一首好听的英文歌曲女声 女声略带沙哑 歌词里应该有it find could my life

现在结婚开始用的一首女声唱的英文歌-55BBS 我爱购物网
我会爱你的[威尼斯恋人里面比较经典的]希望与怨恨[传闻中的七公主插曲]只有一个人 [传闻中的七公主主题曲]只要有你(韩国电视精彩的一天)是泪吧 (韩国电视精彩的一天)Never Say Goodbye(我的女孩主题曲)爱上鲨鱼的人鱼(我的女孩插曲)命运 (浪漫满屋主题曲 )i think i你现在 (浪漫满屋插曲)(我叫金三顺)主题曲韩国美妙人生主题曲韩剧《魔女幼熙》主题曲韩剧(对不起,我爱你!)结婚 朴惠京最好听的英文歌曲推荐这几首i colud be the one加州旅馆big big
song泰坦尼克号主题曲我心永恒----比较好听的中文歌曲-------------如果爱上了别人[特别好听,也是很少有人知道的]活埋[比较动听]七月七日晴 [昨天在商场无意听见的,推荐给你]亲爱的姑娘我爱你[近来一首大江南北流行的歌曲]茶汤[邰正宵不错的新歌,方文山作词]我很好[田欣演唱,我要变成硬柿子的插曲]我们是恋爱的人[田欣演唱,我要变成硬柿子的插曲]原谅我一次 [欢子最近不错的歌,旋律非常不错]我想找个女朋友[一首非常不错的网络歌曲,符合大多数男人的心境]莫失莫忘 女声 [一首很不错的铃声,仙剑奇侠传插曲辑]爱上怎样的人 [曹颖最好听的一首歌曲,个人觉得,其他的就不怎么行了]一眼万年[SHE比较伤感和动听的歌曲]天上掉下个林妹妹[江凯文演唱的,比较有中国风的感觉]仙剑问情[电视剧仙剑里的,估计也是很少人知道]醉清风 [弦子非常不错的歌曲,感觉没得说了,听下就知道了]你最近还好吗?[SHE比较不错的歌曲]天灰[SHE比较不错的歌曲]棉花糖 [旋律优美]如果那天没有遇见你[安以轩的,你绝对没听见过的好歌]确定一定以及肯定 [很不错而且动听的歌曲,多听几遍就好听了]西厢 [被称为大陆周杰伦很不错的歌曲,歌词 曲调都是没得说的]浪漫爱 [江语晨比较好听的歌曲,周杰伦作曲]我的主题曲[江语晨比较不错的歌曲,周杰伦作曲]不是因为寂寞才想你-FIR不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我-FIR千年泪[旋律非常不错,是TANK比较不错的一首歌曲]专属天使[TANK不错的一首歌]人鱼的眼泪[南拳妈妈很伤感的歌曲]潘阳 - 大道理[被世人遗忘的好歌]潘阳 - 菊[被无知的世人遗忘的好歌]谢谢你的温柔[飞轮海与SHE很不错的歌曲]只对你有感觉[飞轮海与SHE很不错的歌曲]新窝[飞轮海与SHE很不错的歌曲]依然在一起[马天宇不错的歌曲]稻香[亲爱的杰伦的好歌]给我一首歌的时间爱上别人的人[郑源不错的歌]我和草原有个约定[凤凰传奇很不错的歌曲]亲爱的你在哪里[比较深情和动听]你一定要幸福 [何洁比较不错的一首歌曲]驼羔之歌 [蒙古女孩唱的,基本上我敢肯定,是被音乐界不被发现的好歌]你是我一生最爱的人[最好是女声版的]断了思念[比较深情]曾经最美[又一伤感歌曲]甜蜜蜜-麻吉弟弟[特殊的声音,估计很少人知道]期待 -张敬轩[最受欢迎的国语歌曲]韩晶 --谢谢你 [听得饭都不想吃了,强烈推荐下,别人也很少知道]童丽 - 又见雨夜花 - 梦江南[不被人发现的,但特别好听]握不住的她[声音特别好听]靠近一点点---------下面是经典情歌对唱---------小酒窝 [情歌合唱经典]现代爱情故事[情歌合唱经典]不得不爱 [情歌合唱经典]快乐崇拜 [情歌合唱经典]爱得正好[成龙影片中的经典插区]美丽的神话[情歌合唱经典]只要有你[情歌合唱经典]有情人终成眷属[情歌合唱经典]幸福恋人[情歌合唱经典]爱的主旋律[情歌中的经典]别让情两难[情歌中的经典]当爱不在身边[情歌中的经典]明明很爱你[情歌中的经典]分开旅行[情歌中的经典]----------比较好听的网络歌曲-----等一分钟擦肩而过全世界最伤心的人做我老婆好不好分手那天今生最爱得到你的人却得不到你的心爱上你是一个错最后一次的温柔你的选择
婚礼背景音乐,中文备选歌一. 迎宾时可选歌曲:1. 成长烦恼(新郎新娘成长中每个时期的照片及婚纱照视频文件)循环播放!!!宾客大都是是看着我们长大的亲朋好友!让宾客在等席时觉得不那么闷!二.准备进场时2. 走上红毯那一天(彭佳慧)3. 嘉士伯啤酒广告歌曲(happy together)4. 东京爱情故事5. pretty boy(漂亮男孩)三.新人入场6.婚礼进行曲(瓦格纳钢琴曲) 四. 交换婚戒:7. 王菲-我愿意8. 杜德伟-跟着我一辈子9.永远你是我最深爱的女人-永邦五.证婚人发言10 爱情宣言-齐秦11我用生命爱你-柯以敏.王力宏六.向父母献礼12. 烛光里的妈妈 (可连续播放)七.家长代表致辞13再次播放第一个《成长烦恼视频文件》(我们在父母的教育培养下漫漫长大成人,今天我们结婚了)八.感谢父母仪式用了三个不同版本的(月亮代表我的心)循环播放,它们是.邓大姐的(月亮代表我的心)15.陶吉吉的(月亮代表谁的心)16.杨坤的(月亮可以代表我的心)九.香摈仪式17.水晶--任贤齐+徐怀钰18最浪漫的事-赵咏华十.切蛋糕仪式19.出嫁―张清芳20花好月圆--任贤齐+杨千桦 十一.敬酒21 甜蜜蜜(邓丽君)22喜欢两个人(彭佳慧)23有一点动心(张信哲, 刘嘉玲) 24恋爱频率(许慧欣,许志安 )25制造浪漫(陈慧琳,郑中基)26真的想你(杜德伟,顺子) (宇多田光)28意犹未尽(苏永康, 李彩桦)29.你最珍贵(张学友, 高慧君) 30你是我心底的烙印―梅花三弄(钟镇涛, 章容舫)其余可重复播放所有歌曲:Savage darden的《Turly Madly Deeply》《I Kne Loved You》梁山伯与茱丽叶。。我的婚纱照DVD,用的是1 卫兰的《两个人的烟火》 英文的,很耐听2 张学友的 《接近》 和陈慧娴合唱的,耐听3 许慧欣的 《幸福的味道》 比较欢快另外还有一首许志安和许慧欣合唱的 《爱情频率》,也不错,很欢快建议lz先听听,我特别喜欢《两个人的烟火》和《接近》那种,淡淡的幸福的喜悦,尤其让人回味尤其当卫兰唱到“oh baby baby baby ......”时,感觉好像真的所有的爱都只剩下不断反复的一句“爱你”。love paradise范玮琪的我们的纪念日 ove
