
昔有愚人,适友人家,与主人共食。嫌淡而无味。主人既闻,乃益盐。食之,甚美,遂自念曰:“所以美者,缘有盐故。”薄暮至家,母已具食。曰“有盐乎?” 母出盐而怪之,但见儿惟食盐不食菜。母曰:“安可如此?” 愚人曰:“吾知天下之美味咸在盐中。” 愚人食盐不已,味败。(口味败坏),反为其患(害)。天下之事皆然,过则非惟(不仅)无益,反害之。23、解释加点字。错误!链接无效。(1)食:食之,甚美(
)(3)薄暮至家 (
)愚人食盐不已 (
25、这则寓言的寓意是(请用原文语句表达):错误!链接无效。 七年级(上)语文第一单元测试――JSEZ参考答案3、①、删掉“通过”或是“使”②、将“将来”放在“成为一个出色的美术家”前面。4、(2分)答案示例,摧毁房屋桥梁,摧不毁你顽强的意志。 5、(2分)答案示例:奥斯特洛夫斯基塑造的保尔勇敢坚强,虽然历经战场上的搏杀、生活中的 苦难、伤病的折磨,但他从不屈服。愿你像保尔一样选择坚强,战胜困难。6、(1)①“限塑令”执行后,塑料袋使用量大幅下降,无纺布袋销售量上升。②“限塑令”得到了有效执行。
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初一数学第一章 有理数乘方练习题(含答案)
来源:中考网 文章作者:叶子静
&&&&《初一数学第一章 有理数乘方练习题(含答案)》
【字体: 】
&& 三小&&&& 刘正玉
I. Listen, choose A or B. (, AB, 8)
(&& ) 1. A. sheep&& B. sleep&&& (&& ) 2. A. housework& B. homework
(&& ) 3. A. coat&&& B. goat&&&&& (&& ) 4. A. think&&&&& B. thank
(&& ) 5. A. closet& B. clothes& (&& ) 6. A. sweet pears& B. sour grapes
(&& ) 7. A. an old lady& B. a lovely day
(&& ) 8. A. What does he like?&& B. What is he like?
II. Listen, tick or cross. (,,“√”“х”8)
III. Listen and finish the sentences. (11)
1I like_________. They are so ________.
2. My English teacher is funny and __________. We all like her.
3. Are there any _______ and _______ in your city?&& Yes.
4. Wow, the water is _________ and the air is very __________.
________ would you like ________ breakfast?& Bread.
________ you cook?& No, I ________.
IV. Listen and write the new words. (4)
1ball& small& _______&&&&&&&& 2. tea& meat _______
3. cake& make& _______&&&&&&&& 4. girl& skirt& _______
5. yellow& grow _______&&&&&&&& 6. town& brown ________
7. where& why________&&&&&&&&& 8. purple& Thursday ________
V. Listen to dialogues and answer questions. (,9)
(&& ) 1. I can _______.
A. cook the meals& B. set the table& C. set the table and cook the meals
(&& ) 2. My favourite day is ________.
&&&& A. Sunday& B. Saturday& C. I often watch TV.
(&& ) 3. Where is the picture? It’s ________.
&&&& A. on the desk& B. under the desk& C. on the chair
(&& ) 4. What does Li Hai have on Friday? He has ________.
A.&&&& English, Chinese and math.
B.&&&& English, Chinese and Moral Education& &
C. English, Social Study and Moral Education
(&& ) 5. Sarah’s English teacher is ________.
A.&&&& old& B. a man& C. a lady
(&& ) 6. John’s English teacher is ________.
&&&& A. old and strict& B. tall and thin& C. young and funny&
Written Part ( 60 )
1.&&&&& What’s your brother l_________ ? He’s tall and strong.
2.&&&&& Sunday is the first day of a week.M__________& is the second day.
3.&&&&& I like apple best. Apple is my favourite f__________.
4.&&&&& It’s 12:00 now. Let’s have l_________& together.
5.&&&&& The trash bin is full. Please go and empty the& ___________.
6.&&&&& These grapes are too s__________. Please give me some sweet grapes.
7.&&&&& Are the sneakers cheap? Yes, t_______& a_______.
8.&&&&& The orange is tasty. B____& a little sour.
9.&&&&& Your hands are very dirty. Please go and w_____ them.
II. ,,()(15)
1.&&&&& What do you have _____& __________? We have P.E. and art.
2.&&&&& _______&& _______& is today? _______ Wednesday.
3.&&&&& Can Sarah __________ the ___________? Yes, ______ can.
4.&&&&& Look!__________& ____&& ___& air-conditioner over the chair.
5.&&&&& There& _______& many small _____________ in the village.
6.&&&&& She’s our principal. She’s ______& and ______. ()
&1&&& 2&&& 3&&& 4&&& 5&& 6
1.&&&&& your quiet?& Is& sister& ________________________________
2.&&&&& often& I& TV& Sundays.& watch& on
3.&&&&& don’t I salty like cucumbers. ______________________________
4.&&&&& any &Are& in &pandas &mountains? &the &there
1.&&&&& (& )There___ a tall tree and some flowers near my home. &
A. is&& B. are&& C. have
2.&&&&& (& ) You’re tired. Please go to the __and have a sleep.
&&&&&& A. living& room&& B. study& C. bedroom
3.&&&&& (& )Can Tom and Jack use the computer? Yes,___.
&&&&&&& A. he can& B. we can& C. they can4. (& ) Let’s play__ chess together. --- Great! A. a& B. the& C. /
5.(& ) Look! There is a bridge o___ the river. The boat is o_ the river&&&&&& &
A. over on&& B. over& on& C. on& on
6. (& ) Those are _____. Please put them in the basket.
&&&&&&& A. tomato&& B. tomatoes& C. a tomato
7. (& ) There_____ any end tables in my bedroom.
&&&&&&&&& A. are&& B. is&& C. aren’t
8.(& ) I have P.E. on Thursdays. What about you, Mike?____.
&&&&&& A. I often have fish.& B. I have math.& C. I like cabbages.
& 9.(& ) The chair is in front __ the desk. A. at& B. of&& C. to
1.&&&&& What’s Yao Ming()like?________________________________
2.&&&&& What’s your favourite food?_________________________________
3.&&&&& Are there any tall buildings in Shenzhen?_______________
4.&&&&& What can you do at home? ________________________________
I’m Jack. In my classroom, Tom’s desk is next to John’s desk. John’s desk is in front of Wu Yifan’s desk and Tom’s desk is in front of my desk. My desk and Wu Yifan’s desk are behind their desks. Zhang Peng’s and Amy’s desks are behind our desks. Zhang Peng’s desk is behind my desk and Amy’s desk is behind Wu Yifan’s desk.
&&&& Hello. My name is Millie. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a good boy. I often play volleyball so I’m fit and healthy. For breakfast, I always have some bread and an egg and I drink a glass of orange juice. I sometimes have rice with fish and an apple for lunch. I really love apples, because “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. In the evening, I sometimes have a glass of milk or a cup of green tea and some biscuits. For dinner, I often have soup, meat and vegetables. I like vegetables because they are fresh and healthy. They are good for me. Look at me! How tall and strong I am now!
&(& ) Millie is 14 this year.& (& ) Millie likes football very much.
(& ) Millie often drinks orange juice for breakfast.
(& ) Millie likes apples because they’re healthy.
(& ) I often have vegetables for dinner.
What’s Millie like now?_________________________________
Hello. Millie. Why do you like vegetables? __________________&
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