
The most memorable moment in life,there is often some very unforgettable things.Sometimes idle trance,these memories will be unconsciously come to mind,they strike us miss.That was a three-year mid-term exams has just announced,Xu lesson the teacher will take advantage of class time,let's re-election to hold a class cadre.This time,my mind playing the snare drum:I really do not know that this is who is the squadron leader?I was a good test of this exam will become the squadron members do?Suddenly,Xu teacher spoke up again,interrupting my thoughts:"The election of all the places from the mid-term exam 15 years before the election.Well,now!" The way this election by secret ballot,each the eyes of seven individuals to elect their own squadron commissioned,and the remaining eight individuals is the team leader.A specific class cadre posts,the number of votes the decision by the students.Next,is the voting time.I took out a piece of paper,hesitated again,and only then the eyes of seven squadrons commissioned defined.I did not write about themselves,I feel for the class is not enough initiative to do things.Although aware of its shortcomings,but my heart I still hope that he can become squadron leader.Until the teacher reminders everyone,and I stopped the ideological struggle was a feeling of a trace of looking forward to hand in a written decision.This is a roll-call time,my heartstrings are also tightened.To my ears echoes the tellers Zhou Huiwen crisp voice:"Pouilly-ning a vote,Yao Yao,Buyi Ning,Yu's Ark ......" Xu chalk on the blackboard the teacher kept saying "now" is used.One vote,two votes,three votes on the podium ......paper less and less on the blackboard "is" Zhou Huiwen of Speed appears to be growing slowly,gave me i an atmosphere of increasing tension My heart beat faster and faster ......the last three tickets.Now the situation is this:My rival Buyi-ning 35 votes,I have 36 votes,leading both of us.Frankly,I'm really happy,after all,I've got so many people's trust and support.Zhou Huiwen then again,broke my reverie:"Pouilly-ning." Now I and the "old cloth" were tied."Yao Yao." I once again lead a more backward in this important vote in!Time seems to pause again,I am nervous even be able to hear my heartbeat......."Yao Yao!" Ah,yes I am!Audience suddenly boiling up,I am now a squadron leader!This is my first election to this position,I also feel glad for the heavy responsibilities.This moment,I have mixed feelings ...mind ...Now,I was a squadron leader in this position for over two years,classes in the past two years a lot has happened,I am pregnant again worry.I may be the most memorable,or just when it was elected to the scene.At that moment,I will never forget.
My Home Village  My hometown is located in Yunnan Pu'er tea in a small village.Although it is a small but very beautiful.There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains.In spring,we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the hills.The kites fly very high.In summer,the trees are green and the grass is green,too.It is green everywhere on the hills.There are so many wild apple trees on the hills.The wild apples are nice to eat.In autumn,the corns under and around the hills are ripe.So we eat them almost every day.In winter,when it snows,all the ground is covered with snow.We can play with snow and sometimes we eat the clean snow with sugar.In my hometown the sky is blue,the air is clean,the water is sweet and the people are very friendly.I love my hometown!我的家乡  我的家乡是位于云南普洱的一个小村庄.它虽然小但非常美丽.家乡被群山环绕,这些小山甚至比大山川还要美丽.春日里,我们在山巅放飞自制的风筝;夏天里,漫山遍野是长得绿油油的草木,各种野果美味诱人;秋日里,山下和山周围的玉米熟了,我们几乎天天能尝到新鲜的玉米;冬日里,雪花飘飘,大地银妆素裹,我们玩雪,有时还就着糖吃几口干净的白雪.我的家乡天空蔚蓝,空气清新,水儿甜美,人们好客.我爱我的家乡.
您可能关注的推广回答者:求一篇英文作文。题目是Can Money buy Happiness?重重有赏。qq_百度知道
求一篇英文作文。题目是Can Money buy Happiness?重重有赏。qq
Money drives people to steal? Various people have various answers, and to break the law, is the source of happiness. With money, to rob. Money. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money, one can do whatever he likes. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it. With money.    I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money  Can money buy happiness, as they think. It is a state of mind.    But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money, there is nothing that can't be bought by money. And in the Western countries, it can't buy happiness. But even though money is necessary to life. Some people think that money is the source of happiness., one can buy whatever he enjoys
It really depends on how do you think the happiness is for you.
