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&Five Chinese tourists killed in bus accident in Indonesia
Five Chinese tourists have been killed in a bus crash in Indonesia.
A group of 13 Chinese tourists, all from Henan, were on a bus which went down a ravine while on their way to a temple in Bali.
The driver of the bus and their tour guide, both local Indonesians, have also been killed in the crash.
The status of the survivors remains unclear.
A local official in Bali says all the Chinese victims are men in their 50's.
It's unclear what caused the bus to plunge down the ravine.
Chinese mainland responds to Gambia cutting Taiwan ties
The Chinese government says it's been made aware of the change in diplomatic status between Gambia and Taiwan.
The Chinese foreign ministry says it continues to insist on developing its international ties on the basis of the one-China principle and the principles of peaceful coexistence across the Taiwan strait.
The statement comes after Gambia abruptly cut its diplomatic ties with Taiwan last week.
The government of the West African country has not explicitly said why it has made the move.
Any country which has official diplomatic ties with Taiwan can't have diplomatic relations with the mainland.
Mainland authorities say there are still no diplomatic ties with the mainland and Gambia.
Gambia was one of just a handful of countries in Africa which has maintained ties with Taiwan.
Now only Burkina Faso, Sao Tome and Principe and Swaziland have diplomatic relations with Taiwan.
Hollande urges high mobilization to arrest media outlets shooter
French President Francois Hollande is calling on his interior minister to deploy all means necessary to track down a man who has been threatening French media outlets.
All media outlets in Paris are on high-alert after a gunman opened fire inside a French newspaper office on Monday, seriously injuring a photographer assistant before escaping.
The same man is also believed responsible for threatening jouralists at a French TV station just days before.
It's unclear at this point what the motivation for the attacks may be or who the suspect is.
Russia invites Syrian opposition to Moscow for talks: FM
The Russian government has invited Syrian opposition groups to Moscow for talks designed to try to bridge the gaps among the opposition factions in the hope of getting a new Geneva conference underway.
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov says the exiled Syrian National Coalition is &studying& the proposal.
The Russian side has been working to try to get a unified opposition voice to be present at a 2nd international conference to try to find a political solution to the fighting in Syria.
The opposition has so far refused to sign on to another international meeting, as factions within the opposition remain divided about attending.
UN Security Council extends mandate to fight Somali pirates
The UN Security Council has given the green light to another year of backing the international fight against Somali piracy.
In unanimosly adopting the resolution, the Security Council says it recognizes the on-going instability in Somalia is one of the underlying factors behind the piracy off the Horn of Africa.
A recently-released report suggests Somali pirates have managed to collect around 400-million US dollars worth of ransom since piracy became rampant in 2006.
The Chinese navy is among a coalition of UN-backed countries that have dispatched ships to the region to help protect ships traversing the Gulf of Aden, which is one of the busiest and most strategic waterways in the world.
U.S. launches spacecraft to explore Martian atmosphere
NASA has launched its newest Mars probe.
The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution craft, or Maven, was launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida Monday afternoon.
Maven will take around 10-months to arrive at Mars.
Once there, the space craft will begin taking samples of Mars' upper atmosphere to determine how the red planet lost its atmosphere to space.
NASA scientists are hoping to discover how this shaped the history of water on Mars.
NASA currently has two rovers on the Martian surface.
China to update national economy accounting system
The National Bureau of Statistics has announced plans to revise its current system of measuring the national economy.
The move is meant to bring its accounting practices more in-line with the latest international standards.
The NBS says the new system will reckon spending on research and development as a form of fixed capital and calculate it into the GDP.
Other changes include adjusting the method of setting value for self-owned housing for urban residents and counting the income made from transferring land-use rights into farmers' income.
The proposed revisions are in accordance with a 2008 version of the United Nations System of National Accounting&
The new system could be finalized around the end of next year.
Guangzhou announces new property curbs
The municipal government of Guangzhou has spelled out new rules to cool down the property market.
Guangzhou authorities are raising down payments for second-home purchasers to at least 60-percent.
The move follows similar rules brought in in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, where 2nd home buyers have to put down 70-percent of the value of the property up-front.&
Authorities in Guangzhou are also forcing people who move to the city to pay taxes for 3-years before they're allowed to buy a home.
Non-Guangzhou residents are also going to be limited to purchasing one home.
Property prices in the province of Guangdong jumped nearly 21-percent through October, the fastest growth rate nationwide.
