[00:50.15]Do you see how much I need you right now[00:56.46]When you're gone[00:59.07]The pieces of my heart are missing you[01:02.98]When you're gone[01:05.68]The face I came to know is missing too[01:09.66]When you're gone[01:11.69]The words I need to hear to always get me through the day[01:19.29]and make it ok[01:23.37]I miss you[01:27.08][01:37.94]I've never felt this way before[01:42.65]Everything that I do reminds me of you[01:51.33]And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor[01:56.23]And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do[02:04.72]When you walk away I count the steps that you take[02:11.42]Do you see how much I need you right now[02:17.84]When you're gone[02:20.16]The pieces of my heart are missing you[02:24.02]When you're gone[02:26.39]The face I came to know is missing too[02:30.75]When you're gone[02:32.86]The words I need to hear to always get me through the day[02:40.34]and make it ok[02:43.84]I miss you[02:46.47]We were made for each other[02:50.56]Out here forever[02:53.91]I know we were, yeah[02:59.42]All I ever wanted was for you to know[03:02.49]Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul[03:05.99]I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah[03:11.90]When you're gone[03:14.23]The pieces of my heart are missing you[03:18.00]When you're gone[03:20.90]The face I came to know is missing too[03:24.82]When you're gone[03:26.90]The words I need to hear to always get me through the day[03:34.65]and make it ok[03:38.51]I miss you[03:47.14][04:00.00] 感谢 书书
提供歌词 感谢 书书
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril LavigneToday was the worst day, I went through hellI wish I could remove it from my mindTwo months away from you but I couldn't tellI thought that everything was gonna be just fine更多更详尽歌词 在 The postcard that you wrote with the stupid little noteSomething wasn't quite right about itSmelled like cheap perfume and it didn't smell like youThere is no way you can get around itbecause you wrote[Chorus]I wish you were herYou left out the “E”You left without meAnd now you're somewhere out there with aBitch, slut, psychopath I hate you why are guys so lameEverything I gave you I want everything back but youMy friends tried to tell me all alongThat you weren't the right one for meMy friends tried to tell me to be strongI bet you didn't think that I would seeThe postcard that you wrote with the stupid little noteSomething wasn't quite right about itI wanna see you cry like I did a thousand timesNow you're losing me, you're losing me nowbecause you wrote[Chorus]The postcard that you wrote with the stupid little noteSomething wasn't quite right about itSmelled like cheap perfume and it didn't smell like youThere is no way you can get around itbecause you wrote[Chorus]I wish you were herYou left out the “E”You left without meEverything back but youI wish you were herYou left out the “E”You left without meEverything back but you[中译]艾薇儿【美丽坏东西】第六首 Everything Back But You 不要你回来今天是我最衰的ㄧ天真希望能把今天从脑海中抹去两个月没见你但我也搞不清楚我以为一切都会没事你写的明信片有些蠢讯息看起来不太对劲上面还有廉价香水的味道而且不像你的气息你不可能找到借口因为你写着我希望妳是她你丢下我走掉你丢下我走掉现在你在某个地方和某个花痴在一起讨厌你,为什么男生都这么烂什么都回来但不要你回来我朋友ㄧ直告诫我说你根本不适合我我朋友劝我要坚强我想你以为我永远会蒙在鼓里你写的明信片有些蠢讯息看起来不太对劲我要看到你流泪就像你害我哭了几千遍现在你要失去我了你要失去我了因为你写着我希望妳是她你丢下我走掉你丢下我走掉现在你在某个地方和某个花痴在一起讨厌你,为什么男生都这么烂什么都回来但不要你回来你写的明信片有些蠢讯息看起来不太对劲上面还有廉价的香水味道而且不像你的气息你不可能找到借口因为你写着我希望妳是她你丢下我走掉你丢下我走掉现在你在某个地方和某个花痴在一起讨厌你,为什么男生都这么烂什么都回来但不要你回来我希望妳是她你丢下我走掉你丢下我走掉什么都回来但不要你回来我希望妳是她你丢下我走掉你丢下我走掉什么都回来但不要你回来更多更详尽歌词 在
