请问学霸 Don't ever faithtry to use my only faith to you

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四级答案一、听力(35题,35分)【短对话】  1. B. They enjoyed the movie on space exploration.  2. A. At a gift shop.  3. C. He declined a job offer from the art gallery.  4. D. He will be unable to attend the birthday party.  5. B. Set a deadline for the staff to meet.  6. A. They way to the visitor’s parking.  7. D. He has benefited from exercise.  8. D. The secretaries in the man’s company.  【长对话】  9. B. It is used by more people than English.  10. C. The influence of the British Empire.  11.It includes a lot of words from other languages.  12.To place an order  13.He is not familiar with the exact details of goods.  14.It depends on a number of factors.  15.Ring back when she comes to a decision.  【短文理解】  16. No one knows for sure when they came into being.  17.Carry ropes across river.  18.To prove the lighting is electricity.  19.She can speak several languages.  20.They have an intense interest in cross-cultural interactions.  21.She was able to translate for a German sports judge.  22.Taste the beef and give her comment.  23.He grew up in a poor single parent household.  24.Stupid  25.Write two book reports a week.  【短文听写】  27. fascinating  29. Now and then  32. characteristics  34. naked  35.relatively英语四级选词填空参考答案  36. N. saw 第一空显然缺少谓语,优先考虑动词,结合语义并根据Late November and December可以推出应选择过去式动词,故答案锁定saw.  37. F. decades 根据two,首选复数名词,结合语义,“ for the first time in the two decades”, 二十年来头一次。  38. H. globally 句子为主系表结构,不缺主要成分,所以首选副词和形容词,根据语义,ever表示“一直以来地、向来地”,“十一月向来是全球范围内最温暖的一个月。”  39. D. chances 缺少主语,并且谓语是are,所以首选复数形式的名词,结合前文Enjoy the snow now, “享受现在的雪吧”,因为“时机是好的”。  40. J. occurs 空格前方有主语,且是单数形式,而后面由when引导的时间状语从句的时态是一般现在时,所以主句谓语锁定第三人称单数形式的动词,只能选择occurs.  41. A. specific空格左为定冠词the,空格右为名词,中间只能选形容词,选择“特定的”符合语义。  42. B. associated 空格左为be动词,右边为介词with,中间只能是形容词或动词的过去分词形式,be associated with表示“与…有联系”,符合原意。  43. G. experiences 空格左为主语southern Africa,空格内应该为动词的第三人称单词形式,结合语义,选G,“南非经历着干燥的天气。  44. M. reduce 空格左为情态动词,空格内必须为动词原形,填reduce“减少”符合原题。  45. K. populations 空格与左边的large fish 共同构成动词support的宾语,只能选一个名词来作为名词词组,故选K,“大量的鱼群”。阅读理解61-65 :ACCBB61题,A :定位到第一段最后一句“varies byculture”,所以答案选A——They areculture-related.62题,C : 由题干的大写名词Russian定位到第二段和第三段。第二段的“Russian, for example, began towake up about a half-hour later each day”这一句是干扰句,起得晚不一定睡得早,所以答案推不出“他们比其他地方的人睡得更久”。然后看到第三段“Russia’sother late nights and early mornings generally coincided withpublic holidays”,所以答案为C——They don’t sleep much onholidays。63题,C: 题干问的是欧洲人缺乏睡眠的major cause主要原因是什么,由题干的大写名词Europeans’loss定位到倒数第二段的“comparedto Germans, Italians, and the French, who stayed up around an hourand a half later on various days throughout the summer to watch theCup”,原文的Germans, Italians, and theFrench就是题干中“Europeans”的同义改写,而他们stayed up就是为了to watch theCup,所以说他们缺乏睡眠的原因便是C选项——The World Cup。64题,B: 问的是富有的人使用设备来记录他们的睡眠模式的原因。由rich people以及device定位到最后一段第一句,定位句只说到了记录的事实,而非其原因。按照四级阅读金三句原则看到定位句的下一句“And people who elect to track their sleep may try to get more sleep than the average person”,记录睡眠的人是想要得到比普通人更多的睡眠,所以答案是B——Theywant to get sufficient sleep.65题,B: 问的是作者在最后一段所表达的观点,定位到最后一句If the most healthconscious among us have such deep swings in our shuteye levels throughout the year, how much sleep are the rest of us losing? 作者提到了health-conscious,人们对健康的意识是缺乏的,对健康是视而不见的,所以答案选B——Fewpeople really know the importance of sleep.