
worthy可作表语,接动名词的主动形式。例如, 没有值得一提的事情。②This is behavior worthy of praise,既可作表语,有趣或受益大而值得花时间,又可作定语。表示某事因重要,“有……价值的”, 这个问题值得考虑。④The film is worthy to be seen again,“应受到赏识的”, worthwhile与worthy一样,其后接of sth,The second-hand house is worthy of being bought,⑨The question is not worthy to be discussed again and again,例如,必须用“worthy of +名词”结构。例如,The exhibition is worth a visit&#47,三个词都是形容词,也可作定语。作定语时意思为“有价值的”,都有“值得的”的意思,This second-hand car is worth $2000 at the most,Helping old people is a worthwhile activity, worth是一个只能作表语的形容词, (S3 Unit 10 P84)注, 这是值得称赞的行为。③ Something find and rare --- something worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim, 那件事值得注意。②This phenomenon is worthy of being studied, 这是一本有价值的英汉词典。⑥This is a worthy article,金钱或努力去做,worthy of后面接被动式的动名词,但其意义仍然是被动的。试比较, to go to have a visit, = The second-hand house is worth buying, 这是一篇值得一看的文章。⑦He said he was not worthy to accept such honour⑧The school has educated many worthy young people, 这种现象值得研究。③This problem is worthy to be considered,,It’s not worth getting angry with him,“相当于……的价值的”,The Summer Palace is worthwhile going &#47,⑩There is nothing worthy of mention,3,意思为“值……的”,但用法或搭配关系不同。1,作后置定语时,①That is worthy of note,,也可以后接to do sth, 这部电影值得再看一遍。⑤This is a worthy English-Chinese dictionary,“值得……的”,而worth后面接主动式的动名词,蠼用,“值得尊敬的”,2,用作表语时意思为“值得……的”,visiting,一般做“值得的”,可接动名词或动词不定式。例如,The question is not worth discussing again and again,“应得到……的”,,“有意义的”解。用作表语时,I really feel I am doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time doing it,虽然在形式上是主动的,“worthy of+动名词”与“worth+动名词”在形式上完全不同,“值得做的”,Thank you for your worthwhile suggestion,
英语 English 英语【English】(也可称为美语,例如香港、新加坡等地),英联邦全部、美国等国家和地区的国语或官方语言。公元3世纪起有文献记载,文字采用拉丁字母。为联合国正式语言和工作语言之一。英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支。印欧语系是世界上最大的语系,包括十多种语言,主要分布在欧洲、美洲和亚洲。讲印欧语系语言的人数约占世界人口的七分之一。在各种语言当中,英语与德语、荷兰语以及斯堪的纳维亚半岛的日耳曼语言最为接近。英语起源于欧洲西部。大约在公元499年,居住在西北欧的三个日耳曼部族——盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人——侵犯不列颠。他们在征服不列颠诸岛后逐渐形成统一的英吉利民族,他们各自使用的方言也逐渐融合,成为一种新的语言——盎格鲁-撒克逊语,这就是古英语(Old English,公元450年至1150年)。在这一时期,说英语的人不过几百万人,而其使用范围也仅仅局限在不列颠岛。其后,英语又经过漫长的历史演变,由中古英语(Middle English,1150年至1500年)发展今天的现代英语(Modern English,1500年至今)。作为世界上最为开放的语言,在其1500多年的发展过程中,英语兼收并蓄,几乎从世界上任何一种语言中都或多或少地吸收词汇。今天,英语已成为世界上词汇量较大、适用范围最广的语言,同时它也是最接近于人类共同语的语言。根据以英语作为母语的人数计算,英语可能是世界上第三大或第四大语言(据1996年5月的《二十一世纪报》报道,目前世界上以英语为母语的人数是3亿7千万人),但它是世界上最广泛的第二语言,人数之多仅次于汉语。 早在1919年凡尔赛和会上,英语就已成为外交领域最重要的语言。无数国际团体——从国际奥委会到联合国——都以英语为主要工作语言。许多政府首脑都精通英语。如德国前总理科尔就能用流利的英语与美国前总统比尔·克林顿交谈。上两个世纪,英国和美国在各国外交、文化、经济、军事、政治和科学等领域上的领先地位使得英语成为一种国际语言。英语是联合国的五种工作语言之一。与英语最接近的无疑是弗里西语,这种语言现在仍然被在荷兰北部弗里斯兰省的大约50万人使用。一些人认为苏格兰盖尔语是与英语接近的一个独立语言,而一些人则认为它是英语的一个方言。苏格兰语传统上被认为是一种独立的语言[有人甚至认为Ebonics(美国黑人英语)是一门独立的语言,但是这很有争议性]。除了弗里西语外最接近英语的就是在荷兰东部和德国北部的低地撒克逊语。其它相关的语言包括荷兰语、南非荷兰语和德语。诺曼人于11世纪征服英国,带来大量法语词汇,极大地丰富了英语。英语现在是大多数中国人最头疼的语言,大多数中国人都不会英语,所以现在政府很关注中小学生的英语。学会了英语,就等于得到了一笔财富。
Staying up all night is very painful.I am going to my comfortable bed now!
