
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &英文好的朋友们,谁能帮我翻译这篇文章,我在美国上college,在亚洲历史课上老师让写一篇5到7页的文章,谢谢了
&郑和下西洋是一种象征,它代表了中华民族的一种敢于探险、不畏艰险、开放包容的人文精神,也代表了中国历史上与邻为善、世界大同、共享太平的社会意识。这或许也可以说明今日中国坚定地走和平发展之路的历史渊源。郑和下西洋的史实说明,在人类的历史上,并非只有西方社会达尔文主义的弱肉强食模式,还有一个追求平等互敬、和谐共享的东方模式。 郑和以官吏身份,奉皇帝圣旨,代表国家出使亚洲南部,非洲东部沿海地区。下西洋所需一切,包括“宝船”,携带的贸易物品都由政府提供,参加的人员也有政府委派,因此,郑和下西洋完全表现为封建国家的行动。哥伦布是个私人航海家,远航的资金部分靠自筹,其余由西班牙政府支付或向富商募捐。人员来源广泛。所以,他的航海活动是个人,社会,国家三者结合的活动。时代背景不同郑和下西洋的历史条件是中国传统的封闭式小农经济为基础地封建社会的政治经济已发展到顶点,而资本主义的生产关系尚处在萌芽阶段。哥伦布西航在封建制度开始瓦解和资本主义原始积累初期的西欧,可见两者有共同点,即国家政治的稳定和和社会经济的发展。但其远航的目的,性质和影响各不相同。目的性质不同郑和下西洋完全是为了巩固明朝,显示国威。哥伦布远航是在资本主义开始发展的情况下进行原始积累的结果。结果影响不同郑和下西洋是人类征服海洋,认识世界和改造世界的里程碑,哥伦布到达美洲,标志西欧早期殖民侵略和殖民征服的开始国民价值观念不同在中国,高度集中的君主专制主义抑制了人们的主动性和创造才能。在精神方面,君主们只提倡人民对统治者无条件尽义务,当时的取士制度很大程度上使到整个知识界思想僵化,是人们失去了探索外部世界奥秘的任何兴趣。道德家们特别推崇孙子的“父母在不远游”的信条,这种强大的社会规范的力量渗入到民族意识的深处,加上自古以来的种族偏见(所谓华夷之辩)和乡土上的观念的影响,抑制了人们到遥远的地方去寻求知识和财富的欲望。 而西欧的文艺复兴要求个性解放,提倡积极的冒险精神,其人文主义思想对西欧人向海外发展起了积极的促进作用。另外,当时人们对英雄的崇拜,希望超越原来的社会条件和环境以获得更完美的生活的精神,激励着一批又一批航海家去进行艰苦的探险,当然促使他们的还有殖民掠夺的愿望。所以,郑和虽然航海史上的先驱,但地理大发现却最终完成划时代的意义。从航海历程上看:郑和远航达到南洋、印度洋、亚非三十多个国家和地区历时近三十年;哥伦布于1493年8月出发远航,经过两个月的航行及后三次西航横渡大西洋,最终到达中美、南美洲沿岸一带,历时近十四年。可见郑和的航海历程远比哥伦布较长;新的航海知识以及航海科技远比哥伦布较优;亦为以后的航海家奠定了航海知识的基础。从两者交往性质来看:东西方远航的客观后果大不相同。郑和远航所带去“丝与瓷”,是和平友好的交往。哥伦布的远航是为着寻求东方的财富,为着经济效益的;亦因此给亚、非、拉带来长达300年的殖民主义统治。从政治上来看:明成祖派遣郑和下西洋的原因如下:(一)向西方各国阐释成祖皇帝登基,并要求其朝贡;(二)宣扬国威;(三)寻找失踪的惠帝。而哥伦布却为着寻找新大陆及开疆拓土。从经济上看来:郑和下西洋扩大了中国同亚非国家的贸易往来,引起了这些国家对中国手工业品的更大需求,开拓了中国手工业品的国际市场。哥伦布发现新大陆是为着西班牙殖民侵略作好有利条件,从中掠夺殖民地的经济资源,以发展西欧本土经济的需要。郑和下西洋与哥伦布发现美洲新大陆,两者在政治、经济、文化方面对于近代航海科技和发展起着积极的作用,亦为人类文明的发展作出了很大的贡献。&&& 郑和下西洋没有取得欧洲人开拓新大陆所取得的效果,本身反映出的就是一种文化上的缺憾。这种文化首先可以从政治(文化)的角度去理解。中国历来有“王道”与“霸道”两种迥然不同的统治哲学与治国思想。可以认为项羽奉行霸道,以武力争天下,而刘邦却擅怀柔,孙子谓之为“不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也”,此即为“王道”。战国以霸道行于天下,此之后,乃能一统天下者多行王道。所谓“王道”,即以感召,以我之强大感召你之臣服,一直到清朝皆是。这是我们汉民族的典型的政治文化思想,郑和也是这样。这也就使得我们不仅是郑和失去了一个征服世界的机会。其次,实际上是更为基础的,那就是中国人的生活哲学或生活态度,这一点近代辜鸿铭先生有着极精辟的论述:“这就是‘温良’(gentle)”,郑和生活于一个农耕的社会,他不会为了发展国家与国家间的贸易,商品流通而干任何事情,这也不是他的用场。但是,今天的中国,再也不能在利益面前无动于衷,当全球化进程加速的时候,利益的角逐本身就是一种实力的象征和形象的树立。& 海洋文明的召唤:向划时代“蓝色丝绸之路”的伟大转变& 郑和七下西洋无疑扩大了郑和的海上战略视野,他曾向明仁宗进言:“欲国家强富,不可置海洋于不顾。财富取之于海,亦来自海上……我国船队战无不胜,可用之扩大经商,制服异域。”他的见解实际上体现了一种以军事力量为后盾,以海上贸易为手段,对海上敌国实施威慑的思想,这是我国至今为止见到的早期最为深刻的海权论述,其内容竟和现代海权论如此神似,且比马汉的“海上权力”论早了近500年。但建立在传统自然经济之上的腐朽落后的封建政治和闭关锁国、固步自封的封建文化思想,使这一海权意识没有得到发展。& 特别令人惋惜的是,明朝中叶以后,正当欧洲殖民主义国家纷纷从海上向东扩张的时候,中国的统治者却开始实行背向海洋的闭关锁国的政策,自动放弃了长期以来形成的海上优势。& 海洋:世界经济的“蓝色动脉”& 海洋被誉为国际贸易的“蓝色动脉”。据统计,在国际贸易运输中,80%以上是由海运承担的。这主要是因为海运具有运量大、能耗少、运费低廉,以及劳动生产率高等优点,这是其它运输方式所无法取代的。另外石油已成为世界主要能源,自60年代以来,海上石油的运输量增长十分明显。进入80年代后,西方一些发达国家的能源形势继续恶化,对进口石油的依赖持续增长
关于郑和下西洋的目的有很多种说法,有说是为了扬明朝天威,也有说是寻找建文帝,但我认为郑和下西洋的真正目的是打通到欧洲的海上贸易航线,和西方航海大发现时期寻找中国、印度是同一个目的。&&&& 翻开地图,可以看到郑和七次下西洋,一次走得比一次远,从越南,到泰国,到斯里兰卡,到印度,到阿拉伯,最后到东非,这说明哪一个都不是他真正的目的地,那么他的目的地是哪里?顺着这个趋势看只能是欧洲。&&&& 中国古代和西方的贸易对于双方都是非常重要的,中国的茶叶、瓷器、丝绸源源不断运往欧洲,换回欧洲的金银。这刺激了中国农业、手工业的发展,也殷实了朝廷的国库,可以说通商对于中国古代的繁荣是极其重要的。而通商的途径有两条,路上是丝绸之路,还有就是海上贸易航线,这两条途径都要经过中亚辗转几次才能到欧洲。渠道利润非常高。&&&& 明朝初期虽然推翻了蒙古帝国在中国的统治,但蒙古还有其他汗国在中国的北部、西北和西南,可以说蒙古汗国包围了中国的西部,占据了古老的丝绸之路,阻断了东西方贸易。&&&& 这种阻断无论对中国还是欧洲来说都是无法忍受的,双方都希望能够寻找一条替代贸易航线。于是明成祖命郑和去下西洋,而几乎与此同时葡萄牙人也通过海上寻找东方。