
The Purpose of Studying English

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition. The following table is for your reference. Your composition should be around 120 words. Remember to write your composition on the Composition Sheet.

The Person that I Want to Thank Most 

In my life, of course, parents are the most important
persons for me. I really feel that words fail me when I am writing this composition. My parents bring me up from a baby. They give me not only food, clothes and the place to live in, but also care and love. When I argue with my friends, they often tell me to say &sorry& to friends.They tell me friendship is one of the most important things in the world. When I am upset about bad grades, they always tell me that everyone will make mistakes in exams. They also tell me that I will be successful if I put my heart into my study. 

I grow up day and day, my parents become older and older. I really want to do something to show my love to them. I think I will try my best to look after them well when they&re old, it&s the way that I love them!
来源:  【】 
  在众多的亲人中,我最喜欢的是奶奶,她是我生命中最重要的人。&& 我生下来八个月就是奶奶带,爸爸妈妈长年累月在外打工,偶尔过年回来一趟也没说多少话,更没多少沟通。渐渐地,我和父母就疏远了。也因此,生活中我就非常离不开奶奶了。&& 后来,我上了中学。在学校读书,我常常想奶奶,有时候想得竟然哭了。奶奶偶尔也会送菜给我,这样我就能见到奶奶一面,那时我真的高兴极了!但奶奶很快就要走了,我很舍不得,于是我又陷入思念之中。&& 奶奶很疼我们这帮孩子,而对我却疼爱有加。&& 冬天来临,天气变冷。在学校的我,穿不暖了,奶奶就来了,给我送棉袄来了。见到奶奶,呼呼的风中,她瘦瘦的身子仿佛在抖动。我们却没说什么话,给我送完后奶奶就急着走了……&& 每到星期五,心里总想奶奶。而当我回家后,迫不及待要见着奶奶时,又老是见不着她。她去做农活了。当她回来后,她总是亲切地对我说:“小娇子,你回来啦!”我便忍不住跑过去抱住奶奶不放,直至很久很久!&& 我心目中最重要的人是奶奶,奶奶是我的另一个生命!奶奶,我永远永远爱你!&& 点评:用朴实的行动表现奶奶的爱,用朴实的语言表达奶奶的爱,是本文的写作特色。1&&&
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中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-“生命中最重要的人”用英文怎么说
“生命中最重要的人”用英文怎么说 10
生命中最重要的人1.light of my life
是我生命中最重要的一个人1.Once the most important person in my life2.in my life
这献给我生命中最重要的一个人1.This goes out to someone that was Once the most important person in my life
曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人1.Once the most important person in my life2.in my life
其他回答 (10)
the most important person in my life
what means the most to me in my life
u r the most important person to me
the most important person in my life
the best one in my life
the most important people in my life
the most important person in my life
the most important person in my life
the most important person in one‘s life.
【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译英语作文】本文是为您准备的《优秀小学生五年级英语作文50字:一个重要的人 》请大家参考!When I went to school two years ago, I felt so nervous, at that time, it was the first time for me to go to school, before, I never left my parents. Around me, there were many students that I did not know them, I did not know what to do, I felt so lonely. Then a boy who sat behind me opened his mouth, he said hello to me and smiled to me. I felt so moved, he was just like an angel to me, I said hello to him, then we started to introduce each other, I made a friend in the first day of school. Since then, I am not lonely again. He is such an important person to me.两年前,当我去学校的时候,我觉得很紧张,那时候是我第一次上学,在那之前,我从来没有离开我的父母。在我的周围,几乎都是我不认识的学生,我不知道怎么办,感到很孤单。然后一个坐在我后面的男孩子打开了话匣子,他对我打招呼,对我微笑。我很感动,他对我来说就像是个天使,我也对他打招呼,然后我们开始自我介绍,在开学的第一天我交了个朋友。打从那时起,我不再孤单。他对我来说是很重要的一个人。英语短文_英语阅读-英语文章网
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