season of 12 colors of the world的背景音乐在哪

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Here comes the thank you note, from our artist Chris.
We’d love to share some details about this game, it is amazing to get so many votes!
&Season of 12 colors& will include four independent stories:
Summer:Message on the Paper Plane
Winter: Auspicious Ringtone
Spring: Song of Firefly
Autumn: Garden with Sunflowers
Summer is coming, and we are prepared :)
--The way it was,
Just like it is now,
On a bright, bright summer day.
&That's a promise, right?&
The girl in a white dress said.
Sunny sky.
A paper plane slid across it,
riding on blue winds.
&Season of 12 colors& is a Healing Visual Novel Series: four independent short stories around the same theme.
&Summer:Message on the Paper Plane& is the first chapter that will be released.The other three chapters will be released later as DLC.
&Paper Plane& is a partly nonlinear story about childhood memories. Collecting all pieces from different point-of-view, then the truth will emerge.
We are trying to reach as much players as we can, so we are moving to a new cross-platform Engine.
This is our second project, if you are interested in our previous work, please visit .
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Date Posted: 14 Mar @ 8:22amPosts: 1
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Full Audio
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Includes 5 Steam Achievements
Title: Season of 12 Colors
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 14 Mar, 2016
Buy Season of 12 colors
Recent updates
A lot of thanks to Josh, we have more accurate English subtitles now!
Our team is working on fixing bugs and the next update will focus on stability.
Happy to be invited to Anime Weekend, our first game &Gaokao.Love.100Days& is on sale too.
At the same time, new game “Soulslayer” just pass greenlight! Thank you for the votes and messages! :)
[version 1096623]
Thank you for staying with us! :12paperplane:
We have fixed several issues and will keep working on it.
[Fixed Issue]
1. Fixed: Cannot unlock the 3rd chapter.
2. Fixed: Some windows users cannot launch the game.
3. Fixed: Cannnot use windowed mode if desktop resoultion is smaller than .
4. Fixed: Rare crash happened during the gameplay.
[Known Issue] We're trying to fix them ASAP.
1. On Mac, game might lose the audio in late game.
Workaround: Save the progress and re-launch the game
2. On Linux, the fullscreen mode cause flickering.
Workaround: Use windowed mode instead of full-screen.
If the game still can not launch, please send the dmp files (BKEexception.txt&BKEexception.dmp) and the OS info to
We will try our best to fix them!
About This Game
--The way it was,
Just like it is now,
On a bright, bright summer day.
&That's a promise, right?&
The girl in a white dress said.
Sunny sky.
A paper plane slid across it,
riding on blue winds.
&Season of 12 colors& is a Healing Visual Novel Series: four independent short stories around the same theme.
&Summer:Message on the Paper Plane& is the first chapter released. The other three chapters will be released later as DLC.
&Paper Plane& is a partly nonlinear story about childhood memories. Collecting all pieces from different point-of-view, then the truth will emerge.
This is our second project, if you are interested in our previous work, please visit .
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
Processor: 1000MHz
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
OS: Mac OS X
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
OS: Ubuntu / SteamOS
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
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Very Positive
(444 reviews)
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(854 reviews)
Very good storyline. The story is short, takes about an hour or two to finish, but I feel like it was a really good experience and a good $3 spend.
i'm not that into visual novels but i really enjoyed this! i love the story and the music and art is so pretty. just a warning though. the story is kinda confusing at a few parts but its not too bad. also the voices i thought was kinda annoying cause it sounds very forced but theres not alot of real voices so i didnt mind to much.for the price i didnt expect much from it but its very good! i would takes about 2-3 hours to finishsorry if this isnt helpful this is the first review ive ever done so i dont really know how to do this.
A short, sweat visual novel about the story of one boy and two girls, simple, but impressive.And it's surprsingly cheap, for a such wonderful piece, just buy it.
I just finished the game.... , I almost cried at the end :'(.It was a really touching story. Some might argue its hard to understand but at the end all pieces fit together. I especially enjoyed the ending theme for the true ending. I definitly recommend it! Play it with an open mind and engage with the story, imagine it and let the characters breath.While reading the story I thought about a lot of different things. Due to having red quite some stories I tried to guess how the story would unfold but I was pleasently surprised at the ending, especially as it has a great build up to it where you are wondering what will happen to the characters.I saw there will be DLC but the story so far seems selfcontained and &finished&, but I happily will read more about the characters.The only slight negative might be a few formating issues with the speak/narrative text. But that could also be a result because im quite a fast reader.Finally, cant say it enough, a hearthwarming and touching story!You notice a good story if you have to take some time and think after you finished it. If a story was good I just cant jump into another one right away. Same happend here, I just need to cool off and come back from this world :).