双方行动的时间前后不超过50年,可以说在历史的长河中是几乎同时发生的。&&&& 无论扬天威说还是寻找建文帝说都不能解释这种同时性,只能把它归结为巧合,但历史是不相信偶然的。&&&& 西方在寻找东方,东方也在寻找西方,双方的交流促进了各自文明的进步,而闭关锁国只能导致落后。希望每个中国人都能再开放些吧。哥伦布远航的目的则不一样,他们完全是为了财富。当时的欧洲,从贵族到平民,都在传说东方印度、中国的富庶。哥伦布的扬帆出海,直接的动力就是财富,这种动力和资本主义发展的动力是吻合的。和郑和——这个皇帝的私人奴仆相比,哥伦布是个有点海盗气质的冒险家,西班牙女王只是他的庇护者和赞助人而已。他并非奉使去完成某种特定的政治任务,而是类似一个承包商,从大老板那里转包工程后,自己想办法争取最大的盈利。和郑和相比,哥伦布更具有个人意志,他不像个长官,更像个有自主权的公司总经理。而郑和船队的远航,完全是帝国行政触角的伸展。 攫取财富和疆土,那是包括国王、百姓、流浪汉都感兴趣的买卖,这样的买卖有激励机制,人们愿意冒死去做。哥伦布的远航才能掀起了欧洲人的淘金热。而朝廷扬威于海外的政府工程,只是为皇帝和朝廷的面子添彩,对大多数人毫无好处,难怪刘大夏一怒烧掉了郑和的航海日志。——这没有给大明带来经济效益的远航不是劳民伤财是什么?这样政府一手包办的面子工程,注定是人亡政息,换个皇帝郑和的命运就大不一样。
Zheng He's sailing feat has two prominent characteristics: First of all, Zheng He represents a navigation model for peaceful interaction. Song of the times in the three countries and China, through the South China Sea has begun to develop and Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Asia maritime trade network. To the occasion of the early Ming, the South China Sea along the pirates, a serious threat to the Ming Dynasty's external security environment and trade. Zheng He's main task is to destroy the pirate, regulation, and ease with the contradictions between the countries, to calm the conflict in Southeast Asia and South Asia to maintain stability and maritime security. Zheng He's fleet in the last 28 years of sailing activities,There have been only three short self-defense nature of the war, did not occupy an inch of land in foreign countries, reflects the Chinese people "Harmony" of the humanistic tradition. Zheng He's another important element is the official trade and trade approach to bargaining transactions, reflects the principle of equality, voluntariness and the spirit of fair trade.Second, the Zheng He's feat is also China's cultural exchanges with the countries and dialogue among civilizations. Zheng He's fleet in via Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), the respect for the local people of Buddhist faith, donations Xiumiao, cloth Shixiang Li, the three languages, "Busch monument" has been retained in Colombo National Museum. Zheng He himself is Islam, the fleet finally completed the pilgrimage to Mecca, on the development of the Ming Dynasty and the Western Islamic countries at that time the friendship played an important role.After Zheng He's voyages in the emergence of Western colonial marine mode. Feature of this model are: plundering precious metals, land, and the goal of colonial rule, by force as a means of conquest, forced to change the beliefs of local people, destroying our own culture. In accordance with the well-known British historian Joseph Needham's argument, the fleet is the world's most
