closed和close都是adj吗。adj closee 接近。adj closeed关闭的

vt.关(闭), 闭(合), 合(拢), 封(闭), 盖(死), 塞结束, 终止; 完结; 停闭商定(交易等), 结清(帐目等)使靠拢, 使接近; 靠紧(电路)接通谈妥; 缔结close a meeting [discussion] 结束会议[讨论]close a bargain 成交, 讲妥买卖close an electric current 接通电流The shop is closed for a week. 这家商店停止营业一周。习惯用语break sb.'s close 侵入某人的土地bring to a close 算完, 结束come to a close 算完, 结束have one's eyes closed 看不见; 不肯看, 不管, 不理会with one's eyes closed 看不见; 不肯看, 不管, 不理会close about 包围, 围住; 逼近...周围close around 包围, 围住; 笛馄扁稼壮灰憋魏铂炼逼近...周围close round 包围, 围住; 逼近...周围close down (工厂等的)关闭, 停歇; 封闭 (夜的)降临 (电台的)停止播音close down on 限制, 禁止; 抓牢, 逼迫close in 围拢; 迫近, 围上来 (白天)渐短close upon 围拢; 迫近, 围上来 (白天)渐短close it up 靠拢close off 结(帐) 隔离, 封锁, 阻塞 停止close on 围拢, 围上来; 隐没; 同意close upon 围拢, 围上来; 隐没; 同意close out 抛售 停止, 停闭(业务)close over 封盖; 淹没; 遮蔽close up 靠紧, 靠近 关闭, 停歇 停止; 结束; 堵塞 (伤口)愈合 (排球等运动中)封网close upon (手)握紧(某物) (眼向着某物)渐闭 (夜)渐深 把...关在外面[里面]; (箱子)关着close with 靠近, 逼近 接受, 答应, 谈妥 突击, 与...肉搏参考词汇close end conclude terminate 都含“完毕”, “终了”的意思。close指“终止”、“结束”, 如:She closed her speech with a funny joke. 她滑稽地一笑, 结束了发言。 end指“结束”、“突然停止”, 如:Let's end the argument. 让我们结束辩论吧。conclude 系正式用语, 表示“结束”、“完成”, 指“正式会议、事务等结束”或“达成协议(决定)”, 如:conclude the negotiation 结束谈判。terminate 指“(时间上)使结束”、“(空间上)使终止”, 如: The gallery was terminated by folding doors. 走廊尽头是折门。
close adj封闭的,关闭的,近的
adv 接近,紧密地
v关,关闭 结束 停止 包围
vt.关(闭), 闭(合), 合(拢), 封(闭), 盖(死), 塞还有亲密的意思,靠近
动词是&关上&的意思, 形容词有&关著的&,&亲密的&的意思!
closed的发音: 英音 [ kl??zd ] ; 美音 [ klo?zd ] closed的中文翻译: adj.1. 关闭的2. 只限特定人群的3. 闭关自守的,不受外来影响的
同义词:;;;,。 反义词:,;,;;。
A closed [close] corporation
close unchanged
Closing entries
Closing date
Closing sale
Closing the transaction
Close contest
Closed to traffic
Road closed
requiring union membership
not having an open mind
not open to the general public
with shutters closed
used especially of mouth or eyes
blocked against entry
not open or affording passage or access
(set theory) of an interval that contains both its endpoints
09-02-28 & 发布
close1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 关闭;盖上;合上She closed the door softly.她轻轻地关上门。2. 关(商店等);封闭(道路等)The street has been closed for two days.这条街已被封闭两天了。3. (尤指永久性地)关闭(学校、医院等)[(+down)]The company has decided to close down its three branches in Europe.该公司已决定关闭它在欧洲的三个分公司。4. 结束;结清(帐目);商定(交易)I have closed my account at that bank.我已结清了我在该银行的帐户。The conference was closed on June 10.会议于六月十日结束。5. 使靠拢;使愈合The surgeon closed the incision with stitches.外科医生缝合了伤口。vi.1. 关闭;盖上;合上The door closes quietly.这门关起来不发出什么声音。2. (商店等)关门,打烊The post office closes at 6.邮局六点关门。3. (学校、医院等永久性地)关闭[(+down)]4. 结束At eleven the conference closed.十一时大会结束。5. 靠拢;愈合The wound has closed.伤口已愈合。6. 收盘[Q]The company's shares closed high yesterday.昨天该公司股票收盘价上扬。n.1. 结束,终止[S]The national anthem was sung at the close of the meeting.会议结束时唱国歌。close2KK: []DJ: []a.1. 近的,接近的[(+to)]His house is close to the factory.他家靠近该厂。2. (关系)密切的,亲密的She is a close friend of theirs.她是他们的挚友。3. 紧密的;狭窄的;紧身的They live in close quarters.他们的住房狭小。4. 