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PRACTICAL WRITING 写作要求? 普通高校英语应用能力考试的写作,要求 考生在25分钟内写出一段不少于80词的短 文。 ? 写作主要测试考生套写应用性短文、商务 信函、履历、合同、通知、请帖等实用性 文字的能力等。 ? 应用文是指人们在工作、学习、生活中传 递信息,以达到交际目的的一种文体。所 以需言简意赅、条理清楚,不要过多修饰。 英语应用文写作的分类根据应用文在不同环境下的不同功能及其不同格式分为 三大类: ? Letter – Social letters – Business letters ? Forms – Resume ? Others – Memo – Notice – Note The Layout of English Letter Writing? Block Format 齐头式信函中所有内容都顶格写,每段之间通常隔一行。因容易操 作、快捷并整齐美观,常用于电脑打印文稿。? Paragraph-indented Format缩进式每段开头均向后缩进3至5个字母,信头、日期写在右上方, 结束语、签名写在右下方。? Modified Block Format 混合式信头、日期、结束语、签名的位置与缩进式相同,但开头都 要顶格书写。正文每段开头要缩格,手写体常用此格式。 Block Format******Letterhead************date******inside address******salutation body of letter******complimentary closing******signature Paragraph-indented Format******Letterhead ****** ******date ******inside address ******salutation body of letter ******complimentary closing ******signature Modified Block Format******Letterhead ****** ******date ******inside address ******salutation body of letter ******complimentary closing ******signature Social Letter发件人地址English Department Beijing City University 269 Mid Road Beijing,100083 People’s Republic of ChinaApril 18th,2009写信日期Prof. Green Warner Books 收件人地址 444 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 U.S.A Dear Editor, 对收件人的称呼语 I wish to apply for a position in your publishing house. I’m 35 years old and … … I look forward to your prompt response. Best wishes! Truly yours, 结尾套语 Zhang Ping签名 商务书信的一般格式(1)Heading(company name and logo, address, telephone number, fax/telex number) (2)date (3)Addressee’s name and address (4)Caption of reference number(信件提要或编号,通常下划 线) (5)Salution (6)Body of letter (7)Complimentary closing (8)addresser’s signature (9)addresser’s name (10)addresser’s job title (11)Other information(如写信人所属部门或职责范围) (12)Miscellaneous abbreviations(cc;Encl) 英文信封的写法? 写信人的姓名、地址写在信封左面的左上 方;收信人的姓名、地址写在信封正面中 央偏右一点处,应先写姓名,后写地址。 地址的顺序是“门牌、街道、城市、省份、 邮编、国名”。 Block FormatLi Ming 689 Beijing Road Shanghai,213509 China Ms.Helen Smith 32 Rose Avenue New York, N.Y.100101 U.S.A Paragraph-indented FormatLi Ming 689 Beijing Road Shanghai,213509 China Ms.Helen Smith 32 Rose Avenue New York, N.Y.100101 U.S.A 托人转交信的信封写法信封上收信人处先写上收信人姓名,在写上C/O(in care of) 的字样,后跟转交人的姓名地址。Li Ming 689 Beijing Road Shanghai,213509 China Song Li C/O Li Na Peking University Beijing,100871 托人代交信及面交信? 托人代交信不用邮寄,只要写上受托人和收信人的姓名即可。先写收 信人姓名,再用By courtesy of、 Through courtesy of、By favor of 引出所托之人姓名。Li Ming By courtesy of Li Na? 面交信写上写信人的姓名再加 Present即可。宋丽本人交给收信人的 信封为: Song Li Present The elements of English Letter Writing? Social Letters 感谢信、祝贺信、道歉信、慰问信、邀请信、推荐 信等 Salutation,body,complimentary closing,signature ? Business Letters 如建立贸易关系、销售、询盘、报盘、索赔、理赔 等。 heading、date、inside address、salutation、body of letter、complimentary closing、signature、 enclosure、postscript SOCIAL LETTER--LETTER OF THANKS主要内容: 1) 表达感激之情,简单陈述写这封感谢信的原因; 2)详细说明所要感谢的事由,措辞具体真诚,再次 表示感谢; 3)向对方表达自己真诚的祝愿,再次道谢,有时可 向对方发出邀请。 LETTER OF THANKS—sample 1? Dear Zhang Yi, I’m writing to thank you for those eight wonderful days in Hangzhou. I will never forget my visit. I was a little anxious before I arrived in Hangzhou because I didn’t know what to expect. But when I arrived, I knew there’s no need to worry. You gave me a very warm welcome and made me feel at home very quickly. I will always remember your kindness and hospitality. And thank you, also, for arranging so many interesting activities. I know that it took a great deal of your precious time. It was very kind of you to do so much for me and I appreciate it more than I can say. Yours faithfully/sincerely/cordially Mary LETTER OF THANKS—sample 2? Dear Mr.Hill, Thank you for referring me to Jack Johnson at Gibraltar Ltd. Mr. Johnson called me today and we have scheduled an interview for next Monday, the 25th of May. It is very kind and most generous of you to take the time and trouble to help me in this way. I doubt whether I would have succeeded in getting an interview without your help. No matter what outcome is, I will always be grateful for the opportunity you have given me. I will let you know the results of my meeting with Mr. Johnson. With best regards, Mike Ness Useful expressions & sentence patterns1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Please accept my sincere appreciation for… I’m truly grateful to you for… It was good/kind/thoughtful of you to … Many thanks for your generous cooperation. Of all the …I have received, I enjoy yours the most. I know that ..took you a great deal of precious time. I wish to express my profound appreciation for … Please give my regards to the people who prepared the party for me. 9. I hope that I may be able to return your hospitality in near future. 10. We do owe Mr. Wang a great “thank-you”. 11. I find an ordinary “ thank-you” entirely inadequate to tell you how much… 12. Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of thanks. I feel indebted for the time you spent answering my somewhat persistent questions, and the trouble you went into, to make my stay in your college as interesting as possible. Yours sincerely, George Brown I must write and thank you for your kindness to me personally on my visit to your college earlier this year. In fact, I can assure you those five days were the highlight of my trip to your country. Dear Mr. Henry,a.b.c.d.e. Exercises? Filling in Blanks the Christmas gift Dear Mr.Smith, you gave me I would like to thank you most sincerely for ________(1.你给 我的圣诞礼物).Your gift has given me great pleasure, which I will treasure for the rest of my life. this opportunity to thank you I would liketake to _____________(2. 借此机会感谢你) for all the assistance you have rendered me during my stay in your country. I really like your department and your staff members, who are so kind, helpful and pleasant to get acquainted with. I have learnt a lot from them. Your company is_____________(3.一 个参观、学习的理想场所) an ideal place to visit and study in I hope that we will build on the friendships we made, and establish relationship _________(4. 建立关系) between our two companies in the future. With many thanks and best wishes for __a Merry Christmas and a_Happy New Year (5.