keep us alive安室奈美惠:《Can you celebrite?》 潘玮柏弦子D《不得不爱》:可是你给我的爱,让我养成了依赖,心中充满爱的节拍中文类歌曲1、《出嫁》-张清芳2、《感谢你》-孙悦3、《给你们》-张宇4、《挥着翅膀的女孩》-容祖儿(英语、中文)5、《老鼠爱大米》(男声、女声、英语)6、《你是我深爱的人》-永邦7、《你最珍贵》-张学友、高惠君8、《水晶》-徐怀珏、任贤齐9、《童话》-光良10、《我愿意》-王菲11、《一路上有你》-张学友12、《月亮代表我的心》-邓丽君13、《只有为你》1、《The First Time Ever I Sa Face》-一见钟情2、《The Look Of Love》3、《The Music Of The Night》-剧院魅影4、《The One You Love》-Glenn Frey5、《The Po Of Love》-Celine Dion6、《The Po Of The Dream》-Celine Dion7、《The S Days》8、《This Love》-Sarah Brightman9、《Time To Say Goodbye》-Sarah Brightman(婚礼结束时用)10、《To Love Somebody》-Beegee11、《Two Become One》-Spice Girls12、《 A Man Loves A 》-当男人爱上女人-Percy Sledge13、《 I Need You》-当我需要你14、《Yo Te Amo》-流星花园电影原声15、《You Have Been Loved》-George Michael6、《No Matter 》-Boy Zone7、《Nothing Compares To You》-卢巧音8、《Perfect Moment》9、《Say Yes》(日语)10、《Scarborough Fair》-Sarah Brightman11、《Summer Snow》-Sissel12、《S Dream》-韩国恋人主题歌-张娜拉8、《I Do》-98 Degree9、《I Just Call To Say I Love You》10、《I kne loved you》-Savage Garden11、《I S》-All For One12、《I
Follo》-修女也疯狂主题曲13、《Je Mappelle Helene》-我的名字是伊莲(法语)L、M、N、O、P、Q、R、S字头歌曲1、《Love Is All Round》-坠入爱河2、《Love
Keep Us Alive》-The Eagles3、《Lovefoo》-The Cardigans4、《Loving You》5、《My Heart
Go On》-Celine Dion1、《Can You Celebrate》-安室奈美惠(日语)2、《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》-Elton John3、《Close To You》-CarpentersD、E、F、G、H、I、J字头歌曲1、《Dreaming Of You》2、《Everyday》-Phil Collins3、《First Love》-宇多田光(日语)4、《First Time》-Rod Ste、《Happy Ever After》6、《Ho Is Your Love》-爱有多深7、《I Believe》(韩语、中文)1、《Baby I Love You》-Jennifer Lopez2、《Baby One More Time》3、《Back At One》-Brian McKnight4、《Beauty And The Beast》-Celine Dion5、《Because I love You》6、《Because Of You》-98 Degrees7、《Because You Loved Me》-Celine Dion8、《Bye Bye Bye》9、《All I Ask Of You》-剧院魅影主题曲-Sarah Brightman10、《All I Have To Give》-Backstreet Boys11、《All Of You》-Julio Iglesias Diana Rose12、《And I Love You So》-Salena Jones13、《Angel》-Robbie 、《As Long As You Love Me》-Backstreet Boys15、《As Time Goes By》16、《Ave Maria》-Celine Dion、《A Groovy Kind Of Love》-Phil Collins2、《A Love So Beautiful》-Michael Boton3、《A
Ne》-阿拉丁主题曲4、《Again》-Jennifer Lopez5、《Against All Odds》-Phil Collins6、《Against All Odds》-、Mariah Carrey7、《All By Myself》-Celine Dion8、《All For Love》-Bryan Adams
that`s the
it is 席琳迪翁。绝对可以。我结婚的时候
◎宴会未开始前 中文的: 结婚进行曲(刘德华)
嫁给我吧 (王启文)
你最珍贵 (张学友,高慧君)
深情相拥 (张国荣,辛晓琪)
肉麻情歌 (刘德华)
豆浆油条 (林俊杰)
你是我最深爱的人 (永邦)
英文:  Forever love 歌手:Edrick Miles
寓意很好,英文歌歌词很优美,适合婚礼和宣誓爱情的坚贞。  歌曲: As Long As You Love Me 歌手: 后街男孩  瑞典公主结婚背景音乐:can't stop love  艾薇儿结婚背景音乐could this be love  吻别英文版:paint my love  S Dream是由韩国张娜拉所唱的,非常适合婚礼所用,好几对明星结婚都是用这首歌。  .I
you徐婕儿所唱的甜蜜歌曲,有对未来的生活及对家庭的渴望的含义。  中文:  《你最珍贵》-张学友、高惠君  《Love》――刘若英  《爱情宣言》――齐秦  《亲密爱人》――梅艳芳  《美丽新娘》――陈慧琳  《perfect moment》――流星花园主题曲  电影歌曲中的婚礼音乐推荐  推荐音乐1.: chanchullo ruben gonzalez全部  原因:这张来自「乐满夏湾拿」电影的CD大碟,充满浓浓的古巴音乐,感觉非常轻松独特。。  推荐音乐2.: Amelie from Montmartre全部  原因:这张来自「天使爱美丽」电影的CD大碟,音乐古怪有趣,感觉象返回童年时的快乐时光。  推荐音乐3.: Bossa Nova Affair 全部  原因:这张充满桑巴爵士情调的名曲。节奏舒服轻快,女声柔和。  推荐音乐4:
March  原因:经典的行礼音乐又怎少得?如果不在教堂行礼的新人,可选择这首「结婚进行曲」,令这场婚宴于庄严又隆重的气氛下开始  推荐音乐5.: Air on the G string  原因:除了结婚进行曲这些经典歌曲外,这首Air on the G string 你必定耳熟能祥,音乐庄严的来又很优雅,如果觉得「结婚进行曲」听腻了的朋友,不妨考虑这首音乐。  推荐音乐6: Mariage d'amour  原因:由世界知名钢琴家Richard Clayderman演奏出这首经典的结婚音乐「梦中的婚礼」是最合适不过乐。旋律优雅,节奏中快,感觉不失庄严感,是一个不错的选择。  推荐音乐7.: Close to you  原因:Karen Carpenter的靓声独一无二,由她唱出这首名曲,所有在场人士也能感觉到这样的甜蜜。  推荐音乐8.: The Look of Love  原因:由新一代Jazz女王Diana Krall用她磁性的声音唱出这首歌曲,令气氛倍觉Sexy。  推荐音乐9: Just the