()You're so good to me Baby BabyI wanna lock you up in my closet, when no one's aroundI wanna put your hand in my pocket, because you're allowedI wanna drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a soundI wanna stay this way forever, I'll say it loudNow you're in and you can't get outYou make me so hotMake me wanna dropYou're so ridiculousI can barely stopI can hardly breatheYou make me wanna screamYou're so fabulousYou're so good to me Baby BabyYou're so good to me Baby BabyI can make you feel all better, just take it inAnd I can show you all the places, you've never beenAnd I can make you say everything, that you never saidAnd I will let you do anything, again and againNow you're in and you can't get outYou make me so hotMake me wanna dropYou're so ridiculousI can barely stopI can hardly breatheYou make me wanna screamYou're so fabulous更多更详尽歌词 在 You're so good to me Baby BabyYou're so good to me Baby BabyKiss me gentlyAlways I knowHold me love meDon't ever goYou make me so hotMake me wanna dropYou're so ridiculousI can barely stopI can hardly breatheYou make me wanna screamYou're so fabulousYou're so good to meYou make me so hotMake me wanna dropYou're so ridiculousI can barely stopI can hardly breatheYou make me wanna screamYou're so fabulousYou're so good to me Baby BabyYou're so good to me Baby BabyYou're so good[ti:Hot][ar:Avril Lavigne][al:The Best Damn Thing][by:cawaii粉红][00:13.34]【cawaii粉红提供】http://tw./clubs/---cawaii_comicGirls_party----[00:07.18]Album:The Best Damn Thing[03:15.91][00:01.55]Avril Lavigne-Hot[00:01.10][00:17.51]I want to lock you up in my closet,[00:20.73]where no one's around[00:23.62]I want to put your hand in my pocket,[00:27.36]because you're allowed[00:30.54]I want to drive you into the corner,[00:33.95]and kiss you without a sound[00:37.14]I want to stay this way forever,[00:40.30]I'll say it loud[00:43.08]Now you're in[00:45.11]and you can't get out[00:46.82][00:47.01]You make me so hot[00:48.48]Make me wanna drop[00:50.11]You're so ridiculous[00:51.76]I can barely stop[00:53.35]I can hardly breathe[00:55.02]You make me wanna scream[00:56.65]You're so fabulous[00:58.45]You're so good to me[01:00.63]Baby Baby[01:03.76]You're so good to me[01:07.20]Baby Baby[01:10.42][01:12.95]I can make you feel all better,[01:16.88]just take it in[01:20.33]And I can show you all the places,[01:23.79]you've never been[01:26.95]And I can make you say everything,[01:30.30]that you never said[01:33.49]And I will let you do anything,[01:36.88]again and again[01:39.17]Now you're in[01:41.26]and you can't get out[01:43.01][01:43.26]You make me so hot[01:44.74]Make me wanna drop[01:46.35]You're so ridiculous[01:47.92]I can barely stop[01:49.58]I can hardly breathe[01:51.20]You make me wanna scream[01:52.85]You're so fabulous[01:54.70]You're so good to me Baby Baby[02:00.28]You're so good to me[02:03.47]Baby