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法规翻译 2008第3期
2008年 9月 30日出版
  一、 “市场准入”用词的规范 ……..…..…………..……......….... 1
  二、 “小额贷款公司”用词的规范……....…………...……....….... 1
  地方法规翻译用词的种类与句型……..…......……...……....….... 2
  CONCESSIONS ACT…….…………....….……….....………..10
  经济类法规、规章或规范性文件中常常会出现市场准入一词,对该词的翻译方式目前出现的主要有 “market access”,“market admission”,“permission to enter the market”, “market admittance”; “market entry” 等等。在参考WTO相关文本和其他法律文本的基础上,经过讨论,拟将“市场准入”一词规范为“market access”。
  近期在经济类法规、规章和规范性文件的翻译中“小额贷款公司”一词的出现频率日益增加。目前对应的翻译方式主要有 “loan-only agency”, “micro-loans initiated by company”, “small-loan institution”, “small-sum loan company”等等。
  鉴于小额贷款公司一般是指由自然人、企业法人与其他社会组织投资设立,不吸收公众存款,经营小额贷款业务的有限责任公司或股份有限公司,乃非一般意义上的金融机构或行政部门或业务代办机构,因此,拟将“小额贷款公司”一词的翻译规范为“small-sum loan company”。
  很多普通词汇在法律层面上往往具有特定的含义,这类词通常都是普通英语词汇中的多义词,而且很多情况下需要一定的语境或上下文才能确定词义。如 The testator died without issue. 一句中的issue。其在法律上的含义为遗嘱中的子嗣。其他如award, damages, consideration, counterpart, executed, instrument, motion, plead, provided, said, tenement 等等都是。这类词在法规翻译中被运用的机会很大,而对这类词的把握主要靠日常积累,
  英语词汇是在不断发展变化之中的,新词会不断取代旧词,这是一种客观规律,但是法律英语中,有一些词的意义而后用法从未发生变化,而且在法律英语专有词汇中也占有相当大的比重。如:aforesaid, forthwith, hereafter, herein, let, pursuant to, thereabout, thereafter, thereby, therewith, whereas, whereof, witness 等等。对这类词汇的灵活运用往往作为翻译人员或写作人员对法律英语掌握程度的判断标准。对这类词汇的把握也主要来源于日常的积累。
  当代法律英语的基础是普通法,而普通法的基础是罗马法。由于当时的罗马法是用拉丁文写成的,因此在当代的法律英语中便保留了大量的拉丁词汇,这些拉丁词汇主要由两部分构成,一部分是已经被人们大量使用的词汇,如:affidavit, alias, alibi, bona fide, quorum, prima facie, writ of fieri facias 等等;而另一部分则使用的较少,如:ex parte, guardian ad litem, in rem, inter alia, per stirpes, res ipsa loquitur 等等。需要特别注意的是,法规翻译的某些译者喜欢在翻译中使用拉丁词汇,但往往忽略了该词的含义是否与原文相同的问题。因此在法规翻译中,拉丁词的运用要相对慎重一些,要确保与原文的含义完全相同时才可以运用。
  由于英国曾长期受法国人的统治,因此在法律英语中有许多属于法语词源的词汇,这类词汇在法律意义上的词义比较专一,因此被运用的较多。这类词也分为两类,一类是为大众所接受的,如action, court, covenant, appeal, damage, assault, declaration, attorney, battery, easement, contract, goals, evidence, partner, plaintiff, pleadings, pledge, reprieve, marriage, misdemeanour, slander, obligation, tort, verdict 等等,另一类基本仅流行于专业人士之间,如:alien, demurrer, estoppel, esquire, attorney general, metes and bounds, oyez, roll, specialty, voire dire 等等。
  法律英语中的专业术语具有明确的、特定的法律上的含义,可以非常准确的表达复杂的法律概念。在这点上,任何词汇都没有办法替代,因此掌握这类词汇对法规翻译相当重要。 这类词汇的数量相当可观,如:agency, defendant, demurrer, alibi, dry trust, appeal, fee tail, common counts, fictitious defendant, guarantee, negotiable instrument, principal and surety, surrender, tenant, letters patent, voir dire 等等。
  法律行话基本仅流行于从事法律行业的人之间,这类词汇专业性非常强,是属于法规翻译人员必须把握的词汇。如:alleged, alter ego, argumentative, at issue, breaking and entering, cause of action, damages, due care, four corners of the instrument, issue of fact, pierce the corporate veil, purported, record, reversed and remanded, well settled, without prejudice 等等。
