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):1203-15.Genome duplication events and functional reduction of ploidy levels in sturgeon (Acipenser, Huso and Scaphirhynchus).1, , , , .1Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, 12561 Berlin, Germany. al@igb-berlin.deAbstractSturgeon (order Acipenserformes) provide an ideal taxonomic context for examination of genome duplication events. Multiple levels of ploidy exist among these fish. In a novel microsatellite approach, data from 962 fish from 20 sturgeon species were used for analysis of ploidy in sturgeon. Allele numbers in a sample of individuals were assessed at six microsatellite loci. Species with approximately 120 chromosomes are classified as functional diploid species, species with approximately 250 chromosomes as functional tetraploid species, and with approximately 500 chromosomes as functional octaploids. A molecular phylogeny of the sturgeon was determined on the basis of sequences of the entire mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. By mapping the estimated levels of ploidy on this proposed phylogeny we demonstrate that (I) polyploidization events independently occurred in the acip (II) the process of functional genome reduction is nearly finished in species with approximately 120 chromosomes and more active in species with approximately 250 chromosomes and approximately 500 and (III) species with approximately 250 and approximately 500 chromosomes arose more recently than those with approximately 120 chromosomes. These results suggest that gene silencing, chromosomal rearrangements, and transposition events played an important role in the acipenseriform genome formation. Furthermore, this phylogeny is broadly consistent with previous hypotheses but reveals a highly supported oceanic (Atlantic-Pacific) subdivision within the Acipenser/Huso complex.PMID:
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英文翻译salted fish roe:&&&&fish:&&&&seed
例句与用法1.I'll scramble some eggs with roe ?我用鱼籽炒几个鸡蛋好吗?2.The minister had masterminded a ring that smuggled caviar in cans labeled "herring" to western europe .这个部长策划组织了一个集团,把鱼籽酱罐头贴上鲱鱼标签向西欧走私。3.I found a mass of spawn in the fish before cooking烧鱼前,我发现鱼里有很多鱼籽。 4.Thaw the fish roe , sea urchin , and artemia nauplii in a separate bowl将鱼籽,海胆和丰年虾分别放在碗里。 5.Ova of amur sturgeon and huso sturgeon鲟鳇鱼籽6.I seem to remember anchovy paste is a favorite delicacy ofyours , aunt tilly好好像记得鱼籽酱饼干是你最喜欢的,玛蒂尔达姑妈7.Whiteroe , be loved with the first taste also because of its gold roe that is clear and spark with perfect taste . 1kg 12 tinfor hotel use or japanese special flavour gixi restaurant and 250g for family use白鱼籽它是金黄色的鱼卵清晰有亮度口感极佳这种鱼籽是受许多第一次品尝鱼籽的人喜爱, 1公斤12塑料听可供酒店或日本风味的寿司店使用, 250克瓶装可供家庭使用。 8.The main species of fish that we process include herring 、 mackerel 、 pacific cod 、 sole 、 salmon 、 scallop 、 arctic surf clams , with which various size of fillets , lions , portions , roe and blocks and half - shell scallop 、 cooked scallop meat 、 sliced surf clam can be produced , all our products have been best sold in such countries and regions as hongkong , japan , korea , american and europe etc目前公司主要经营鲱鱼、鲐鱼、真鳕、碟鱼、三文鱼及夏夷贝、北极贝等加工产品,我们能以这些产品为原料加工成各种各样单冻鱼片、鱼腰、鱼段、鱼籽和块冻产品以及冻煮和半壳夏夷贝、北极贝切片等。
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