You Are  原因:同样由Diana Krall重新以Jazz音乐演奏这首经典名曲,又是另一番味
baby,tell me ho i tell youthat I love you more than lifesho ho I sho That I'm blinded by your light ......是不是这一首?~这首是Marc献给爱妻蓝调天后Sarah的特别礼物。Marc Terenzi与Sarah Connor结婚时,他特意为婚礼准备了一首歌,就是《Love to be loved by you》Marc Terenzi -《love to be loved by you》   歌词:   I can't believe I'm standing here 我不敢相信我一直在这里   Been
for so many years and 等了这么多年   Today I found the Queen to reign my heart 直至今日才找到支配我的心灵的皇后   You changed my life so patiently 你让我的生命变得坚韧   And turned it into something good and real 并且把很多事情变得美好而真实   I feel just like I felt in all my dreams 我觉得就像我在梦中的感受那样   There are questions hard to ans 有很多问题很难回答   Can't you see 你不知道吗?   Baby,tell me ho I tell you 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你   That I love you more than life 我爱你胜过我的生命   Sho ho I sho 告诉我我该怎么让你看到   That I'm blinded by your light 我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛    you touch me I can touch you 当你抚摸我时我能   To find out the dream is true 感觉到梦是真实的   I love to be loved by you 我愿意你爱我   You're looking kind of scared right now 现在的你看起来害怕    You're
vows 你在等待婚姻的誓言   But I don't kno my tongue's able to talk 但是我不知道我能不能开口说话   Your beauty is just blinding me 你的美丽让我失明   Like sunbeams on a summer stream and 就像夏日河流上的一缕阳光   I gotta close my eyes to protect me 我只能闭上眼睛保护自己   Can you take my hand and lead me 请你牵着我的手带我   From here please 离开这里。。。   yeah...yeah...   Baby,tell me ho I tell you 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你   That I love you more than life 我爱你胜过我的生命   Sho ho I sho 告诉我我该怎么让你   That I'm blinded by your light 看到我被你的光芒刺伤了的眼睛    you touch me I can touch you 当你抚摸我时   To find out the dream is true 我能感觉到梦是真实的   I love to be loved 我愿意你爱我   I need to be loved 我需要你爱我   I love to be loved by you 我愿意你来爱我   I kno're gonna say our love's not 我知道他们说我们的爱不足以   strong enough to last forever 坚定到永远   And I kno're gonna say that we'll 我也知道他们会说因为艰难的环境   give up because of heavy
我们放弃我们的爱   But ho they understand 但是他们怎么能够理解   that our love is just heaven sent 我们的爱正是上天给予我们的   We keep on going on and on cause 让我们一直拥有着它   this is
we both belong? 因为它属于我们两个   Baby,tell me ho I tell you 宝贝,告诉我,我该怎么告诉你   That I love you more than life 我爱你胜过我的生命   Sho ho I sho 告诉我我该怎么让你看到   That I'm blinded by your light 我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛    you touch me I can touch you 当你抚摩我时   To find out the dream is true 我能感觉到梦是真实的   I love to be loved 我愿意你爱我   I need yes I need to be loved 我需要你爱我   I love to be loved by you 我愿意你来爱我   Yes I love to be loved by you 是的,我愿意你来爱我……
Je m'appelle Helene适合入场缓缓走的背景音乐。(法语)
Alizee - J'en Ai Marre! (欢快的法语歌曲)
Groove Coverage - Fragezeichen (欢快俏皮的英文“NaNaNa....”小调)
flag (旋律悠扬的英文歌曲,但是名字不太好,嘻嘻)
