
We'll have to tie ourselves to our bedsI'll have to wear a spacesuit to help me breatheI'm going to take as many photos as I canIt'll take us about four days to get thereWithout gravity, our bodies may get weak
A community is made up of a group of people. And it depends on those people for its existence. It is possible for people to live in close proximity and fail to be a community. That is because the word community implies communal action. It is neighbors working together to create a better place to live. Therefore, it is important for us all to contribute our efforts to our community. If I have several hours of time each month to do so, I will work toward creating and preserving green spaces in my community. I feel that preserving green space is a worthy endeavor that would be of great value to my community. It is especially important because I live in an urban community. The open spaces and parks are limited in the city and are too often sacrificed for further development. Working to protect these spaces and to establish new parks would be a way to conserve one of the community’s scarce resources. Furthermore, providing green spaces for the residents of my neighborhood would increase the feeling of community and improve relationships among neighbors. This is because attractive parks would encourage people to get out and socialize with others in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, by beautifying the neighborhood, it would provide the residents with more contact with nature. This would encourage them to exercise and lead healthier lives. The above are just some of the advantages of having green spaces and parks in a community. Because it is so beneficial to the community, that is how I will choose to devote my free time. In this way, I hope to make a meaningful contribution to my neighborhood and to my neighbors.请加分。谢谢
我还想你拍这个是看不清的。 学习有问题你可以参加补习去呀 比如什么精锐呀!~
乌蜂(11分)杞离谓熊蛰父曰:“子亦知有乌蜂乎?黄蜂殚其力以为蜜,乌蜂不能为蜜而惟食蜜。故必尽逐其乌蜂,其不去者众哜①而杀之。今居于朝者,无小大无不胝②手瘃③足以任王事,皆有益于楚国者也。而子独邀④以食,先星而卧,见日而未起,是无益于楚国者也。吾忧子之为乌蜂也。”熊蛰父曰:“子不观夫人之面乎?目与鼻、口皆日用之急,独眉无所事,若可去也,然人皆有眉而子独无眉,其可观乎?以楚国之大,而不能容一遨④以食之士,吾恐其为无眉之人,以贻观者笑也。”注解:①哜(jiē)齐鸣声。 ②胝(zhī)老茧 ③瘃(zhú)冻疮。 ④(áo)游玩18.下列句子中加点词的意义解释有误的一项是( ▲ )(3分)A.黄蜂殚其力以为蜜  (竭尽)  B.其不去者众哜而杀之  (离开)C.先星而卧  (先前)      D.以贻观者笑也(留给)19.用现代汉语翻译文中画线的句子。(4分)句子:今居于朝者,无小大无不胝手瘃足以任王事,皆有益于楚国者也。翻译:  ▲  20.文章一、二小节体现了熊蛰父的两个形象特征,请各用一成语概括。(4分)答:  ▲  【答案】18. C (3分)19.如今身居朝廷的人,没有一个不是手上磨起老茧,脚上生了冻疮,尽力来担任王事的,(他们)都是对楚国有益的人。20.好逸恶劳(好吃懒做、不劳而获);强词夺理(厚颜无耻、恬不知耻、巧舌如簧)《乌蜂》阅读答案
[Rihanna]Just gonna stand there and watch me burn就站在那里看着我燃烧殆尽That's alright没有关系Because I like the way it hurts因为我爱这种伤害的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry就站在那里听着我哭泣That's alright,没有关系Because I love the way you lie,因为我爱你说谎的样子I love the way you lie,我爱你说谎的样子[Eminem]I can't tell you what it really is我无法说出这到底是什么I can only tell you what it feels like我只能告诉你这是什么样的感觉And right now it's a steel knife in my windpipe而现在 如果一把钢刃插在我的气管里I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight我无法呼吸 但我仍在挣扎 趁着我还有余力As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight就像被驾到高空而没有知觉High off the love, drunk from my hate,摆脱她的爱 我借酒浇愁It's like I'm huffin' paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate就像我染上了毒瘾 沉得越久 伤得越深 【paint指一种廉价毒.品】And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me而就在我快要沉溺时 她将我救赎She fuckin' hates me and I love it她如此厌恶我 而我他妈还犯贱就喜欢那样Wait! Where're you going? I'm leaving you等等!你去哪! 我要离开你。No, you ain't. Come back! we're running right back.不,你不能离开。回来!我们可以从头再来。Here we go again又来了,每次都是这句话It's so insane 'cause when it's going good, it's going great.这太他妈疯狂 因为当一切就要变得好起来I'm superman with the wind in his back我成了巅峰的超人 所向披靡She's Lois Lane, but when it's bad, it's awful,她就是超人的傻X女友 她毁了一切I feel so ashamed, I snap我感到耻辱 我甩了她一巴掌Who's that dude? I don't even know his name那男的是谁?我甚至不知道他的名字。