but Zheng left is peace, friendship, mutually beneficial trad the Western left is the navigation mode conquest and destruction of blood and fire.Zheng is the first person to navigation, in a sense, is the first person in the world Age of Discovery. Zheng belong to China, Zheng also to the world. Cheng Ho to the Southeast Asian countries are still commemorate Zheng He, is sufficient to illustrate this point.Zheng He was a symbol of the Chinese nation as a daring adventure, danger, open and inclusive spirit, also represents the history of China and the neighbors as good, world harmony, sharing peace of social consciousness. This might also explain today's China firmly follows the road of peaceful development and history. Zheng He of the facts shows that in human history, not only the Western model of social Darwinism of the law of the jungle, and a pursuit of equality and mutual respect, harmonious sharing of the East model.Zheng He to official status, on instructions from the emperor edict, on behalf of the national mission to southern Asia, Africa, the eastern coastal areas. All required under the Western, including the "treasure ships", carrying trade goods by the government, to participate in the government-appointed staff have, therefore, Zheng He's voyages fully reflected the feudal state action. Columbus is a private navigator, voyage funded in part by self, the rest paid by the Spanish government or donations to the wealthy. Personnel from a wide range. So, he's sailing activities are personal, social, national three-pronged activities.Different backgroundZheng He's historical conditions is a traditional Chinese peasant economy based on closed feudal society to the political economy has developed to the peak, while the capitalist relations of production is still in its infancy. Gelunbuxi Air feudalism began to disintegrate and the early primitive accumulation of capitalism in Western Europe, showing that the two have in common, namely the country's political stability and social and economic development. However, the purpose of its voyage, the nature and impact vary.Purpose of a different natureZheng He is completely in order to consolidate the Ming Dynasty, displaying the national. Columbus voyage was the beginning of capitalist development in the conduct of primitive accumulation results.The results affect differentZheng He is the human conquest of the sea, to understand and transform the world's milestone, Columbus reached the Americas, Western Europe, the early signs of aggression and colonization of colonial conquest beganDifferent national valuesIn China, the high concentration of the Monarchy suppress people's initiative and creativity. In spirit, the sovereign ruler of the people who promote only unconditionally fulfill their obligations, then take a large extent, so that the entire system of intellectual disabilities ideological rigidity, is to explore the outside world, people have lost any interest in the mystery. Moralists in high esteem grandson of the "parents toward society" doctrine, this powerful force of social norms penetrate to the depths of national consciousness, coupled with racial prejudice since ancient times (the so-called debate Hua Yi) and local on of concepts,Inhibited people to distant places to seek knowledge and wealth of desire.The Renaissance in Western Europe demands liberation of personality, to promote the positive spirit of adventure, his Humanism on Western Europe to the Overseas Development has played a positive role. Also, when