忽然情人插曲-我的爱 (Lalalala的欢快乐曲,很适合迎宾气氛)
Suzanne Vega - Tom's Dinner (清脆的女声的"Dudududu"的哼调,十分有特色)
Cl`Ememtine - 6 PM(抒情的法语歌曲)
ft Jane Horrocks - Things (很欢快的对唱歌曲)
野火地带 - Soul Bossa Nova (热情似火的舞曲)
The Cranberries - Pretty (节奏感很规律的英文歌曲,许多show都用的,用来走台步很适合)
Etienne Daho ft Charlotte Gainsbourg - If (重节奏的法语对唱情歌,很适合大型婚礼)
1:S Dream原因:S Dream是由韩国张娜拉所唱的,非常适合婚礼所用,有几对明星结婚都是用这首歌。 2:Light Of My Life原因:Light Of My Life是由Lara Fabian & 王力宏 合唱的,收录在《云霄恋曲》里,这是一张不同组合的合唱歌曲专集,其中大部分歌曲都可以作为婚礼音乐。重点推荐这首 3:I S原因:这首歌是讲男孩向女孩发誓,会一生一世相守,就象天上的星星和月亮每夜都会一同挂在天空。 4:I Kno Loved You原因:深情的歌词搭配上优美的旋律,再加上Darren温柔的歌声,百里挑一的组合!完美的音乐!不听就是终身遗憾呀! 5:幸福纪念日 原因:“今天就是幸福纪念日,把我的梦套在你的无名指,当我听见你说我愿意,从未感觉如此幸福踏实。”还有什么能比歌词更说明问题的。 6:花月佳期 原因:去年11月红|体育馆,舞台皇者梅艳芳在万千歌迷见证下,身穿嫁衣,深情唱出《花月佳期》。7:I DO (CHERISH YOU)原因:我觉得用这首歌正好,歌词好贴切,而且好听!重点推荐!98 degree不光歌唱得好,而且是一群肌肉男~~~~8:I
you原因:恐龙妹徐婕儿第一首让大家眼前一亮的幸福单曲。“ I
you 爱你好幸福 想要和你建造一个爱的小屋 I
you 爱你好满足 享受最甜美的的束缚”9:Love
Keep Us Alive原因:The Eagles的一首老歌了,出自那张闻名的《Hell Freezes Over》可惜的是买这张专集的人90%以上都是为了听那首发烧级的“Hotel California”反而忽略了这张专集里面的其它几首好歌,尤其是这首“Love
Keep Us Alive”。个人认为它绝对是一首难得的诠释爱的真谛的好歌。不仅旋律动听,而且歌词优美朴实。 10:for the first time 原因:一切都从开始起被娓娓道来。回忆我们第一次坠入情网,那些美丽和慌张是否还在血液里流淌。当繁花开遍以后,我们站在原地,看天边云朵的聚散,看微风掠过湖面的波纹,往事如晨雾般在心中弥漫。倚靠或没有倚靠在身边的情人哪,这一刻我多么希望能读懂你越过岁月的眼神,那里面蕴藏着的所有疲惫和梦想。我们相执的双手,是否还将浸润风雨的洇痕,我们相对的凝视,是否还将如从前一般漫长。过去和将来的日子里或许我愿意对你讲述我一切的欢喜忧伤,而在属于你我的今天我只想,我只想,和、你、在、一、起。 11:月亮代表我的心 原因:这是一首很经典的老歌了,虽然一共有23个翻唱版本,但大家表达的意思都是一样的:我的情如一,我的爱不变…………12:and i love you so 原因:我最最爱的被N多人翻唱过的经典情歌。 13.: chanchullo ruben gonzalez全部 原因:这张来自「乐满夏湾拿」电影的CD大碟,充满浓浓的古巴音乐,感觉非常轻松独特。。最适宜带起宾客等待开席的气氛。 14.: Amelie from Montmartre全部 原因:这张来自「天使爱美丽」电影的CD大碟,音乐古怪有趣,感觉象返回童年时的快乐时光。 15: Bossa Nova Affair 全部 原因:这张充满桑巴爵士情调的名曲。节奏舒服轻快,女声柔和16.:
March原因:经典的行礼音乐又怎少得?如果不在教堂行礼的新人,可选择这首「结婚进行曲」,令这场婚宴于庄严又隆重的气氛下开始 17.: Air on the G string 原因:除了结婚进行曲这些经典歌曲外,这首Air on the G string 你必定耳熟能祥,音乐庄严的来又很优雅,如果觉得「结婚进行曲」听腻了的朋友,不妨考虑这首音乐。 18.: Mariage d'amour 原因:由世界知名钢琴家Richard Clayderman演奏出这首经典的结婚音乐「梦中的婚礼」是最合适不过乐。旋律优雅,节奏中快,感觉不失庄严感,是一个不错的选择。 19: I Believe原因:很多人看过这出戏后,都疯狂的爱上这首主题曲。戏中男女主角的生活片段,笑中有泪,与你两共度多年的时光交叠出现,生活中有彼此的支持与分享,以此曲成为一生的承诺。 20: once in a Blue Moon原因:日剧「 Love」 中竹野内丰以一曲钢琴版once in a Blue Moon送给他心爱的人作为贺礼,这一幕戏相信很多人也有很深刻的印象。这曲旋律优美,与平日敬酒时所播放的音乐有点不同,是一个比较另类的选择。 21: My Heart
Go On原因:Titanic这出戏风魔全球痴情男女,相信这首曲会是一个热门的选择 22: Fly Me to the Moon原因:这首音乐节奏轻快,听起来温馨甜蜜,令人感觉舒畅。这个版本以Jazz方式演奏出来,又是另一番味道。 23.: Dream a Little Dream 原因:由金莎朱古力开始,令全场女士一听到这首歌就会联想到男主角拿着一大束朱古力花求婚,女主角穿上婚纱吃朱古力的情景,令人难以忘记。婚宴上又怎可缺少这一曲呢! 24.: Just the Two of Us原因:看到歌名就知道有意思吧。节奏同样轻快,是给新人一个轻松的时间。 25: Close to you原因:Karen Carpenter的靓声独一无二,由她唱出这首名曲,所有在场人士也能感觉到这样的甜蜜。 26.: The Look of Love原因:由新一代Jazz女王Diana Krall用她磁性的声音唱出这首歌曲,令气氛倍觉Sexy。 27.: Just the
You Are原因:同样由Diana Krall重新以Jazz音乐演奏这首经典名曲,又是另一番味道。 28.: Beauty and the Beast (播放小时候画面用比较好)原因:选择此曲当然不是说新郎样子很丑吧,而是旋律感人,祝愿这对新人可以携手共享彼此,走到白头。 29: The Prayer (播放小时候画面用比较好)原因:由台湾歌王金祖龄与辛晓琪合唱此曲,情感丰富,听起来更令人感动。还有艾薇儿的could this be love,她结婚的时候就用这首哦~~
扫描下载客户端一首英文歌,女声有点沙哑,慵懒,带点爵士,歌词里有这句i never really know who that girl_百度知道
