l know you hesitateknow是什么意思思

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r/sex is for civil discussions about all facets of sexuality and sexual relationships. It is a sex-positive community and a safe space for people of all genders and orientations.
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Please read!
o This community is for thought provoking self-posts and links that promote discussion. Achievement posts and updates are not allowed. Feel free to share these in the Sexual Achievement Sunday threads that are provided by the mods. Fap material is not allowed.
o Absolutely no hate-speak, derogatory or disrespectful comments will be tolerated. This includes sexist and rape jokes.
o Comments that objectify people are not allowed. Joking or not, asking for pictures, hitting on people, etc, are not welcome here.
o Pornography, erotica, and personals don’t belong here. Additionally, posts asking for any kind of PMs will be removed.
o Memes, rage comics, and picture-based posts are not welcome here
o AMAs are rarely allowed. We have a diverse community (sexual educators, escorts, kinksters, etc), so unless it is a highly unique situation, they are not appropriate for .
o We are happy to address medical issues, but we are no substitute for real medical advice. No pictures of genitals are allowed. If you need to post a picture, you should be going to a doctor.
o All posts here are NSFW. The only ones that are marked as “NSFW” are ones that link you to websites that have NSFW images.
o The moderators are here for you, so please don’t hesitate to message us.
Posting and Commenting Guidelines
o Personal attacks or name-calling of any kind will not be tolerated.
o Please report any violations of the posting guidelines.
o Please check the
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before posting. Topics covered by the FAQ and in countless threads already will be removed.
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