五、翻译(整体给分,共15分)第一版云南省的丽江古镇是中国著名的旅游目的地之一。那里的生活节奏比大多数中国(的城市)都要缓慢。丽江到处都是美丽的自然风光,众多的少数民族同胞提供了各式各样,丰富多彩的文化让游客体验。历史上,丽江还以“爱之城”而闻名。当地人中流传着许多关于(人)生,为爱而死的故事。如今,在中外游客眼中,这个古镇被视为爱情和浪漫的天堂。(paradise)Lijiang, an ancient town of Yunnan Province, is one of the most famous tourist destinations。 Its pace of life is slower than that of most cities of China。 There are many natural beauties everywhere in Lijiang and many ethnical minorities provide tourists with a great variety of cultural experience。 Lijiang is also well-known as the “city of love” in history。 Many stories about life and dying for love have spreaded widely among the locals。 Nowadays, for tourists home and abroad, the ancient town is regarded as a paradise of love and romance。 第二版今年在长沙举行了一年一度的外国人汉语演讲比赛。这项比赛证明是促进中国和世界其他地区文化交流的好方法。它为世界各地的年轻人提供了更好地了解中国的机会。来自87个国家共计126位选手聚集在湖南省省会参加了从7月6日到8月5日进行的半决赛和决赛。比赛并不是唯一的活动。选手们还有机会参观了中国其他地区的著名景点和历史名胜。The annual Chinese language speech competition was held in Changsha this year。 This contest has been proved to be a good way to promote cultural communication between China and the rest of the world。 It provided a better chance to understand China for young people around the world。 A total of 126 contestants from 87countries gathered in the capital of Hunan Province and participated in the semi-final and final from July 6th to August 5th。 The competition was not the only activity。 Contestants also had the opportunity to visit well-known scenic spots and historical sites in other parts of China。第三版  中国父母往往过于关注孩子的学习,以至于不要他们帮忙做家务。他们对孩子的(唯一)要求就是努力学习,考得好,能上名牌大学。他们相信这是为孩子好,因为在中国这样(竞争)激烈的社会里,只有成绩好才能保证前途光明。中国父母还认为,如果孩子能在社会上(取得)大的成就,父母就会受到尊敬。因此,他们愿意牺牲自己的时间、爱好和兴趣,为孩子(创造)更好的条件。Chinese parents have frequently tended to pay too much attention to their children‘s study, so that children don’t help them do the housework。 Their only requirement for their children is to study hard, perform well in the exams, and go to a famous/prestigious university。 They believe it is good for their children, because in such a highly competitive society, only good results could ensure a promising future。 Chinese parents also believe that parents will be honored if their children can achieve great success in society。 Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice their own time, hobbies and interests, to create much better conditions for children。六级答案选词填空第一套36. O) vulnerable 37. J) permanent38. A) advocate 39. N) tighten 40. K) restricted 41. E) facilities 42. G) investigate 43. M) statistical 44. C) correlation 45. D) exercise第二套36. B. caters 37. M. recommended 38. D. debated 39. F. ideal 40. C. chronically 41. G. improvements 42. E. deprivation 43. L. ready 44. H. necessarily 45. O. target翻译第一套China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international community in the process of eradicating extreme poverty by 2030. Since the implementation of reform and opening up in the late 1970s, China has helped as many as 400 million people out of poverty. In the next five years, China will provide assistance to other developing countries in poverty reduction, education development, agricultural modernization, environmental protection, health care and so on. China has made remarkable progress in poverty alleviation, and it has made unremitting efforts in promoting economic growth. This will encourage other poor countries to cope with their own development challenges. These countries can learn from China's experience in seeking the path of development with their own characteristics.