一首英文歌,女声有点沙哑,慵懒,带点爵士,歌词里有这句i never really know who that girl
who’s that girl 重复挺多遍的,想知道是谁唱的,歌名是什么啊~~
who's that girl???可是我还想推荐一下adele的所有歌曲, 其他的歌曲,强烈推荐1.Rolling in the Deep 2.Rumor Has It 3.Turning Tables 4.Don't You Remember5.Set Fire to the Rain 6.He Won't Go7.Take It All 8.Ill Be Waiting9.One & Only10.Lovesong 11.Someone Like You 12.I Found a Boy (Bonus Track)13.Rolling in the Deep (Live At Largo) 不知道有多少次听到《Someone Like You》的时候鼻子发酸,这首歌可以算是Adele所有歌曲中最让人“心疼”的一首,每每听到它的时候,总会有一种想要流泪的冲动。《Someone Like You》以单纯的钢琴伴奏,副歌中唱到的:“没关系,我总会找到一个像你一样的人,除了祝福你我别无他求,我只希望你别忘了我,我记得你说过:有时候爱可以永恒有时候却又如此伤人。”这样的歌词着实直击人心里最脆弱的地方。
是瑞典歌手Darin Zanyar 的who's that girl吧
rihanna ,歌名我有点忘了
The Cardigans的Communication
文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&
品评校花校草,体验校园广场【 心灵片段(Piece Of My Soul) 】【 英文 】【 2008-06 】
◎音乐剧“钟楼怪人”的首席男主角、天后席琳狄翁演唱会的指名邀约嘉宾◎跨越国际舞台的发行首张英文大碟,席琳狄翁、玛丹娜、辛蒂露波等巨星的幕后操手Peer Astrom监制掌舵◎专辑登上加拿大亚军并获颁金唱片一枚;首波主打”Stand Up”拿下魁北克排行Top4、拉丁王子安立奎参与撰写之”First Day Of My Life”都是令人难忘的优选小品  法语系乐坛天王级唱将,经典音乐剧“钟楼怪人”的首席男主角,更是天后席琳狄翁为期五年于拉斯维加斯举办世纪经典演唱会的指名邀约嘉宾。全球累积超过五百万张的专辑销售量,Garou凭借全方位的艺术表演天份,赢得跨界的掌声与肯定,这回更要展现语言天赋,向全球英语系市场迈进,同时跟席琳看齐,推出超过十年音乐生涯的首张个人英文大碟。  本名Pierre Garand出生加拿大魁北克的Garou,从小在充满音乐的环境中长大,在他三岁之时,父亲送给Garou一把吉他,并教导些基本的弹奏技巧,随后再学习钢琴、小号、管风琴,练就一身对音乐的敏锐度与才情。学生时期开始加入当地的乐团磨练,直到“钟楼怪人”剧作家Luc Plamondon在酒吧听到Garou的演唱,大胆雇用这位新人,不仅演活剧中角色,各成为家喻户晓的明星。引来唱片公司兴趣的发表处女之航《Seul》,登上法国2000年最畅销专辑,趁胜追击的在隔年推出《Seul... Aevc Vous》演唱会特辑以饷歌迷,2003年的第二张作品《Reviens》直奔法国专辑榜冠军席次。  Garou跨越国际舞台的呈现全英语发音大作《Piece Of My Soul》,席琳狄翁、玛丹娜、辛蒂露波等巨星的幕后操手Peer Astrom,负责此辑大部分的监制工作,登上加拿大亚军并获颁金唱片一枚,同时攻上法国季军+比利时Top4+美国Billboard欧洲榜Top13位置。首波主打”Stand Up”拿下魁北克排行Top4,略带沙哑且高亢的声韵伴随激昂摇滚律动,再现如烈火燎原般的粗犷风格;耐人寻味的”Accidental”,用吉他、弦乐、电气化润饰的彼此交融,格局加宽的大展磅礡气势;第二支征服电台单曲”Heaven's Table”,很有美式Post-Grunge的音感,不时铺上女声柔美伴随,软化霸气十足的演唱风格;绝对有进攻成人抒情榜实力的”Take A Piece Of My Soul”、”Nothing Else Matters”、拉丁王子安立奎参与撰写之”First Day Of My Life”都是令人难忘的优选小品;加拿大全方位才子Aldo Nova与Peer协力完成之”Coming Home”,出乎意料的倚著浓浓乡村频率作了完美总结。
()We're all angels that fall from graceSo you don't have to hide your face from meIt's the burden you won't lay downIt's the guilt that you carry aroundYou can see it comingBut somehow you can't seem to avoid itAvoid thisLife is accidental andThings happen coincidentallyI never meant to hurt youYou never meant to hurt meBut we all get our hands a little dirtyNanananana dirtyNananananaLet it out and let me insideTell me things that you feel you need to hideAll your secrets can't be worse than mineSo come closer and hold me tightDo you feel the poison runningFrom your veins into an empty nothing, nothingness更多更详尽歌词 在 Life is accidental andThings happen coincidentallyI never meant to hurt youYou never meant to hurt meBut we all get our hands a little dirtyNanananana dirtyNananananaDon't be down, just look aroundThere's no one perfect in this townDon't beat yourself upLike everyone else doesGoodbye feeling, all guilts turn aroundTurn aroundDo you know thatLife is accidental andThings happen coincidentallyI never meant to hurt youYou never meant to hurt meBut we all get our hands a little dirty
