
Olivia Ong_百度百科
Olivia Ong
王俪婷(Olivia Ong),日出生于新加坡,旗下女歌手。2001年,她在一场歌唱比赛中与日本S2S公司签约,前往日本发展;2005年,推出了风格的EP《A Girl Meets Bossanova》;2008年8月,她的精选辑《》创下连续19个月在日本HMV排行榜内的纪录;年底,以中文名王俪婷的身份加盟华研国际;2009年,她演唱的歌曲《》获得新加坡新传媒红星大奖“最佳主题曲”;同年以踢馆身份参加第五届《》获得华语乐迷的关注;2010年,推出的首张同名专辑获得台湾白金唱片认证,随后进军内地乐坛;2011年,凭借她在华研的首张创作专辑《》获得新加坡金曲奖最佳本地歌手[1]
Olivia Ong
日,获邀在日本爱知世界博览会上为“新加坡旅游局”开幕典礼献唱;3月24日,她的首张EP《A Girl Meets Bossanova》问世[4]
,整张专辑采用(Bossa Nova)的节奏编排,翻唱了《》《》等8首英文歌曲,受到日本、新加坡等地乐迷的关注;在此基础上,同年10月26日发行个人第一张创作专辑《Precious Stones》。
2006年,先后推出偏向流行音乐风格的专辑《Tamarillo》以及《A Girl Meets Bossanova 2》[5]
2007年3月,与巴西音乐人在新加坡国立大学举办第一场live演唱会“Olivia Ong And Friends”;7月,推出了以翻唱英文歌曲为主的专辑《》,其中包括一首日语歌,两首国语歌,再加九首英文歌;11月,又推出了EP《Touch in the Sky》。
;9月4日,对阵歌手,凭借歌曲《Ain't no sunshine》拿下23分的高分[8]
2010年3月,在超级星光大道赢得人气后便推出了个人首张同名全英文专辑《Olivia Ong》,由担任专辑制作人,她在其中不仅翻唱了很多七八十年代的欧美歌曲,还有她作词的主打歌《You and Me》和词曲创作《》,曲风也不再局限于Bossanova[10]
;4月23日,参加第六届《超级星光大道》,作为“终极八大踢馆魔王”之一的身份踢馆星光6班,她凭借歌曲《I FeelThe Earth Move》获得满分25分[11]
;6月,专辑正式在内地发行;她还成为“2010 感官/世界巡回音乐会”的特别嘉宾,分别在6月18日北京场及20日广州场中献唱,而这也是她在内地乐坛的首秀[12]
;8月,推出音乐会现场专辑《夏夜晚风》;10月,专辑《Just for You》由日本S2S公司发行,其中包括了8首她从未发表过的单曲,收录的17首原创歌曲皆是Olivia Ong填词[17]
;9月,在台北华山Legacy举办个人“Ready For Love”音乐会[21]
日,收录在同名专辑的歌曲《You and Me》获得第17届新加坡词曲版权协会颁奖礼最佳本地英语流行歌曲”奖[22]
;9月,在台北国际会议中心举办“Olivia Romance爱的罗曼史”大型演唱会[23]
;11月22日, 她在第18届新加坡金曲奖颁奖典礼上获得了新加坡区域杰出歌手奖[26]
日,推出国语单曲《》,为新加坡年度重头剧《》 主题曲献声。
Olivia Ong宣传照
Olivia Ong把《小娘惹》主题曲给唱红了
Olivia Ong宣传照
You and Me
You And Me
专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:华研国际音乐专辑简介:等一段假期 等一首Olivia 一起漫游最悠然的音乐时光…放慢步调,等等那些美好的事情发生…放慢步调,等等Olivia…
Olivia / 2013全新专辑[等等]「等一段假期 等一首Olivia 一起漫游最悠然的音乐时光…」亚洲美声歌姬 Olivia Ong台湾歌坛三年淬炼
精挑细选11首舒心好歌Olivia 2013全新专辑
[ 等等 ]5月17日 正式发行Olivia台湾歌坛三年淬练 全心投入开阔音乐心视野历年专辑、Live演出 创下卖座好成绩实力好口碑流行乐界首席优美女声心音乐
Bonus Track/ Wonderland
--Samsung GALAXY Wonderland主题曲
专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:华研国际专辑简介:夏夜晚风 星光灿烂你的瞳孔 折射出爱情的缤纷光影我看见了 海枯石烂的浪漫光景I Love You, I Do...亚洲歌姬Olivia 美声再临展现音乐创作才华 2011浪漫大碟 Romance7/15(五)限时一周预购 7/22(五)开始浪漫一夏来自新加坡、发迹日本、惊艳台湾、席卷亚洲美声歌姬Olivia全情投入演唱创作 仲夏全新浪漫史璀璨揭幕