  法规翻译中除使用上述的六种非普通英语用词以外,还经常使用大量正式程度较高的书面词汇,以及相当多的委婉语。这类词汇属于翻译人员必须掌握的词汇。如:adjudge, adjudicate, arrested in flagrante delicto, approach the bench, decree, prior to, strangers to the blood, subsequent, toll the statue, whereas, without prejudice等等。
  一般而言,法律语言要求表达清晰、精确,但是有时为了实现法律语言精确的目的,反而需要使用一些意义模糊、灵活的词语去准确表达法律概念或事实。法律英语中这类词汇的数量相当的庞大。如:about, abuse of discretion, adequate, apparently, available, average, clear and convincing, convenient, doubtless, excessive, expenses, extraordinary, few, fixture, habitual, improper, in regard to, intention, lately, malice, more or less, near, possible, proper, regular, satisfy, similar, sufficient, transaction, understand, undue, unsound, valuable, worthless等等。法规翻译人员在运用这类词汇时要尽可能忠实于原词的含义,在译文中保留其歧义或含糊性。这里需要特别指出的是,翻译人员只有忠实于原文的权利,没有将含糊的意义解释清楚的责任,否则便是越俎代庖了。
  为达到法律英语讲求精确的目的,很多常人不常用的句式、格式、词汇都会在法律英语中出现,比如数字式排列的句式、字母式排列的句式、标记、逻辑符号、表示绝对概念的词汇、短语(如:all, impossible, last clear chance, outright, unavoidable等等)、限制性词汇/短语(如:and no more, shall not constitute a waiver, shall not be deemed a consent 等等)、以及非限制性短语(如:including but not limit to, without prejudice, nothing contained herein shall..等等)。
  法律英语中的累赘词又被称为法律配对词和三联词,她是指用两个或三个意思相近或相同的词构成一个短语以表达法律上本来需要一个词就能表达的概念。在法规翻译中要特别小心甄别这类词汇以保证译文的精确性,因为这类词汇中有些用词的意义并不完全相同。这类累赘词如:acknowledge and confess, aid and comfort, breaking and entering, cease and desist, each and all, fair and equitable, fraud and deceit, hand and received, hold and keep, let or hindrance, null and void, rest, residue and remainder, sole and exclusive, will and testament 等等。
  Otherwise是一个使用率很高,用途相当广泛的法律英语用词。通常与放在前面的unless或者or,或者放在后面的than连用。一般表述“除了。。。。。。以外”或“以其他。。。。。。方式”的意思。这时otherwise都只起到一个副词的作用。另外一个意思相近的关联短语other than也要掌握。在法律英语中它可以当形容词使用,用来修饰名词,制代与所修饰的名词相反的事物。如:Any person guilty of an offence under this Part, other than an offence under section 3, shall be liable…
  该短语在法律英语中一般都和agreement, section, contract等法律文件名或文件中特定条款名相配合使用。通常的含义是“以。。。。。。为条件”,“根据。。。。。。。规定”,“在符合。。。。。。的情况下”,“除。。。。。。另有规定外”,以及“在不抵触。。。。。。下”。但归根结底,其中心含义是“受制于”有关条款或须“依照”有关条款办事。
  该短语的功能相当于普通英语中的without affecting。跟在这个短语后面的通常是一个指代某项法律条款的名词,但对有关事物或条款的规限程度相对较低。该短语的本身含义是“对法定利益或要求无影响或无损害”,因此相对应的中文为“在不损害。。。。。。的原则下”,“在不影响。。。。。。的情况下”,“。。。。。不受影响”,“。。。。。。不妨碍”等。但最契合的是“在不影响。。。。。。的情况下”。
  在法律英语中,where引导的是法律条款中的条件状语从句,其引导的状语几乎纯粹是法律条款中的一个条件,大体相当于in the case where。其对应的中文为“凡。。。。。。”或者“如。。。。。。”。理论上讲,where引导的条件状语与if和when引导的条件句在语法上没有任何分别,但是where 引导的条件状语从句是专业化的法律英语,因此在法规翻译中应代替if和when引导的条件句。
  在法律条例中,尤其是刑法中,any person who does…shall be guilty of an offence这种句型的重复率相当的高,因为法律的主要功能是界定何种行为属于违法以及应受到何种处罚,而这个句型是最简明、直接的表达方式。在句法上,这个句型通常会把主语和谓语用逗号分开,中间加一个定语修饰词。如:Any person who, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, while having dealings of any kind with any other public body, offers any advantage to any public servant employed by that public body, shall be guilty of an offence. 这个句型的主语还可以改为every person或者a person,而其谓语动词也可以使用与第三人称配合的动词现在式等等,但 无论如何,其对应的中文都是“任何人做某事,即。。。。。。”。