严密的,准确的Please pay close attention to where they go.请密切注意他们将去何处。5. 不透气的,闷热的,沉闷的It's very close in this room.这房内十分闷热。6. (尤指比赛)势均力敌的They are close in age.他们年龄相仿。That's a close baseball game.那是一场势均力敌的棒球赛。7. 【语】(元音)闭的,封闭的8. 【口】秘密的;嘴紧的,沉默的[F][(+about)]He is close about the experiment.他一点也不肯透露有关实验的情况。9. 【口】吝啬的[F][(+with)]Everybody knows she is close with money.大家都知道她花钱很小气。ad.1. 接近,靠近地[(+to)]They live close to the museum.他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。2. 紧密地,紧紧地Anna followed close behind.安娜紧随在后。n.1. (尤指教堂的)院子2. 【英】死路
close1  [kl?uz]   vt.     1. 关,关闭:
例句: He closed his eyes.他闭上眼睛。
2. 封闭;封锁:
例句: The workmen closed off the street for repairs.工人们将大街封锁进行翻修。
3. 塞,堵(裂缝等):
例句: to close a gap堵塞缺口
4. 使靠拢;使闭合;使接近:
例句: to close the ranks of troops使列兵靠拢
5. 结束;终止;完成:
例句: The conference was closed on Oct.25.会议于10月25日结束。
6. 谈妥(交易等);办妥;结清(账目等):
例句: to close a sale on a car办妥一部汽车的出售
7. 关店,停止营业:
例句: The firm decided to close its Shanghai branch.这家公司决定将其上海分公司停止营业。
8. 【航海学】靠近,接近:
例句: We closed a destroyer at 10 o'clock last night.我们昨晚十点驶近一艘驱逐舰。
9. 【电工学】闭合   10. [口语] 【计算机】关闭(指文件等处理结束后的收拾和整理):
例句: You have to close your files before you can exit the system.退出系统前你得关闭你的文件。
vi.     1. 关闭,关上,合上:
例句: The door won't close.这个门关不上。     Many flowers open in the morning and close at night.很多花都是早晨张开夜晚合上。
2. 结束,完结;终止:
例句: The post office closes at half past five.邮局五点半关门。     At eleven the meeting closed.会议于十一点结束。
3. (股票等)收盘:
例句: Steel shares closed at £23.钢铁股票收盘价为23英镑。
4. (伤口)愈合:
例句: The wound closed up after a week.一周以后伤口愈合
5. 接近,靠近:
例句: The enemy troops were closing in upon the city from three different directions.敌军正从三个不同方向逼近该市。
6. 扭打;搏斗:
例句: The two men closed with each other in a wrestling encounter.这两个汉子在摔跤比赛中互相扭打起来。
7. 包围;围住;握住:
例句: Darkness closed about us.黑暗笼罩着我们。
8. 停业;停课;(戏剧等)停演:
例句: Most of the theatres close for summer.大多数剧院夏季停演。
9. 与…达成协议;同意:
例句: The two ministers didn't close with each other until near the end of the meeting.这两位外交使节直到会议将近结束时才达成协议。
n.     1. 关闭   2. 结束;终止   3. 结尾,结局   4. [古语]扭打,格斗   近义词:       end , conclude , finish , complete , terminate   反义词:       begin , start , commence   短语:
1. bring…to a close(或 to an end)  完成;结束;使终止2. close to home  触到痛处;说得太露骨3. come to a close  结束;终止4. draw to a close  = come to a close
变形:       vt.  closed , closing  close2  [kl?us]   adj.     1. 封闭的,关闭的;密闭的   2. 狭窄的,范围狭小的;受限制的   3. 周密的,严密的   4. 隐藏的,不公开的   5. 守口如瓶的,嘴紧的,缄默的,沉默的   6. 吝啬的,小气的   7. 闷热的,不通风的;窒息的   8. (银根)紧的;(经济)困窘的   9. 靠近的,接近的   10. 密集的,稠密的   11. 贴身的,紧身的   12. 齐根的;极短的   13. 邻近的,附近的   14. 亲近的,亲密的,亲切的   15. 严谨的;仔细的;透彻的,彻底的   16. (文体)简洁的,简明的   17. 精确的,准确的   18. 几乎相等的;势均力敌的   19. 难以得到的;难以解决的;没有把握的   20. [美国俚语]感到满足的,棒的,带劲的   adv.     1. 接近地,靠近地   2. 紧,紧密地   3. 秘密地;隐蔽地   n.     1. [英国英语](教堂等的)围地   2. 死路,小街,过道   近义词:       dense , compact , thick   反义词:       open , dispersed   短语:
1. be closed and self-fettered  画地为牢;封闭式管理;闭关锁国2. be close on(或 upon)  靠近,接近;差不多3. close at hand        1).  就在旁边(指位置),在附近      2).  就在眼前(指时间)4. close but no cigar  差不多,但还不够准确5. close to        1).  接近于      2).  在…附近      3).  与…关系密切6. close to one's vest  极秘密地,十分谨慎地7. keep something close  对某事严守秘密,把某物藏起来8. lay close to        1).  接近,靠近      2).  紧跟;遵循9. lie close  躲起来,不露面10. run someone close        1).  几乎赶上,与某人不相上下      2).  逼迫某人,使某人难堪
close1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 关闭;盖上;合上She closed the door softly.她轻轻地关上门。2. 关(商店等);封闭(道路等)The street has been closed for two days.这条街已被封闭两天了。3. (尤指永久性地)关闭(学校、医院等)[(+down)]The company has decided to close down its three branches in Europe.该公司已决定关闭它在欧洲的三个分公司。4. 结束;结清(帐目);商定(交易)I have closed my account at that bank.我已结清了我在该银行的帐户。The conference was closed on June 10.会议于六月十日结束。5. 使靠拢;使愈合The surgeon closed the incision with stitches.外科医生缝合了伤口。vi.1. 关闭;盖上;合上The door closes quietly.这门关起来不发出什么声音。2. (商店等)关门,打烊The post office closes at 6.邮局六点关门。3. (学校、医院等永久性地)关闭[(+down)]4. 结束At eleven the conference closed.十一时大会结束。5. 靠拢;愈合The wound has closed.伤口已愈合。6. 收盘[Q]The company's shares closed high yesterday.昨天该公司股票收盘价上扬。n.1. 结束,终止[S]The national anthem was sung at the close of the meeting.会议结束时唱国歌。close2KK: []DJ: []a.1. 近的,接近的[(+to)]His house is close to the factory.他家靠近该厂。2. (关系)密切的,亲密的She is a close friend of theirs.她是他们的挚友。3. 紧密的;狭窄的;紧身的They live in close quarters.他们的住房狭小。4. 严密的,准确的Please pay close attention to where they go.请密切注意他们将去何处。5. 不透气的,闷热的,沉闷的It's very close in this room.这房内十分闷热。6. (尤指比赛)势均力敌的They are close in age.他们年龄相仿。That's a close baseball game.那是一场势均力敌的棒球赛。7. 【语】(元音)闭的,封闭的8. 【口】秘密的;嘴紧的,沉默的[F][(+about)]He is close about the experiment.他一点也不肯透露有关实验的情况。9. 【口】吝啬的[F][(+with)]Everybody knows she is close with money.大家都知道她花钱很小气。ad.1. 接近,靠近地[(+to)]They live close to the museum.他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。2. 紧密地,紧紧地Anna followed close behind.安娜紧随在后。n.1. (尤指教堂的)院子2. 【英】死路
close1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 关闭;盖上;合上She closed the door softly.她轻轻地关上门。2. 关(商店等);封闭(道路等)The street has been closed for two days.这条街已被封闭两天了。3. (尤指永久性地)关闭(学校、医院等)[(+down)]The company has decided to close down its three branches in Europe.该公司已决定关闭它在欧洲的三个分公司。4. 结束;结清(帐目);商定(交易)I have closed my account at that bank.我已结清了我在该银行的帐户。The conference was closed on June 10.会议于六月十日结束。5. 使靠拢;使愈合The surgeon closed the incision with stitches.外科医生缝合了伤口。vi.1. 关闭;盖上;合上The door closes quietly.这门关起来不发出什么声音。2. (商店等)关门,打烊The post office closes at 6.邮局六点关门。3. (学校、医院等永久性地)关闭[(+down)]4. 结束At eleven the conference closed.十一时大会结束。5. 靠拢;愈合The wound has closed.伤口已愈合。6. 收盘[Q]The company's shares closed high yesterday.昨天该公司股票收盘价上扬。n.1. 结束,终止[S]The national anthem was sung at the close of the meeting.会议结束时唱国歌。close2KK: []DJ: []a.1. 近的,接近的[(+to)]His house is close to the factory.他家靠近该厂。2. (关系)密切的,亲密的She is a close friend of theirs.她是他们的挚友。3. 紧密的;狭窄的;紧身的They live in close quarters.他们的住房狭小。4. 严密的,准确的Please pay close attention to where they go.请密切注意他们将去何处。5. 不透气的,闷热的,沉闷的It's very close in this room.这房内十分闷热。6. (尤指比赛)势均力敌的They are close in age.他们年龄相仿。That's a close baseball game.那是一场势均力敌的棒球赛。7. 【语】(元音)闭的,封闭的8. 【口】秘密的;嘴紧的,沉默的[F][(+about)]He is close about the experiment.他一点也不肯透露有关实验的情况。9. 【口】吝啬的[F][(+with)]Everybody knows she is close with money.大家都知道她花钱很小气。ad.1. 接近,靠近地[(+to)]They live close to the museum.他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。2. 紧密地,紧紧地Anna followed close behind.安娜紧随在后。n.1. (尤指教堂的)院子2. 【英】死路