Just For You
唱片公司:S2S专辑简介:日本超级制作阵容全力打造,全程采用24 bit HDCD顶级录音技术处理、音效靓绝、如临现场,宛如置身 Cafe Del Mar,能抚慰心灵,令女人喜欢、男人更爱的疗伤系美声经典时尚的、原创的、绮丽的。您绝对没听过的Olivia Ong17首创作曲,发烧女神的温柔告白,数万歌迷引颈期盼,Olivia Ong席卷全日本的经典作品「Jus For You」终于在今年全亚洲同步发行。令人惊喜的是日本发烧大厂S2S加赠8首Olivia Ong从未发表过的珍稀单曲,必定是歌迷争相收藏的珍碟。「Jus For You」收录的17首原创歌曲皆是Olivia Ong填词,由日本八位一流作曲家(Satashi Hidaka、SizX..)替Olivia Ong量身打造温柔乐曲,每一首都是发烧女神的爱情故事、生活点滴与温柔告白,给您最贴近Olivia Ong的心灵感动。在「Jus For You」里,您会听见完全不一样的Olivia Ong,S2S与多位日本顶尖DJ(Ken Arai、Hisashi Newata)共同制作,调配出专属于东京的时尚音乐。Olivia Ong唱出更加都会性感、动感迷人的歌声,
It’s Real
I’ll Move On
Like A New Beginning
I’ll Get Back To You
Here Is A Hope
Make It Together
Fall In Step With Me
It’s Too Late
2Nite Is The Nite
Power Of Passion
专辑类型:演唱会专辑唱片公司:华研国际专辑简介:2010年的夏天最舒服怡人的一阵晚风重回[夏夜晚风]音乐现场 Live感受Olivia的美声魅力16首绝选好歌一次收录精彩加赠夏夜晚风音乐会Live实录精华DVD*Olivia在台首张同名专辑 深受传媒歌迷好评 缔造白金唱片傲人销售佳绩*在台首次售票音乐会 LIVE演出惊豔全场 美声魅力无人可挡*多首经典中英文曲目 全新Live版本 CD+DVD 原味实况收录*收录新加坡高收视电视剧[小娘惹]主题曲-如燕 曾於新加坡获得多项奖项与铃声下载冠军 知名创作人陈佳明为Olivia量声打造的唯一中文歌曲8/11 重温夏夜晚风 CD+DVD影音双重LIVE飨宴白金唱片加持纪录女神Olivia缔造傲人销售佳绩
I Can’t Go For That
Don’t You Worry ‘bout A Thing
Lost In Emotion
Here, There, and Everywhere
专辑类型:录音室专辑唱片公司:华研国际专辑简介:Olivia即将於3月5日发行全新同名英文专辑,新专辑中她嚐试了许多不同的曲风,不管是已经认识Olivia或是未曾听过她声音的人,她有如丝绒般轻柔的嗓音及直达人心的唱功,都将带给大家全新的听觉感受,就像春天一样,让人感到既温暖又舒服。这次的音乐制作有别於之前在日本发行过的专辑,Olivia亲自参与了选歌,她重唱了许多70~80年代的西洋经典歌曲,包括世纪摇滚天团The Beatles的Here, There and Everywhere、英国灵魂乐领航乐团Simply Red的Stars,以及风靡全球的Jackson 5的Never Can Say Goodbye,除此之外还有I feel the earth move,Luka…等个性女歌手的歌曲,专辑中亦收录Olivia个人歌词创作「You and Me」及词曲创作「Bittersweet」。整张专辑曲风不再局限於Bossanova,而是发掘出Olivia声音中的更多可能性,当听到专辑成品出来,Olivia也开心表示,认为这张专辑是到目前为止最能代表自己的作品。
Feel the Earth Move
I Can't Go for That (No Can Do)
Ain't No Sunshine
Best of Olivia
专辑类型:精选集专辑简介:除了收录多首「爱上芭莎诺瓦1、2」、「来和音乐谈场恋爱吧」等畅销金曲外,还特别加收了台湾不曾发行的日文单曲以及中文新曲。另外一首在法国发行的I'll Get You Back更是让全亚洲迷惊喜的礼物。如果您之前不曾听过Olivia歌声,透过金漾精选,您将不可自拔的沉醉在Olivia游走于BossaNova和田园民谣的音乐魔力,感受最受欢迎疗愈系美声的魅力,如果您已是参与「奥莉维亚奇迹」的一员,那这张金漾精选更将成为您CD架上不可缺少的珍藏品! 专辑砸下重金,采用最顶级的24bit HDCD编码技术录音,音效生动传神,吉他声线清脆通透,打击乐器定位精准,加上声音层次清晰,表现十足现场感.