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新闻全文新闻标题【摘 要】在现今社会,要真正掌握一门外语,必须尽快提高自己的听力水平。只有听得正确,才能做到应付自如。然而教师怎样组织高中阶段的听力教学以提高学生的英语听力水平,却不是一件容易的事。   【关键词】听力障碍 文化背景 基本技巧 语言能力      一、高中学生英语听力训练中存在问题      (一)基本语言问题   听力是听和理解的总和。听力理解过程是人们运用各种知识和技能的过程。近年来,随着对外开放,美音教材逐渐增多并有流行趋势,有些学生因不熟悉英美语音差异,就产生了听力障碍。语速障碍,中学生平时学习都以课文磁带为准,速度较慢,如果再遇到一些语速较快的连读、弱读、重读、爆破、重音转移等有关语音语调变化的听力材料,便无所适从,所以平时训练时就应该循序渐进,逐步向大纲要求过渡。词汇障碍,学生英语词汇量大小,掌握的准确程度,直接影响听力理解。   (二)听力习惯问题   听力主要目的就是弄懂所听材料的基本思想。在听的过程中要尽量理解全文的主要内容,不要力图把每个词、每个句子都听懂,每遇到不理解的单词和句子时就停下来思索,就会跟不上语速。   (三)文化背景知识问题   由于所属同家不同,所接触的异国文化习俗、风土人情、日常生活、传说、时事、人物、科普等与自己国家的有所不同,这也会给听力中某些涉及异国文化背景的片段造成文化上的障碍。学生如果对西方的感恩节、愚人节不了解,就会感到迷茫。      二、提高高中学生英语听力水平的有效途径      (一)重视技巧,增强听的能力   听力训练本身就是一种学习过程,在具体教学中包括三个步骤:pre-listening,in-listening and post-listening.通过在这三个步骤中渗透听力技巧,增强了学生听的能力。   1.Pre-listening:它融听力于情景之中,调取学生的语言知识和文化背景知识,并引发某种期待。听前的活动还可以激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,变被动为主动。因此,听录音材料前,先让学生预听,猜测该材料所述的大概内容及事情发展的过程和结果,明确听的任务,带着问题去听,这样能提高听的准确性。做听力题前,让学生以最快速度审清题意,并浏览所给题目内容及选项,以便在听的过程中心中有数,并能有的放矢地做出准确判断。   2.In-listening:一旦学生转向了课文主题和语言内容,听力活动便开始了。它重在整体而非细节,注意精听与泛听相结合,让学生精听文章的细节,重点把握文章所提供的主要内容和线索,捕捉文章的主要信息,继而养成好的习惯――在听一篇材料时,不平均分配注意力,要听清关键词,抓主要线索。可要求学生边听边做笔记,可用一些符号来表示,长句抓主要成分等,记录时要有重点,记录材料或故事中的人名、地名、时间、事件、原因等信息,同时要求学生边听边通过推理,形成对整个故事发展的见解。   3.Post-listening:听力活动结束并不等于这一过程的结束,还要强化所获知识并把这些知识用于创造性写作或展开角色扮演等等。在这一环节中,学生始终处于动态之中,居于教学的主体地位。每位学生都有较大的自主权,学生要最大限度地发挥主观能动性,在活动中发挥每个学生的聪明才智,让学生自己想,自己动,发挥主动作用,真正成为学习的主人,也使听力成为学习整体的一部分,而不是一种不同的活动。   (二)经常进行视听结合的训练   把眼看和耳听结合起来,训练学生听英语可帮助学生进行形象思维,促进学生耳听意会。高中英语新教材提供了大量的实物图示,在每单元对话教学中可采取视、听结合的方式,在培养学生听、说、读、写基本能力的同时重点突出学生的听说能力。   (三)加强英语课堂听力教学力度   尽量用英语授课。在英语教学中,教师应尽量用由简到繁、由易到难的语言组织教学,可适当运用母语。让学生多做如下练习:听音表演,教师播放录音或范读听力内容,学生根据相应信息做出相应的动作和表情。听音跟读,教师在播放听力内容的同时,让学生模仿录音跟读并反复练习。听音回答,在播放听力材料之前,教师提出若干道相关问题,然后放音,听一、二遍之后要求学生在听清的基础上做出回答。听音听写,第一步是听录音或教师朗读材料,学生只是听,不写;第二步教师按照意群朗读一遍,学生跟写;第三步是教师朗读第三遍,使用正常的语速,学生检查听写。听音复述,要求学生根据听到的内容,用自己的话转述。   (四)传授给学生简单的应试技巧   1.抓紧时间分析选项    我们目前所做的听力练习大都采用听录音选项的形式。选项成为理解的关键,它可以帮助学生预测将听到的材料的内容,也可提示所听的重点。因此,必须学会在短暂的时间内分析和对比选项的不同之处。   2.抓住关键词听短文   一般来说,我们可将测试重点归结为以下wh疑问句所表示的意义上。   听单句或对话时,总要对wh疑问词的一个重点进行测试。在听短文时,我们若串连这些重点词表示的意思,便可得到短文的基本情节或线索,若再加上短文的最后一句带有结论性的话,便可使所获信息基本完整。因此,可以训练学生通过阅读对比选项,预测短文内容及重点后,着意听出关键词语及结论性语言,而不必追求逐字逐句地听懂或翻译。   (五)提供背景知识   注重培养学生的文化背景知识。语言的社会性决定了文化习俗在交际中的重要性,文化习俗就是生活方式,它是我们生存、感觉、思考及与他人交往的内容,不同的语言国家有不同的文化习俗。因此,在进行听力练习时,教师应注意向学生介绍有关材料的背景知识,加强学生对教学内容的理解、消化和吸收。努力使学生在学习英语的过程中了解外国知识,特别是英语国家,并帮助他们提高理解和恰当运用英语的能力,不断拓展文化视野,加深对本民族文化的理解,发展跨文化交际的意识和能力。      三、结语      本文仅是从影响听力的主要因素入手,针对如何克服影响听力理解能力提高的各种障碍,吸取国内外有关专家、学者的观点,结合自己的实践经验,归纳和整理了数条教学策略。   总之,要提高听力,首先要学生具有自信并进行不懈的努力;其次,要求教师对学生进行有计划的,系统的,不间断的训练,并在课堂教学中渗透听力教学,自然会水到渠成,有效地提高学生的听力水平,达到把学生培养成具有初步运用英语进行交际能力的目标。      参考文献:   [1]钟道隆.听遍全世界[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2002.   [2]胡文仲.英语的教与学[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1989.
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