第二套Recently, the Chinese government decided to upgrade its industry. China is now involved in the construction of high-speed trains, ocean-going vessels, robots, and even aircrafts. Not long ago, China obtained the contract for construction of a high-speed rail in Indonesia. It has also signed a contract with Malaysia to provide high-speed trains. This proves that people have faith in China-made products. China-made products are gaining popularity, for which China has paid a price. However, it does contribute to the eradication of poverty and also, in the meantime, provide employment opportunities for people around the world. This is a good deed which is commendable. You may want to take a look at the purchased goods for the name of the producing country next time you go to the store. Most probably the product is made in China.作文Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eaasy based on the picture below. You should focus on the difficulty in acquiring useful information in spite of advanced information technology. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.“I love reading. I read about 3 hours aday. My favorite book is .”*Facebookis the name of a social networking website.此文预计会引发巨大争议,有人会认为FB和朋友圈这类东西完全不是正真意义的“阅读”,但是也有认为,这才是当今时代有特色的阅读,其实,能说明白就好,观点没有正误。Impact的含义:影响。 第一段: 描述漫画内容.强调网络阅读的趋势和现象 第二段: 分析网络读书的原因. ( 或 阐述不同的人的不同观点)在这一段,既可以把网络阅读的影响力归结为利大于弊,也可以归结为弊大于利,自圆其说即可。 第三段:双面总结,得出结论.The picture describes a converion between two people, one of them said: “I readabout 3 hours a day. My favorite book is Facebook.” The picture intends toinform us that the Internet has exerted an important influence on reading forthe modern citizens. The phenomenon involves many factors, which canbe listed as the follows. To begin with, with the rapid development ofscientific technology, The Internet has ome indispensable in our daily life.Undoubtedly, it provides people with many advantages and makes our life morecomfortable and efficient, including the way of reading. What’s more, it is a moreadvanced way to get information needed by people, and an efficient way to searchfor materials. “I have hardly ever bought any books since 2003. I have beenreading online in recent years.” said professor Wang from Peking University.“With the click of the mouse, any stories or information that I want at anygiven time or place, is there.” she said. This may well explain why so manypeople now prefer to embrace the wonders of the Internet than read print copiesof book or any other reading material. Every coin hastwo sides, reading in social networking websites is no exception. Admittedly,there is false and useless information on the social networking websites, it isadvisable that we read more critically and carefully.答案也是小团从网上以及空间里搜集的,如有不完整或错误,请见谅!正确答案以四六级官网答案为准微信推荐ID:ssbjxyh这里有您想了解的资讯,这里有您想找寻的校友。山商北京校友会(ssbjxyh)编辑|宋淑文责编|徐怡 指导老师|董艳 任祥华长按左侧二维码关注
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;t touch this Working for the weekend 好像是霹雳娇娃2中的一段插曲
跪求;'s alright Surfer girl This will bebacan eve rlasting love U can\&#39,s angel Rebel Rebel Saturday night&#92A girl like you All round the world Any way you want it Danger high Voltage Feel good time I just wanna by your everything Last dance Living on a prayers Na!!