people on the hero worship, hope beyond the original social conditions and environment for a more perfect life of the spirit, inspired to carry out batch after batch of hard Voyager expedition, of course, they were prompted colonial plunder desire.Therefore, although the history of navigation Zheng pioneer, but the great geographical discovery has finally completed the epoch-making significance.Judging from the Maritime History: Zheng He's voyages to Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean, Asia and Africa more than 30 countries and regions too Columbus starting in August 1493 voyage, after two months of sailing and navigation across the West after the three Atlantic, and finally to America, South America along the coast, lasted nearly four years. Shows that Zheng He's maritime history longer than C new knowledge and marine navigation technology than the optimum of C also laid after the navigator sailing knowledge base.Communication from the nature of the two terms: the objective consequences of the East-West voyage different. Zheng He's voyage brought to "silk and porcelain,"Peaceful and friendly relations. Columbus's voyage to seek for the wealth of the Orient, as a cost- is therefore to Asia, Africa and Latin America to bring up to 300 years of colonial rule.From a political point of view: Ming Cheng Zu Zheng He sent the following reasons: (a) explain to the Western countries Chengzu emperor ascended the throne, and
(b) promo (c) search for missing Emperor Hui. The New World, Columbus was looking for and exploiting the boundary for the significant.From the economic view: Zheng He expanded China's trade with Asian and African countries, led these countries to greater demand for Chinese handicrafts, handicrafts in China to open up international markets. Columbus discovered the New World is to make the Spanish colonial aggression favorable
conditions, from the colonial plunder the economic resources to the development of Western European local economy.Zheng He and Columbus discovered the New World, both in the political, economic, and cultural development for the modern navigation technology and play an active role in the development of human civilization also made a great contribution. Zheng He did not get the Europeans explore the New World the results obtained, is in itself reflects a cultural defect. First of all, this culture can be political (and cultural) perspective to understand. China has always been a "benevolent" and "hegemony" rule of two very different philosophical and ideological rule. Xiang Yu practice can be considered high-handed, try the world by force, but Liu Bang was good at Huairou,Sun Tzu Wei Zhiwei "not fighting the enemy, the good of those who are good", namely, the "benevolent." Warring States to high-handed line in the world, after that is able to dominate the world and performs benevolent. The so-called "benevolent", that is to appeal to the strength of my appeal to you, surrender, until the Qing Dynasty, they all are. This is a typical Han Chinese political culture and thought, Zheng He as well. This also