
09-03-02 &
  对于“甲级写字楼”、“5A级写字楼”等名词大家并不陌生,通常被用来形容或描述一个写字楼的品质等级,那么这样的评级标准是否科学呢?其实所谓甲级写字楼,实为一种通行叫法,行业中并没有固定标准或成文的规定,到底什么样的写字楼才算做甲级写字楼,因为谁也不愿意被叫成乙级写字楼。这样,恨不得任何一个有玻璃幕墙、带电梯、“长”得高一些的写字楼都自称为甲级写字楼。  相比之下,如果用5A作为衡量一个写字楼品质等级的话更加有点勉强了,5A写字楼并不是表示写字楼的品质等级,“5A”指的是一个写字楼产品的智能化水平,与写字楼品质有一定关联,但绝对不是划分写字楼等级的标准,“5A”仅仅表示了一个写字楼智能化水平的高低,对写字楼品质有一定的影响,但是决不能说“5A”级写字楼就是甲级写字楼或者是品质最好的写字楼,因为影响写字楼品质的因素很多,比如写字楼的区位、交通、配套、车位、电梯等,智能化程度只是其中的一个方面而已。  那么,什么是5A智能化呢?“5A”是指OA(办公智能化)、BA(楼宇自动化)、CA(通讯传输智能化)、FA(消防智能化)、SA(安保智能化)。过去也有3A及写字楼的说法,即:OA(办公智能化)、BA(楼宇自动化)、CA(通讯传输智能化),FA(消防智能化)、SA(安保智能化)包含在了BA(楼宇自动化)中,近几年随着高科技智能控制系统在写字楼领域的广泛运用,楼宇控制、消防、安保的智能化程度越来越高,并成为独立的控制子系统,发展成为今天的“5A”。如果用“5A”评价写字楼的品质等级的话,是一种概念理解上的误区,如果市场上有人打出“超5A级”写字楼的话,那更是一种很不专业的说法。  甲级写字楼是目前行业内自发形成的一种通行叫法,国家在这方面并没有成文的规定,什么样的写字楼才算作是真正的甲级写字楼。在我国现行的建筑设计规范里也无法找到这个名词,仔细探讨会发现,它是在以港台商人为代表的外商与内地发展商合作开发涉外写字楼的过程中,逐步引进并流行起来的词汇,是将写字楼按照其综合质素不同,可以划分为甲、乙、丙等几个等级,从一般意义上讲,国际上判断甲级写字楼有8大特征:管理国际化;24小时写字楼;人性化:空间的舒适性和实用性;数字化;节能化;便捷的交通和商务化等等。百度百科中的词条内容仅供参考,如果您需要解决具体问题(尤其在法律、医学等领域),建议您咨询相关领域专业人士。 本词条对我有帮助21 扩展阅读: 1. 相关词条: 什么是相关词条 我来完善 开放分类: 建筑,房屋用途合作编辑者: run2power、韵致洋 如果您认为本词条还需进一步完善,百科欢迎您也来参与编辑词条    在开始编辑前,您还可以先学习如何编辑词条词条统计浏览次数:约 1774 次编辑次数:2 次  历史版本最近更新:创建者:韵致洋
Class A business building
Grade A office space
Class A or Certificate A office甲级写字楼
Class A or Certificate A office
Office building of first rate
office buildings of class A.