close1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 关闭;盖上;合上She closed the door softly.她轻轻地关上门。2. 关(商店等);封闭(道路等)The street has been closed for two days.这条街已被封闭两天了。3. (尤指永久性地)关闭(学校、医院等)[(+down)]The company has decided to close down its three branches in Europe.该公司已决定关闭它在欧洲的三个分公司。4. 结束;结清(帐目);商定(交易)I have closed my account at that bank.我已结清了我在该银行的帐户。The conference was closed on June 10.会议于六月十日结束。5. 使靠拢;使愈合The surgeon closed the incision with stitches.外科医生缝合了伤口。vi.1. 关闭;盖上;合上The door closes quietly.这门关起来不发出什么声音。2. (商店等)关门,打烊The post office closes at 6.邮局六点关门。3. (学校、医院等永久性地)关闭[(+down)]4. 结束At eleven the conference closed.十一时大会结束。5. 靠拢;愈合The wound has closed.伤口已愈合。6. 收盘[Q]The company's shares closed high yesterday.昨天该公司股票收盘价上扬。n.1. 结束,终止[S]The national anthem was sung at the close of the meeting.会议结束时唱国歌。close2KK: []DJ: []a.1. 近的,接近的[(+to)]His house is close to the factory.他家靠近该厂。2. (关系)密切的,亲密的She is a close friend of theirs.她是他们的挚友。3. 紧密的;狭窄的;紧身的They live in close quarters.他们的住房狭小。4. 严密的,准确的Please pay close attention to where they go.请密切注意他们将去何处。5. 不透气的,闷热的,沉闷的It's very close in this room.这房内十分闷热。6. (尤指比赛)势均力敌的They are close in age.他们年龄相仿。That's a close baseball game.那是一场势均力敌的棒球赛。7. 【语】(元音)闭的,封闭的8. 【口】秘密的;嘴紧的,沉默的[F][(+about)]He is close about the experiment.他一点也不肯透露有关实验的情况。9. 【口】吝啬的[F][(+with)]Everybody knows she is close with money.大家都知道她花钱很小气。ad.1. 接近,靠近地[(+to)]They live close to the museum.他们住在靠近博物馆的地方。2. 紧密地,紧紧地Anna followed close behind.安娜紧随在后。n.1. (尤指教堂的)院子2. 【英】死路
cheque 是支票。你要在一个银行开户,才能开个人支票。开支票不一定先收你的钱,银行有一定的担保,可以在收到后从你的账户划钱。 . 关闭;盖上;合上She closed the door softly.她轻轻地关上门。2. 关(商店等);封闭(道路等)The street has been closed for two days.这条街已被封闭两天了。3. (尤指永久性地)关闭(学校、医院等)[(+down)]The company has decided to close down its three branches in Europe.该公司已决定关闭它在欧洲的三个分公司。4. 结束;结清(帐目);商定(交易)I have closed my account at that bank.我已结清了我在该银行的帐户。The conference was closed on June 10.会议于六月十日结束。5. 使靠拢;使愈合The surgeon closed the incision with stitches.外科医生缝合了伤口。vi.1. 关闭;盖上;合上The door closes quietly.这门关起来不发出什么声音。2. (商店等)关门,打烊The post office closes at 6.邮局六点关门。3. (学校、医院等永久性地)关闭[(+down)]4. 结束At eleven the conference closed.十一时大会结束。5. 靠拢;愈合The wound has closed.伤口已愈合。6. 收盘[Q]The company's shares closed high yesterday.昨天该公司股票收盘价上扬。n.1. 结束,终止[S]The national anthem was sung at the close of the meeting.会议结束时唱国歌cashier order 是现金汇票,又叫money order。类似于钱。 你要先去银行交钱买Money order,然后把 Money order 邮寄给别人,别人可以通过money order从银行,或是邮局拿钱。
