
诚如是什么意思 诚如在线翻译 诚如什么意思 诚如的意思 诚如的翻译 诚如的解释 诚如的发音 诚如的同义词 诚如的反义词 诚如的例句
诚如 双语例句1. 诚如我早先提过的,他们花在美容用品上的费用很大,而且他们也将是台湾未来的雅痞族。&&&&As I mentioned earlier, they spend a lot of money on beauty products, and they are Taiwan's future yuppies.2. 诚如你的例子,假设你没有使用致死打击或者猛击,那么你也会用这些怒气来做其他的事情。&&&&In your example though, if you had not used Mortal Strike or Slam you probably would have used the rage for something else.3. 3. 对他来说,完善一种技术是一个优秀画家所必须具备的条件,诚如李可染先生用一生的时间和实践来阐明的那样,必须先做画匠,然后才能去做一个画家。&&&&For Guo, it is necessary for an outstanding painter to perfect a skill, just like Mr. Li Keran practicing and illustrating with all his life the truth that you have to be a limner first then a painter.4. 温故以知新,防范于未然,诚如本届世博会的主题:城市,让生活更美好!&&&&We learn from history. We review what has gone before in order to try to avoid the mistakes of the past.5. 而诚如佛陀修过的,三十七道品可以体证四圣谛。&&&&And the Thirty-Seven Qualities lead to realizing the Four Noble Truths, as the Lord Buddha did.6. 诚如所见,满清官员动员一切军事资源,包括八旗与绿营军、地方士绅组织的团练乡勇,以及诸如湘军、淮军这类半私人性质的区域武装力量,以摧毁反叛政权:他们实行屯田政策,建筑壕沟、堡垒等防御工事,有条件用洋人军官、佣兵,这些措施只不过是中央一页政策的序曲:同治中兴时期的政治人物亟欲重建儒家政治的基本价值。&&&&Qing officials, as we have seen, had explored all varieties of military mobilization in order to crush the rebel regimes: they had used the Eight Banner and Green Standard armies, local gentry-led militia, and semiprivate regional armies like the Xiang and the H they had also developed military-agricultural bases as well as defensive perimeters of waterways and forts, and had made selective use of Western officers and mercenary troops.7. 诚如的反义词7. 诚如其他国家一样,日本正向非洲国家提供好处以使自己成为一个更为有利可图的商业伙伴。&&&&Like the others, Japan is offering sweeteners to make itself a saucier commercial partner.8. 8. 诚如经上记载说:`不生育的石女,喜乐罢!未经产痛的女人,欢呼高唱罢!因为被弃者的子女比有夫者的子女还多。&&&&For it is written:"Rejoice, you barren one
break forth and shout, you w for more numerous are the children of the deserted one than of her who has a husband.9. 9. 诚如美国知名的两岸问题专家容安澜所言,台湾不应该假设,如果它挑衅起战争,美国有义务介入;中国大陆也不应该假设,如果它攻击台湾,美国会袖手旁观。&&&&The recent victory of the KMT party over the pro-independence DPP in Taiwan`s January legislative elections has led many experts to believe that relations between China and Taiwan may ease.10. 诚如20世纪中国文学的救赎热情,很大程度上来自滋养了这一冥思传统的19俄罗斯文学中的苦难意识,今天作家和知识分子群体热衷唱酬客串于媒体视镜的大众文化语境中,文学救赎情结的衰微,是否该怪罪于美国文化的全球化?&&&&As the redeeming enthusiasm of the Chinese literature in the 20th century largely originates from the misery consciousness found in the 19th century Russian literature that has nourished this meditative tradition, and as the writers and intelligentsia in general are keen on playing a part in the context of popular culture, especially on television, should we blame the degeneration of the redeeming function of literature on the globalization of American culture?11. 11. 再加之,诚如所言,Nihil est,nisi hoc sciat alter ,这于世系竟有着奇妙的真实性,谁又会不藉此难得的机会晓示世人呢?&&&&&&And, as Nihil est, nisi hoc sciat alter, is peculiarly true of genealogy, who would not be glad to seize a fair opportunity to let it be known12. 诚如宾州大的马札拉所说的,若不使用镇静剂,这种绝不可能圆满落幕的情势,「很有可能以更悲惨的结局收场」。&&&&&&As Penn State's Mazzara notes, without the use of calmatives, such no-win situations might very possibly lead to more tragic results.13. 13. 诚如这张名单所示,这里有某种「市场形成」上的困难。&&&&&&There is, as is evident from such a list, a certain difficulty of `market formation` here.14. 诚如14. 在巴基斯坦,马哈苏德是一位最受崇拜的塔利班领袖,但诚如在导弹袭击中丧生的前任领导人纳克·穆罕默德一样,他将被另一个追求圣战的部落武装分子取代,终遭击毙或声明远扬。&&&&&&Mr Mehsud became the most iconic Pakistani Taliban leader but like his predecessor, Nek Mohammed, who was killed by a missile strike, he will be replaced by another tribal militant pursuing jihad, loot or renown.15. 15. 诚如你所知,因私贿赂是国际商会长期以来关注的话题。&&&&&&As you know, private sector bribery has long been an issue of concern for ICC.16. 诚如康纳先生所言,两国间的贸易是在迅速上升,但两国开始贸易的基础却很低:仅相当于中日贸易的1/10,中韩贸易的1/5。&&&&&&Trade between the two countries is rising fast, as Mr Khanna points out, but from a very low base: it is only a tenth as large as trade between China and Japan, and a fifth as large as that between China and South Korea.17. 但是诚如一个硬币的两面,城市发展在带来便利的同时,也带来问题和挑战。&&&&&&But there is also a flipside that shows us the problems and challenges faced by people in cities.18. 诚如林俊兴董事长所言,经历生产力调整降低的波段后,人们多出来的时间精力,就是发展另一精神文明的开始,在建筑空间的展现上也会逐渐明显。&&&&&&President Lin Chun-shin said that when productivity is reduced people will spend the energy that was saved to develop another spiritual civilization, and this will be shown more apparently in architectural space.19. 诚如蓝迪斯反复指出,政府图谋改变比较优势的努力在商业上并非总是占优的。&&&&&&Indeed, as Landes frequently points out, not all government efforts at altering comparative advantage prove commercially favorable.20. 20. 人生若能拥有这样一份淡然雅洁、不尚庸俗、真诚如兰的友谊实是生命之大幸。&&&&&&If life has such an indifferent elegant, not yet vulgar, sincere friendship, such as Portland is indeed fortunate life.诚如是什么意思,诚如在线翻译,诚如什么意思,诚如的意思,诚如的翻译,诚如的解释,诚如的发音,诚如的同义词,诚如的反义词,诚如的例句,诚如的相关词组,诚如意思是什么,诚如怎么翻译,单词诚如是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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我也认为Love City很好因为迈克尔-杰克逊有一首歌叫做“地球之歌”英文名字叫“Earth(地球) Song(歌)”所以你的“爱之城”同样为“Love City”供你参考啊,
The city of love
The city of love.或Love city.
Love City最好
Love City ````````·专业翻译·
The city of love.或Love city.
The city for love
The city of love.或Love city.


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