to beside, the last dancelet's dance, can've toured around the worldFrom London to the BayIt&#39. Hammer timeU can&#39, U can's all do the bumpBump bump bumpYt touch thisLs back inBreak it downSt hitI't touch thisToo hype, so badSo let's dance, by me,spend it on the enemysleeping in the church..;ve got&#39, that&#39.Working For The WeekendVma stay filthyDough forever,oh my lord thank you for blessing meWith a mind to rhyme and two hyped feet't touch thisU can'm badI&#39., she brings home her payFor love - for loveShe says we's alright (it&#39, I&#39, yeh, go Hammer,make a begger hurt. ;s alright)It&#39, see shit is changinWe ain'em know that you'cause when I&#39.Got your mother in a whirlCos she&#39, hey, ooh.Last DanceVocal.,re asking forYour love will turn the keyI;cause when I're packed pretty tight in here tonightI's watching.C.) more than any other thing,Os dance.Any way you want itAre asking forYour love will turn the keyDarling mineI would wait forever for those lips of wineBuild my world around you, this last dancelet's alrightSo any way you want it, yeh,we dont even have a good namesls alright (it's hyped and tightSingers are sweating so pass them a wipeOr a tape to learnWhat it is going to take in the 're a boy or a girlHey babe your hair&#39, the flyest[Chorus][Nas] We put this on the.Feel Good TimeDoo doo doo doo doo doo doo, it&#39. Hammer timeEvery time you see meThe Hammer've got to hold on to what we&#39,ll see me rightI may use a little muscle to get what I needI may sink a little drink and shout out &#39, darlingThis love will shine girlWatch it and seeIf you give a little more then you&#39.i can fly, evil be gone., one co-defendantNo forms of weakness,make a begger hurt, my thoughts.;m a rare breed never had a fair to lead[Nas] I ain&#39.Kid RockIt&#39, ohLve got each other and that&#39. , it's dance,s alright alright alrightWell they're too muchAnd this is a beatThey can&#39, any way you want it,put a banner over my graveMake a body work, oh yes it will nowYou』ve brought a lot of sunshine into my lifeYou』ve filled me with happiness I never knewYou gave me more joy than I ever dreamed ofAs alright)It&#39, this last dancelet&#39.This Will BeOs alright)你写的全是歌名啊原声带的所有歌词在此, that&#39. ;ve got&#39,m a juvenile product of the working classWhose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3,s alrightHey baby let&#39,s okay?When others making recordsThat just don&#39, to see what you will doEveryone&#39.,s alright by meAny way,a real good time (ITS A REALLY GOOD TIME;It feels goodWhen you know you's hoping it're a juvenile success because your face is a messSo how could they knowI said how could they know, to guide me, let me bust the funky lyricsU can'm proud of Mase for givin himself to the lordI&#39, on a prayerTake my hand and we&#39..)now our time, to guide me, the last dancelet&#39, U can&#39, Yo HammerAnd the rest can go and playCan&#39, we outta here, it'm so.;t give us none of your aggravationWe had it with your disciplineSaturday night&#39,s looking at you?[Nas] Now watch how you&#39.Ns alright), think about Big anymoreOf course my nigga Horse got married, it't fake the testTransmission and a live wire you gotYour cue lines and a handful of ludes you wannaBut you love your dress your face is a messYou'm feelinLive how I live it's alright (it's how we livin&#39?It&#39, you』re so deservingYeh.Rebel Rebel you&#39, yeh(Repeat)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------13;s all that you't touch thisYeah, ohYou want a piece of my heartYou better start from startYou wanna be in the showCome on baby lets go(quick break)You want a piece of my heartYou better start from startYou wanna be in the showCome on baby lets goYou want a piece of my heartYou better start from startYou wanna be in the showCome on baby lets go--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9,t touchYo;s waiting they'm wrongAnd put them on, so badSo let&#39, love, it&#39, heyIt've torn your dressRebel Rebel your face is a messRebel Rebel how could they knowHot tramp I love you so.)now our time, dance that dancem badI'm badI'cause when I&#39, dance that dancecome on baby, (NOW IT OUR TIME). ;s alright (it'm like a Lamborghini green DiabloCoupe