close up: a. 靠近(愈合,关闭,封闭) 例句与用法: 1. Sorry, madam, we're closing up for lunch. 很抱歉,小姐,我们现在要关门吃午饭。 2. She snuggled close up to him. 她紧紧地挨著他. close out: vt. 抛售(停止,停业) 例句与用法: 1. They intended to close out all their stock. 他们打算卖光所有的存货。 2. The store is closing out a large stock of toys. 该店正减价出售大批玩具存货。
close: [ kl?uz ] n. 结束,完结 a. 靠近的,亲近的 v. 关,结束,靠近 词形变化: 副词:closely 形容词比较级:closer 最高级:closest 副词比较级:closer 最高级:closest 名词:closeness 动词过去式:closed 过去分词:closed 现在分词:closing 第三人称单数:closes 例句与用法: 1. He closed his speech with a funny joke. 他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。 2. If you close your eyes, you can't see anything. 如果你闭上眼睛,就什么也看不见了。 3. The church is close to the school. 教堂在学校附近。 4. He soon brought the meeting to a close. 他很快就结束了会见。 5. Nuclear physics is a closed book to most of us. 我们大多数人对原子核物理学一窍不通。 6. On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake. 再经仔细观察, 证实那幅画是膺品. 7. They've closed the road because of an accident. 这条路因发生事故而被封闭. 8. It's very close and thundery today. 今天天气阴沉有雷. 英英解释: 名词close: 1. the concluding time 同义词:stopping point, finale, finis, finish, last, conclusion 2. the last section of a communication 同义词:conclusion, end, closing, ending 3. the concluding part of any performance 同义词:finale, closing curtain, finis 动词close: 1. cease to operate or cause to cease operating 同义词:close up, fold, shut down, close down 2. complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement 3. move so that an opening or p make shut 同义词:shut 4. bar access to 5. finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.) 6. draw near 7. come to a close 同义词:conclude 8. become closed 同义词:shut 9. come together, as if in an embrace 同义词:come together 10. unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of 同义词:close up 11. bring together all the elements or parts of 12. engage at close quarters 13. be priced or listed when trading stops 14. cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop 15. change one's body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact 16. fill or stop up 同义词:fill up 17. finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead 形容词close: 1. at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other 2. close in relevance or relationship 3. not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances 同义词:near, nigh 4.
strict and thorough 5. marked by fidelity to an original 同义词:faithful 6. (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched 同义词:tight 7. crowded 同义词:confining 8. lacking fresh air 同义词:airless, stuffy, unaired 9. of textiles 同义词:tight 10. strictly confined or guarded 11. confined to specific persons 12. fitting closely but comfortably 同义词:snug, close-fitting 13. used of hair or haircuts 14. giving or spending with reluctance 同义词:cheeseparing, near, penny-pinching, skinny 15. inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information 同义词:closelipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlipped 副词close: 1. near in time or place or relationship 同义词:near, nigh 2. in an attentive manner 同义词:closely, tight


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