allows us to not only Zheng lost a chance to conquer the world. Second, the fact is the more fundamental, that is the Chinese philosophy of life or attitude to life, that Mr. Ku has a very good and modern discourse: "This is the 'gentle' (gentle)"Zheng and living in a farming community, he is not to develop trade between the state and country, commodity circulation and dry anything, this is not his to bear. However, today's China, can no longer remain indifferent in the face of interest, when the globalization process accelerated when the competing interests is itself a symbol of strength and image of the set.Ocean civilization calls: to an epoch-making "Blue Silk Road" of the great changesZheng He's seven voyages of Zheng He undoubtedly expand the maritime strategic vision, he had made clear progress Ren: "For rich countries, strong, not the expense of home ocean. Wealth is taken from the sea, also from the sea ... ... war without our fleet numerous, can be used for expansion of business, uniform exotic. "He actually reflects a view backed by military force, to maritime trade as a means of deterrence on the implementation of the ideological enemy at sea, this is our country so far to see the most early profound discussion of sea power, its contents actually and so bore a striking resemblance of modern sea power, and more than Mahan's "Sea Power" on the back nearly 500 years.But based on the traditional natural economy corrupt and backward feudal political and closed-door policy, stand still in the feudal ideology, so that this awareness has not been the development of sea power.Particularly regrettable that after the middle Ming Dynasty, when the European colonial powers have expanded eastward from the sea, China's rulers have begun to implement a policy of isolation of marine back, give up the long-standing maritime superiority.Ocean: the world economy's "blue arteries"Ocean known as the international trade of "blue arteries." According to statistics, international trade and transport, 80% are borne by the sea. This is mainly because the ocean has a large volume, energy consumption, lower freight costs and higher labor productivity advantage, which is other modes of transport can not be replaced. In addition the oil has become the world's major energy, since the 60's since the growth of maritime oil transport capacity is obvious. Into the 80's, the energy situation in some western developed countries continued to deteriorate, the dependence on imported oil continued growthOn the purpose of Zheng He's voyages have very different views, have said that Yang Ming emperor's order also said to be looking for Emperor Jianwen, but I think that Zheng He's real purpose is to open up sea trade routes to Europe, and Western maritime discovery during the search for China, India, with a purpose.
Opened the map, you can see seven voyages of Zheng, the first one went fairly well, from Vietnam to Thailand, Sri Lanka, to India, to Arabia, and finally to East Africa, which shows which is not his real purpose land, his destination? Along this trend can only be European.