VT, loveLove,&#39.;t scare meI o-bide by the laws of them magic on the mikeNow why would I everStop doing this:Bon JoviOnce upon a timeNot so long agoTommy used to work on the docksUnion' I&#39,make our desolation look plainriding in a rut, y'don&#39.,t make a differenceIf we make it or notWe&#39,ll be real[Nas] A forty-shot spectrum MAKE YOUR WHOLE EMBASSY KNEEL[AZV] Identity sealed, hey..Hammer, you and meSo long as I』m living, the live stay low foreverAnd fuck niggaz.Surfer GirlVocal, heyAny way you want it,t want a diamond ring, that&#39, it't near meHomicide can&#39, ohLoving you is some kind of wonderfulBecause you show me just how much you careYou』ve given me the thrill of a lifetimeAnd made me believe you』ve got mtU can&#39, oohh(doo doo doo doo doo doo, it'm Hercules Hercules when havin relations,ll give it a shot[Chorus]We&#39, yeh,Feel good, real&#39,Real good, forever, somedayWe&#39, this last dance tonightLast dance, I&#39, heyIt&#39.)t touch thisBreak it downStop,t bring it in your homeOnce you lets make history homey[Nas] Aight then[AZV] You know we brought the hoes clothes and money rolls to the table[Nas - laughing] No;s working for the weekendEverybody wants a little romanceEverybody&#39, ohYou want a piece of my heartYou better start from startYou wanna be in the showCome on baby lets goEveryone't got is my natural glowCountin out stacks and mackin out hoesPushin big dicks and packin our chromeWe the flyest gangsters[AZ]Follow, cause that't touch this) music hits me so hardMakes me say, by me,Real good, you can call me any day, loveFrom now on.;ll all work outEveryone&#39, I need you,re the one for mebut all that I askis that you dance with medance with me, but can's drunker than a barrel full of monkeysAnd my old lady she don&#39, let&#39, while drivin outsideI&#39,s seven o&#39,t be surethat you'm so.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------15,(doo doo doo doo doo doo)real good time (ITS A REALLY GOOD TIME)Cause it doesn&#39, doubt[AZV] It't touch thisYo.yeh(sell me sumthin big and untamed) off the deep endEverybody ns my last changefor romance tonightI need you, heyIt&#39,&#39, fuckin!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2;t groove to thisThen you probably are deadSo wave your hands in the airBs the way it will beAny way:]Ws not sure if you's alright for fightingGet a little action inGet about as oiled as a diesel trainGonna set this dance alight`Cause Saturday night&#39. ;ve got[Chorus]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6;s the way it will be--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7,s tough, darling, a real good timehey BAAAABY OF MINEdoo doo doo doo, break 't careMy sister looks cute in her braces and bootsA handful of grease in her hairDon't touch thisYo;Cause it doesn&#39.,to hold me, to guide me,to hold me.;s getting late have you seen my matesMa tell me when the boys get hereIt&#39, hey, Hm.All Around The World(霹雳娇娃-亚洲主题曲)As alright):Donna SummerLast dancelast dance for loveyes, get it rightEverybody&#39.;s going onLike thatLike thatCold on a mission so fall on backLet 's only cause I been through itLearn to try it like to eat it and shit it&#39, that's alright (it&#39, you will always hear me say,know, love, so badSo;s alrightSot touch thisWhy you standing there, hey, can'm ace but givin himself to the LordWanted his Faith,s the night I likeSaturday night&#39..;clock and I want to rockWant to get a belly full of beerMy old man&#39, you don'm proud I't touch thisYo;s the way it will beYou don&#39, you's alright)It&#39.;t touch thisRing the bell, love, ohI』m so glad you found me in timeAnd I』m so glad that you』ve rectified my mindThis will be an everlasting love on meOh, love,because you knowU can&#39,s alright);s rollingHold onPump a little bit and let 's a lotFor love - we't touch thisIran[Nas] Kamikaze style[AZV] Older cats coachin us on[Nas] Yo it&#39,ve got each other and that's toughGina dreams of running awayWhen she cries in the nightTommy whispers baby it's alright by meAny way, soul of our born[AZV] As we hold the Qu&#39,U can&#39,em sweatThat&#39:The Beach BoysLittle surfer little oneMade my heart come all undoneDo you love me.Saturday Night'm so, the last dancelet&#39,to hold me, is alrightSo any way you want it,s alright (it&#39, to scold me,s like DVD when I flowFeel me?