  该句式中的prupose一词可以是单数,也可以是复数。在法律英语中该句式主要有三个意思:“为了。。。。。。目的”、“就。。。。。。而言”以及“为施行。。。。。。条”。其中在正式的法律文本中,反映“为了。。。。。。。目的”这个意思时通常会使用in order to这个不定式短语,而只有在表述“就。。。。。。而言”以及“为施行。。。。。。条”时才使用for the purposes of 这个句式。如:For the purposes of subsection 3, permission shall be in writing and ……。
  Provided that 是一个古旧词,在法律文书中应用广泛。其用法与if或but相类似,相当于中文的“倘若/如果”或“但。。。。。。”。该短语放在句首,引导出的是一个条件分句,与if, when 或者where引导的法律条件句没有本质上的差异;但如果该短语之前存在一个主句,则它表示的是一个与之前的陈述相反的例外,相当于with the exception of …,其中文含义是“但是。。。。。。”,这在法律界被称为“但书”。特别需要指出的是,做“但书”使用时,其之前的主句如果单独成为一段的,该段通常以冒号结尾;但如果provided引导的但书与主句同为一段,则其一主句的分隔使用分号。
  该词在法律英语中的应用是相当广泛的,其对应的中文是“尽管。。。。。”,“即使。。。。。。”,表示一种让步,这与although/though/even if 引导的状语从句没有太大的分别,但该词引导的不是一个让步状语从句,而是一个名词性短语。确切的说,其后面总是跟law/ordinance或者section/subsection之类的法律或法律条款的指代词。如:Notwithstanding subsection 3, a magistrate may require the police officer, usher or other officer who served a summons to attend before him and give evidence on oath as to its service.
  在法律英语中,save是一个与except for相同的介词,其对应的汉语为“除。。。。。外”。需要注意的是save 和except for 后面都可以跟一个名词性短语,也可以跟一个从句或者另一个介词短语。如:Save as is provided in this Ordinance, no claim within the jurisdiction of the Board shall be actionable in any court.
  在法律英语中如果要表达一个与某事物有关的概念时使用的不是regarding或concerning,而是in respect of。其所对应的中文主要有两个:“有关”和“对于”。如:For the purpose of the Landlord and the Tenant Ordinance and for the purpose of these presents the rent in respect of the said premises shall be deemed to be in arrear if not paid in advance as stipulated by Clause 1 hereof. 简单而言,in respect of与该词后面的名词构成一种从属关系,而且该短语还可以与一个包含of的古旧副词如hereof等结合使用,这一点对concerning, regarding, in regard to等而言是不可能的。
  Promulgated State Gazette No. 92/17.10.1995
  Amended SG Nos. 16 & 44/1996; 61 & 123/8; 23, 56, 64 & 67/1999
  Chapter One
  Article 1
  This Act shall govern the terms and procedure for granting concessions.
  Article 2
  (1)(Amended, SG No. 61/1997) For the purposes of this Act "concession" shall mean:
  1. the granted special right to use objects which are public state property, including those which shall be built by the concessionaire and funded by him.
  2. the granting of special right of use of objects over which the State exercises sovereign rights under Art.18, par.2 and 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, inclusive through the use of existing facilities which are public state property and/or the construction of new facilities on the part and with the funding o
  3.the granting of permission to perform activities over which monopoly has been established by law.
  (2) (New, SG No. 61/1997) In cases when concession is granted over objects that are public state property which shall be built by the concessionaire and funded by him, these objects shall be cited in the decision pursuant of Art.7, while the specific rights and obligations shall be settled in the concession contract.