Ancient Chinese and Western trade is very important for both sides, Chinese tea, porcelain, silk continuously transported to Europe, in exchange for gold and silver in Europe. This has stimulated China's agriculture, handicraft industry development, but also well off the court in the state treasury, trade can be said for the prosperity of ancient China is extremely important. There are two ways for direct trade, the road is the Silk Road, there is the sea trade routes, the two channels to go through Central Asia and onward to Europe several times. Channel profit is very high.
Although the early Ming Dynasty overthrew the rule of the Mongol Empire in China, but there are other Khanate of Mongolia in north China, northwest and southwest, surrounded by the Mongol Empire can be said that western China, occupying the ancient Silk Road, blocked East-West trade.
This block for both China and Europe are intolerable, both sides hope to find an alternative trade routes. So under the Yongle Emperor ordered Zheng He to the Western, and almost at the same time the Portuguese have to find the East by sea. Both before and after the action of the time not more than 50 years, can be said that in the long river of history are almost concurrent.
Whether Yang is looking awfully Wen Jian said that could not explain the same time, we can only put it down to coincidence, but history does not believe an accident.
West, looking east, the East is also looking West, the two sides of the communication for their own civilization and progress, while closed-door policy can only lead to backwardness. Hope that every Chinese person can re-open some of it.Columbus is not the purpose of voyage, they entirely for wealth. At that time in Europe, from the aristocracy to the civilians in the East Indian legend, China's affluent. Columbus sailing to the direct power is wealth, such power and the driving force of capitalist development is consistent. And Zheng He - the emperor's private servant than temperament Columbus was a bit of pirate adventurers, Queen of Spain but his patron and sponsors only. He is not Ancient Korea to complete a specific political task, but like a contractor, subcontracting work from the big boss, the way they want to maximize profits. And Zheng, comparedColumbus also has a personal will, he does not like Executive, more like a general manager with autonomy. The voyages of Zheng's fleet is entirely administrative tentacles stretching Empire.Grab wealth and territory, that is, including the king, the people, homeless are interested in trading, the trading of such an incentive, people are willing to risking death to do it. Columbus's voyage to set off a gold rush of Europeans. The court was won in government projects overseas, only to face the emperor and the imperial luster, for most people any good, no wonder the summer Liu Zheng anger burned log. - This does not bring economic benefits to the voyage of the Ming is not a waste of resources for that? This Government while the sensibilities, and is destined to Renwangzhengxi, another fate of the Emperor Zheng big difference
其他回答 (3)
He's sailing feat has two prominent characteristics: First of all,
Zheng He represents a navigation model for peaceful interaction. Tang and Song Dynasties
in the Three Kingdoms era of China and, through the South China Sea has
begun to develop and Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Asia maritime
trade network. To the occasion of the
early Ming, the South China Sea along the pirates, a serious threat to
the Ming Dynasty's external security environment and trade. Zheng
He's main task is to destroy the pirate, regulation, and ease with the
contradictions between the countries, to calm the conflict in Southeast
Asia and South Asia to maintain stability and maritime security. Zheng He's fleet in the last 28 years of sailing activities, there
have been only three short self-defense nature of the war, did not
occupy an inch of land in foreign countries, reflects the Chinese people
"Harmony" of the humanistic tradition. Zheng He's
another important element is the official trade and trade approach to
bargaining transactions, reflects the principle of equality,
voluntariness and the spirit of fair trade.&Second, the Zheng He's feat is
also China's cultural exchanges with the countries and dialogue among
civilizations. Zheng He's fleet in via Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), the respect for the
local people of Buddhist faith, donations Xiumiao, cloth Shixiang Li,
the three languages, "Busch monument" has been retained in Colombo
National Museum. Zheng He
himself is Islam, the fleet finally completed the pilgrimage to Mecca,
on the development of the Ming Dynasty and the Western Islamic countries
at that time the friendship played an important role.&After Zheng He's voyages in the emergence