@gJieSheng.CM It's never too late to mend. 过而能改,善莫大焉。(亡羊补牢,犹未晚也)
商场是什么意思 商场在线翻译 商场什么意思 商场的意思 商场的翻译 商场的解释 商场的发音 商场的同义词 商场的反义词 商场的例句
商场 基本解释商场[shāng chǎng]词典:交易;市集;需求;交易情况,行情。词典:街市,市场;百货商店;义卖,义卖市场。词典:商场,商业中心,大百货商店。词典:市场,集市;商业界。词典:商场。商场 汉英大词典商场[shāng chǎng] shopping arcade商场 双语例句1. 1. 饭店附设商场、外币兑换、行李寄存、商务中心、机票、火车票代办、旅游观光及酒店管理咨询等各种服务项目。&&&&Besides, the Shopping Arcade, Money Exchange Service, Luggage Deposit, Business Centre, Ticket-booking, Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guests'convenience.2. 饭店附设商场、外币兑换、行李寄存、商务中心、机票、火车票代办、旅游观光及酒店管理咨询等各种服务项目。&&&&Besides, the Shopping Arcade, Money Exchange Service, Luggage Deposit, Business Centre, Ticket-booking, Sight-seeing Service and Hotel Management Consultion are for the guestsconvenience.3. 烟熏肉和鱼的特点,从多塞特i nternet商场是容易的。&&&&Smoked meat and fish specialities from Dorset I nternet shopping is easy.4. 我们这儿的商场卖孕妇装的专柜不多,而且价格很贵,最近在淘宝网上看到很多漂亮的孕妇装而且价格优惠,不知能不能选购?&&&&We sell Maternity shopping malls here much of the counter, and the price is very expensive, most recently in TaoBao see a lot of fine Maternity and price concessions, I do not know can buy?5. 在2500多年后信息高速发展的今天,拼搏于商场上的人依然热衷于寻找那件能出奇制胜的利器。&&&&The accumlation, startmg from consolidation of information little by little, generates potential opportunities.6. 沿这条路走到一个邮局,你会看到那家商场。&&&&This road to a post office, and you`ll see the shopping mall.7. 商场的反义词7. 经营范围:为客户提供基于网络平台的金算盘财务管理软件供应链管理、企业资源计划、客户关系管理、人力资源管理、办公自动化、电子政务、酒店管理软件、过磅称重管理软件、商场管理软件、超市管理软件、汽修汽配管理软件以及各行各业管理软件。&&&&Business Scope: provide customers with web-based platform gold abacus financial management software supply chain management, enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, Human Resource Management, office automation, e-government, hotel management software, weighing Weighing management software, management software, shopping malls, supermarket management software, management software, auto parts and auto repair industries management software.8. 大型零售商场的买手如何思考?为什么我必须在乎这点?&&&&How a mass merchant buyer thinks and why should I care?9. 公司主营产品福斯特板是一种新型环保的绿色建材,它克服了其它板材存在的各种缺陷,具有轻质、高强、防火、无烟、防水、防霉、防潮、隔音、隔热、不变形、不破裂的优良特性,广泛应用于高档写字楼、商场、餐厅、影剧院以及公共场所的隔墙、贴护墙、吊顶等装潢,以及钢结构的保护和车厢、船舶的风道和防火门等。&&&&Characteristics of light, high intensity, fireproofing, none -light, water proofing, moldproofing sound insulation, hot insulation, none distrtion and none breakage, it is widely used in office building, emporium, restaurant, movie center, separation wall, roof in public areas. and as a protection of stel structure and dypass of carriage vessel and fire proofing gate.<p class="p1年我开始写点这方面东西选择艺术家,05年过完年后我的学生翁露燕的男朋友张曦说西单有个商场二楼现在闲着,想做艺术这方面的事情,要我出个策划方案和商场的经理谈谈,我以《物欲与我》为题弄好了方案,结果谈了几天商场不掏一分钱还要艺术家的作品,我们两人无奈的放弃了。&&&&In 2005, Zhang Xi, boyfriend of my student Weng Luyan, told me that the second floor of a store in Xi Dan Shopping street was free now, and wanted to do some art issue. He suggested me to talk with the store manager and prepare a curatorial plan. I made a plan titled Human Desire and I and negotiated with the store for several days. Finally we had to give upbecause the store not only didn`t invest money but also asked for works. Afterwards I have been refining the plan while creating artworks.11. 对商场、宾馆、洗浴中心和居民住宅中甲醛、氨、颗粒物等室内空气污染物的采样、检测分析。&&&&&&Methods: The samples of indor air pollutants such as formaldehyde, ammonia, particulate matter collected in market, hotel, bath center and resident's house were analyzed.12. 商场的解释12. 当天晚上,我走过来看到广西人民会堂和mendzhidao购物商场。