  (3) The procedure for granting a concession shall include:
  1.taking a decision t
  2.holding of a tender or auction to determine the concessionaire or direct selection of the concessionaire in ca
  3.conclusion of a contract for concession.
  (4) No concessions may be granted that jeopardize the national security and the defence of this country, the environment, the territories and objects protected by law, and the public order.
  Article 3
  (1) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) Concessions shall be granted for periods up to 35 years as from the enforcement of the concession contract.
  (2) The term of a concession may be extended with the consent of the parties under the concession contract, pursuant to a decision by the body which has taken the decision to grant the concession. The overall term of a concession may not exceed 50 years.
  (3) The concessionaire under an expired contract, other conditions being equal, shall have preference for granting a new concession for the same object or activity.
  Article 4
  (Amended, SG No. 61/1997)
  (1) Concessions may be granted for objects such as:
  1. (Amended, SG No. 23/1999) ores and minerals in connection w
  2. the wa
  3. the biological, mineral and energy resources of the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone, in reference to exploration, development, production,
  4. (Repealed SG 93/1998);
  5. (Amended SG 93/1998)
  6. the national roads, ports for public transport and civilian airports, existing and/or such which shall be built by and with the funding of the concessionaire, p
  7. (Amended, SG No. 67/1999) the waters, inclusive of mineral waters - whic
  8. the aquaculture and the water supply facilities and systems, which are p
  9. (Repealed, SG No. 64/1999)
  10. the forests and parks of n
  11. th
  12. the natural and arch
  13. other objects which are public state property, specified by law.
  (2) Concessions for objects under paragraph (1) may include the adjoining infrastructure and facilities.
  Article 5
  Permissions under Article 2, paragraph (1) may be granted for activities related to:
  1. (Repealed, SG No. 64/1999);
  3. (Repealed SG 93/1998);
  4. transportation of passengers a
  6. manufacture of radioactive products, arms, explosives and substances with strong
  7. other activities for which a state monopoly is established by law.*
  Chapter Two
  Article 6
  (1) Decisions to grant concession shall be adopted by the Council of Ministers.
  (2) (Repealed, SG No. 61/1997)
  (3) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) The Prime Minister and the Ministers, in compliance with their competence, shall make reasoned proposals to grant concession with a legal, financial-cum-economic, social and environmental analysis for the concession.
  (4) (New, SG No. 61/1997) When concession is granted in connection with privatization procedures, the proposal under par.3 shall be submitted by the relevant ministers following advance notice by the body pursuant of Art.3 of the Transformation and Privatization of State and Municipal Enterprises Act.
  Article 7
  (1) The decision to grant a concession shall specify:
  1. the
  2. the te
  3. (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) the method of determination of the concessionaire - by tender or auction or the selection of a concessionaire witho
  4. the type, amount and manner of payment of the deposit for participation in t
  5. the major rights and obligations
  6. the initial term and the conditions for implementing the concession, including the m
  7. the type and amount of guarantees for compliance with the obligations under the
  8. the type, amount and mode of fulfillment of the obligation for the concession payment under the
  9. any requirements related to environmental protection, the territories and objects protected by law, the national security, the defence of this country
  10. other requirements related to the nature of the concession.
  (2) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) The decision under paragraph (1) shall nominate the Minister who shall organize the tender or auction or shall sign the concession contract with the concessionaire selected without an auction or render.
  (3) The decision under paragraph (1) shall be promulgated in the State Gazette and in one central daily.
  Chapter Three
  Article 8
  (1) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) The concessionaire shall be determined by tender or auction or without an auction or tender, in cases envisioned by law.
  (2) The tender may be with or without attendance. Winner of the tender shall be declared the candidate whose proposal satisfies the competition requirements to the maximum.
  (3) The auction shall be by secret or public bidding for the concession payment.
  Article 9
  Participants in the tender or auction may be Bulgarian and foreign natural or legal persons registered as merchants.
  Article 10
  (1) The Prime Minister shall appoint a commission to conduct the tender or auction, comprising a chairman and four members.
  (2) Chairman of the commission shall be the Minister nominated by the decision under Article 7.