圣诞快乐和新年快乐) to you. Yours sincerely Gu Xia Your friend Jennifer sent you flowers when you were ill in hospital. Now you are writing a letter to show your thankfulness to her. Dear Jennifer, Now that I am able to write again, I want to thank you for the lovely flowers. They helped cheer me up on several gloomy days, not only because they added color to the room but also because they reminded me of a good friend’s thoughtfulness. The doctor assured me that if I continue to improve I should be able to leave the sick bed within a few days. You can imagine how happy I am to hear the news. 在你有经济困难的时候,王先生借给你一笔钱解决了你的燃 眉之急。给他写一封信,对此表示感谢。Dear Mr. Wang, A friend in need is a friend indeed. That was what I felt when you promptly answered my request for financial assistance at very critical moment. Though you know well how reluctantly I put my difficulties before you. I was still afraid that I might be guilty of causing you too much inconvenience in letting me have the sum I so badly need. I wish there were a better word than “thanks” to express my appreciation for your generous help, please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help which I will always remember. Yours gratefully, Li Ming Writing Practice? Please write a letter of thanks according to the information given below. 你的朋友周平送了你一本《牛津高阶英汉 汉解词典》作为礼物,写封信表示感谢, 并说出喜欢的原因。Oxford advanced learner's dictionary Letter of Congratulation? 主要内容: 1.说明所祝贺的事情; 2.表达自己真诚、喜悦的心情; 3.说明对方获得成功等的原因; 4.表达对未来的祝愿。 Letter of Congratulation—Sample1Dear David, I have just heard that you have been appointed Sales Manager for Middle East. I’m delighted, but not surpried, by your success. Looking back on your activities so far, I know that your enthusiasm and experience are the very qualities that are needed for this position. I wish you every success in managing the affairs of the company. My colleagues join me in sending you our warmest congratulations. With kindest regards Carl Letter of Congratulation—Sample2? Dear Wang Wen, I’ve heard from Li Ming that you graduated from Nanjing University with a bachelor’s(学士) degree in law yesterday--and with distinction(honors)! Well done! I can well imagine how proud of you your parents are and I, too, am very honored to have such a brilliant friend. I understand, you will pursue advanced studies abroad soon. I wish you continued success in your studies and research work In the future. Keep in touch and congratulations! Della Useful expressions & sentence patterns1.Warm congratulations on your success in passing the entrance examination to… university. 2.It is really good news that you obtained the full scholarship of ..University. 3.Please accept our sincerest congratulations on your promotion/engagement. 4.On the happy occasion of your company’s…anniversary, I write to convey my hearty congratulations. 5.Please accept our warmest congratulations on the openings of your new branch. 6.Congratulations on your new baby. 7.Hearty congratulations and good wishes on this milestone in your life. 8.May you go from strength to strength for the coming years. 9.I extend my best wishes for your success and properity. 10.Many happy returns of the day. 11.May you and yours have a joyful holiday season. 12.Please accept my best and sincere wishes for the New Year. Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of congratulation. And in the meantime, many happy returns. Anyway, congratulations and best wishes. If you feel like holding a celebration, will you let me take you to dinner and the movies, as a sort of birthday treat? Dear Joan. You name the day. you’re a year older today-or don’t you want to be reminded?a. b. c.d. e. f. ExercisesFilling in Blanks June 3rd,2006Dear Zhang Yun, please accept my warmest congratulations on ___ (1.你从牛津大学毕 业). Last summer, you left for Britain to further your study as soon as you graduated from the law department of Fudan University. You were determined to obtain a Master’s degree. I was so surpried by your ambition at that time. Now you ____(2.已经实现了梦想)and come back to China. I dare say you desreve this honor because I knew that you ___(3.全神贯注于) the piles and piles of papers in the library, and struggled to afford the high tution fees there. Your effort has provied another example to prove “____” (4.有志者事竟成). Since you are so hard-working, you will surely have a bright future.___ (5. 祝愿你获得进一步的成功). Yours sincerely Gu Xia Alice has just finished her college study. You write a letter of congratulation upon her graduation.Dear Alice, How happy I shall be to see you graduate with distinguished scores and honours. Permit me to congratulate you upon the successful completion of your prescribed course of study. It is your industriousness that has won you this honour. I hope that your graduation will not end your studies, but will be the beginning of a new and broader education. I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever calling in life. May you success, health and happiness in your future development. Yours, Peter Writing Practice ? Please write a letter of congratulation according to the information given below.日南通大庆路69号升扬皮革有限 公司王波(邮编226000)寄信给杭州南京路71号 浙江荣达贸易公司曹宾总经理(邮编310000), 祝贺他荣升公司总经理一职。 Letter of Apology? 主要内容: 1.直接说明需要表达歉意的事情; 2.解释清楚事情发生的原因; 3.表明写信的目的,表示遗憾和内疚之意; 4.有时需表达补救的意愿或提出补救方法; 5.请求对方接受自己的道歉。 Letter of Apology—sample 1Dear Marie, I’m very sorry for not having replied to your July 6th letter sooner. When your letter arrived, I was in Boston. As my family couldn’t forward it to me , it has been lying on my desk until I got back. Thank you for all your news. It is good to know that your Mum is feeling better and that you have graduated. Congratulations! Are you looking for a job? I had a great time in America and saw lots of interesting places. I especially liked New York. It’s such an exciting city though expensive. I’ll tell you all about my trip when I see you next. Looking forward to catching up and again apologies for the delay. Sammy Q1:what is the purpose of this letter? Q2:Why did Sammy answer Marie’s letter late? Q3:what did Sammy do in Boston? Letter of Apology—sample 2? Dear Susan, I’m very sorry that I was out when you came to see me yesterday evening. I’m afraid I’d gone to the pub with some friends and didn’t get back until 12 o’clock. I wish I had known you were