Baby[02:06.72][02:09.47]Kiss me gently[02:12.63]Always I know[02:15.91]Hold me love me[02:19.60]Don't ever go[02:23.41][02:34.50]You make me so hot[02:36.04]Make me wanna drop[02:37.59]You're so ridiculous[02:39.22]I can barely stop[02:40.91]I can hardly breathe[02:42.60]You make me wanna scream[02:44.44]You're so fabulous[02:45.91]You're so good to me[02:47.63][02:47.78]You make me so hot[02:49.16]Make me wanna drop[02:50.81]You're so ridiculous[02:52.47]I can barely stop[02:54.13]I can hardly breathe[02:55.79]You make me wanna scream[02:57.47]You're so fabulous[02:59.13]You're so good to me[03:01.25]Baby Baby[03:04.85]You're so good to me[03:07.86]Baby Baby[03:11.53][03:11.69]You're so good[03:14.17][中译]艾薇儿【美丽坏东西】第七首Hot 火力全开你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝我想把你锁在衣橱里,这样就没有人会打扰我想把你的手插在我的口袋里,因为你可以我想载你到街角,安静的吻你我想要留住这一刻到永远,我要大声宣布你已经走进我的心无法再走出我的热情 对你火力全开让我想放手坠落你好特别我无法停止我难以喘息你让我好想放声大叫你好棒你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝我可以让你感觉更好,请接受我的爱我可以让你知道我的全部,你从没看过的地方我可以让你说出一切你从没说过的话语我会让你做任何事情,ㄧ次又ㄧ次你已经走进我的心无法再走出我的热情 对你火力全开让我想放手坠落你好特别我无法停止我难以喘息你让我好想放声大叫你好棒你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝温柔地吻我我知道这会永远拥抱我,爱我别离开我我的热情 对你火力全开让我想放手坠落你好特别我无法停止我难以喘息你让我好想放声大叫你好棒你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝我的热情 对你火力全开让我想放手坠落你好特别我无法停止我难以喘息你让我好想放声大叫你好棒你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝你对我好好,宝贝,宝贝你好好
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril Lavigne(Avril Lavigne, Evan Taubenfeld)Published by Avril Lavigne Publishing Ltd./Almo Music Corp. (ASCAP), Big Evil Music Co./EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP)Waking up I see that everything is okThe first time in my life and now it's so greatSlowing down I look around and I am so amazedI think about the little things that make life greatI wouldn't change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stayThis moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you nowAnd I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you byI found a place so safe, not a single tearThe first time in my life and now it's so clearFeel calm I belong, I'm so happy hereIt's so strong and now I let myself be sincereI wouldn't change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stayThis moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now更多更详尽歌词 在 And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you byIt's the state of bliss you think you're dreamingIt's the happiness inside that you're feelingIt's so beautiful it makes you wanna cryIt's the state of bliss you think you're dreamingIt's the happiness inside that you're feelingIt's so beautiful it makes you wanna cryIt's so beautiful it makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliance, please don't go awayCause I need you nowAnd I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you byThis innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stayThis moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you nowAnd I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by[中译]纯真起床后我发现每件事都很好在我生命中第一次且现在一切都很棒我放慢脚步并看看周遭而我是感到如此惊奇我认为小事情就能让生命丰富我不会改变这点这是最棒的感受纯真是美好的, 我希望永远保持下去这个时刻是完美的, 请不要走开, 我需要你我会坚持下去, 