()We're all angels that fall from graceSo you don't have to hideyour face from meIt's the burden you won't lay downIt's the guilt that you carry aroundYou can see it comingBut somehow you can't seem to avoid itAvoid thisLife is accidental andThings happen coincidentallyI never meant to hurt youYou never meant to hurt meBut we all get our hands a little dirtyNanana dirtyNananaLet it out and let me insideTell me things that you feel you need to hideAll your secretscan't be worse than mineSo come closer and hold me tightDo you feel the poison running更多更详尽歌词 在 From your veins into an empty nothing, nothingnessLife is accidental andThings happen coincidentallyI never meant to hurt youYou never meant to hurt meBut we all get our hands a little dirtyNanana dirtyNananaDon't be down, just look aroundThere's no one perfect in this townDon't beat yourself uplike everyone else doesGoodbye feeling, all guilts turn aroundTurn aroundDo you know thatLife is accidental andThings happen coincidentallyI never meant to hurt youYou never meant to hurt meBut we all get our hands a little dirty
()I don't think I know youDon't think I ever willAm I in love with youWell I don't know stillIt may some strange but i'm warning youI may not be that niceMaybe baby i'm a heartbreaker, heartbreaker heart of iceREFRAIN:But i'm burning, burning 'cause you set my soul on fireGirl, i don't know what i'll do'cause i'm burning, i'm burning更多更详尽歌词 在 i'm burning with desireYes i'm burning and it's all because of youbecause of youWe can't be togetherI love that kind of guyI'll be gone lost foreverAnd you wont know whyDon't get me wrong i'm only warning you you'll be on your ownMaybe baby i'm a heartbreaker, heartbreaker heart of stone
()I wish I'd know you betterThen it wouldn't be so hardFace to face we're heads upOur future's written in the cardsI bet it's gonna costFor me to buy your trustI wanna go all the wayBut something tells me that won't happenYou're starting to take this game too farI wanna go all the wayBut going there would leave me brokenHeading up straight into contradictionI gotta stop gambling that sweet addictionI guess you got me blindWhen you led me by the handThere can't be 3 of this kindOnly you and I can standYou called meIf you raise me up I am all inI wanna go all the waybut something tells me that won't happenyou're starting to take this game too far更多更详尽歌词 在 I wanna go all the wayBut going there would leave me brokenHeading up straight into contradictionI gotta stop gamble that sweet addictionThere's just one too many consequencesDown the river it can breakIf you just pretend and still believe itYou will lie down with your faithStarting to take this game too farI wanna go all the wayBut going there will leave me brokenHeading up straight into contradictionI gotta stop gambling that sweet addictionIf you really wanna playTogether we can make it happenYou shouldn't push this game too farI wanna go all the wayBut going there will leave me brokenHeading up straight into contradictionI gotta stop gambling that sweet... addiction