in Chongqing as you could have come with us.it would have been a good introduction to the night life! Anyway, I will call on you at 10 o’clock on Friday morning at your hotel. We can have the day together, if you have nothing else planned? I’ll show you some of the places of interest that you may not have seen. Please let me know if you will be available on Friday morning. Best wishes, Chen Cheng Q1:What did Chen Cheng do that evening? Q2: How did Susan probably feel when she knew Chen Cheng was out? Q3: What will Chen Cheng do for Susan? Useful expressions & sentence patterns? I owe you an apology for… ? I do apologize for having to send you this letter about… ? it is with sentiments of regret that I am writing this letter of apology to you. ? how can I apologize for missing our date yesterday? ? I’m extremely sorry that I had to cancel our appointment yesterday. ? I’m very sorry indeed to have to refuse your request as it is quite beyond my power to do so. ? I’m very sorry to have put you to so much trouble. ? I humbly beg your forgiveness for my negligence. ? I believe you will overlook this mistake, which I exceedingly regret. ? I sincerely hope the postponement of our meeting did not bring you much inconvenience. ? A thousand pardons, and let’s meet again when you return. ? I sincerely hope you could understand me and accept my apology. ? thank you again for your generosity. Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of apology. a. I’m sorry I was out when you called at my office. b. I was required by the hospital. Please forgive me. c. Please phone and arrange a meeting when you are here in this city again. d. I’m looking forward to seeing you. e. I had told you I would be available any time that day, but my mother got injured in a car accident and was taken to a nearby hospital that afternoon. f. Dear Mr. McCallum, g. I’m eager to have a talk with you h. Yours sincerely, Robert Scott Exercises? Filling in Blanks Dear Zhang Yun, I’m extremly sorry to tell you that I have lost the book you were so kind to lend me last month. I read eery day and ___(1.打算下星期读完).but when I came to my room yesterday evening, it was nowhere to be found. I will___(2.尽快找回).if I fail to find it, I will buy a new book for you. But ____(3.恐怕它永远无法取代那本老书).old books are like old friends. Once lost, they can never be replaced. And for this irrecoverable loss, _____(4.我应受责备).and this is a warning to me to be more careful in the future. ______________(5.非常抱歉). Rose Writing Practice? Please write a letter of apology according to the information given below.你向朋友借了本书,但因为某种原因未能按时归 还,写一封信表达歉意。 Letter of Consolation? 主要内容: 1.表明信息来源及听到消息后的感受; 2.以乐观的语言减轻对方的烦恼、痛苦或悲伤; 3.衷心希望对方能早日康复或快乐,情况会改善 等; 4.提出愿意帮忙,并表达关切之情。 Letter of Consolation-Sample1Dear Albert, I am very sorry to hear that you lost your job at the Department Store. I know that you were really excited about working there. What happened? I know you would work hard so guess they must be laying off staff to cut costs? Often it is a case of :last in, first out. This will be a difficult time for you but please remember you have friends and I wil be happy to do anything I can to help you. Just let me know. Good luck finding a new job. Take care of yourself. With best wishes Bob Q1:what is the purpise of this letter? Q2:what did Albert think of his job? Q3:what is the relation between Bob and Albert? Letter of Consolation-Sample2? Dear Bill, in today’s TV news, I knew the recent events in your hometown and I’m writing to express my deepest consolations. It broke my heart to see that all the houses had been destroyed in the tragic tsunami(海啸).i’m really worried about you and your family. I’m crossing my fingers for you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound. I can only imagine how difficult this time must be for you, and I want to extend to you my firm support. Our government andmany nongovermental organizations are initiating various campaigns to urge people to donate money and necessities to send to your hometown. I donated all my allowance that I have been saving for years. I feel extremly sorry for this tragedy, and I will be looking forward to hearing from you. Please pass my concern on to your family. Sincerely yours, Li Ming Q1:What happened in BIll’s hometown? Q2:How did Li Ming get the information? Q3:What are they doing to help the refugees? Useful expressions & sentence patterns? ? ? ? ? How grieved I’m to hear of your… I’m writing to express my deepest consolation. I can’t tell you how sad I was. I’m crossing my fingers for you now in hopes that you are all safe and sound. Being much concerned about your ailment, I hasten to offer my hearty sympathy. We wish you a speedy recovery. We are sure it won’t be long before you are back on your feet again. I shall be very delighted if I can be of any service to you. Please let me know what I can do to help. I know you will be strong and brave for the sake of … Please accept my sympathy and best wishes. Take care of yourself.? ?? ? ? ? ? Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of consolation. a. I am sure that you will soon be completely recovered. b. I will come to see you in few days. c. I think you are lucky to find out once and for all what’s causing your trouble, and get it over with. d. Jane has just told me that you were in hospital. e. Yours, Mary f. Accompanying this letter I am sending you a bunch of flowers with my very best wishes. g. I hope that you are feeling better now. h. Dear John, Exercises? Filling in Blanks Dear Harold, ____(1.我很抱歉听说)the death of your dog, Eric. I know how much you will miss him. I will miss him jumping up to____(2.问候我)when I visit you. I hope that you are doing well during this difficult time. If you ever feel lonely and _____(3.需要有人谈心),___(4.请 别犹豫打电话给我). _________(5.保重). Yours truly Johnny Writing Practice? Please write a letter of consolation according to the information given below.你的朋友汤姆今年高考落榜了。请你写一封信向他表示慰问。 要点如下: 1.听说汤姆未考取大学你感到惊讶; 2.他在校学习一直很用功,成绩也很好,经常名列前茅; 3.这次失败必定另有缘故; 4.勉励他不要灰心,抓紧时间准备明年再考,一定能考取。 Letter of Farewell? 主要内容 1.说明彼此离别的缘由; 2.回顾过去一段时间的相处和彼此间的友谊等; 3.就对方曾经提供的帮助表示谢意; 4.希望保持联系和来往; 5.祝福对方。 