you use your 什么harder to breathee

& How to Breathe With Your Diaphragm您要找的是不是:
They breathe the breath of liberty again.
But my dear baby , I have been already unable to separate with you . I must breathe your breath every day, I want to seek your trace every day.
As a teacher I devote myself to supporting the students with clear instructions to move body with breath, and to breathe every breath with confidence and with tranquility.
Or breathe one breath of yours upon my verse, And leave its odor there.
I can't breathe your breath, like I really lose to you.
Just as I must breathe each breath.
So what will you and I return to Him, as we breathe our last breath?
Life, no matter how we choose to look at it, is a constant battle. It is the beginning of a struggle that continues until we breathe our last breath.
Some people who like to eat very hot chillis chili peppers say that they can help you breath breathe better if you have a cold.
It is good for us to breathe a deep breath in the morning.
How much love must they have harbored for us to be willing to go through all that pain just so we could breathe our first breath?Tons.
All creatures must breathe. When breath is impeded, we can't blame nature on it.
Or new-created, wrathful, unknown beasts to breathe forth fiery breath, Or pour out roaring smoke, or flash terrible sparks from their eyes.
It's natural to hold your breath or breathe shallowly as a response to fear, but this will make your voice sound strained.
I'll succeed as you breathe your very last breath.
Now is a spring, the contagion disease is a lot of, hope everyone exercises much and much at ordinary times, studying like want outdoors breath to breathe fresh air, also want to notice airiness.
I can only give my life, and show you all I am, in the breath I breathe.
If you use abdomen to breathe, then the breath will be more powerful than if you use chest to breathe. A more powerful breath will make a more powerful sound.
I try to think and breathe deeply and my breath comes out in a white 1)puff.
Now, let me check your chest. Breathe in. Hold your breath. Breathe out. Thats it.
Hold your breath. Breathe out. That's it. I think you've got the flu.
If you use your abdomen to breathe, then the breath will be more powerful than if you use your chest to breathe. A more powerful breath will make a more powerful sound.
Now breathe in a deep breath.
Hold your breath or breathe slowly when firing.
快门 的时候屏住呼吸或者保持平稳呼吸。
Let me listen to your lungs, deep breath, breathe in, hold it and breathe out.
OK. Take a deep breath. Breathe. Ommmm …
Let me listen to your lungs, deep breath, breathe in , hold it , breathe out.
Let me listen to your lungs, deep breath, breathe in , hold it , breathe out.
- 来自原声例句
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Written by contributing writer
Costochondritis is a condition in which there is inflammation and tenderness right at the area where the cartilage attaches to the sternum (the costochondral joints). The condition causes great pain on one or both sides of the sternum. The pain can radiate out, causing discomfort in the whole upper chest area. Diagnosis is made by gently pressing the joints along the sternum after ruling out other conditions like a heart attack. The condition and associated pain can last for six months to a year or more. This article will explore how to prevent costochondritis.
Avoid trauma to the chest area including the sternum and ribs. One cause of costochondritis is a blunt force injury to the chest area. This would usually happen in a car accident, such as when the driver's chest hits the steering wheel if the airbag doesn't deploy upon impact. Other causes of direct impact to the chest would include being punched in the chest during a fight or getting hit in the chest during a contact sport such as football. Protect your sternum and ribs when driving. One way to protect yourself from a severe blow to the chest in a car accident is to wear your seat belt. Often, the seat belt can restrain you enough that you don't hit the steering wheel, or at least not as hard. Also make sure your airbags are working, so that the airbag keeps you from hitting the steering wheel upon impact. Use protection when playing contact sports. Anything you can use to lessen a blow to your chest area will help you avoid costochondritis. Wear some type of padding on the chest. Have good posture. Poor posture and poorly designed chairs at workstations can lead to weakened muscles and joints and lead to costochondritis. Sitting up straight at work and while on a computer can lessen your chance of this weakening which leads to costochondritis. Ergonimically designed chairs can also be of benefit. Avoid activities that will overuse the chest area and strain the chest muscles and joints. Repetitively using this area without proper conditioning can lead to costochondritis. Also, misuse and overuse of the chest area can lead to costochondritis. Compare this to carpal tunnel syndrome, where overuse and misuse of the wrists can lead to injury. Keep the muscles in your chest area well toned and stretched out. Do exercises to tone the chest muscles and stretching exercises to stay limber. This way, if you're involved in an accident or injury to the chest, the body will be more flexible and you will have less chance of the injury being serious (and leading to costochondritis). The more toned you are, the better you'll be able to heal as well. If you do receive injury to your chest area, seek medical attention immediately and follow the doctor's instructions for treatment. Make sure to take anti-inflammatory medicine and rest the area, so that it can heal. Costochondritis may develop as a secondary condition when your body is still stressed after injury and is not allowed to heal, or the body reacts with the condition when trying to deal with the trauma to the chest. TipCostochondritis is not to be confused with Tietze's Syndrome, which has mainly the same symptoms but also includes swelling in the chest area along the sternum (and sometimes part of the sternum). If you do end up with costochondritis, make sure to use anti-inflammatory medicine and reduce your use of the muscles and joints in the chest, especially lifting and extended movements while you heal. Alternative medicines and therapies would include ginger root for the inflammation and acupuncture and massage to help aid in healing. Cortisone injections may be used if the pain persists over time and does not go away (especially after a year or more, or sometimes even after six months).WarningCostochondritis is not an easy condition to treat, due to the inability to prevent movement and irritation during healing. You use your chest muscles even to breathe, so there is no way to keep the area still while it heals. Do not be surprised once you get costochondritis if it lasts for up to a year or more, depending on the extent of the injury and how fast your body heals.
Tips and warnings
Costochondritis is not to be confused with Tietze's Syndrome, which has mainly the same symptoms but also includes swelling in the chest area along the sternum (and sometimes part of the sternum). If you do end up with costochondritis, make sure to use anti-inflammatory medicine and reduce your use of the muscles and joints in the chest, especially lifting and extended movements while you heal. Alternative medicines and therapies would include ginger root for the inflammation and acupuncture and massage to help aid in healing. Cortisone injections may be used if the pain persists over time and does not go away (especially after a year or more, or sometimes even after six months). Costochondritis is not an easy condition to treat, due to the inability to prevent movement and irritation during healing. You use your chest muscles even to breathe, so there is no way to keep the area still while it heals. Do not be surprised once you get costochondritis if it lasts for up to a year or more, depending on the extent of the injury and how fast your body heals.
Things you need
avoidance of chest trauma
avoidance of overuse activity in the chest area
avoidance of repeated minor chest injuries
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