()Saw you walkin'down the streetOn a rainy dayWearin' a feather in your hairSo i had to say hi, hey heyAnd the man in the multicolored rainbow suitCame up to you and gave you a balloonThat's right, what a dayThen i held you nearwhispered in your earTake a piece of my soulI give it to youSo make it your homeTake a piece of my heartOne thing you can't do is tear it apartThis piece of my heartRound and round the world it turns like a carouselAnd my heart still burns4 you todayAnd days turn into nightsAnd nights turn into days更多更详尽歌词 在 That's the way of the worldIt's true they sayWhen i see you sleepin'I think that i'm dreamingSo take a piece of my soulI give it to youSo make it your homeTake a piece of my heartOne thing you can't doIs tear it apart this piece of my heartNo matter what we doWe'll always be together me and youTake a piece of my soulI give it to youSo make it your homeTake a piece of my heartOne thing you can't doIs tear it apartThis piece of my heart
()Well I'm starting the day trying to find different ways to get throughTill it's time to come back And I can't slow it down and I'm climbing the walls and I feel like I'm under attackThere's too many people that get in my wayAnd there's never a right time that I get to sayWhen you and I touch hands when you and I stopStill in the moment it's you and INot running for something that's already goneWhen it's just you and I that's when I'm homeThat's when I'm homeThere's always the question what's holding me downShow me an answer cause I haven't foundA way to escape to get out of it all更多更详尽歌词 在 Somewhere that I am allowed to fallWith no bones to break I can be who I amCause you know me better than anyoneWhen you and I touch hands when you and I stopStill in the moment it's you and INot running for something that's already goneWhen it's just you and I that's when I'm home That's when I'm homeHome's not a house with windows and walls not a place to be shut inThere are no doorsAnd no matter where I come to rest your arms will be my safety net更多更详尽歌词 在
()So I found a reasonTo stay aliveTry a little harderto see the other sideTalking to myselfToo many sleepless nightsTrying to find a reasonTo this stupid lifeDon't want your sympathySometimes I don't know who to beHey, what you're looking forNo-one knows the answerThey just want moreHey, who's gonna make it rightThis could be the first day of my lifeSo I found a reasonTo let it goTell you that I'm smilingBut I still need to growWill I find salvationIn the arms of loveWill it stop me searchingWill it be enough更多更详尽歌词 在 Don't want your sympathySometimes I don't know who to beHey, what you're looking forNo-one knows the answerBut you just want moreHey, who's gonna make it rightThis could be the first day of my lifeThe first time to really feel aliveThe first time to break the chainThe first time to walk away from painHey, what you're looking forNo-one has the answerThey just want moreHey, who's gonna make it rightThis could be the first day of my lifeHey, what you're looking forNo-one has the answerThey just want moreHey, who's gonna shine a lightThis could be the first day of my life