Letter of Farewell-Sample 1Dear Mr. Perkins, As you prepare to return to your homeland for your Doctor’s degree in Cambridge University, I take the greatest pleasure of sending to you, on behalf of all the members of the organization and in my own name, our good wishes for the future. I must also express our thanks to you for the personal interest you have shown in our affairs over the past years. Sincerely yours Li Ming Q1:What is the purpose of this letter? Q2:Where is Mr. Perkins from according to this letter? Q3:Why should they express their thanks to Mr. Perkins? Letter of Farewell-Sample 2? Dear students, As most of you have probably realized, Iam no longer working at English Department.May 25 was my last day at Dongfang Community College.On May 26, I moved to Kunming to be closer to my family. It has been a great joy and pleasure to be your teacher. I want to thank you all for your hard work and dedication in the past few years. I miss you all and I wish you a most prosperous college life and a wonderful life in the future. Faithfully yours, Xu Hong Q1:What is the purpose of this letter? Q2:why did Xu Hong move to Kunming? Q3:What is the relation between the addresser and the addressee? Useful expressions & sentence patterns? Time flies away without delay. ? On the eve of our departure,… ? please allow me to express my appreciation of the hospitality you showed. ? thank you for the personal interest you have shown in our affairs. ? at this moment, nothing could express my feelings. ? it’s my great honour and pleasure to become your colleague. ? Please convey my greetings to other colleagues. ? On behalf of all the members of the organization, I send to you our good wishes for the future. ? I wish you a more prosperous and wonderful life in the future. ? I hope we shall keep in touch. Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of farewell. a. Excuse my being unable to see you and your wife off b. At last I hope we shall keep in touch as you get settled. C. Dear Mr. Hale, d. Yours sincerely, Li Ming e. With best wishes for the future and many thanks for what you have done for us. f. Every time I recollect or close friendship over the last few years, I am personally very sad to see you leave China. Exercises? Filling in Blanks ? Dear Miss Fan, our visit to singapore is______(1.接近尾声)and we are leaving for China shortly._____(2.在此离 别之际),it gives me a great deal of pleasure to write to you to_____(3.表达我们的感激之情) of the hospitality you showed to us and the time you spent with us _____(4.在大学逗留期间). _______(5.祝未来好运). Sincerely yours, Li Ming Writing Practice? Please write a letter of consolation according to the information given below.你因为某种原因将离开现在的工作单位,给同事写 一封告别信。 Letter of Application for a Position? 主要内容: 1.介绍信息来源及所要应聘的职位; 2.表明自己的求职心愿,写信的原因和目的; 3.说明自己了解应聘职位的要求并满足招聘 条件,简要说明自己的学习和工作经历; 4.摆出其他优势和特长; 5.简要列出证明人及其联系方式; 6.感谢对方审阅自己的个人简历,并提出希望 得到面试机会。 Letter of Application for a Position-sample1? Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to be considered for the post of network maintenance engineer, as advertised in the March 21st edition of Student Daily. Your advertisement interests me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. I will be graduating from Wuhan polytechnics in June this year with a degree in Computer Science/Business Studies. My studies have included courses in computer control. Not only have I passed CET-4,but more importantly I can communicate easily in English. I would appreciate you taking time to consider my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. Yours faithfully, Li Ming Letter of Application for a Position-sample2Dear Sir, Your advertisement for a network program designer in China Daily of June 5 interested me because your requirements closely parallel my work experience. You will find enclosed a resume of my education record and business experience together with two copies of reference. I believe that my education and experience will prove useful for work in your company. I have proficient computer skills and hold a CET-6 certificate and a law school certificate (self-taught). My reason for applying is to seek greater opportunity for advancement in a company of outstanding international reputation such as yours. Mr. Henry Brown of your company knows me well and would provide further information about my qualification and suitability later. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualification with you. Would you please write to let me know a convenient time for you to talk with me? Yours faithfully, Jim Hill Useful expressions & sentence patterns? With reference/in reply to your advertisement in (newspaper) of September 7 for a clerk, I offer myself for the post/I take the liberty of offering myself for the position. ? having heard that a position of …is vacant in your company, I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the same. ? I’m20 years of age, and I’m anxious to settle down to office work. ? since leaving school, I have attended typewriting and shorthand classes, and have now attend a speed of 70 and 90 words respectively. ? my reason for leaving the present company is that I desire to improve/better myself. ? I have a fair knowledge of… and I ask you to consider my qualification for the post. ? Being well acquainted with office work, I could make myself generally useful, should there be any opportunity of your requiring service. ? I enclose my curriculum vitae together with my recent photograph. ? hoping you will give my application kind consideration. ? Should you give me a trial, I will do my utmost to afford you every satisfaction. ? I shall be much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity for an interview. ? I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired. ExercisesPut the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of application. a. With more than three years of experience in a variety of graphics production positions, I feel that I would be an excellent candidate. b. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience. c. I am very interested in the position of your company advertised in the Beijing Daily on Wednesday, July 31,2005. d. Enclosure: Resume e. My resume is enclosed summarizing where my skills and abilities have been developed. f. Dear Sir or Madam, g. Sincerely, Betty Brown ExercisesFilling in BlanksDear sir, I’m writing to the advertisement in Yangtse evening post for a saleman.