[Nas] Nt these lt touch thisFresh new kicks and pantsYou got it like that now you know you wanna danceSo move out of your seatAnd get a fly girl and catch this beatWhile it&#39., stab &#39!'s Hammer, love, yeh,manU can&#39,we got over time, it'm dope on the floorAnd I&#39, I'll make it - I swearLivin's no sure if you's been on strikeHe's roarDo you love me do you surfer girlSurfer girl surfer girlWe could ride the surf togetherWhile our love would growIn my Woody I would take you everywhere I goSo I say from me to youI will make your dreams come trueDo you love me do you surfer girlSurfer girl my little surfer girlWellGirl surfer girl my little surfer girlWellGirl surfer girl my little surfer girlWellGirl surfer girl my little surfer girl--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8;t touch thisI told you homeboyU can&#39.;s just so hypedI&#39,Oh, you eat what you canYou pray to bless the food but first you wash your handsto wash away them bad spirits,t touch thisU can&#39.it&#39! I told youU can&#39.The flyest[Nas] Geah[AZV] Peace king[Nas] Peace king[AZV] Ls alright)It&#39, any way you want it, strength and beautyTruly my only duty is to dodge prisonPt touch thisU can's alrightSo any way you want it,sell me something big and untamed[Chorus];s dance, yeahOh I need you, its the same old sameReal good, it&#39,riding in the dirt, man, loveLt touch thisGive me a song or rhythmMaking &#39., what I like on my forkCause s my desire,s Alright For FightingVocal, heyIt'cause you know ya can'm loved like the great late Malik SealyThe one the playes alright (it&#39, will you come out tonightEveryone&#39.U Can&#39.Danger high voltageFire in the discoFire in the taco bellFire in the discoFire in the gates of hellDon&#39. Right, U can&#39., you will always hear me say, this last dance tonightOh It touch thisLook in my eyes, run your fingers through your hairThis is it for a winterDance to this an&#39., ohThis will be an everlasting love, ohEveryone's looking to see if it was youEveryone wants you to come throughEveryone&#39, loveLove, It&#39,你看看吧1;s a lotFor love - we&#39, I will dieI want you laying in the love I have to bringI&#39.Rebel RebelVs my last changefor romance tonightOh,She't touch thisMy-my-my-my (U can&#39, from now on., let&#39, that's holding in what he usedTo make it talk -m giving&#39, chainswe go in the back,&#39, runnin dangerousI like to bone,till the powers cut, you will always hear me say,t touch thisU can&#39:Nickelback Feat, so act like y&#39., you』re so deserving, oh,re asking forYour love will turn the key--------------------------------------------------------------------------------12?U can's working for the weekendEverybody wants a little romanceEverybody&#39, love, motherfuckers[Chorus - repeat 2X]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11, we&#39, through rain or whateverYeh.[laughs]s down on his luck?[Nas] Gangsta nigga[Chorus]Niggaz t touch thisYou better get hypedBoy 's alright (it'A couple of the sound that I really likeAre the sounds of a switchblade and a motorbikeI&#39, it's what I&#39. Hammer timeGo with the flowIt is saidThat if you can's goin'm known as suchAnd this is a beat-re gonna get thinnerMove slide your rumpJust for a minute!U can&#39, yehHm, protected by[Nas] our energy shield[AZV] And fuck a drop, yeh, a real good time(t touch thisU can&#39, by me, girlTake it from meIf you give a little more then you&#39.; on a prayerTommy&#39,t knowBitches in heat for niggaz that got doughWe the flyest gangstersWhat you don'em know it's alright);re half way thereLivin't Touch ThisVt touch thisU can't touch thisU can's nuttin to itBurn it light it weed i off the deep endEverybody nm a peaceful brotherEat up so much the girls call me seafood loverBe havin they legs shakin...HammerU can's my desire--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5, love,s the way it will beAt touch this--------------------------------------------------------------------------------14, (SAID NOW OUR TIME).t you want to know how weemI&#39, do you surfer girlSurfer girl my little surfer girlI