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by AndyTomby 翔哥想飞天by 翔哥想飞天by 翔哥想飞天by 萌神Appby wolfman当前位置: >>>
&& 《中级英语听力》选取的听力素材内容新颖,题材灵活多样;教程不仅适合课堂教学,同时也可满足自学要求,真正帮助英语专业学生和社会各层次的英语爱好者突破英语听力难关!
&& 《中级英语听力》录音以标准的美音或英音为主,声音清晰。谈话主题涉及了日常生活和社交活动的各个方面,不仅有助于提高学习者的听力技能,也有益于提高学习者的英语交际能力。中级听力素材的难易程度既注意与初级衔接又为学习者继续使用高级打下了基础。
Part 1 'This Is Your Life' is one of the most popular programmes on British and American television. Every week a famous person is invited to a television studio, without knowing that he or she will b
Interviewer: Is film editing a complicated job? Film Editor: Oh yes, a lot of people probably don't know how complicated a job it can be. It's far more than just sticking pieces of film together. Inte
Clerk: Hello, sir. What can I do for you? Customer: Hi. Uh ... I have this ... uh ... cassette player (Mm-hmm.) here that I bought about six months ago. And it just ruined four of my favourite cassett
Announcer: And now over to Marsha Davenport for today's weather forecast. Marsha? Weather reporter: Thanks, Peter. Well, as you can see from the weather map, there's varied weather activity across the
Herbert Wilson and his wife went to the Isle of Wight for their summer holiday. But they were by no means pleased with their hotel. As soon as they returned home, Herbert decided to write to the Manag
Reporter: And now, Mrs. Skinner, can you tell us your story? What happened at your farm when the earthquake passed? Mrs. Skinner: Oh, it was terrible. I'll never forget it to my dying day. I hope I ne
Professor Ernest Watson was answering questions on a radio phone-in programme on the subject of learning a foreign language. Listener: Hello, Professor, can you hear me? Prof W: Yes, we can hear you f
Interviewer: We continue with the World of Investigation. Laura, an identical twin, has agreed to contribute to our investigations. I must apologize for the fact that Laura's twin cannot be here tonig
Catherine has just left school and she wants to find a job. She and her mother have come to speak to the Careers Advisory Officer. Listen to their conversation. Officer: Oh, come in, take a seat. I'm
Here's the news at 11:30. Thousands of people have marched through the centre of Corby in Northamptonshire to protest against plans to close the steel works, the town's major employer. The marchers de
Doctor: Well Mr. Thomson. The first and important thing I have to tell you is that ... mm ... there is really nothing seriously wrong with you ... physically that is. My ... er ... my very thorough re
Gentleman Jim has worked out a plan to rob a bank. He's telling his gang, Fingers Jones and Ginger Robertson about the plan. Listen to their conversation. Fingers: Let's see. You're going to walk up t
Lesley: Ah ... it's such a lovely day. It reminds me of last week, doesn't it you? Fiona: Oh don't! I mean that was just so fantastic, that holiday! Lesley: I love that city, you know. Fiona: I do too
Here is a summary of the news. No general election yet says the Prime Minister. Five people die in an earthquake in central Italy. And £ 1/4 million is stolen from a security van. In a speech in the
A: Did you hear on the news today about that ... uh ... murderer who was executed? B: I can't believe it. A: Yeah. That's the first time in ten years that they've used capital punishment. B: I just caCopyright &
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