___(1. 兹冒昧自荐). I’m Zhang Lin, 24years old, and I will graduate from the Enterprisement Management Department Of Dongfang College. My major is Marketing. During the three years of studies____(2.我的成绩在班里一直名列前茅).i placed third in our college in the computer competition last year. I have gained some actual experience in marketing during the summer and winter vacations servig as a salesman at foodstuffs counter in Nanjing Department Store.Besides,my health is excellent and I am diligent and energetic,___(3.为 人诚实,工作认真).i promise to do my humble bit for the progress and prosperity of the company____(4.如能荣幸地受聘). ___________(5.如这些符合要求,请给予面谈的机会). I have enclosed my resume, a recent photograph and a copy of my diploma as requested. Looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, Zhang Lin Writing Practice? Please write a letter of application according to the information given below.假如你是刘辉,在3月5日的《中国日报》 上看到一则招聘出口部门经理的广告,请 写一封求职信,请求对方函寄求职表格并 告知有关薪水及工作条件。 Letter of Resignation? 主要内容: 1.说明所要辞去的工作职位以及离职生效日期; 2.简述辞职的原因,有时也可不提; 3.感谢公司给你获得宝贵技能和经验的工作机 会; 4.感谢上司和同事在任职期间的帮助等; 5.祝愿公司蓬勃发展。 Letter of Resignation-sample1? Dear Mr. White, I hereby confirm in writing my resignation from the position of typist, effective 27 July,2006. I am very sorry to have to write this letter but as my mother is now in need of fulltime care I have no other option. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the support that I have received over the last few months. I have very much enjoyed the experience of working for you and the company. If and when I am available for work again, I hope there will be a possibility of rejoining D&K. I wish all of you a prosperous future. Yours sincerely, Jane GreenQ1:what is the reason for Jane’s resignation? Q2:what post does Jane Green want to resign? Q3:Why would Jane Green like to express her gratitude and thanks? Letter of Resignation-sample2? Dear Mr. Black, I am writing to resign my position as a salesman in ABC. it has been a difficult decision, but I feel that I have reached a point in life where I must look for new challenges and meet new people. I would therefore appreciate it if you would accept my resignation effective November 26,2005. ABC has been a good company to work for during these last three years and I feel I have benefited enormously. Working with my colleagues has been a pleasure. I hope that my efforts have been equally beneficial to the company. I would be very much obliged if you would give me a reference letter. Thank you for all that you have done to make my work here both interesting and enjoyable. I wish you and ABC continued success in the future. Peter JohnsonQ1:what is the purpose of this letter? Q2:what is reason for Peter Johnson’s resignation? Q3:What does Peter Johnson think of his work in ABC? Useful expressions & sentence patterns? it is with deep regret/great reluctance that I submit this letter of resignation, effective… ? I write this letter as formal notice to terminate my engagement with your company one month from today’s date. ? As required by my contract,… ? This decision is based purely on personal reasons. ? I have decided to accept a post that will give me greater possibilities for promotion and an increase in my salary. ? I would like to take a new challenge and I want to meet people from all walks of life. ? I would be very much obliged if you would kindly give me a reference letter before I leave. ? It has been my genuine pleasure to work for… ? I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the help that I have received. ? thank you for giving me a chance to learn the valuable experience in your company. Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of application. a. I would like to wish the company all the best for the future. b. Dear Mr. Joule, c. You and the company have treated me very well over the past two years. d. Yours sincerely, Jack Smith e. And I won’t forget the friendship and professional growth I’ve experienced as an employee here. f. It is with great reluctance that I submit my resignation, effective May12,2006, because of family reasons. Exercises? Filling in Blanks Dear Mr.Smith, it is with deep regret that wish to____(1.递上辞呈) from my employment as a sales manager in your company. I would like to ____(2.提前一个月通知),effective from today’s date. This decision____(3.完全由于个人原因), and in no way indicative of any dissatisfaction with my role within your company. I have enjoyed my time working for your company and would like to ___(4.感谢所有人的帮助和支持), which I have received. Please be assured that I will_____(5.尽我所能) to assist in the smooth transfer of my responsibilities before leaving. I would like to wish you and the company continued success and all the best for the future. Best Regards, Cai Lin Writing Practice? Please write a letter of resignation according to the information given below.你打算到另外一家公司寻求发展,给现在 所在公司的领导写一封辞职信。 Letter of Recommendation? 只要内容: 1.指出被推荐者的姓名、所推荐的职位或其意向; 2.表明与被推荐者之间的关系,及与被推荐者相识的 时间及相知的程度; 3.客观地介绍被推荐者的个人素质、能力和特长,工 作态度或学习成绩等; 4.明确地表示支持被推荐者并作出承诺,希望对方认 可和接受; 5.签名后需注明职称或官衔等。 Letter of Recommendation-Sample1Dear Mr. Yu Ming, It gives me great pleasure to recommend Lin Yi, My former student, for graduate study in the field of applied linguistics at your university. I have known Miss Lin for four years. She has proved to be a diligent student and has passed all her courses with either excellent or good marks. Her ability in English both written and spoken is well above average. In her social/personal relationships, Miss Lin has shown willingness to help others and is well respected in return. I believe that, Miss Lin, with her academic background, is qualified for graduate study, and I would expect her to make a sound contribution to her field. I sincerely hope that her application will be considered. Yours sincerely, Li Gang Professor English Department Sample 2 Dear Mr. Green, I’m very pleased to write this letter of recommendation to support Miss Margret Miller’s application. She was my secretary at the New York Office of B&G Company for three years. I was sincerely sorry to lose her when she