你也不要错过它我发现一个安全的地方, 没有一滴泪在我生命中第一次且非常清楚感到属于我的平静, 我很高兴在此感觉如此强烈, 我让自己变得真诚我不会改变这点这是最棒的感受纯真是美好的, 我希望永远保持下去这个时刻是完美的, 请不要走开, 此刻我需要你我会坚持下去, 你也不要错过它这是个极乐的状况而你以为自己在作梦你感到内心的快乐它是如此美丽让你想哭泣这是个极乐的状况而你以为自己在作梦你感觉到内心的快乐它是如此美丽让你想哭泣它是如此美丽让你想哭泣纯真是美好的, 好到让你想哭纯真是美好的, 请不要走开因为此刻我需要你我会坚持下去, 你也不要错过它纯真是美好的, 我希望永远保持下去这个时刻是完美的, 请不要走开, 我需要你我会坚持下去, 你也不要错过它[ti:Innocence][ar:Avril Lavigne][al:The Best Damn Thing][by:cawaii粉红][00:00.98]Avril Lavigne-Innocence[00:03.32]Album:The Best Damn Thing[00:05.81]【cawaii粉红提供】[00:06.00]http://tw./clubs/---cawaii_comicGirls_party----[00:07.20][00:08.25]Waking up I see that everything is ok[00:11.20]The first time in my life[00:13.33]and now it's so great[00:14.77]Slowing down I look around[00:16.80]and I am so amazed[00:18.49]I think about the little things[00:20.78]that make life great[00:23.09]I wouldn't change a thing about it[00:29.10]This is the best feeling[00:33.94][00:35.90]This innocence is brilliant[00:40.44]I hope that it will stay[00:43.22]This moment is perfect[00:47.25]please don't go away[00:50.22]I need you now[00:55.65]And I'll hold on to it[00:59.49]don't you let it pass you by[01:04.04][01:10.18]I found a place so safe[01:12.31]not a single tear[01:13.88]The first time in my life[01:15.88]and now it's so clear[01:17.47]Feel calm I belong[01:19.38]I'm so happy here[01:20.92]It's so strong[01:21.98]and now I let myself be sincere[01:25.76]I wouldn't change a thing about it[01:30.64]This is the best feeling[01:37.12][01:38.42]This innocence is brilliant[01:43.08]I hope that it will stay[01:45.61]This moment is perfect[01:49.77]please don't go away[01:52.42]I need you now[01:58.26]And I'll hold on to it[02:02.09]don't you let it pass you by[02:06.48]It's the state of bliss you think[02:07.79]you're dreaming[02:09.34]It's the happiness inside[02:11.10]that you're feeling[02:12.48]It's so beautiful[02:14.26]it makes you wanna cry[02:17.16][02:19.32]It's the state of bliss you think[02:21.33]you're dreaming[02:22.93]It's the happiness inside[02:24.74]that you're feeling[02:26.31]It's so beautiful[02:27.93]it makes you wanna cry[02:32.36][02:33.27]It's so beautiful[02:34.80]it makes you want to cry[02:37.56]This innocence is brilliant[02:41.06]it makes you want to cry[02:43.74]This innocence is brilliance[02:47.86]please don't go away[02:50.74]Cause I need you now[02:56.25]And I'll hold on to it[03:00.34]don't you let it pass you by[03:04.61]This innocence is brilliant[03:07.80]I hope that it will stay[03:11.18]This moment is perfect[03:14.52]please don't go away[03:18.02]I need you now[03:23.65]And I'll hold on to it[03:27.63]don't you let it pass you by[03:32.59]
()作词:avril作曲:avril(Avril Lavigne, Lukasz Gottwald)Published by Avril Lavigne Publishing Ltd./Almo Music Corp. (ASCAP), Kasz Money Publishing/Kobalt Songs Music Publishing(ASCAP)I'm the one I'm the one who knows the danceI'm the one I'm the one who's got the pranceI'm the one I'm the one who wears the pantsI wear the pantsI'm the one who tells you what to doYou're the one you're the one if I let youI'm the one I'm the one who wears the pantsI wear the pantsHey You follow meI'll take the lead can't you seeDon't you question meYou just do what I