求BoyCrush - Let Them Eat Cake! - kyler moss 父子& Miles Pride这一部。。

Let them eat cake..--arie Antoinette 175……_来自殇影之岚的图片分享-堆糖
Let them eat cake..--arie Antoinette 1755 - 1793法国著名的皇后玛丽安托瓦内特,这句话很有名啦,就是当时农民没有面包吃受饿所以他们呢起义,玛丽皇后说...为什么不给他们吃蛋糕?
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> Let Them Eat Cake
Let Them Eat Cake
Birthday Cakes
They’re loud. And wired. And hungry. They’ve eaten all the piñata candy, they’re tired of playing freeze dance, and they’re going to start flushing toys down the toilet if you don’t bring out the cake.
Better make it a good one. Kids today are cake connoisseurs—don’t even try to sneak zucchini in with the chocolate. And remember, this cake had better compare favourably with the intricately decorated T-Rex-shaped cake that little Tyler’s mom spent 16.5 hours creating for his party last month.
If you’re up for the challenge, more power to you. If the whole idea of competing with Tyler’s mom makes you want to collapse to the floor weeping in an exhausted, resigned heap, we have one word for you: Subcontract.
That’s right, you can pay someone else to make the fabulous cake that your child will remember for the rest of his life.
In Wellington Village, Three Tarts can custom-make a variety of cakes for reasonable prices—$20 for a cake that will feed six to eight people, or $30 for one that will do 16 to 20. In Dunrobin,
will dazzle you with her creativity—and she delivers. Moving down a notch in price and with locations across the city,
is a reliable standby, with a cadre of fans who insist its cakes taste absolutely home-made. You can choose from a series of cake styles ranging in price from $12.99 up to $60—just give them 24–48 hours’ notice.
also sells ice cream cakes in different sizes, and staff are happy to scrawl a personalized birthday message in colored icing onto the cake of your choosing.
If you’re firmly old-school, and farming out the job just feels wrong, head down to
on Merivale Road. There is no better place in Ottawa to find all the supplies you’ll need do a professional job yourself, from cake pans in every imaginable shape to top-quality decorating supplies and equipment—not to mention advice.
And if you get there with the best of intentions and then it all just seems too much, take heart and remain calm ... they take custom orders too.
Three Tarts
(613) 729-9832
1320 Wellington Street
The Girl with the Most Cake
(613) 839-2741
Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cakes
Artistic Cake Design (Merivale Road)
Tested by Patti R., Ottawa
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双子座(男)——摩羯座(女)   女方往往成熟老练,男方却冒失有余,让人难对其托付什么重任。   如果他们成家了(如果女方终于决定这样做了),女方往往会操纵家里的经济大权。无论爱得多火热,女方不会失去理智,也不会忽略日常琐事。女方知道怎样把钱花得实在,怎样投资合算。而男方像是钱包的克星,拿到就钱会花光。   女方爱得不那样迅速,也不那么热烈,但她的爱火一旦点燃就不容易熄灭。男方爱情来得又快又猛,但也熄得快。不过,如果他煽起了女方的爱火,他就不容易脱身了。不过,在大多数情况下,人们往往认为女方是屈嫁给男方。女方太好了,男方实在不配,可是世事偏偏这么出人意料。   男方往往对女方的爱不领情,老想找机会溜开,可是走了不远又回头。女方的吸引力是他无法抗拒的。   双方相同...


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