()I was in the bedroom packing for a tripYou were in the kitchen a smile on your lipsWhat's it gonna matter when this moment's gone?The world's spinning faster but we're just holding onA sudden disaster could roll from the seaThe earth could just open forget you and meLife is what happens while we're making plansYou gave me your heart but it slipped through my handsDid I ever stop to say?Did I ever find a way?To catch you when time flewDid I ever make it show?Did I ever let you know?Nothing else matters but youNothing else matters but youI was on the rooftop the sun in my eyesYou were in a mood for a little surpriseBut nights turn to days then weeks become yearsWhat are we left with when all this disappears?Did I ever stop to say?Did I ever find a way?To catch you when time flew更多更详尽歌词 在 Did I ever make it show?Did I ever let you know?Nothing else matters but youNothing else matters but you'Cause time doesn't slip it runs through our hands And just where it goes, I can't understandLike an old photograph, in white and blackThe hours have faded, but I just want them back, I just want them backDid I ever stop to say?Did I ever find a way?To catch you when time flewDid I ever make it show?Did I ever let you know?Nothing else matters but youDid I ever stop to say?Did I ever find a way?To catch it when time flewDid I ever make it show?Did I ever let you know?Nothing else matters but you
()I hopped aboard a southbound trainThat took me back in timeTo a place that i once knewA place where you where mineAnd i know that i've made up my mindI'm coming home to youI hit the road and rick up my bagLike the very first timeAnd dream that i'm here walking with you hand in handBut i know that i've made up my mindI'm comin' home to youI'm comin' home to you, babyAnd these streets that i walk onPaved with times that have come and goneBut now nothin' can keep you away from meSeePick up my courage with both my handsAnd walk to your front door更多更详尽歌词 在 It seems i've gone through all of this a thousand times beforeAnd i know that when you see my face that i've come home to youI've come home for you, baby, heyOh i know that i've made up my mindThat i've come home to youI've come home babyAnd these streets that i walk onPaved with times that have come and goneBut now nothin' can keep you away from meSeeI'm comin' home for you, babyI'm comin' homeI'm comin' home for you, babyBut i know that i've made up my mindI'm comin' home to youI'm comin' home for you hey, hey


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