I laid hands on her. I never stoop so low again我打了她 我再也不会如此卑躬屈膝 尊严沦丧I guess I don't know my own strength我都不知道我下手有多狠[Rihanna]Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  就站在那里看着我燃烧殆尽That's alright没有关系Because I like the way it hurts因为我爱这种伤害的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry就站在那里听着我哭泣That's alright,没有关系Because I love the way you lie,因为我爱你说谎的样子I love the way you lie,我爱你说谎的样子[Eminem]You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe你是否曾那样深爱一个人 爱得无法呼吸When you're with 'em you meet, and neither one of you even know what hit 'em你就这样遇到她 你们都来不及阻止自己Got that warm fuzzy feeling拥有了那样温暖又令人沉迷的感觉Yeah, them those chills, you used to get 'em是的 就是那样的感觉 你曾经拥有过的美好Now you're gettin' fuckin' sick of looking at 'em现在你连回想起它们都觉得恶心You swore you'd never hit 'em, never do none to hurt 'em你曾发誓 你永远都不会伤害她 永远不会做任何让她难受的事Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit 'em但现在你们看见对方都感到恶心,连说句话都喷射着毒液You push pull each other's hair, scratch, claw,你们扯着对方的头发 扭打成团Bit 'em, throw 'em down, pin 'em互相殴打 摔东西 彼此折磨So lost in the moments when you're in 'em你们在那一刻中迷失自我It's the race that the culprit controls you both这是一场由罪恶掌控所有的战局So they say you're best to go your separate ways所以人们说着 你们最好还是分开 老死不相往来Guess if they don't know you ‘cause today that was yesterday是的他们不了解你们 因为今朝就是昨日的重演Yesterday is over, it's a different day昨日已经终结 这是另一个今天Sound like broken records playin' over听起来就像损坏了的播放机 重复一次又一次But you promised her,next time you'd show restraint但你向她许诺 下一次你要控制住自己You don't get another chance你在没有机会了Life is no Nintendo game生活不是可以无限重来的游戏But you lied again但你又一次食言Now you get to watch her leave out the window现在你只能从窗口看着她离开Guess that's why they call it window pane也许这就是人们之所以称之为window pane【pane玻璃与pain痛苦同音】[Rihanna]Just gonna stand there and watch me burn就站在那里看着我燃烧殆尽That's alright没有关系Because I like the way it hurts因为我爱这种伤害的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry就站在那里听着我哭泣That's alright,没有关系Because I love the way you lie,因为我爱你说谎的样子I love the way you lie,我爱你说谎的样子[Eminem]Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean现在我明白了人们说的口是心非 身不由己And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine而我们又玩起了老花样 开始了同样的路线But your temper's just as bad as mine is但我们都是那样的坏脾气You're the same as me你和我很像When it comes to love you're just as blinded当爱情来临时 都会变得盲目无措Baby, please come back宝贝 求你回来我身边It wasn't you, baby it was me宝贝那都是我的错 那与你无关Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems也许我们之间的关系还没有看起来的那么离谱Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano也许那就是火山爆发遇上龙卷风时的样子All I know is I love you too much to walk away though我全部的意识就是我爱你爱得无法自拔Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk回来吧 带着一切回来我身边Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk难道你没有听见我说话时声音里的真诚Told you this is my fault说了这都是我的错Look me in the eye ball看进我的眼睛Next time I'm pissed, I‘ll aim my fist at the drywall下一次我愤怒的时候 我只会把拳头对准墙壁Next time?There will be no next time下一次?不会再有下一次了I apologize even though I know it's lies我道歉 即使我知道那是个谎言I'm tired of the games I just want her back我已经厌倦了这场游戏 我只是想要她回来I know I'm a liar我知道我是个骗子If she ever tries to fuckin' leave again如果她还他妈想再次离开我Im'ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire Just gonna......我会把她绑在床上 然后烧了这座房子[Rihanna]Just gonna stand there and watch me burn就站在那里看着我燃烧殆尽That's alright没有关系Because I like the way it hurts因为我爱这种伤害的方式Just gonna stand there and hear me cry就站在那里听着我哭泣That's alright,没有关系Because I love the way you lie,因为我爱你说谎的样子I love the way you lie,我爱你说谎的样子求采纳
Online shopping There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them. You can buy almost everything on the Internet, and it’s very easy. First, you choose something —clothes, tickets, a mobile phone, even a new computer and pay for it. Then you receive it a few days later by post. Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can shop at any time. The shops are always open. Second, shopping usually take a lot of time. But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse! You can also compare the prices of the same product and spend a lot… or save money. But many people like going out and shopping with friends. They don’t like shopping on the Internet because they can’t see the product or try the clothes on. Also paying over the Internet isn't always safe.
Online shopping is changing our way of life. One day no one will go to the shops any more, because you’ll be able to buy anything on the Internet, and you’ll be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time!


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