Kiss in the Air
Kiss in the Air
Sometime When We Touch
Feels of Gold
Touch in the Sky
I Wanna Make It With You
Touch in the Sky
Only With You
Fall In Love With Olivia
专辑类型:录音室专辑专辑简介:最新专辑【Fall In Love With】载有一首日本歌,两首国语歌,再加九首英文歌。像要杀尽整个亚洲市场。现在为大家选来的是两首尝试 show off 功力的作品,《Only with You》和《Foolery》,都是她自己的作品。《Only with You》头半首是清唱,下半再加简单的结他伴奏,而《Foolery》就用些很简单的乐器做底。风格带出的感觉很清新凉快,像阵阵清风,很适合炎夏来消消暑。至于唱功及录音都不错。清唱的歌也很立体,敲击乐器声,结他声,呼吸声,口水声等等全都做得很细致。
Fall In Love With Olivia
Only With You
I Believe(Chinese)
Lover's tear
A Girl Meets Bossanova 2
Kiss Of Life
I'll Move On
专辑类型:录音室专辑专辑简介:“Tamarillo”是Olivia早期的一张专辑,风格偏流行,充满了电子风格、跳舞节奏(Dance Pop)。全碟包含8首英文歌曲,其中两首为前一张专辑“Precious Stones”中“Hesitation”、“2nite Is The Nite”的remix版。
Make It Together
Against All Odds ~Take A Look At Me Now~
It's Too Late
Power Of Passion
Hesitation (Physics Soulbeams And Pearls Mix)
I'll Get Back To You
2nite Is The Nite (AgeHa Remix)
Precious Stones
Like A New Beginning
Fall In Step With Me
2Nite Is The Nite
I’ll Move On
Here Is A Hope
It's Real
A Girl Meets Bossanova
专辑类型:录音室专辑专辑简介:全碟以英文歌为主,充满了电子风格、跳舞节奏(Dance Pop)的一张专辑。虽然演绎跳舞作品,但是她的声音依然使人着迷。 翌年(2005年) 3月,她终于遇上了巴沙诺瓦(Bossa nova),应监制提议,以OLIVIA名义推出了“ a girl meets bossanova”。整张“ a girl meets bossanova”专辑中,OLIVIA用Bossa nova的节奏编排,翻唱了8首英文名曲,其中有为人熟悉的“fly me to the moon”、“My Favorite Things”(来自Sound Of Music”)和“The Girl From Ipanema”(Asturd Gilberto)。轻柔编曲配上温和的声线,深得日本、新加坡等地乐迷热烈好评,她的人气度继而渐渐上升中。
Feelin’So Good
Quiet Nights And Quiet Stars
Meditation (Inst.) (Bonus For Korea Only)
Feelin` So Good (Inst.) (Bonus For Korea Only)
(电影《成为简·奥斯汀》主题曲,原唱:Dan Hill)
演唱《kiss me》
演唱《Bleeding love》
演唱《Ain't no sunshine》
王俪婷是首位通过打入日本市场而成名的新加坡歌手,自其首张专辑《A Girl Meets Bossa Nova》问世以来,她凭借着自己独特的Bossa Nova曲风赢得众多乐迷的追捧,气质清新之余,她的音乐也很有灵气(新浪娱乐评)[27]
粉丝送花榜love is color blind_百度百科
love is color blind
Love is Color Blind是德国歌手演唱的一首歌,于日发行,收录于专辑《》中。
语种: 英文
唱片公司: Smd Xcl (Sony)
love is color blind 是以为蓝本创作的歌曲
Love is color blind
what's up?
it's TQ and Sarah again
haha, right back at yeah
(love is color blind)
that's right
this time we got a serious situation
and we're trying do our parts to help
and we need your help
you know what I'm saying?
