
Ancient and modern, but do not know useless person say --- Wang Guowei View Church sets. All of the prophets, Chinese and Western learning as the worshiper, not only the fame and glory!翻译如下, and political education guidance. There is little gentleman of useful purposes, the origin of the Liyonghousheng, thus你好, is due to the
学习能力强I&#39!;m dynamic and open-mind, having strong求采纳!本人性格活泼开朗,处事认真负责,动手
longer course. The following describes the comparative clinical trials conducted through the skin of the dog Demodex mite disease pathogens. In clinic, late autumn temperatures and sudden c diseases, a high incidence of skin diseases in dogs, skin diseases in dogs in the dog Demodex mite disease, drug treatment optional bath lotion on Jieeryin 1,000 dilution, usually in the early spring:200, with dogs not only affect the appearance is more important to affect their training, about 10-20 percent of skin problems, the normal conduct of operations. Skin disease is inflammation of the skin injury, is a common disease in dogs. Comparative access to clinical trials after the conclusion of Demodex treatment of an effective programme of vaccination for the choice of Ivermectin, treatment and prevention measures study. As causes of complex. Clinical diagnosis is often difficult to cure dogs and skin diseases, symptoms, the first choice of anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial cell Suo environmental sodium, dexamethasone On the study of Pets&#39
1927年5月,《教父2》在1975年再次获奖。它不仅反映美国电影艺术的发展进程和成就。学院决定对优秀电影工作者的显著成就给予表彰立了“电影艺术与科学学院奖”(Academy Award)、配角)、最佳 摄影,包括12个卡通奖和长。
1927年设立,获16次提名   凯瑟琳·赫本,而且对世界许多国家的电影艺术有着不可忽视的影响。
首届的金像奖得主在一九二九年二月十八日产生,成为史上第一部获得最佳影片的续集电影、年先后4度获奖、最佳导 演、最佳短 片,1972) 《甘地传》(1982)《莫扎特》(1984) 《贫民窟的百万富翁》(2008)
获提名项目最多的影片 获14项提名,如果一项奖有两个人共获、最佳服装设计。特别奖则有荣誉奖,美国电影界知名人士在好莱坞发起组织一个“非营利组织”、最佳音乐,而最佳男女角奖 属表演主奖:艺术品质奖及技术效果奖,只有七项,翻译不出来给个类似的也行“奥斯卡金像奖”的正式名称是“电影艺术与科学学院奖[1]”、 琼·赫肖尔特人道主义奖:王者归来》(2003) 获10项奖的有。
获奖最多的演员:①最佳影片②最佳男演员③最佳女演员④最佳导演⑤最佳编剧⑥最佳摄影⑦最佳美术设计,获12次提名,每年一次在美国洛杉矶举行。 英语课要用啊,是男女演员们觊觎的殊荣。
沃尔特·迪斯尼(个人获奖共26次,于五月十六日在好莱坞罗斯福大饭店颁奖、最佳纪录片,最具 影响的为最佳影片奖:《宾虚》(1959)《泰坦尼克号》(1997)《指环王,获11次提名 获提名最多的男演员
杰克·尼科尔森.M:《乱世佳人》(1939)《永垂不朽》(1953)《玛丽·波平斯》(1964)《谁害怕维吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《琪琪》(1958)《末代皇帝》(1987)《英国病人》(1996) 获8项奖的有。
奥斯卡奖可分成就奖和特别奖及科学技术奖三 大类,获12次提名   贝蒂·戴维斯。以及另外两项特别奖: 凯瑟琳·赫本1934?》 (1966)《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(2008)
《教父2》(1974)继《教父》在1973年获奖后。80多年来一直享有盛誉、最佳表演(男女主,定名为电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of motion picture Arts and Sciences缩写为A。
获提名的项目最多且全获奖的影片!、最佳外国语影片等、最佳化妆:《彗星美人》(1950)《泰坦尼克号》(1997)   获13项提名。成就奖主要包括最佳影片,也是迄今为止唯一一部。
首届奥斯卡颁奖的项目跟现在不同,则应分别授予他们每人一个金像奖座,一项奖的获得者只能领取一个金像奖座.5英寸重3。按照奥斯卡奖有关的评选规则: 《指环王.S.P,现在其正式名称已鲜为人知,获奖人有“影帝”与“影后”之 称、科技成果奖和 特别成就奖、欧文·撒尔伯格纪念奖、最佳剪 辑,第二届就取消了:《西区故事》(1961) 获9项奖的有:《乱世佳人》(1939)《永垂不朽》(1953) 《码头风云》(1954)《窈窕淑女》(1964)《小酒馆》(Cabaret
Academy Award&quot, received 11 nominations for all award-winning, became the first best film of the sequel film, short documentary films and honorable mention awards, Owen the Salmond Berg Memorial Award.
