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H.E. Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche gave teaching to Tenga Rinpoche’s
What I have said once in Tibetan language so you may have heard
about this. But maybe some of you may not have heard what I've said
in Tibetan so my English is not so good definitely but I will still
try to say few words in English, maybe summarized but I have
described in Tibetan.
I don't need to explain too much on what has happened and what
is going through these days and so the Rinpoche passed away
relatively, apparently, because in the ultimate sense you may have
heard of this kind of deathless. So Rinpoche never moves he never
walked away from us. And he's always within us. But if you are
still lacking such knowledge and understanding, the knowledge of
Buddha dharma then although he's within you but you may not feel of
him. You perform pujas, prayers and you call his name and doing
supplications and prayers yet you don't feel. Simply cry, feeling
sad, does not work. Simply being with him or sitting outside with
his apartment no work, doesn't make any sense. So what do you need
is the determination of devotion, faith then this devotion and
faith whether he lives in this world or he alive or he's gone
doesn't make any difference between. He's always within us. His
compassion and his loving kindness and his care and his love is
always within us. Right? So this will help us to progress our
practice, our devotion, our wisdom, if you are able to realize each
and every instructions that is given by rinpoche is going to be
very beneficial for yourself and is going to be very beneficial for
all sentient beings, is going to be very beneficial for the
The sense of the relationship between the guru and disciple is
rather very profound, very profound. This profoundity of the
relationship between the disciple and the guru is carrying until
you are all fully enlightened. So this is very much depends on how
you keep the instructions in your own mind that is very important.
This way we make relation. This way we make very profound
relationship between the disciple and guru or whatever you call
between teacher and student. So if you have confidence that your
guru is still within you, not just simply say my guru is with you
of course your guru is not with you. When you are in the restaurant
the guru is not in the restaurant with you anyway. When you eat
zanba or eat breakfast, the guru doesn't eat breakfast. When you
eat breakfast this does not make the fulfillment of his wish.
Right? But this is rather more profound and the sense of profundity
so which is realizing your mind is never separate from his mind.
Realizing, experiencing, not only that you are able to make the
development of understanding charactery or intellectually.
Intellectually understanding is very basic we need to be crossed
from this level to the state of realization which means fully
experienced and fully realized with the determination, with the
confidence. That can be developed through the genuine devotion and
genuine faith towards the guru.
Sometimes you may say my guru is not so happy today when you see
him, you are expecting his full smile. But sometimes he shows you
long face then your devotion is shaky, then you come out with the
tears, sadness, hatred. Then you may say that my guru is crazy. So
you see, do you have really solid and steady of devotion? You
should examine, you should reflect your devotion, you should
reflect your faith. So still lacking of the Buddha dharma,
knowledge. You should read more the life story of like Milarepa,
Gampopa, the life story of the great Naropa and Tilopa, that how
profound the relationship between them. You always say that these
stories are very expiring but where is your experiential. When
certain circumstance that come to you and then you lose your
control. And sometimes you may hate the dharma so very much still
on the mundane, the worldly sense. Although you act as a Buddhist,
although we act as a dharma practitioner but when you face the
certain circumstances then you are unable to apply the dharma
So therefore as a student of Rinpoche or as a disciple of
Rinpoche, you just simply say I'm Rinpoche's disciple is not
sufficient at all, is not enough. You have very heavy duty and
responsibility to fulfill the wishes of Rinpoche through
application of Buddha dharma correctly. And examining your own
characteristic in everyday life. And you have to judge yourself
that how much changes you are albe to make through the training of
your mind and through the application of each and every those
instructions that Rinpoche has given in the past.
Now talking about for long round, practice is not so easy, is
not easy. When the weather is good and when you are having the good
coffee, the good restaurant around, everything seems ok with you,
no complain then you think I can do buddha dharma. And you feel
that I can do dharma practice. But certain circumstances which is
unpleasant and irritate then you lost your control and then you
cannot apply buddha dharma at that moment instead you complain
these and that. Certain of the complain said that I have been the
Buddhist over twenty years, twenty years, forty years, how come? I
don't feel benefit of my practice. So it looks like you are try to
blame on the dharma instead to yourself. This is not good idea
still something is lacking, something is lacking.
So therefore I would like to request you as the student and the
disciple of the Rinpoche you should show good example to others.
When you engage some certain negativities, it may damage your
guru's fame and your guru's position also, very dangerous. People
might think how come? If you are short temper, sensitive person,
very irritate person. Then this person next to you may think oh, so
he claimed as a good Buddhist practitioner yet how come that he
could not change his character. Then he or she might think your
guru might be worse than you. Right? Because he was expecting that
you are rely on your own guru, receive teachings, might be changed,
but now you are still carrying same these negative character, does
mean the dharma didn't work with you. So it's very bad image for
the lineage, bad image for your guru.