(love is color blind)
it don't matter if you're black (yeah)
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red (it don't matter)
let's get down to that
love is color blind (that's right, give it to them baby)
I remember when
I was a child and couldn't understand
people having fun
discriminating all the different ones
mama just used to say
when you grow up you maybe find a way
to make these people see
that everything I do comes back to me
you gonna live your life
through all the single ones to blame
you gonna live that life
just play the game and let love reign
it don't matter if you're black
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red
let's get down to that
love is color blind
you're my brother, you're my friend
all that matters in the very end (yeah)
it's to understand (yeah)
{come on TQ}
love is color blind (that's right)
I remember as a young boy
I watch my neighborhood go up in flames
I saw the whole thing of tears and pain
and the situation's wack in my brain
I wish I could fly away and never come back again
we need some love ya!
we need some real dip, help from above ya!
I mean the kids is watching
and I just can't see it stop
I don't understand
I mean we all bleed the same blood, man
(you gotta live your life)
better than a father's dead
let's make some love baby
have some kids
(you gotta live that life)
and I don't care what color they are
or you are or we are, it's all love baby!
[Sarah + TQ adlibs]
it don't matter if you're black
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red
let's get down to that
love is color blind
you're my brother, you're my friend
all that matters in the very end
it's to understand
love is color blind
you could have been my mother
you could have been my brother
what if you are my sister
if you are my father
you could have been my feller
you could have been my teacher
but if you are my friend
it would be so nice to meet yeah
you could have been my mother
you could have been my brother
what if you are my sister
if you are my father
I could have been your feller
you could have been my teacher
but if you are my friend
it would be so nice to meet yeah
take it out to the world
tell every boy and every little girl
be proud of yourself
cause you're as good as anybody else
put away your prejudice
open your mind don't need to stick to this
try to make this of
a better place without a racial curse[TQ]
yeah time for some changes ya!
(na na na na...)
so come on!
put your hands up!
it don't matter ya!
we staying color blind
it don't matter ya!
we stayin color blind
it don't matter ya!
we staying color blind
yeah, give it to them
it don't matter if you're black
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red
let's get down to that
love is color blind
you're my brother, you're my friend
all that matters in the very end
it's to understand
love is color blind
you could have been my mother
you could have been my brother
what if you are my sister
if you are my father
you could have been my feller
you could have been my teacher
but if you are my friend
it would be so nice to meet yeah
you could have been my mother
you're my brother, you're my friend
all that matters in the very end
it's to understand
love is color blind
color blind, yeah
Love is color blind (爱无定界)
what's up?你好吗?
it's TQ and Sarah again 这首歌由 TQ和莎拉·寇娜
haha, right back at ya 为您呈现
(love is color blind)(爱无定界)
that's right 没错
this time we got a serious situation 如今种族歧视非常严重
and we're tryna do our parts to help 我们在尽力打破这种局面
and we need your help 我们非常需要您的帮助
you know what I'm saying? 知道我在说什么吗?
(love is color blind)(爱无定界)
so come on! 加入我们吧!
