intrinsic 和 inherent viscosity和有什么区别

Intrinsic rhythm, and some film theorists to determine the film screen and the basic value of the whole film, "The first factor, the external rhythm by the film intrinsic theme of the performance of rhythm, the rhythm of plot structure, character, mental and emotional rhythm inherent the rhythm of t的翻译:Intrinsic rhythm, and some film theorists to determine the film screen and the basic value of the whole film, "The first factor, the external rhythm by the film intrinsic theme of the performance of rhythm, the rhythm of plot structure, character, mental and emotional rhythm inherent the rhythm of t 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
Intrinsic rhythm, and some film theorists to determine the film screen and the basic value of the whole film, "The first factor, the external rhythm by the film intrinsic theme of the performance of rhythm, the rhythm of plot structure, character, mental and emotional rhythm inherent the rhythm of t
Intrinsic rhythm, and some film theorists to determine the film screen and the basic value of the whole film, "The first factor, the external rhythm by the film intrinsic theme of the performance of rhythm, the rhythm of plot structure, character, mental and emotional rhythm inherent the rhythm of t
Intrinsic rhythm, and some film theorists to determine the film screen and the basic value of the whole film, “The first factor, the external rhythm by the film intrinsic theme of the performance of rhythm, the rhythm of plot structure, character, mental and emotional rhythm inherent the rhythm of t
Intrinsic rhythm, and some film theorists to determine the film screen and the basic value of the whole film, "The first factor, the external rhythm by the film intrinsic theme of the performance of rhythm, the rhythm of plot structure, character, mental and emotional rhythm inherent the rhythm of t百度拇指医生
验证码输入错误,请重新输入Intrinsic - definition of intrinsic by The Free Dictionary /intrinsic
intrinsic Also found in: , , , , , .Related to intrinsic: , , , ,
(ĭn-trĭn′zĭk, -sĭk)adj.1.
Of or relating to the essenti inherent.2.
Anatomy Situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body part on which it acts. Used of certain nerves and muscles.[Middle English intrinsique, inner, from Old French intrinseque, from Late Latin intrīnsecus, inward, from Latin, inwardly; see
in .]in·trin′si·cal·ly adv.intrinsic (?n'tr?ns?k) or intrinsicaladj1. of or relating to the essenti inherent2.
(Anatomy) anatomy situated within or peculiar to a part: intrinsic muscles. [C15: from Late Latin intrinsecus from Latin, inwardly, from intrā within + secus related to sequī to follow] in'trinsically advin•trin•sic
(ɪnˈtrɪn sɪk, -zɪk)
also in•trin′si•cal,
belonging to a thing by its very nature:
intrinsic value.
(of certain muscles, nerves, etc.) belonging to or lying within a given part.
[;90; & Medieval Latin intrinsecus inward]
in•trin′si•cal•ly, adv.
intrinsic - Latin intrinsecus, "on the inside," came to be the English intrinsic, "inner, internal" and "inherent."See also related terms for .
Switch to Adj.1.intrinsic - belonging to a thin "form was treated as something intrinsic, as the very essence of the thing"- John Dewey,
- incapable of being repudiated or tr "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" - b "the essential feature" - not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originat "extrinsic evidence"; "an extrinsic feature of the new building"; "that style is something extrinsic to the subject"; "looking for extrinsic aid"2.intrinsic - situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body p "intrinsic muscles",
- the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals - happening or arising or located within some limits o "internal organs"; "internal mechanism of a toy"; "internal party maneuvering"intrinsicadjective , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Diamonds have little intrinsic value. , , , , , , intrinsicadjectiveForming an essential element, as arising from the basic structure of an individual:, , , , , , , , , , , , , .
luontainenolennainenintrinsi?anpriro?ensvojstvenintrinsic [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk] ADJ → intrinsic value →
m stress is intrinsic to the job → el
al the harp and fiddle are intrinsic to Irish music → el
intrinsic [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk] adj [value, interest] → He believed in the intrinsic superiority of his people → Il
de son .intrinsic adj merit, value → ; (= essential) → , ; intrinsic evidence (Jur) →
Urkundenbeweis; is this form intrinsic to the poem? → ist
Form? (geh); financial insecurity is intrinsic to capitalism →
des intrinsic [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk] adj → intrinseco/ain·trin·sic a. intrínseco-a, esencial, exclusivo-a. V.: . intrinsic adj intrínseco
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At that epoch of pristine simplicity, however, matters of even slighter public interest, and of far less intrinsic weight than the welfare of Hester and her child, were strangely mixed up with the deliberations of legislators and acts of state. I will import the chief portion of it into this book, partly because of its intrinsic interest, and partly because it gives such a vivid idea of what the perilous pastime of Alp-climbing is. This doubt was more or less openly expressed in Riverboro, which, however, had two opi one that it was a most generous thing in the Sawyer girls to take one of Aurelia's children to educate, the other that the education would be bought at a price wholly out of proportion to its intrinsic value. I am sure most people would have tho yet there was so much unconscio so much e such a look of complete indifference to his own so haughty a reliance on the power of other qualities, intrinsic or adventitious, to atone for the lack of mere personal attractiveness, that, in looking at him, one inevitably shared the indifference, and, even in a blind, imperfect sense, put faith in the confidence. and what event of weightier intrinsic importance, or of more extensive consequences, was ever selected for this honorary distinction? The proof of this proposition turns upon the greater degree of influence which the State governments if they administer their affairs with uprightness and prudence, will generally pos a circumstance which at the same time teaches us that there is an inherent and intrinsic weakness in all f and that too much pains cannot be taken in their organization, to give them all the force which is compatible with the principles of liberty. No political truth is certainly of greater intrinsic value, or is stamped with the authority of more enlightened patrons of liberty, than that on which the objection is founded. Pain is simply our intrinsic medical adviser to warn us and stimulate us. And he measured ten double handfuls of pearls, diamonds, and other gems, many of which, mounted by the most famous workmen, were valuable beyond their intrinsic worth. Thus the things already mentioned, and these alone, are in their intrinsic nothing else can claim the name in its own right, but, if at all, only in a secondary sense. Still I observed that neither of the young lades inquired the PRICES, these being considerations that had no influence on the intrinsic value, while the circumstance caused my heart to sink within me, as it clearly proved they did not intend to purchase, and I longed to become the property of the gentle, serene- eyed Anne. Its intrinsic value does not exceed thirty thousand francs.
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intellectual 作形容词解释为动脑筋的 作名词解释 则为 知识分子
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答: 1 没有考试次数限制;2 现在只能是大学在校生才可以报名,(一般在大一进行英语分班考试,分为二级英语和三级英语,三级英语班的学生大一就可以报考四级);3 但是要...
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science and educational film
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