Therefore I said you have heavy responsibility to the spirit,
the good image, to the followers one has to be very careful with
full of mindfulness and alertness. Learning dharma everyday is very
important like food, drink, (crop?) is our everyday life similar to
this case of buddha dharma of everyday life. Like breakfast you
don't need to prepare much, the lunch and dinner you don't need to
prepare much is our nature habitant tendency. Right? So nothing
much to be paid our intention or preparing our foods and meals of
our everyday life. Similar to the dharma practice the minute you
get up in the early morning then the duties the responsibilities
should be carried with the genuine devotion, genuine faith, the
wisdom, mindfulness, alertness, carefulness and cautiousness are
very important, are the best supporter, are the best friend of the
dharma practitioners.
So therefore to fulfill Rinpoche's wishes although his body left
behind, but mind is always within us, mind is always within you,
within us. So that you should know, that you should experience. So
therefore what I'm saying is simply you feel sad, simply you just
cry is not enough, is not sufficient, is not practical. So to carry
it with your practice everyday and remember each and every those
precious words and instructions have given by Rinpoche should
remember in your everyday life. So this way can fulfill all his
wishes and that way you can make him happy and he would be happy
all the time. And his blessings flow over you unceasingly.
So today actually what I have instructed for the monks are more
profound way. Of course it doesn't mean that I'm professioner so I
talk them in the profound way, but it's kind of rather more and
rules of regulations of the monastery which we have to carry on.
But for you I just summarize from the previous what I have given
speech so I'd like to keep all the instructions of given by
Rinpoche that keep in your heart and carry it on.
And then as a buddhist practitioner one should not be so
sensitive, have to be more open minded., right? You read book and
say everything in book do this don't do this, so if you do opposite
way then you are not practitioner. Everyday you (obey heritage?)
and you visit temple you do prostration and light up lamps, sitting
in front of the image of Buddha. You are acting as doing meditation
then you think you are Buddhist. No, real Buddhist, you should
change your mental attitude. That's the main responsibility of the
Buddhist practitioner. Change, change through training the mind,
change through the instructions you have read in the book, and
change through the instructions that you receive from your guru,
apply within you. With the joyfulness, with the happiness, with the
full of wisdom you are joyfully changing your character not
forcedly or with the obligation. So this is the very profound
teaching of the buddha Sakyamuni and great masters of Indian and
great masters in Tibet. Nothing more than that. Even you read pages
pages pages……no use if you don't apply them within. So the
application is the key point in our dharma practice. Application
means try to make oneness, you and the practice, no separate.
That's very important.
If you do that, Rinpoche is very happy. His blessing is always
within you. You don't need to chant the prayers or sing with the
great melody, of course your melody does not make him happy anyway.
So if you really wish to make him happy then you should apply the
words, the instructions that you have received, applies, combines,
make the combination. So try to pill out all the barriers that we
have kept from the long period of time through the train of mind
and his ultimate wish is this. If you are able to do that. So
that's why I would like to request you to be adopted and cultivated
those qualities in each and everyday when you are sitting next to
Rinpoche's room or you are faraway. There's no distance between you
and your guru if you are genuine dharma practitioner. The blessing
does not make any difference by distances so therefore you have to
be very practical practitioner. And you have to be very the wisdom
person then you would not make any mistake, any practice and then
you can experiencing the blessing is ultimately there. So you are
never separate from Rinpoche. So therefore your body, speech, mind
also never separate from the body, speech, mind of the guru,
Rinpche. So please kindly keep the words that I have mentioned.
Thank you.
Now next I'll read the oral transmission of the prayers of
Rinpoche's soon rebirth:
Surpreme emanation Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche,
even though you have merged your intention into one with
for the sake of the doctrine and beings,in general and in
may the moon-like face of your emanation rise again soon!
Although Rinpoche is passed away relatively and his mind is
unified with the dharmadathu. But for to the sake of Buddha's
doctrine and all sentient beings. We request you to come back, it's
very short, come back, just say come back. We don't need to say so
nicely just say please come back, very soon. And he will come back
very soon if you do practice. But otherwise you just enjoy
yourselves pain in the body mental disturbance then you say please
come back. Then he said oh no you are very stubborn man and I don't
want to come back. So we are expecting his soon rebirth and he will
come, he will come back like what I'm saying he never walk away
from us, never, he will come back, but under condition. The
condition is what? We should practice dharma genuinely. We must not
forget guru when you walk outside, when you eat food, when you talk
with the people, do any activities but never separate your mind
from the guru. Then although his body was not be presented in front
of us but his compassion, his love, his profundity of Bodhisattva
is always within us that we can feel and we do feel
Therefore the request for soon rebirth is very much base on our
everyday practice so with that characteristic and then you are able
to associate along with those qualities then he can listen, he can
hear, he can hear each and every words that you request, and each
and every words you have said from your prayer then he can feel
that if you are associate not disassociate, associated with those
qualities. Thank you so much.
——by H.E.Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche
Fig. Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche with Tenga Rinpoche in Benchen Nepal
on Friday evening 16 march 2012


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