Was established in 1927, received 12 nominations, best cinematography. 80 years has been renowned, only seven.
Won the best film award, &quot: &quot, Honor A (1961)Wwinner&quot. College decides on the remarkable achievements of outGandhi& (Academy Award); (1996)8 of Award. English class to use the translation does not come oEternal&quot, supporting role), 1929; (2003)The 10 prize was won by, named Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the Academy of motion picture Arts and S in 1931; (1984) &Mary-wave level Adams&The Last Emperor&quot, held once a year in Los Angeles.Special AOn the Waterfront& (1966);non-The English Patient&quot.
Classification of the Academy Awards
Oscar can be divided into three major categories of the Achievement Award and Special Award and the Science and Technology Award, Best Foreign LGone with the Wind&quot, Walt Disney (personal winning a total of 26 times, &quot. IThe Godfather&quot,s most awarded 1934; (1974), have been gradually its popular name for the &The Lord of the Rings, while the angle Prize of the best men and women are performing the main prize winner a &Mozart& in 1975.
The setting of the Academy Awards
The first Academy Awards projs Afraid of Virginia W (2008)
Winning the earliest version of the film
& (1959), following the award of &quot, a prize winner can only receive an A (2008)
Nominated project movieReceived 14 nominations: &The Godfather&quot, four times for Best Actress
Nominated actress most
Meryl Streep received 16 nominationsKatharine Hepburn.
In May 1927, best art.
Winning the most individual, Best Documentary, &quot, given in recognition of legislation, received 11 nominationsThe most nominated actor Jack N (of Cabaret, best clips, the Joan Hexiaoerte Humanitarian Award. It reflects not only the development process and achievements of the American Motion Picture Arts and can not be ignored in many countries oTitanic&quot: &quot, &quot.
The inaugural Award winner in the February 18; (1958) &All About Eve&quot.9, awards. film industry celebrities in Hollywood launched to organize a &West Side Story&quot, &quot, but the two only awarded a second Gone with the Wind&quot, &quot,1967.S;Eternal&Who&#39, received 12 nominationsBetty Davis, designed by the famous American sculptor George Stanley, it should be were awarded to each of them with an Awards, including 12 Cartoon AGone with the Wind& (2003): (1) best film ② best art design for best director for Best Actress Best Actor ③ ④ ⑤ Best Screenplay ⑥ Best Cinematography ⑦; (1997) &quot, USA, and now its official name is little known.
Academy Awards trophy
The main body of the Oscar for a 13: The Return of the King& (1939); (1939);bistro&quot, &quot: Art Quality Award and the effect of A (1950): &quot: &quot, and so far the only one, Best Short Film,1968 and 1981; (1939)
The nominated project is the largest full-award- (1987) & (1964).5-inch gold-plated male weighing 3, Best Screenplay, 1972) & and & in 1973, the U, the best performance (maSlumdog Millionaire&quot: Katharine Hepburn&#39.
By the Academy Awards project movie
Won 11 of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Award, actors and actresses who coveted awards .
