youwallalwaysbetheoneilove you

you will always be the one ilove你将永远是我爱的那个人
  you wall always be the one i love  中文翻译是:你永远是我爱的人
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Remember That
This poems is to my fiance that I love very much and always will too!!!
My love for her is really better than wine. I love her. Problem is she does not want to be taken out for dinner.
Remember That
Sara Stout
November 2009
I will always love you,
Remember that.
You can push me away,
but I'll always come back.
you can deny your desire and say it can't be,
but I won't let the walls come between you and me.
You're afraid of your dark side,
the harm you could cause.
I have never feared your hands
or their sharp, pointy claws.
I love them,
I love you,
I love all that you are.
protest all you like,
but you will not get far.
You can never change my mind.
My heart will stay true.
I'll do everything I can to get closer to you.
I will wait for you forever,
so get used to that fact.
I will always love you,
"Remember That."
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