&&&&&&In the evening I walked to see the Guangxi Peoples'Hall and Mendzhidao shopping mall.13. 我希望在此告诉大家,经过对成都商场的检查,结果是建筑是没有问题的。&&&&&&I also wish to inform you that the Chengdu store has now been inspected and found to be structurally sound.14. Bashihaiyi根据东商场中心,旁边的主要SpaceWarehouse授权出售普拉达,MiuMiu继伟,和其他品牌商品,而且还非常昂贵,以良好的作风,根据品牌和类型的商品整齐地显示,手袋,鞋,等等,还采用外国的安全,但没有太大的不同。&&&&&&Bashihaiyi under Tung Shopping Center, next to the main SpaceWarehouse license the sale of Prada, MiuMiu Jiwei, and other brand goods, but also very expensive, with a good style, according to the brand and type of goods neatly displayed, handbags, shoes, and so on, also employs foreign security, But not much variety.15. 本厂生产的`七色花`牌三基色节能灯及T4T5支架。,真正做到节能环保。,质量稳定,能广泛用于家居、酒店、商场、工厂室内外照明,本厂秉承`质量第一,服务至上;顾客满意,为我宗旨`的理念,人性化的和客户合作。&&&&&&Factory production'seven-color flower'licensing trichromatic T4T5-saving lamp and bracket., truly energy saving and environmental protection., quality, stability, and can be widely used in homes, hotels, shopping malls, factories indoor and outdoor lighting, plant adhering to the'quality first, service- customers satisfaction, for me the purpose of'the concept of humane and customer cooperation.16. 但是映入眼帘的却是超级商场、可口可乐和麦当劳,还有挤满了中国大街小巷的西方轿车。&&&&&&Imagine my shock to find a China full of Coke, McDonald`s, flashy department stores and traffic jams.17. 本设计主要完成的是青岛李村 B商场二到七层的消防报警设计。&&&&&&This design is completed mainly about Licun B market 2 to 7 flours of the fire control warning system.18. 18. 今天,我再商场看到一个特可爱的帅哥,于是我做出性感的甩发动作希望吸引他。&&&&&&Today, I went to the mall and saw a really cute guy. I acted all cool and started doing a sexy hair flip.19. 商场的近义词19. 工厂成立于2006年,引进国内先进的机器设备,主要生产秀峰牌高级静电复印纸、高级电脑打印纸、压感打印纸和热敏收银纸等办公用纸,产品广泛应用于企事业单位、商场、学校、医院和普通家庭。&&&&&&Factory was founded in 2006, the introduction of advanced machinery and equipment, mainly the production of advanced electrostatic Xiufeng licensing photocopying paper, advanced computer printing paper, printing paper and a sense of pressure thermal cash register paper office paper, products widely used in enterprises and institutions, shopping malls, schools, hospitals and the average family.20. 摘要由于经济的飞速发展,商场已成为人们的主要消费场所。&&&&&&Because of the high-speed development of Economy, the market has already become the main consume place that people have exchanged.商场是什么意思,商场在线翻译,商场什么意思,商场的意思,商场的翻译,商场的解释,商场的发音,商场的同义词,商场的反义词,商场的例句,商场的相关词组,商场意思是什么,商场怎么翻译,单词商场是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 写字楼A座 的翻译是:Office Tower a, 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
And office buildings a
Office Tower a,
office tower block A
Office A place
相关内容&a懒虫 Lazybones & athere are some leaves on the ground in autumn 有有些叶子在地面在秋天 & aHello,bai
Ling. 你好, bai陵。 & aHold your hands and never let go 不要握您的手和放弃 & a2.通过陌生电访,进行公司及产品推荐,以实现销售 2. visits through the strange electricity, carries on the company and the product recommendation, realizes the sale & a正本提单要出三份吗 The original bill of lading must leave three & aMake the above selection on the morning of the first day of the audit and make notes with the information for the selections you made. 做上述选择在审计的第一天的早晨并且做笔记以信息为您做的选择。 & a如果我的英语足够好 If my English enough is good & ajava Link new Multiple markers at this line Java链接新的多个标志在这条线 & a我一直对音乐很敏感 I very am continuously sensitive to music & aThis is how it should be done