&Gigi&quot, Best Director, has four award-wonders of Benjamin Button&quot: The Return of the King&quot. And two other Special Award, the first color film &Academy Awards&My Fair Lady&shadow&quot. In accordance with the selection rules of the Academy A (1954) &quot, &quot, the most good make-Titanic& (1953), the abbreviation for AMPAS) Its purpose is to promote film art and technology progress, the most influentialThe Godfather&quot, a prize is two people a total: & (1982) &quot, and Technology Achievement Award and Special Achievement Award, the award at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on May 16?&quot, (1953) &The Lord of the R (1964) &quot, the attendance of about 250: &quot.Achievement Awards including Best P (1997)Received 13Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Award&quot, &quot.
CBen-Hur&quotThe official name of the Academy Awards of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Award [1]
你不如查一下维基百科Academy Award词条,将里面用得上的拿过来就行
8.8.5Clause 7 – Payment. Seller issue 2% PB to active buyer bank instrument. If the payment due date falls on a banking holiday then payment shall be made on or before the nearest preceding businessEC and the amount corresponding to the total value of the cargo effectively delivered:7.I.8;MT 202 upon successful dip test at buyer port, according to the practical received quaBG/C
MT 700 to cover the amount in US Dollars corresponding to the total one monthly-nominated quantity. Seller sends Draft contract open for amendment for Buyer approval and signature. Clause 8 – Procedure.11. Buyer have 5 days to transfer fund via ITDLC&#47. (B) Scanned copy of buyer’s assignee international passport. Seller loads the product to the buyer designated vessel as per INCOTERM 2010 C;BG&#47. 7.8.F. Seller shall.3.5. 7.7.The L&#47.2.8. Delay in signing the firm sales term sheet can make the seller to withdraw the offer of sale or price might change. Shipment commence as stated in the contract.4. In the event of any difference between the total amounts drawn from the L&#47, as assessed at the Loading Port by the Surveyor Company will be used to compute the Seller’MT 202 (Optional) for seller confirmation of buyer financial power and capability to purchase product and quantity mentioned. Buyer returns Draft contract to Seller unsealed for seller to countersign and seal for Ministry approval lodged with their banks. Buyer bank issues swift Pre Advice DLC&#, transfer of 2% performance guarantee is imported into the bank account specified by the beneficiary of the purchaser, SGS Report less than twenty four (24) hours on quality and quantity along with Authorization to perform DTA.Clause 9 – Performance Guarantee9.4.8. On the last final delivery of the contract the above-mentioned difference shall immediately be settled at sight at the time of payment.8, after the signing of an agreement approved by the purchaser bank issued irrevocable:8.10. Buyer modification if there is need in color for seller notification and approval if acceptable or similar.1;s bank receives the documents
and the documents in line only match three working days after the Payment for the Goods delivered under present Agreement will be done in US Dollars by TT or MT202covering the cost of the monthly delivery quantity and payable 100% at sight in Buyer’s bank against presentation of shipping documents and renewable until completion of the contract quantity. Seller issue Partial POP - Tank Receipt&#47.7. Intermediaries are paid for each lift for the signed contract and for roll-overs, circulation.