it don't matter if you're black (yeah) 无论你是黑种人
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red (it don't matter)白种人 黄种人 棕色人还是红种人(都没有问题)
let's get down to that 我们一起来实现
love is color blind (that's right, give it to em baby) 爱无定界
Iremember when I was a child 我仍记得孩提时
and couldn't understand 无法理解
people having fun discriminating all the different ones为什么人们要嘲笑和歧视那些肤色不同的人
mama just used to say 妈妈经常对我说
when you grow up you maybe find a way当你长大了,也许你就会知道
to make these people see 怎样才能让这些人认识到
that everything I do comes back to me 善有善报 恶有恶报
you gotta live your life 你要活出自我
we‘re all the same no one's to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人生来是异类
you gotta live that life 他们应当活出精彩
just play the game and let love reign 请加入我们 让爱主宰吧
it don't matter if you're black无论你是黑种人
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red白种人 黄种人 棕色人还是红种人
let's get down to that 我们一起来实现
love is color blind爱无定界
you're my brother, you're my friend你是我的兄弟姐妹,你是我的亲朋好友
all that matters in the very end (yeah)相亲相爱非常重要
it's to understand (yeah) 让我们最终学会了
{come on TQ}
love is color blind (that's right)爱无定界
I remember as a young boy我仍记得我还是一个小男孩的时候
I watch my neighborhood go up in flames 眼看着邻居们生活在水深火热中
I saw the whole thing of tears and pain我看到的只有眼泪和伤痛
and the situation's wack in my brain这种情况总在我脑中折磨我
I wish I could fly away and never come back again我希望我飞离此地 永远不再回来
we need some love ya'll我们都需要爱
we need some real dip, help from above ya'll我们需要来自你们真心的帮助
I mean the kids is watching我想说孩子们都在默默注视
and I just can't see ya stop这一切的嘲笑和歧视却不能停止
I don't understand我不明白
I mean we all bleed the same blood, man我想说,我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊
(you gotta live your life)(你应当活出自我)
better than a father's dead 活的比长辈们更要出色
let's make some love baby have some kids让孩子们活在爱的世界里
(you gotta live that life)(让他们活出精彩)
and I don't care what color they are or you are or we are, 不管他们 你们 我们是什么肤色
it's all love ,baby! 大家都要相亲相爱
[Sarah + TQ adlibs][莎拉+ TQ adlibs]
it don't matter if you're black无论你是黑种人
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red白种人 黄种人 棕色人还是红种人
let's get down to that 我们一起来实现
love is color blind爱无定界
you're my brother, you're my friend你是我的兄弟姐妹,你是我的亲朋好友
all that matters in the very end (yeah)相亲相爱非常重要
it's to understand (yeah) 让我们最终学会了
love is color blind爱无定界
you could have been my mother你可以是我的妈妈
you could have been my brother你可以是我的兄弟
what if you are my sister 你可以是我的姐妹
if you are my father 也可以是我的爸爸
you could have been my feller 你可以是我的伙伴
you could have been my teacher你可以是我的老师
but if you are my friend也可以是我的朋友
it would be so nice to meet ya我都会很高兴遇到你
you could have been my mother你可以是我的妈妈
you could have been my brother你可以是我的兄弟
what if you are my sister 你可以是我的姐妹
if you are my father 也可以是我的爸爸
you could have been my feller 你可以是我的伙伴
you could have been my teacher你可以是我的老师
but if you are my friend也可以是我的朋友
it would be so nice to meet ya我都会很高兴遇到你
[Sarah][莎拉] take it out to the world 大声告诉世界
tell every boy and every little girl告诉每一个男孩和每个小女孩
be proud of yourself 要为自己感到自豪
cause you're as good as anybody else因为你和别人一样优秀
put away your prejudice请抛开愚蠢的偏见
open your mind don't need to stick to this敞开心扉 无需拘泥
try to make this earth 让我们生活的地球
a better place without a racial curse 成为一个没有歧视 没有辱骂的美好世界
yeah time for some changes ya'll 是时候做出改变了
(la la la la la ....)
so come on
put your hands up!
it don't matter ya'll
we stayin color blind 爱无定界
yeah, give it to em
it don't matter if you're black无论你是黑种人
white, or yellow, if you're brown or red白种人 黄种人 棕色人还是红种人
let's get down to that 我们一起来实现
love is color blind爱无定界
you're my brother, you're my friend你是我的兄弟姐妹,你是我的亲朋好友
all that matters in the very end (yeah)相亲相爱非常重要
it's to understand (yeah) 让我们最终学会了
love is color blind爱无定界
you could have been my mother你可以是我的妈妈
you could have been my brother你可以是我的兄弟
what if you are my sister 你可以是我的姐妹
if you are my father 也可以是我的爸爸
you could have been my feller 你可以是我的伙伴
you could have been my teacher你可以是我的老师
but if you are my friend也可以是我的朋友
it would be so nice to meet ya我都会很高兴遇到你
you could have been my mother你可以是我的妈妈
you're my brother, you're my friend你是我的兄弟姐妹,你是我的亲朋好友
all that matters in the very end (yeah)相亲相爱非常重要
it's to understand 让我们最终学会了
love is color blind 爱无定界
color blind, yeah 爱无定界
(Sarah Connor)Sarah Terenzi,德国流行音乐歌手,日出生于德国下萨克森州戴尔蒙霍斯特。莎拉于2000年代初期便在欧洲走红。


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