10/10 would cry again. It's like a Clannad spinoff series
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To be honest, the beginning of this novel has stood out quite boring. But after 3-4 chapters it becoming more interesting. Worth every penny. I`ll wait for the other novels from this developer
I've been studying Mandarin for a few months and decided to get this to see if I can understand anything. I could not.Could be okay if you like visual novels, I prefer real females.
It's a very good game with a impressive story. Unfortunately, the software has bug such as cannot exit and the mouse focus. But it also worth to buy if u like to see a simple and moving story.
This visual novel is really good. I got a bit lost with the story, but I appreciated a lot this VN.The price is very low, but the quality is here.If you like visual novels, just buy it,
Im sorry but this Is way to scary of a horror game.
10/10. interesting story and very sweet, i can really feel it.the story is a bit short tho, can't wait to see the DLCs coming would be ezsier to understand the story 'timeline' if you had watched the movies 'The Time Traveler's Wife' & 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'10/10 again!.
I first wanted this because it looked cute, but after playing, I can really feel the storyThe story is very touching and its worth the price, despite it being shortAlso, the backgrounds look awesome \o/
Played for cute, stayed for feels
What's the most horrible thing?Death?Oblivion?It's a story of full of them but gives you a warm feeling.
10/10.why you asked?1. real tearjerker2. cheap 3. plot is good,jasmine &34. sad but good ^5. REALLY REALLY GOODwould like to see more of your works in the future ~!
10/10 for my first visual novel.DO NOT play it after viewing/editing/██████ any SCP files.
Very beautiful and touching, The characters are super cute. Just when you think its over it keeps going, unleashing more and more of the story. Art style and music is A+. Another good VN to add to your collection.
Short sweet visual novel perfect for gamers new to the genre!
Good game must support
One of the few domestic work of conscience
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This visual novel is really good. I got a bit lost with the story, but I appreciated a lot this VN.The price is very low, but the quality is here.If you like visual novels, just buy it,
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It's a very good game with a impressive story. Unfortunately, the software has bug such as cannot exit and the mouse focus. But it also worth to buy if u like to see a simple and moving story.
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To be honest, the beginning of this novel has stood out quite boring. But after 3-4 chapters it becoming more interesting. Worth every penny. I`ll wait for the other novels from this developer
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I just finished the game.... , I almost cried at the end :'(.It was a really touching story. Some might argue its hard to understand but at the end all pieces fit together. I especially enjoyed the ending theme for the true ending. I definitly recommend it! Play it with an open mind and engage with the story, imagine it and let the characters breath.While reading the story I thought about a lot of different things. Due to having red quite some stories I tried to guess how the story would unfold but I was pleasently surprised at the ending, especially as it has a great build up to it where you are wondering what will happen to the characters.I saw there will be DLC but the story so far seems selfcontained and &finished&, but I happily will read more about the characters.The only slight negative might be a few formating issues with the speak/narrative text. But that could also be a result because im quite a fast reader.Finally, cant say it enough, a hearthwarming and touching story!You notice a good story if you have to take some time and think after you finished it. If a story was good I just cant jump into another one right away. Same happend here, I just need to cool off and come back from this world :).
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10/10 would cry again. It's like a Clannad spinoff series
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i'm not that into visual novels but i really enjoyed this! i love the story and the music and art is so pretty. just a warning though. the story is kinda confusing at a few parts but its not too bad. also the voices i thought was kinda annoying cause it sounds very forced but theres not alot of real voices so i didnt mind to much.for the price i didnt expect much from it but its very good! i would takes about 2-3 hours to finishsorry if this isnt helpful this is the first review ive ever done so i dont really know how to do this.
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A short, sweat visual novel about the story of one boy and two girls, simple, but impressive.And it's surprsingly cheap, for a such wonderful piece, just buy it.
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Very good storyline. The story is short, takes about an hour or two to finish, but I feel like it was a really good experience and a good $3 spend.
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2 people found this review funny
If you think this is yet another cheap boring visual novel and decide to give a bad review,I strongly advise you to MAKE SURE you have read the decode story.The game greatly exceeds my expectations with this price, especially the short but subtle storyline, together with the awesome art work and soothing sound tracks. Play nice on linux.A definitely 10/10.============致中文玩家:买============致开发者,关于系统的一些小的建议:点击新游戏后没有再次返回主菜单的选项;语言选择简体中文的时候很多菜单界面都是繁体中文的;想看回想的时候习惯性地使用鼠标滚轮,发现鼠标滚轮无论向上滚还是向下滚都是回滚的效果;建议能在新的章节出现的时候适度高亮新章节的飞机做为提醒,虽然大家应该都是一次性通关的?祝好!
