2 one's欧美男子组合合全名叫什么我忘了

浙江 杭州市
In order to regulate body temperature as well as remove waste from
our body, people normally sweat. However, some suffer an abnormal
increase in perspiration which causes them to produce more sweat
than they should, a condition called Hyperhidrosis or more
popularly known as "Excessive Sweating."
This condition
occurs mostly on areas where sudoriferous glands or sweat glands
are highly concentrated such as the hands, feet, and the most
popular one: the armpits or axillae, when these areas become overly
active. This slowly affects one's self-esteem and at times, limits
a person's social activities, especially if that person has a
sweaty armpit.
It can be socially embarrassing to have a sweaty armpits because
most people associate it with poor hygiene but what people need to
know is that it is a medical condition and such poor hygiene only
exacerbates the problem.
It can be generally
classified into two: (1) Primary Hyperhidrosis and (2) Secondary
Hyperhidrosis. The former has no known cause but is believed to be
triggered by psychological factors such as nervousness or anxiety.
The latter, on the other hand, is caused by another condition or
which makes Hyperhidrosis a side effect only of that
underlying cause. Hyperthyroidism or other diseases affecting the
endocrine similarly, Obesity, and Menopause are a few to mention.
The important
thing here is to know. Find out what causes a sweaty armpits and
then do something about it. Do some research and benefit from the
tons of information the internet has. Keep in mind though, that
seeking the opinion of a physician is always the best first step to
take to detect the root of the problem.
Many people suffering
from sweaty armpits tend to worry too much about it, not realizing
they are only making things worse, as stress from worrying will
only trigger it's over production of sweat. Relax and know that
there are solutions available through which this condition can be
cured and though most are temporary, it all proves to be helpful.


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