  (3) As members of the commission shall be appointed representatives of the respective ministries and departments, considering also the requirements of Article 7, paragraph (1), item 9.
  (4) The commission shall take decisions by majority of the total number of votes.
  Article 11
  (1) The Chairman of the commission shall promulgate in the State Gazette notification of the tender or auction within one month following the promulgation of the decision under Article 7, paragraph (1).
  (2) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) The notification under paragraph (1) shall include: the date, place and time of holding the tender or auction, the deadline for submission of applications, the conditions and time for the on-site inspection of the objects subject to concession.
  (3) The commission shall approve the tender or auction documents and shall determine their price.
  (4) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) The tender or auction shall be held within a month at earliest or six months at latest following promulgation of the decision under Article 7, paragraph (1).
  Article 12
  (1) The application for participation in the tender or auction shall be in writing.
  (2) Enclosed with the application should be:
  1. certificate for registration of the par
  2. statement from the annual account reports for
  3. certificate for purchased tender or auction documents and for paid deposit amount in compliance with Article 7, paragraph (1), item 4;
  4. declaration for compliance with the confidential nature of information included in the tender or auction documentation.
  (3) Where the documents under paragraphs (1) and (2) fail to meet the requirements, the applicant shall be granted a 7-day period to bring them in compliance.
  Article 13
  (1) In the case of holding a tender it shall be necessary to submit also a complete plan for implementing the activity related to the concession for the term of the concession on the grounds of the conditions provided in the decision under Article 7, paragraph (1).
  (2) The commission shall not allow participation of applicants whose complete plans fail to meet the requirements of paragraph (1).
  (3) Upon signature of the concession contract the applicants under paragraph (1) shall be bound to comply to the contents of the submitted complete plan.
  Article 14
  (1) The commission shall rule in writing on admission to participation in the tender or auction.
  (2) The decision under paragraph (1) shall be subject to appeal before the Council of Ministers within 7 days following its notification. The decision of the Council of Ministers shall be final.
  Article 15
  (1) Participants in the tender shall submit within the term specified by the commission a proposal in a sealed envelope in compliance with the tender requirements.
  (2) In the case of holding a tender with attendance, no amendments to the proposal under paragraph (1) shall be allowed.
  Article 16
  (1) In the case of holding an auction by secret bidding the participants shall submit proposal for the concession payment in sealed envelope.
  (2) In the case of holding an auction by public bidding the commission shall notify in advance the increment.
  Article 17
  (1) A tender or auction shall not be held if there are no applicants or persons admitted to participation.
  (2) (New, SG No. 61/1997) When within the deadline set in the notification under Art.11, par.2 no proposal is submitted or such is submitted by only one bidder, the deadline for the submission of applications for participation may be extended on a decision of the Commission
up to 30 days as of the promulgation of the announcement of the new date in the State Gazette. Should the Commission decide to extend the deadline and a proposal has been submitted within the initial deadline, the latter shall be opened and considered after the expiry of the extended deadline. Should more proposals be submitted within the new deadline, they shall be opened and considered with the proposal that had been submitted within the deadline announced originally.
  (3) A tender or auction shall be held also where only one applicant has been admitted.
  Article 18
  (1) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) The Commission shall submit to the Council of Ministers a report and draft decision on the results of the tender or auction within 7 days thereafter.
  (2) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) The Council of Ministers shall adopt a decision on determination of the winner of the tender or auction, which shall be promulgated in the State Gazette. The decision shall authorize the Minister nominated by the decision under Article 7, paragraph (1), to conclude a contract for concession, on behalf of the State, with the concessionaire determined on the grounds of the tender or auction.
  (3) The decision under paragraph (2) shall be subject to appeal in respect of its compliance with the law within 7 days following its promulgation in the State Gazette.
  Chapter Four
  Article 19
  (1) The authorized Minister and the applicant who has been awarded the tender or auction shall conclude a contract for concession within one month following the entry into force of the decision under Article 18, paragraph (2).
  (2) (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) Where no contract has been concluded pursuant to paragraph (1), the Council of Ministers may adopt a decision to hold a new tender or auction for the same object or activity or propose to the runner-up to sign a concession contract under the terms of the bid winner.
