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Announcer Says North Korean Fans Are Actually “Handpicked Chinese Actors”
Dan Fogarty
5:19 pm, June 15th, 2010
If you watched today’s World Cup action, you may have noticed the strong contingent of patriotic and boisterous North Koreans rooting on their underdog team against heavily-favored Brazil. Well, according to ESPN’s , those aren’t North Korean fans at all: they’re paid actors from China.
Thanks to an ever-vigilant tipster for pointing out this gem from the 65th minute of today’s match:
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No related stories.当前位置:> > > 郑秀妍Jessica《Miss Korea》热舞 粉丝称根本把持不住
郑秀妍Jessica《Miss Korea》热舞 粉丝称根本把持不住
发布:日 16:37来源:深圳广电集团
22日,韩国著名团体少女时代GIRLS'GENERATION《Marchen Fantasy》开演。其中,Jessica郑秀妍的《Miss Korea》热舞引粉丝疯狂尖叫。有网友表示,郑秀妍的版本无比性感,连女人都把持不知了。
alt='郑秀妍Jessica《Miss Korea》热舞 粉丝称根本把持不住' border='0' />
郑秀妍Jessica《Miss Korea》热舞 粉丝称根本把持不住
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