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3 people found this review funny
Alright alright, I gave it a bad review before, but now that I learned about how the &main story& is like, 20% of the actual story it got a lot more interesting.
You better press that &decode& plane.The main initial story just had me immensely bored, but once I understood the rest it made sense they would be so simple, it's all they could've wanted with their situation.
I don't want to spoil anything.Definitely would've recommended more atmosphere sounds and the music box stuff gave me some initial cringes, but it's ok now that I understand the plot.It's worth a couple dollars to have some fun thoughts and watch a story play out with them.
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Season of 12 Colors is original visual novel that revolves on the theme of childhood memories. The story is nicely crafted and well thought out, as you are given the perspective of the story from the different characters. In addition, the artwork of the game, as well as the soundtrack, are excellently presented and add meaningful immersion to the story. Though the game is bit short (1-2 hours), the asking price is fair, and the achievements are all easy to obtain for 100% completion. Overall, if you enjoy visual novels, then you should defintely try out this one.
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I first wanted this because it looked cute, but after playing, I can really feel the storyThe story is very touching and its worth the price, despite it being shortAlso, the backgrounds look awesome \o/
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Visuals:-Lovely paint-style art with subtle animation here and there that enhances the atmosphere-Has a CG gallery-Really cute Steam badgesSound:-Soothing music that match story sequences-Has a music section where you can listen to the soundtrack-Professional voice actingStory:Try not to read too many reviews.Buy the game.Read the &Main Story& - do not give up during this phase.When done with &Main Story&, click on &Decode Story&.???? gets real.
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1 person found this review funny
What a sweet story! The art style, BG, BGM and VA were simply perfect. This game is worth every cent! I’m looking forward for the DLCs.Also, I’d like to report a bug on Mac OS X: sometimes all the sound (including VA) stops working, and I have to close the game and open it again. There’s a few typos too.Even so, 10/10!
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7 people found this review funny
I've always liked sweet and short indie/doujin visual novels without choices. Season of 12 Colors seemed appealing to me due to its warm rural summer setting. After finishing the game, though, I was a bit disappointed. The story starts off light and then turns into a bittersweet tragedy with magical fantasy elements. What I didn't like about it is pretty close to what bothered me in &Ame no Marginal& and &40 Days and 40 Night of Rain&: The fantasy elements primary seem to serve to purpose o they aren't part of the world until they are needed, and inventing whatever rules are needed to give the story some emotional twists feels artificial to me. I also wasn't too pleased with the writing quality. The translation was okay in general, but there were quite a few typos, grammar mistakes and awkward-sounding phrases – probably lines translated too close to the original text that don't sound good in English. Example:&She has a simple life.She has the 'current' moment.She has a cute child with a laughter like sunshine.&Line 2 sounds really unnatural and line 3 m it should probably be &was& instead of has.The writing style is pretty simple, and while that's not necissarily a problem, &Season of 12 Colors& has (like most visual novels) no recognizable style which makes it feel a bit generic.The art is pretty good. Warm colors, beautiful backgrounds, nice characters designs. The music was also decent.Overall it's not a bad story, but if feels constructed and the writing style is fairly generic. I can see why people find &Season of 12 Colors& appealing – and I genuinely like some of its ideas –, but it just doesn't work for me. I can't say I regret the purchase, though, the pricing is very fair.Recommendations for people who liked &Season of 12 Colors&:- Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal- (short visual novel (~2-3h) available on Steam in the same style, but with more elaborate world building)- 40 Days and Nights of Rain (short (~1h) free visual novel in the same style) - planetarian (short visual novel (~5h) available on Steam with very good world and character building)- True Remembrance (free short visual novel (~6h) with excellent writing, good world building and very sweet and warm character interactions –
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&That's a promise, right?& The girl in a white dress said.I'm not a big fan of virtual novels but this one was recommended me from one of good friends of mine. Totally worth it.The story, music and art is amazing.Definitely gonna check out what comes next.10/10
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Very beautiful and touching, The characters are super cute. Just when you think its over it keeps going, unleashing more and more of the story. Art style and music is A+. Another good VN to add to your collection.
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This is one of the most beautiful Visual Novels since Ame no marginal. The art looks like beautiful painting through most of the game and the game has great animation where applicable. The scenery is some of the most beautiful I have yet seen in any visual novel. The story is sad and thought provoking in the same way as Ame no Marginal and features characters that could be personal to players
in many ways but who are also interesting and unique in their own ways. The story is quite confusing and starts a little slow but it's more than worth it once you get to the decode part of the story. This game is great for visual novel fans of all ages, no adult content here just a great story and beautiful art well worth the cost.Note: took me at least 4 hours to get all card drops.I give it a 10/10 and can't wait for the DLC continuations of the series.
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Played for cute, stayed for feels
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