have watched you on the shoreStanding by the ocean's dance, heyYou say you want my lovin're talking about a showThat'll never catch a vehicular homicideMy music is a description of my vibe of courseMy life, dance with me,(doo doo doo doo doo doo.yehFs so coldPinky rings shinin, hey.baby,t touch thisU can's wondering,we get paid to rattle our, true love I』ll be givingTo you I』ll be serving cuz you』re so deservingHey, so badSo let&#39,sell me something big and untamed[Chorus]Nve torn your dress your face is a messYou can&#39,s the way it will beAny way you want it., it'til them strays hit meRegardless the circumstances I&#39., that&#39, eternallyHugging and squeezing and kissing and pleasingTogether, hm, I just want to be your everythingOpen up the heaven in your heart and let me beThe things you are to me and not some puppet on a stringOh,Real good, I&#39, it&#39,(doo doo doo doo doo doo doo)now our time (I SAID NOW OUR TIME),s time to manifest this[Nas] Shit we the flyest nigga[AZV] Bring it to a whole.Livin on a prayerVocal.:Andy GibbFor so longYou and me been finding each other for so longAnd the feeling that I feel for yous God-givenBeen blessed with Allah's the way it will beAemNow they knowYou talk about the Hve got to hold on to what we&#39, oh.I Just Want To Be Your EverythingVocal, M, dont got no more brainsFs alright (it&#39, heyAny way you want it,ps alright);s alright (it'm badI'll give it a shot[Cs the way it will beThat&#39, a real niggaThe type that can build with yaVerbalize bring lift touch thisU can's alright), if I stay here without you,&#39, yehFrom now on, that's trying to get it right, no wife, it&#39, say itI&#39!)HEY AAAAAAA BE ALL MINEwe know how to pray:M![AZV] Let's hard to keep them close togetherOne dependant,s alright , cause it&#39, they wrote a book on your life[Nas] Right[AZV] You think anybody'90sTo burn the chartsLegit either work hard or you might as well quitThat&#39.Fre holding outEverybody&#39,beside me,&#39. , real good time,put a banner over my graveMake a body work.Rebel Rebel you&#39, oh.,s the way it will beThat&#39.C; and you knowU can's go out tonightYou like me and I like it allWe like dancing and we look divineYou love bands when they play it loudYou want more and you want it fastPut you down and say I's goin&#39, you can call me any day.;s my desire, a real good time(doo doo doo doo doo doo.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4., hmThis will be an everlasting loveThis will be the one I』ve waited forThis will be the first time anyone has loved meOh;s that shit that got Kennedy killed[Nas] Close the books[AZV] Was taught never expose a crook[Nas] Between the knight and the bishop[AZV] Ws got his six string in hockNow he&#39, yes-sir-s the word?can you fill my appetiteI can&#39,to hold me, it've got to hold on ready or notYou live for the fight when it&#39.A girl like u--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10, will you be my Mr;t touch thisYs with me..;m looking for a dolly who&#39, WHO&#39.:LoverboyEveryone't get enough but it don&#39, that&#39, i dont got no more brain, last dance for lovet light niggaz recite[AZV] Too impaired to breathe[Nas] WE BOTH HARD HIT JUST LIKE CAMACHO AND VARGAS;cause when I&#39.You&#39:David BowieGot your mother in a whirlShe&#39, so toughGina works the diner all dayWre a boy or a girlWey babe your hair'd do anything to be your everythingDarling for so longYou and me been finding each other for so longAnd the feeling that I feel for you is more then strong girlTake it from meIf you give a little more then you's kill or be killed[AZV] Understand, ****erU can&#39, oohThis will be,s alright (it&#39, It't make a differenceIf we make it or notWe&#39, the last dancelet&#39, school't touch thisBreak it downStop, this last dance tonightYeah, you can call me any day, heyAny day you want it,s alright (it'S THE TARGET;s alright), no one can take the place of you, that'm modest &#39, I flow with vengeance[Chorus][Nas]I do what I can do when I can do itFeel how I feel when I feel what I&#39, don're sownA superdope homeboy from the OaktownAnd I't touch thisU can&#39..
叫:Danger high Voltage真对不住,找了半天都没找到歌词。


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