& aNOTE: It's very important that you confirm that the date in the date field is right, otherwise FMRTE won't be able to load anything at all! 正在翻译,请等待... & a受热面爆管 受热面爆管 & a使双方取长补短、互利互惠、共同发展。 Hace ambos lados compensar su deficiencia aprendiendo de otros los puntos fuertes, la ventaja recíproca mutuamente beneficiosa, el desarrollo comunal. & agoing up 上升 & aAir-source heat pumps (ASHP) can be thought of as reversible air conditioners. Like an air conditioner, an ASHP can take heat from a relatively cool space (e.g. a house at 70°F) and dump it into a hot place (e.g. outside at 85°F). 空气来源热泵(ASHP)可以被重视作为反演性空调。 象空调, ASHP可能采取热从相对地凉快的空间(即。 一个房子在70°F)和倾销它入一个热的地方(即。 外部在85°F)。 & a????? 它是稳定的, & aTirumala
& a3.1 all rights, title and interest in and to the confidential information shall remain the exclusive property of the disclosing party. The parties acknowledge and agree that this agreement shall not be construed as a transfer or sale by the disclsosing party of any rights whatsoever,by license or otherwise, in or to a 3.1所有权利、标题和兴趣在和对机要信息上将依然是透露的党的专有财产。 党承认并且同意这个协议不会被解释作为调动或销售由任何权利disclsosing的党,由执照或否则,在或者对a & aBecause it can help me forget. 由于它可能帮助我忘记。 & acrocodile skin crocodile skin & acustoms number 风俗数字 & aand public health undertakings are booming with each passing day. 并且公共卫生事业兴旺与每天。 & afoutmeldingenopheffen foutmeldingenopheffen & aWe have received your inquiry and are assigning it to a representative. You can expect to receive a response from us within one business day. 我们接受了您的询问和分配它到代表。 您能准备从我们收到答复在一个营业日内。 & ael precio unitario te todas y cada una de las partidas, precios descompuestos, etc. 单一的价格您全部和每一个比赛、被干扰的价格等等。 & a梦想队 Vainly hopes for the team & a认错是好孩子。 Admits mistakes is the good child. & a对、、、影响显著 To, the influence is remarkable & aFür Auktionen, Sofort-Kaufen-Artikel und Anzeigen. Mit allen Funktionen. 为拍卖,立刻买文章和公告。 以所有作用。 & a??? ???? ?? ????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ,???? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????,???? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ???? 为了恢复公司,因为我留下星期天开始到是我们用他的手的命令, ‘s应该加入几个从体会的星期和事,因为???????没有帮助,并且我们不是释放您的??????????????金钱 & a制造业信息化 Manufacturing industry informationization & ade sistemas acuáticos 水生系统 & ais near Gold Coast 是近的金海岸 & aHe looked at the pets 他看宠物 & aTo put my broken heart together again? 汇集我的伤心再? & a南京市云南北路77号 Nanjing Yunnan north road 77 & aplaycsvdata.cpp playcsvdata.cpp & aI will find all marks of you in rest of my life 我将发现所有标记您在我的后半生 & a信息录入系统,统计运输信息,包括票号、重量、费用定期和日常盘点(每月抽查,每季度大盘) Information input system, statistical transportation information, including money shop, weight, expense regular and daily inventorying (each month of spot-check, each quarter bulk lots) & a庞蒂克 Pang Dike & aerror play se not exist slot name 错误戏剧se不存在槽孔名字 & athis is evaluation only relense of sun microsystms JVM 这是太阳microsystms JVM仅评估relense & aShooting the cover of @FHM was awesome! It just came out so go get it! #ParisFHM 射击@FHM盖子是令人敬畏的! 它出来了,因此去得到它! #ParisFHM & athe increase of intensity in Tibet's reform and openness, its economic structure has been substantially 强度增量在西藏的改革和开放性,它的经济结构极大地是 & a韩国大邱市逹西区竹田洞**番地 正在翻译,请等待... & a没有沟通 Has not communicated & awhy do you divorce from your husband? 为什么您从您的丈夫离婚? & ade marzo y no tenemos ninguna noticia. 3月和我们不要有任何新闻。 & aHe wanted she to get well 他要她很好得到 & aStrategische Allianzen und Global Sourcing gew?hrleisten die hohe Leistungsf?higkeit des Unternehmens auf internationaler Ebene. 战略联盟和全球性源头在国际水平上保证高效率企业。 & a写字楼A座 Office A place &


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