  (3) Should the applicant who has been awarded the tender or auction decline to conclude a contract in compliance with the obligations he has undertaken and the requirements he had bound himself with, he shall forfeit his right to the deposit paid in compliance with Article 7, paragraph (1), item 4.
  (4) (New, SG No. 61/1997) In cases when the concessionaire is determined without an auction or tender, the concession contract shall be signed within a month of the promulgation of the decision under Art.7.
  Article 20
  The contract for concession shall comprise as mandatory:
  1. the requirements under Article 7, paragraph (1);
  2. (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) specification of other property rights and obligations of the parties under Article 4, inclusive of the rights of the concessionaire on the fruits of objects which the concessionaire shall built with his own finance and shall not be public state property, as well as the right to compensation related to accreti
  3. specification of other property rights and obligations of the parties, inclusive of the rights of the concessionaire on fruits, accretions and improvements of the chattels related to implementing the activities under Article 5;
  4. the bans to dispose of and encumber the concession and other ri
  5. the type and amount of liability for failure to meet the obligation
  6. the control over the fulfillment of the obliga
  7. the method for settlement of disputes
  8. the reasons for early termination of the contract and the rights of the party whi
  9. other elements on which the parties have reached agreement.
  Article 21
  (1) The State shall preserve all its rights on the object of the concession, except those explicitly established or ceded by the contract for concession.
  (2) Any accretions to chattels that are state property related to the implementation of activities under Article 5 shall be state property.
  (3) Upon termination of the concession the concessionaire shall be entitled to compensation for any improvements made.
  Article 22
  (1) In the case of subsequent occurrence of threat to the national security and the defence of this country, to the environment, to the territories and objects protected by law, and to the public order, the parties may amend the clauses of the contract, as well as terminate it before expiry of its term, by mutual agreement or unilaterally.
  (2) In cases under paragraph (1) the Minister under Article 19 shall send to the concessionaire notification in writing for termination of the contract within an appropriate term.
  (3) In the case of occurrence of threats pursuant to paragraph (1) the concessionaire shall be bound to notify forthwith the Minister under Article 19.
  (4) Upon termination of the contract in cases under paragraph (1) compensation shall be due to the concessionaire, provided the termination is not due to his default.
  Article 23
  (1) The concession shall be terminated upon expiry of the contract for concession.
  (2) The contract for concession shall be terminated:
  1. upo
  2. upon destruction of the object or in the case of objective incapacity to use it or to c
  3. upon death of a concessionaire who is a natural person, or in the case of dissolution of a concessionaire who is a legal person, unless the Council of Ministers agrees the contract to be exten
  4. upon entry into force of a decision declaring the con
  6. by virtue of judicial o
  7. by other reasons provided in this Act or in the contract.
  (3) In the case of termination of the contract pursuant to paragraph (2), items 3 and 4, the State shall have the rights of a privileged creditor.
  Article 24
  (Amended, SG No. 61/1997) The provisions of
Chapter Three of the Commercial Code and the Obligations and Contracts Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to all cases not regulated in reference to the conclusion, performance and termination of the contract for concession.
  Chapter Five
  Article 25
  Cash revenues from the granting and execution of concessions shall be allocated as follows:
  1. 85 per cent as revenue
  2. 15 per cent to support the concessions cost recovery fund.
  Article 26
  (1) A Concessions Cost Recovery Fund shall be set up with the Ministry of Finance.
  (2) Fund finance under par.1 shall be collected from:
  1. 15 per cent from the proceeds from the granting and exec
  2. revenue from interest and other revenues.
  (3) Fund resources shall be used to cover concession awardal costs and other costs related to the implementation and control over concessions.
  (4) The surplus of revenues over expenses at year's end represents a floating balance and shall be used during the following year according to purpose.
  (5) Collection, use and recording procedures for Fund resources under par.1 shall be entrenched in the Rules for Application of the Concessions Act.
  Article 27
  On the proposal of the relevant ministers, chairmen of committees and heads of central institutions, the Minister of Finance shall prepare a draft statement of the revenues and expenses of the Concessions Cost Recovery Fund on an annual basis.
  Article 28
  (1) The Council of Ministers shall adopt annually the revenues and expenses of the Concessions Cost Recovery Fund in compliance with a full budget classification.
  (2) The Council of Ministers shall approve the expenses under par.1 and by individual state bodies and budget organizations.


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