left three weeks ago to attend her mother’s funeral and to live with her father in Honolulu. Miss Miller is an excellent secretary. She is so hard working, competent, honest and reliable that I know nothing against her character. I recommend her without reservation as a most helpful and responsible secretary. You couldn’t make a better choice than Margret Miller. Yours Sincerely, Charlie Brown Sales Manger B&G Company ? I recommend sb without reservation for the position of … ? It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to give … a recommendation. ? to my knowledge, Mr./Mrs./Miss …is… ? Aside from the aspect of…, he gives me the impression that … ? when he studied in our university, he passed all the courses with either excellent or good marks. ? Her academic record was constantly maintained at the top level, which resulted from her devotion to study and intelligent nature. ? I have found him to be a hard-working, competent, honest, diligent, reliable…employee. ? I shall consider it a great favor if you will be kind enough to give her the opportunity. ? I strongly recommend… to you and your favorable consideration of his application will be most appreciated. ? therefore, I don’t hesitate to recommend…as the right person for your consideration.Useful expressions & sentence patterns ? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of application. a.And he had a very excellent record of sales. b.Mr. Li is a very pleseant person who has handled his subordinates in a most sucessful manner. c. Yours truly, Yuan Lu Manager Personnel Department ABC d. We should be most grateful if you would consider the recommendation. e. Mr. Li Hong was with our company for five years. f. We can certainly recommend Mr. Li very highly as a sales manager for any company in the field. g. Dear Sir,Exercises Exercises? Filling in Blanks NTVTC Nantong, Jiangsu, 226007 The people’s Republic of China Dec. 28,2005 Derar Prof. Smith, _______________(1. 很高兴有机会向您介绍)Mr. Sun Ning, my former classsmate and colleague. Mr. Sun Ning______________________(2.于2003年毕业于东南大学英语系)。 Aftergraduation,he began to teach in our college. He has some capacity to do research work and shows muh promiose(大有前途)as a college teacher. He is a fast learner and very interested in English and _______________(3.已经发表了一 些文章)in this field. Being cheerful and reliable, Mr. Sun_____________________(4.在老师和学生中很受欢迎). He’s one of my most outstanding colleges. I’ll be very grateful ________________________(5.您若能接受他为您的研究生)。 Yours sincerely, Wang Hua Dean of Englsh Department Writing Practice? Please write a letter of recommedation according to the information given below.请你以某公司或学校领导的身份给下属写一 封推荐信。 Letter of Certification? 主要内容: 1.写明收信人的称呼,如没有或不知道多用 “To Whom It May Concern”,有时也可省略; 2.说明被证明人的姓名、职位等; 3.写清楚所要证明的内容,客观说明相关情况; 4.结尾处应有出具证明的单位的盖章,或出具 证明的个人的签名及其担当的职务、所在 单位名称等。 Letter of Certification-sample1 To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Miss Ma Yun, a typist in our R&D Department, joined our company on September 23,2005 and has been working to our complete satisfaction over the past year. She has faithfully attended to her duties and has proved herself to be industrious and thoroughly trustworthy. Dong Fei Manager of R&D Department ABC Q1:what is the purpose of this letter? Q2:How long has Miss Ma been working in ABC? Q3:How is her work performance? ? To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Cao Li has completed four years of study at Nanjing Normal Un iversity and graduated on June 22,2006.Cao Li received the following results in year-end examinations. Major courses: Intensive reading 78 Spoken English 65 Extensive Reading 83 Subsidiary courses:American Culture and Society 90 Selected British & American Newspaper Readings 84 Selected Readings of British & American Literature 75 Diploma Awarded The maximum score in any subject is “100”. A diploma is granted to all students who gain at least 60 points in each subject. Very sincerely yours, Wang Zheng Dean of English DepartmentQ1: What is the purpose of this letter? Q2:which subject did Cao Li do best in? Q3:What was awarded to Cao Li according to this letter? Useful expressions & sentence patterns? It’s my pleasure to give evidence that… ? Identify CertificateBirthday Certificate/Certificate of Physical Examination ? To ? this is to certify that…/it is hereby certified that… ? This is a letter of intention to certify that… ? I have much pleasure in certifying that… ? this is to certify that Mr/Miss… is a fulltime employee of the …Company /university from…to … ? This is to certify that …completed four years of study at…university and graduated on… ? This is to certify that …has been employed in our company as… for the past five years. ? My observation of …is that ../To the best of my knowledge,… ? He is in good health and capable of working eight hours a day. Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of application. a.This is to certify that Ms.Chang Yan is physically and mentally healthy. b.My observation of her health condition is that she is capable of doing extensive hard work both manually and intellectually. c.Sincerely yours, Xu Ming Manager d.This statement is based on her health history and a recent physical examination. e.To Whom It May Concern ? Filling in Blanks ______(1.身份证明) June 5, 2006 _______(2.兹证明)that Ms.Kate Smith, ____(3.美国国 籍), female, age 29, is an engineer of our factory. She _____(3.美国国籍),female, age 29, is an engineer of our factory. She___(4.持有美国护照) and has registered temporary residence with the police station under ___(5.公安局) of the people’s Municipal Government of Shanghai. YongJiu Bicycle FactoryExercises Writing Practice? Please write a letter of certification according to the information given below. 以医生的身份写一份医生证明,证明病人现 在的身体状况。 Letter of Inquiry主要内容: 1.自我介绍,表明自己的身份; 2.明确写信的目的,即寻求某些信息; 3.表明询问以下问题的原因,强调所需信息的重要性; 4.罗列所要询问的问题; 5.提供详细的回复方式,并表示感谢和期待回复。 Letter of Inquiry-sample1English Department Xiamen Vocational College Xiamen, 361000 Fujian,China May 16,2006 Dear Sir/Madam, As I will be attending Warwick University during the next academic year, I wonder if you could give me some information regarding accommodation. I understand that I should apply for my accommodation in advice. Since I will be alone, I would prefer to live on campus, but I’d like to share a flat with postgraduate students preferably from different countries. Could you please tell me: 1.what campus accommodation is available and how to apply? 