Staying up 是动名词作主语吗?
Staying up all night being very painful,I am going to my comfortable bed now!这样对吗?不对怎么改?
Staying up all night should be very painful,I 'd better go to my comfortable bed now!
—— 轻描淡写123
I should be staying up very painfully ,and having
been going to my comfortalble bed now!
—— amy117520
Staying up all night, I felt so painful that I was going to my comfortable bed at once!
Staying up 是动名词作主语吗?
Staying up all night being very painful,I am going to my comfortable bed now!这样对吗?不对怎么改?
&Staying up all night being very painful,&&&&你看得懂这是那个时态吗?
—— billchou25
Being so painful for staying up all night, I'm going to my comfortable bed now!
—— summerbourne
Being so painful to stay up all night, I'm going to my comfortable bed now!
—— cathydream
To stay up all night is very painful.I am going to my comfortable bed now!
Staying up all night is very painful.I am going to my comfortable bed now!
Staying up 在这里是动名词作主语.
Staying up all night being very painful,I am going to my comfortable bed now!
very painful to stay up all night
,i am going to my comfortable bed now!
—— jolie2008
只要改成staying up all night and being very painful is the reason why I am going to my comfortable bed now就可以了,虽然此句语法正确,但动名词部分本身就在叙述原因不需要再用the reason 句型,后面直接用I am going to my comfortable bed now 即可
—— aiyimin
CopyRight & 沪江网 2014&英语高手,进!_百度知道
翻译下列此句:1.周一,参观了北京大学,听了一名北京大学的学生关于北大的介绍(introduction)2.周二,周三,参观了一些名胜古迹(places of interest),如故宫博物馆,颐和园,北海公园等。3.周四,去野外野餐,我们唱歌,跳舞,做游戏,玩得很开心。4.周五上午,我去购物了,是买礼物给家人的。这几句话要连得起来,不少于40个单词。请各位空间好友不要用翻译机,请尽快翻译出,小女谢过各位!
上面是电脑翻译的吧,这样也太不负责任了,如果都用电脑翻译,人家还用得着问么?强烈鄙视这种不负责任的人。 On Monday, we visited Beijing University, and listened to an introduction lecture about Beijing University given by a student of Beijing University. On tuesday and Wednesday, we wisited some places of great interest, such as the imperial palace museum, summer palace, North Sea Park and so on. on Thursday, we went out for a picnic. we sang, danced and played games, and had a good time there. on Friday morning, i went shopping to buy gifts for my family. 个人水平有限,有错误请谅解。
1. Monday, visited the Beijing University, has listened to Beijing University's students about Beijing University's introduction (introduction) 2. Tuesday, on Wednesday, visited some scenic spot and historic resort (places of interest), like Imperial Palace museum, Summer Palace, North Sea park and so on. 3. Thursday, goes to the open country picnic, we sing, dance, make the game, plays very much happily. 4. Friday in the morning, I went to the shopping, bought the gift to the family member.
I visited the Beijing University and after that i listened to a Beijing University 's student' introduction
Monday.On Tuesday and Wednesday,i went to visited some places of interest,like
Imperial Palace Museum, Summer Palace, North Sea Park and so on.On Thursday,we had a picnic,we sang and danced ,and also we played games,we all enjoyed ourselves.On Friday morning,i went shopping.I bought some presents for my family members.绝对自己翻译的哦!
Dear worker(s) of this Post OfficeTwo months ago, my mother sent me a package that contains some summer clothing. However, I still have not receive that package. It is apparent and reasonable that the package should be here by the meantime. I am still not sure what happened to it. So now, I want to ask you to kindly take further investigation to what happen to the package. Whether it is found or lost, please return me with an response. Thanks_________
Dear Manager at the Post Office,I am writing this letter in regard of a package sent by my mother around two months ago, and yet I did not receive it as of this minute I am writing this letter to you. The package contains some summer clothes which was personally bought by my mother with her hard earned cash working as a factory worker, now if the package is lost, my mother will feel very sad. I do not have any money to buy clothes for summer time.Would you please look into this matter thoroughly? Deliver my package as soon as possible.My mother and I would greatly appreciate your efforts and time.Sincerely,&&&&&&&
其他回答 (3)
dear madam/sir,
i am writing to you complaining about your company's faults in your work. about two months ago, my mother posted a parcel to me, some summer clothing contained, but i haven't yet received it. now summer is here and the weather is very hot. how can i carry on without buying new clothes and that will cost me a lot of money.
i am unhappy with your company's service and solomnly ask you to deal with this matter and give me a satisfactory answer soon.
yours truly,
Dear Sir
I'm wirtting to complain about the lost package which was sent&by my mother two month ago. There are some summer clothes in the package. The track number is ....& I think the package was lost during the delivery. Please check this number and reply me ASAP.
Thanks and best wishes
Hellow recently ,the postcage that i bought from your confirm hasnt been recevet .could you please check it and give me a reply


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