sayI don't care what you're sayingI don't care what you're thinkingI don't care about anythingGet ready get ready cause I'm happeningI don't care what you're sayingI don't care what you're thinkingI don't care about anythingGet ready get ready cause I'm on the sceneI don't have to tryTo make you realizeAnything I wanna doAnything I'm gonna do更多更详尽歌词 在 Anything I wanna do I doAnd I don't have to tryDon't you disagreeCause you knowIt's all about meBe at my beck and callI'm a know it allAnd it's all your faultI don't care what you're sayingI don't care what you're thinkingI don't care about anythingGet ready get ready cause I'm happeningI don't care what you're sayingI don't care what you're thinkingI don't care about anythingGet ready get ready cause I'm on the sceneI don't have to tryTo make you realizeAnything I wanna doAnything I'm gonna doAnything I wanna do I doAnd I don't have to tryI don't have to tryTo make you realizeAnything I wanna doAnything I'm gonna doAnything I wanna do I doAnd I don't have to try[中译]试都不用试我是我是知道怎么动作的人我是我是昂然自信的人我是我是掌控一切的人我掌控一切我是告诉你要怎么做的人你是你是要听我命令的人我是我是掌控一切的人我掌控一切嘿!你!跟着我我是领导者你不明白吗不准对我有疑问照我说的就对了我不在乎你说什么我不在乎你怎么想我不在乎任何事准备好准备好因为我要大展身手我不在乎你说什么我不在乎你怎么想我不在乎任何事准备好准备好因为我要上台了我试都不用试不用试着让你了解任何我想做的事任何我要做的事任何我想做的是我就做我试都不用试不准反对因为你知道我是最重要的听我的使唤我什么都知道一切都是你的错我不在乎你说什么我不在乎你怎么想我不在乎任何事准备好准备好因为我要大展身手我不在乎你说什么我不在乎你怎么想我不在乎任何事准备好准备好因为我要上台了我试都不用试不用试着让你了解任何我想做的事任何我要做的事任何我想做的是我就做我试都不用试
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril LavigneLa la la, la la la laI know your kind of girlYou only care about one thingWho you've seen or where you've beenWho's got money更多更详尽歌词 在 I see that look in your eyesIt tells a million liesBut deep inside I know whyYou're talking to himI know what you're all aboutI really hope he figures it out[Chorus]She's one of those girlsThey're nothing but troubleJust one look and now you're seeing doubleBefore you know it she'll be goneOff to the next oneShe's so good that you won't see it comingShe'll take you for a ride and you'll be left with nothingYou'll be broke and she'll be goneOff to the next oneOh oh ohOff to the next oneOh oh yeah yeah oh ohShe's gonna be the end of youAt least that's what they sayIt's been a while, you're in denialAnd now it's too lateThe way she looks makes you hideAll the warning signsCus her blonde hair, her blue eyesMakes you wanna dieI know what she's all aboutI really hope you figure it out[Chorus]You know it's a game, you know it's a gameShe keeps playing around with your head, playing around with your headShe's so insane, so insaneShe's the one to blame, she's the one to blame[Chorus]Oh oh ohOff to the next oneOh oh yeah yeahOff to the next one[中译]假面女孩我知道妳们这种女生妳们只关心无聊事妳们看到谁或是妳们去了哪里还有谁有钱我看到妳们的眼神透露出几百万种谎言但在内心深处我知道妳为何要找他说话我知道妳的企图我真的希望他能看穿她是那种女孩 只是个大麻烦只要看一眼 现在你看到的是假面在你搞清楚前她就跑了跑到下一个目标身边她太棒了 棒到让你看不清楚她会带你兜风然后把你掏空你会破产 她会扬长而去跑到下个目标身边她会终结你的人生至少那是他们的说法经过一阵子 你被踢开现在太迟了她的美貌让你神婚颠倒忽略所有警讯因为她的金发 她的碧眼都让你迷到死去活来我知道妳的企图我真的希望他能看穿她是那种女孩 只是个大麻烦只要看一眼 现在你看到的是假面在你搞清楚前她就跑了跑到下一个目标身边她太棒了 棒到让你看不清楚她会带你兜风然后把你掏空你会破产 她会扬长而去跑到下个目标身边你知道这是场游戏 你知道这是场游戏她不断玩弄你的脑袋不断玩弄你的脑袋她很疯狂 很疯狂她是闯祸的人她是闯祸的人她是那种女孩 只是个大麻烦只要看一眼 现在你看到的是假面在你搞清楚前她就跑了跑到下一个目标身边她太棒了 棒到让你看不清楚她会带你兜风然后把你掏空你会破产 她会扬长而去跑到下个目标身边跑到下个目标身边....