2.What sharing arrangments are available and how to make contacts? 3.If living on campus is impossible, what other types of accommodation are available? 4.Costs and arrangements for all the above. AS time is short, I would be most grateful if you could reply at your earliest convenience. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully Xu Juan Q1:What is the purpose of this letter? Q2:What will Xu Juan do next term? Q3:why would Xu Juan like to share the flat with other students? Letter of Inquiry-sample235 Xinjian Road Changchun,130000 Jinlin,China Nov.19th,2005 Dear Fellow Students, I’m in the Foreign Language Department at Changchun University and I’m at present working on a project about students’ lives in different countries. I’m writing to students in various countries all over the world to ask them for information about their daily life. I would be very grateful if you would take the time to complete the following questionnaire. How many classes do you have every day? How much time do you spend studying after class? How often do you spend studying after class? How often do you take exercise?(eg.play sports, walk briskly, go to the gym, swim) For how long do you exercise when you take exercise? What do you usually do in the evening? What do you usually do at weekends? Your kind help would be greatly apppreciated. Yours sincerely, Huang Bin Q1:What is the purpose of this letter? Q2:What is the reason for Huang Bin to write to students in various countries? Q3:what are these questions inthis letter about? Useful expressions & sentence patterns? ? ? ? ? ? May I take the liberty of asking you to….? Will you please greatly obliged me by….? I am writing to inquire about the details of… Would you please send me details of… I have several…-related questions, for example: I’m writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding…. I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding/concerning… Please call me at…and let me know…./please get in touch with…at… I’ll be very grateful for any help you can give me. I shall feel obliged if you will favor me with a call at your earliest convenience. Your kind help would be greatly appreciated. Please favor me with an early reply.??? ?? ? Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of application. a.Because all of our work must be carefully done, one of your word processing centers may provide the solution to our extensive editing problems. b.I own a small advertising company employing a business manager, two secretaries and eight copywriters. c.Sincerely yours, Della Ford d.Dear Mrs. Chen, e.Would either the Model GL-I or model GLX-I help us reduce the time we spend revising? f.Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated. ? Filling in BlanksExercisesB&G International corporation 219 White Road New York, NY 9-7648 February 28,2006Mr.Pavel Scott General Manager C&R Philadelphia, PA 31524 Dear Mr.Scott, ______(1.感谢您给我在你们公司会议上发言的机会).Although my arrangements are in order, ______(2.我有一些与会议相关的问题如下) :Will I meet you before my speech? ________(3.我可以提前看一下会议室吗?) May I check the projector I ordered to _____(4.确保正常运转)? Please get back to me by March 9 about these details. _ _______(5.很荣幸) address the meeting of C&R. I look forward to it and to my visit to Philadelphia. Yours faithfully, Robert turner President Writing Practice? Please write a letter of inquiry according to the information given below. 以Susan Murrel的名义向某单位写一封询问信, 询问是否被录取。 1.询问是否收到寄出的申请材料; 2.询问自己的材料何时或是否已被审定。 Letter of Reservation主要内容: 1.请求预订并详细说明预订的内容,如时间、 地点等; 2.说明预订的原因,有时可不说明; 3.要求确认回函,并说明回函截止日期; 4.提供预订单位或个人的联系方式 Letter of Reservation-sample169 Qingnian Road Zhengzhou,450000, Henan,China April 16,2006 The Holiday Hotel 237Rose Avenue New York, NY 121005 Dear Sir/Madam, As we will be attending the Dentists’ Convention, I would like to reserve one standard room with two single beds for two adults for ten nights, from Thursday, May 18. through Saturday, May 27. Please guarantee my reservation for late arrival(about 10 p.m) with my Visa Credit Card, No.-75**,which expires in NOvember 2006. I would appreciate it if youwould send me written confirmation of this reservation by April 25 and a brochure of the recreatonal facilities and restaurants in your hotel. My telephone number is ****. Yours faithfully, Yang Jie Q1:what is the purpose ofthis letter? Q2:what kind of room do they want to reserve? Q3:what is the reason for their visit to New York? Letter of Reservation-sample2Dear Sir/Madam, Iwould like to book a first-class seat in the name of Gao MIng on the first flight from Shanghai to London on or after 23rd August,2006.Mr. Gao Ming would prefer to fly as early in the day as possible in order to arrive in the late afternoon of the day in which he travels. Please send the invoice to the Bank of China account number ** in the name of Shanghai Pudong Travel Account. We appreciate your early confirmation.My e-mail address is .cn. Yours faithfully, Zhu Hao Secretary Shanghai Pudong Company Q1:what is the purpose of this letter? Q2:what flight and seat will Mr. Gao take? Q3:whom will they submit the account to? Useful expressions & sentence patterns? I would like to make a reservation. ? I would like to reserve/book a twin/double room with bath at your hotel for eight nghts from June 19,2010. ? Please reserve one standard room with two single beds and a shower in the name of … ? I would like to book a flight to Paris on May 8, fiorst class and round trip. ? Please guarantee our eservation for late arrival. ? Is hot water available any time? ? I’ll take one single room on the upper level with a front view. ? By the way, I’d like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible. ? If there is no room available for the above period, please inform me as I must look for another hotel. ? Please send me a written confirmation ofthis reservation. ? We will appreciate your early confirmation. Exercises? Putting in order Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of reservation. a.Please confirm this reservation in english as soon as possible. b.Yours truly, Peter Smith c.I would like to make a reservation at your hotel. d.By the way, I should be grateful if you send me your price offer for rooms together with the confirmation. e.Please reserve for me a single room starting from Dec.24,2005 up to and including the night of Dec.29,2005, including breakfast. f.Dear Sirs, Exercises? Filling in Blanks ? Dear Sir/Madam, I-_____(1.