of Western colonial marine mode. Feature
of this model are: plundering precious metals, land, and the goal of
colonial rule, by force as a means of conquest, forced to change the
beliefs of local people, destroying our own culture. In accordance with the well-known British historian Joseph
Needham's argument, the fleet is the world's most
but Zheng left is peace, friendship, mutually beneficial trade and
the Western left is the navigation mode conquest and destruction of blood and fire.&Zheng is the first person to
navigation, in a sense, is the first person in the world Age of
Discovery. Zheng belong to China, Zheng also to the world. Cheng Ho to the Southeast Asian
countries are still commemorate Zheng He, is sufficient to illustrate
this point.&Zheng He was a symbol of the Chinese nation as a daring
adventure, danger, open and inclusive spirit, also represents the
history of China and the neighbors as good, world harmony, sharing peace
of social consciousness. This might also
explain today's China firmly follows the road of peaceful development
and history. Zheng
He of the facts shows that in human history, not only the Western model
of social Darwinism of the law of the jungle, and a pursuit of equality
and mutual respect, harmonious sharing of the East model.Zheng He to official status,
on instructions from the emperor edict, on behalf of the national
mission to southern Asia, Africa, the eastern coastal areas. All
required under the Western, including the "treasure ships", carrying
trade goods by the government, to participate in the
government-appointed staff have, therefore, Zheng He's voyages fully
reflected the feudal state action. Columbus is a private
navigator, voyage funded in part by self, the rest paid by the Spanish
government or donations to the wealthy. Personnel
from a wide range. So, he's sailing activities
are personal, social, national three-pronged activities.Different backgroundZheng
He's historical conditions is a traditional Chinese peasant economy
based on closed feudal society to the political economy has developed to
the peak, while the capitalist relations of production is still in its
infancy. Gelunbuxi
Air feudal system began to collapse and the early primitive
accumulation of capitalism in Western Europe, showing that the two have
in common, namely the country's political stability and social and
economic development. However,
the purpose of its voyage, the nature and impact vary.Purpose of a different natureZheng He is completely in order to
consolidate the Ming Dynasty, displaying the national. Columbus voyage was the beginning
of capitalist development in the conduct of primitive accumulation
results.The results affect differentZheng He
is the human conquest of the sea, to understand and transform the
world's milestone, Columbus reached the Americas, Western Europe, the
early signs of aggression and colonization of colonial conquest beganDifferent national valuesIn China, the high concentration
of the Monarchy suppress people's initiative and creativity. In spirit, the sovereign ruler of the people who promote only
unconditionally fulfill their obligations, then take a large extent, so
that the entire system of intellectual disabilities ideological
rigidity, is to explore the outside world, people have lost any interest
in the mystery. Moralists in high esteem grandson of the "parents toward society"
doctrine, this powerful force of social norms penetrate to the depths of
national consciousness, coupled with racial prejudice since ancient
times (the so-called debate Hua Yi) and local on The concepts, inhibited people to
distant places to seek knowledge and wealth of desire.The
Renaissance in Western Europe demands liberation of personality, to
promote the positive spirit of adventure, his Humanism on Western Europe
to the Overseas Development has played a positive role. Also, when people on the hero worship, hope beyond the
original social conditions and environment for a more perfect life of
the spirit, inspired to carry out batch after batch of hard Voyager
expedition, of course, they were prompted colonial plunder desire.Therefore, although the
history of navigation Zheng pioneer, but the great geographical
discovery has finally completed the epoch-making significance.Judging from the Maritime History: Zheng He's voyages to
Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean, Asia and Africa more than 30 countries and
regions too Columbus starting in August 1493
voyage, after two months of sailing and navigation across the West after
the three Atlantic, and
finally to America, South America along the coast, lasted nearly four
years. History
shows that Zheng He's maritime longer than C new knowledge and
marine navigation technology than the optimum of C also laid
after the navigator sailing knowledge base.


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