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril Lavigne(Avril Lavigne, Evan Taubenfeld)Published by Avril Lavigne Publishing Ltd./Almo Music Corp. (ASCAP), Big Evil Music Co./EMI April Music, Inc. (ASCAP)Uh oh Uh ohWhen you're around I don't know what to doI do not think that I can waitTo go over and to talk to youI do not know what I should sayAnd I walk out in silenceThat's when I start to realizeWhat you bring to my lifeDamn this guy can make me cryIt's so contagiousI cannot get it out of my mindIt's so outrageousYou make me feel so high all the timeThey all say that you're no good for meBut I'm too close to turn around更多更详尽歌词 在 I'll show them they don't know anythingI think I've got you figured outSo I walk out in silenceThat's when I start to realizeWhat you bring to my lifeDamn this guy can make me smileIt's so contagiousI cannot get it out of my mindIt's so outrageousYou make me feel so highI will give you everythingI will treat you rightIf you just give me a chanceI can prove I'm rightIt's so contagiousI cannot get it out of my mindIt's so outrageousYou make me feel so high…[ti:Contagious][ar:Avril Lavigne][al:The Best Damn Thing][by:][00:00.00]Avril Lavigne-Contagious[00:00.50]Album:The Best Damn Thing[00:01.00]【cawaii粉红制作】[00:01.20]http://tw./clubs/---cawaii_comicGirls_party----[00:01.44][00:02.38]Uh oh Uh oh[00:06.75]When you're around[00:07.70]I don't know what to do[00:09.70]I do not think that I can wait[00:12.86]To go over and to talk to you[00:15.57]I do not know what I should say[00:17.44][00:18.18]So I walk out in silence[00:21.36]That's when I start to realize[00:23.92]What you bring to my life[00:27.73]Damn this guy can make me cry[00:30.95]It's so contagious[00:33.73]I cannot get it out of my mind[00:36.70]It's so outrageous[00:39.69]You make me feel so high all the time[00:44.95][00:51.33]They all say that you're no good for me[00:53.84]But I'm too close to turn around[00:56.86]I'll show them they don't know anything[00:59.74]I think I've got you figured out[01:02.17]So I walk out in silence[01:05.55]That's when I start to realize[01:07.99]What you bring to my life[01:11.74]Damn this guy can make me smile[01:14.83]It's so contagious[01:17.68]I cannot get it out of my mind[01:20.72]It's so outrageous[01:23.77]You make me feel so high[01:27.80][01:28.64]I will give you everything[01:31.52]I will treat you right[01:34.40]If you just give me a chance[01:38.02]I can prove I'm right[01:40.96]It's so contagious[01:43.52]I cannot get it out of my mind[01:46.49]It's so outrageous[01:49.52]You make me feel so high[01:53.67][01:54.35]It's so contagious[01:57.21]I cannot get it out of my mind[02:00.18]It's so outrageous[02:03.34]You make me feel so high[02:07.32]All the time[02:08.31]
()作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Avril LavigneYou're not aloneTogether we standI'll be by your sideYou know I'll take your handWhen it gets coldAnd it feels like the endThere's no place to goYou know I won't give inno I won't give inKeep holdin' on'Cause you know we'll make it throughWe'll make it throughJust, stay strong'Cause you know I'm here for youI'm here for youThere's nothing you can say (nothin' you can say)Nothing you can do (nothin' you can do)there's no other way when it comes to the truthSo, keep holding on'Cause you know we'll make it throughWe'll make it throughSo far awayI wish you were hereBefore it's too lateThis could all disappearBefore the doors closeAnd it comes to an endWith you by my sideI will fight and defend (ah ah)I'll fight and defend (ah ah) yeah yeahKeep holdin' on'Cause you know we'll make it throughWe'll make it throughJust, stay strong'Cause you know I'm here for youI'm here for youThere's nothing you can sayNothing you can sayNothing you can donothing you can doThere's no other way when it comes to the truth更多更详尽歌词 在 So, keep holding on'Cause you know we'll make it throughWe'll make it throughHear me when I sayWhen I say I believeNothing's gonna changeNothing's gonna change trust in meWhatever's meant to beWill work out perfectlyYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....La da da da, la da da da daLa da da da da da da da daKeep holdin' on'Cause you know we'll make it throughWe'll make it throughJust stay strong'Cause you know I'm here for youI'm here for youThere's nothing you can saynothing you can sayNothing you can donothing you can doThere's no other way when it comes to the truthSo, keep holding on'Cause you know we'll make it throughWe'll make it throughAhh, ahhAhh, ahhKeep holdin' onAhh, ahhAhh, ahhKeep holdin' onThere's nothing you could sayNothing you could saynothin you could donothing you could doThere's no other way when it comes to the truthSo, keep holding on'Cause you know we'll make it throughWe'll make it through


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