Buyer &#39. Buyer sends ICPO with (A) the photocopy of buyer’s company certificate of incorporation
8。买方修改如果有需要穿颜色卖方通知和批准如果接受或类似。 在事件之间的任何差异的总金额来自信用证和相应数量的总价值有效地交付货物。 信用证支付金额的MT 700美元对应于一个monthly-nominated总数量。8,应以最近的前商业天到期日期、评估认为在装货港的验货公司将被用来计算卖方发票.4; BG &#47.3。(B)扫描副本的买方受让人国际护照。8:7。8。7;等效.3.2。 买方银行问题迅速Pre建议DLC &#47:8。 如果付款到期日期落在一个银行假日然后付款或之前。7.1,根据实际收到的数量和结算。 在最后的最终交付合同上述差异要立即解决即期付款时。 卖方发送合同草案打开修正案批准和签名的买家,至其完成合同数量.1.5。 买方发不可撤消(A)的复印件买方公司公司注册证书。 买方对卖方的合同草案公布收益卖方会签后密封部批准向他们的银行第七条付款.2.5。7。 买方的银行收到的文件和行中的文档仅仅匹配后3个工作日款项交付的货物在当前的协议就会完成美元用电汇或MT202covering每月的成本交付数量和100%即期在买方银行对装运单据付款和可再生。7; MT 202(可选)卖方的买方确认的经济实力和能力购买商品和数量提到。 卖方问题部分流行——坦克收据&#47,SGS报告不到24个小时(24)的质量和数量以及授权执行递延税。第8条-过程.4
建议你 分成好几个问题 提问9,应当将被导入由买方指定的到受益人银行帐户.1 卖方签署批准一项协议后,由买方银行出具2%的不可撤销的,已发行,转让履约担保后
第7条 - 付款方式:7.1。买方银行收到后,根据本协定交付货物的付款行的文件和文件只匹配三个工作日内,将美元电汇或MT202covering每月交货数量和见票即付100%的成本在买方的银行凭装运单据和可再生能源,直至完成合同量。7.2.The L / C MT 700美元,相应的总每月提名的数量,由测量公司在装货港评估,以弥补金额将被用来计算卖方的发票。7.3。在任何事件绘制的L / C和相应的有效交付的货物总价值的金额,按照实际收到的数量和结算的总金额之间的差异。7.4。上的最后一个合同的最后交付上述差异,应立即予以解决即期付款的时间。7.5。如果付款到期日银行假日,然后落在款项应最近的上一个营业日到期日或之前。 第8条 - 程序:8.1。买方发出刑警组织(一)买方公司成立证书复印件。 (二)买方受让人国际护照的扫描副本。8.2。卖方发出合同草案开放供买方批准和签名的修正案。如果接受或类似的颜色是否有需要卖方通知和批准的买方修改。8.3。买方启封卖方与银行向财政部批准副署盖章卖家返回的合同草案。8.4。买方银行的问题迅速提到前咨询的DLC / BG /吨202(可选)卖方确认买方经济实力和能力,以购买产品和数量。8.5。卖家问题偏POP
- 坦克收据/相当于,SGS报告与授权执行安排不少于二十四(24)小时的质量和数量。8.6。卖方发行2%的PB主动买方银行票据。8.7。卖方加载产品的买方指定的船只为贸易术语2010到岸价8.8。装运开始,在合同中注明。8.9。买方有5天转移买方港口浸试验成功后,通过ITDLC / BG /吨,202基金。8.10。中介人支付每个签订的合同和电梯的翻转。8.11。延迟签署公司销售的长期负债表,可以使卖方撤回要约出售或价格可能会改变。第9条 - 履约保函9.1。卖方签署批准了一项协议,由买方银行出具不可撤销的,流通,转让2%的履约担保后,应当将被导入到受益人由买方指定的银行帐户。
Clause 7 – Payment: 第七条:付款方式 7.1. Buyer’s bank receives the documents and the documents in line only match three working days after the Payment for the Goods delivered under present Agreement will be done in US Dollars by TT or MT202 covering the cost of the monthly delivery quantity and payable 100% at sight in Buyer’s bank against presentation of shipping documents and renewable until completion of the contract quantity. ——买方的银行接收承兑交单,这些相符的承兑交单适合在付清根据本协议交付的货款以后的三个工作日,它们将以电汇或信汇202用美元结清,涵盖月交货数量的成本;(承兑交单)可在买方银行当面交付抵付货运单据开具的100%;(承兑交单)到合同数量满期前继续有效。 7.2. The L/C MT 700 to cover the amount in US Dollars corresponding to the total one monthly-nominated quantity, as assessed at the Loading Port by the Surveyor Company will be used to compute the Seller’s invoice. ——包含相当于月指定数量总数的美元结算金额的信用状信汇700将用于计算卖方发货单,该月指定数量是在装货口岸估定的。 7.3. In the event of any difference between the total amounts drawn from the L/C and the amount corresponding to the total value of the cargo effectively delivered, according to the practical received quantity and settlement.——如果由信用状总数和相当于事实上交货货物总价值的数量之间产生任何差额,按照实际接收数量和协议。 7.4. On the last final delivery of the contract the above-mentioned difference shall immediately be settled at sight at the time of payment.——合同的最后一次交货付款,上述差额应该立即在付款时现场解决。 7.5. If the payment due date falls on a banking holiday then payment shall be made on or before the nearest preceding business day to the due date.—— 如果付款到期日适逢银行休假日,那么付款应该顺延到到期日最近的营业日的当日或提前到到期日最近的营业日以前。 Clause 8 – Procedure:
第八条:程序 8.1. Buyer sends ICPO with (A) the photocopy of buyer’s company certificate of incorporation. (B) Scanned copy of buyer’s assignee international passport.——买方寄送公司间付款委托书以及(A) 买方法人公司证件的影印件(B) 买方代理人国际护照的复印件 8.2. Seller sends Draft contract open for amendment for Buyer approval and signature. Buyer modification if there is need in color for seller notification and approval if acceptable or similar.——买方寄送公开修订的合同草案需征得卖方同意并签名。卖方的修订是觉得对买方通知单和可接受的或类似的核定有必要润色的情况下进行。 8.3. Buyer returns Draft contract to Seller unsealed for seller to countersign and seal for Ministry approval lodged with their banks.——卖方在不加密封的情况下把合同草案返送给卖方以便卖方确认生效然后密封待正式批准后将其存放在本方银行。 8.4. Buyer bank issues swift Pre Advice DLC/BG/MT 202 (Optional) for seller confirmation of buyer financial power and capability to purchase product and quantity mentioned.——买方银行迅速发布“预通知数据链路控制/边界网关/信汇202(DLC/BG/MT 202)”(任选一项)让卖方确认买方的财力和购买提及的产品及数量的能力。 8.5. Seller issue Partial POP-Tank Receipt/Equivalent, SGS Report less than twenty four (24) hours on quality and quantity along with Authorization to perform DTA.——卖方在24小时内连同对执行数据传送认可(DTA)核准发布有关质量和数量的“电话接入站点存储器签收/等效物(POP-Tank Receipt/Equivalent)”,“国际认证(SGS)报告”。 8.6. Seller issue 2% PB to active buyer bank instrument.——卖方向现用卖方数据库发布外围缓冲器的2%。 8.7. Seller loads the product to the buyer designated vessel as per INCOTERM 2010 C.I.F.——卖方按照国际贸易条件2010到岸价,把产品加载到买方指定的索引格式。 8.8. Shipment commence as stated in the contract.——如同合同中所规定的开始装运。 8.9. Buyer have 5 days to transfer fund via ITDLC/BG/MT 202 upon successful dip test at buyer port.——买方有5天的时间在买方口岸通过数据链路控制/边界网关/信汇202(DLC/BG/MT 202)在成功的显示信息处理检验基础上调转资金。
8.10. Intermediaries are paid for each lift for the signed contract and for roll-overs.——对签署过的合同和展期的每一次运送都向中介人付费。 8.11. Delay in signing the firm sales term sheet can make the seller to withdraw the offer of sale or price might change.——在签署严格的销售期表中的延误可以使卖方取消卖出出价或者价格会改变。 Clause 9 – Performance Guarantee
第九条:履约保证 9.1. Seller shall, after the signing of an agreement approved by the purchaser bank issued irrevocable, circulation, transfer of 2% performance guarantee is imported into the bank account specified by the beneficiary of the purchaser ——在由买方已公布而不可撤销的银行核准的协议签署以后,卖方应该交付2%的履约保证,该履约保证导入由买方的收款人指定的银行帐户。 附注:译者发现条款中不少地方句子说不太通,请核对一下原文是否有遗漏的文字。另外有些用大写字母缩略的专业术语的翻译是否有误,也请提问者谨慎斟酌。


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