将到达) Fuzhou on Saturday, the 15th of ths month, and shall be obliged if you will______(2. 预订一间单人房) for me ____(3.过夜). By the way, I’d like _____(4.一个不临街的安静的房间) if it is possible. Please ____(5.确认预订) by e-mail or telephone. Thanks a lot! Yours sincerely, Mary Hill Writing Practice? Please write a letter of reservation according to the information given below.请你以某公司秘书的身份写一封预订信,为 市场部经理夫妇和财政顾问预订旅馆。 Letter of Invitation & Reply? 邀请信的主要内容: 1.表明写作意图,向对方发出邀请; 2.说明邀请的具体原因,活动的具体时间及地点等; 3.结尾时表示希望对方接受邀请; 4.表明希望尽快得到答复,有时可注明R.S.V.P/r.s.v.p 邀请信回复的主要内容: 1.无论是否接受邀请,都应表明谢意; 2.如接受邀请,应确认应邀时间、地点等详细信息; 3.如拒绝邀请,文字应婉转,应表示歉意,并说明 原因,有时可提出下次再邀的请求。 Letter of Invitation & Reply-Sample1(Informal Letter of Invitation) Dear Mary, We are having a dinner party for some of our special friends and wonder if you and Jerry can come. It is on Friday 18th at 8 p.m. at our home. Please say you can come as no party is complete without you two! To help us plan the food, could you let us know if you can come before Wednesday? Thanks. Affectionately yous Rose Q1: wha tis the purpose ofthis letter? Q2:Where will they have the dinner? Q3:WHo will attend the dinner? Letter of Invitation & Reply-Sample2(formal Letter of Invitation) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner request the pleasure of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Helen To Mr. Carl Baker on SUnday, the fifth of July at half past six o’clock p.m. Sunshine Hotel 58 Water Road Hong Kong R.S.V.P Q1: When and where will they have the wedding? Q2: Whose wedding is it? Q3: Do they need to reply? Letter of Invitation & Reply-Sample3(Informal Letter of accepting an Invitation) Dear Henry, Thank you for your kind invitation to dinner this Suaday to help celebrate Sally’swedding. We shall be very happy indeed to come, and look forward to seeing you then. Best wishes, Bill & Alice Q1: What is the purpose ofthis letter? Q2: What is the dinner for? Q3: What is the probable relationship between Henrry and Bill according to this letter? Letter of Invitation & Reply-Sample4(formal Letter of Accepting an Invitation) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Douglas accept with pleasure the kind invitation of Mr. And Mrs. Henry Turner to the marriage of their daughter Helen Turner To Mr. Carl Baker on Sunday, the fifth of July at half past six o’clock p.m. Sunshine Hotel 58 Water Road Hong Kong Q1: Whose marriage is it about? Q2: Who is invited to the marriage? Q3: Who invited them to the marriage? Letter of Invitation & Reply-Sample5(Informal Letter of declining an Invitation) Dear Henry, We are so sorry that we cannot come to the dinner you are giving this Sunday for your daughter’s wedding. Unfortunately, we have a previous engagement that day which we really can’t change. We do appreciate you asking us and hope that you will have a very happy day. Very best wishes to the young couple and we look forward to seeing you before too long. Yours truly, Bill & Alice Q1: What is the purpose of this letter? Q2: When will they have the dinner according to this letter? Q3: Why won’t they attend the dinner? Letter of Invitation & Reply-Sample5(formal Letter of Declining an Invitation) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Douglas regret exceedingly owning to a previous engagement They are unable to accept Mr. And Mrs. Henry Turner’s kind invitation to be present to the marriage of their daughter Helen Turner To Mr. Carl Baker on Sunday, the fifth of July at half past six o’clock p.m. Sunshine Hotel Q1: When and where will they hold the marriage? Q2: Who is invited to the marriage? Q3: Why won’t they attend the dinner? Useful expressions and sentence patterns? It gives us the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition ? May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture? ? Request the pleasure of the company of…/Request the honor of your presence. ? My family and I would feel hornoured if you could come. ? I really hope you can make it. ? I have pleasure in accepting your invitation to dinner on…and I will be there on time. ? Accept with pleasure the kind invitation of… ? I regret that I have another engagement on that day and will not be able to attend. ? Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join… ? Dress: as you please/Formal ? THe favor of reply requested./ R.S.V.P. ? Please send response to… ? Anticipating your reply. ? PLease confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. Exercise? a. b. c. d. e. f. Put the following parts into proper order to make a complete letter of invitation. My wife and I have planned a family dinner for him next Sunday evening at eight o’clock so that he can meet some of our friends. We should be delighted if you could join us. Dear Miss Balck, My brother Tom will be staying with us for a few days during Chrismas Holidays. Sincereky yours, Jack Smith I hope you will let me know that you can come. Exercise? Fill in the blanks Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hill, _____________(1. 最重要的节日) of the year-________________(2.春节临近). And this year’s holiday is a one-in-a-lifetime occation for us Chinese. They year of Dragon—the luckiest of all years—coincidea with the start of a new millenium. This happens only________________(3.每 3000年一次). Mr. Su is giving a dinner party from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the Eve and _______________(4.敬请您出席)at Huatong Hotel. __________________(5.请回复). Sincerely yours, Wen Qiang Sales Manager Writing practice? You are required to write a reply to an invitation letter according to the information given below(at least 60 words). 黄先生代表学校的英语教师邀请John Scott先 生去他们的学校。请你以John Scott先生的 身份给黄先生写一封回信。


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