出门在外也不愁求一篇大学英文作文,题目是“seeking fame”,字数在120--150,_百度作业帮
求一篇大学英文作文,题目是“seeking fame”,字数在120--150,
Nowadays,many people regard fame as their ultimate personal goal in life.And opinions vary concerning this trending social phenomenon.On the one hand,some agree that fame is of great significance.Because it helps one to set up a positive figure in front of his or her peers.Besides,fame will motivate people to behave themselves.Otherwise,they will be condemned by the rest and will lose their hard-won fame.On the other hand,however,others believe that fame is not necessary at all.According to them,there are far more things than fame that are important to human beings,like family members,happiness and health.Personally speaking,I think fame is one part of character,but it is not the essential part.
A person, if lost honor, what would happen? The answer is, do not think badly.A person, if lost honor, and then when you're walking in the street, everyone with a vision to see the contemptuous o...
你英语老师谁呀 。 = =求一篇作文!题目是《一个坚强的学生的特征是什么?》_百度知道
妈妈还没有出来。我也不再是那个哭哭啼啼的小女孩了,才会长大,望着紧闭的门,就痛哭流涕发誓不再上学了时光飞逝,只是帮助爸爸一起照顾妈妈!”爸爸说道。我知道妈妈是怕我们担心。回想以前。而当我问妈妈得的是什么病时,岁月如梭,一转眼我已经十六岁了,不知不觉我已经在手术室外站了5个小时,紧紧地握住了医生的手;考试失败了,她脸上显现出痛苦的表情。爸爸问医生。回想以前,我像是温室里的花朵,此刻我感到无比的紧张和恐惧、坚强的中学生!你妈出来了。因为爸爸说,如果让妈妈看出我们很担心,我只好不再问了,只是觉得心口仿佛有一块很大的石头,但是在妈妈面前。妈妈因为刚做完手术身体很虚弱,因为十六岁的我多了一分坚强,才会学着坚强。过了一会儿,需要做手术,我心如刀绞!”爸爸抑止不住内心的激动。两个月前!这才是十六岁的我最应该学习的东西、施肥。现在想想,我害怕从此失去妈妈,三个小时……五个小时过去了,手术时妈妈会更紧张的,我的眼泪再也忍不住了,肿瘤已经被切除了。 坚强是一泓出现在沙漠里的泉水,不想让我们过多地为她担心,一个小时过去了,妈妈的身体已渐渐康复了,哼都不哼一声!”“谢谢?”医生说。 回首往事,因为麻药劲儿过了。医生说妈妈的病很严重,所以,妈妈说什么也不告诉我,懦弱的我和妈妈相比简直相差太远了,我那时是多么脆弱啊,我被针扎破了手就不停地“哇哇”大哭,妈妈醒了,谁劝也不管用,我多了一分坚强:“别担心。我要坚强,欢乐和笑容又重新荡漾在我们家的每个角落,但我却丝毫没有感觉到累。虽然我和弟弟心里很难受但还是照做了。站在手术室外。一个星期后妈妈就要做手术了、很坚强的样子? 遇到困难就知道哭,全家人都很担心,而现在我不再那么脆弱了,但却紧咬着牙,压得我喘不过气来、乐观,妈妈被推进了手术室,不胜懊悔,它使孤苦无依的人获得了心灵的慰藉,我的心才稍稍安稳一些,这样对手术不利,我们不得不忍住担心而强装坚强。 “出来了。 9月12日早晨8点25分。十六岁!真是太感谢你们了。人只有经历了生活中的坎坎坷坷之后!妈妈被推上手术台,我赶紧跑上前去帮忙推车,簌簌地流了下来,大家都表现出一种很自信。 而今。 这时,妈妈因为生病住进了医院:“手术进行的怎么样,手术很成功,它使濒临绝境的人又重新看到了生活的希望,二个小时过去了,都那么坚强,这一点难道不值得我学习吗,还处在昏迷状态,在我和爸爸的照顾下。不觉间额头已是汗水涔涔;坚强是一首飘荡在夜空中的歌谣,每天需要浇水,要像妈妈一样坚强,变成了一个自信


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