dark horse舞蹈是什么意思

dark horse
[dɑ:k h?:s]
[dɑrk h?rs]
1. Until recently A. S. Byatt was a dark horse, known only by those steeped in literature.
2. Gerald would be a dark horse to the end.
3. Jim is a dark horse in the final.
4. They were getting ready to bring in a dark horse to stampede the election.
5. A dark horse candidate came from behind to win the elections.
黑马(最近刚取得或将要取得成功的新人) If you describe someone as a dark horse, you mean that people know very little about them, although they may have recently had success or may be about to have success.&
Until recently A. S. Byatt was a dark horse, known only by those steeped in literature.
1. a political candidate who is not well known but could win unexpectedly
2. a racehorse about which little is known
dark horse
本意 Dark horse 本来是用来指在比赛中意外胜出的马,因为是出人意料的,所以用dark,因为dark有“隐秘的,未知的”的意思。现在,dark horse 通常用来指在比赛中意外胜出的选手。比如:John won the school sing contest. His friends say he is the dark horse.美国动漫集团 黑马(Dark Horse)也是美国的一个大型动漫集团,其创作的作品大多被拍成影视作品:如近年的《地狱男爵》、《罪恶之城》等,另外,黑马公司还获得了一些
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
dark horse
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by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2011)
A dark horse is a little-known person or thing that emerges to prominence, especially in a competition of some sort or a contestant that seems unlikely to succeed.
The term began as
parlance for a race horse that is not known to gamblers and thus is difficult to place betting odds on.
The earliest-known mention of the concept is in 's novel The Young Duke (1831). Disraeli's protagonist, the Duke of St. James, attends a horse race with a surprise finish: "A dark horse which had never been thought of, and which the careless St. James had never even observed in the list, rushed past the grandstand in sweeping triumph."
The concept has been used in political contexts in such countries as , , , , and the .
Politically, the concept came to
in the nineteenth century when it was first applied to , a relatively unknown Tennessee Democrat who won the Democratic Party's 1844 presidential nomination over a host of better-known candidates. Polk won the nomination on the ninth ballot, and went on to win the .
Other famous dark horse candidates for the
, chosen as the
nominee and later
the 14th president in 1852.
, chosen as the
nominee and
as the 16th president in 1860.
the 19th president in 1876.
the 20th president in 1880.
the 29th president in 1920 after his surprise .
the 39th president in 1976; in the beginning of that same year, Carter was relatively unknown outside his home state of .
the 44th president in 2008. Relatively unknown outside of his state of .
Outside of the United States, the dark horse status also attributed to , who rose to the Presidency in . In ,
can be referred as a dark horse due to the fact he is not only the first president from the historically marginalized
region, but he rose through three political offices (from Deputy Governor of
to Governor, from Governor to Vice-President, and from Vice-President to President) through unusual circumstances.
In a 2011 article about possible successors for Hugo Chávez, Sarah Grainger for the
website referred to former army officer , who helped
to stage a failed coup in 1992, as a dark horse.
Several government ministers, who were appointed to
of Russian prime minister
on 21 May 2012, were also described as "dark horses" due to lacking experience, for instance, ,
and . Some of the candidates for
in 2013 were labelled as dark horse, including , , ,
In addition, surprising or unlikely nominations for such prizes as the
(awarded by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) are referred to as dark horses.
Guitarist and singer-songwriter
was nicknamed the "dark horse" of , as his visibility as a songwriter and vocalist increased later in the Beatles' career, particularly on . Harrison went on to name his solo label , and to release both an
named "Dark Horse."
American folk band
released an album titled "," featuring a song titled "Dark Horse."
's song, "" was inspired by an organization called
that aids homeless and street children (The "Dark Horses") across America.
The first episode of the second season of
is called "Behold A Dark Horse."
"" is the third
from 's third studio album .
Dark Horse is the name of the sixth studio album recorded by Canadian rock band Nickelback.
is an American comic book publisher.
. The Phrase Finder.
. Merriam Webster.
. Trivia Library.
. Radio Free Liberty. 6 January .
. CNBC. 17 November 2011.
Tikhomirov, Vladimir (22 May 2012). . Equity 2013.
Grainger, Sarah (28 July 2011). . BBC News.
. Al Jazeera. 11 June .
, official band website.
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dark horse是什么意思
dark horse是什么意思 dark horse在线翻译 dark horse什么意思 dark horse的意思 dark horse的翻译 dark horse的解释 dark horse的发音 dark horse的同义词
dark horsedark horse 基本解释n. 黑马(出人意外得胜之马)dark horse 例句ph.1. A dark horse candidate came from behind to win the elections.& & 那位候选员在此次选举中,脱颖而出,意外当选。dark horse 网络解释1. 黑马& & 在英汉两种文化中,&黑马&(dark horse)都用来形容那些在竞赛初期并不引人注意,最后却获得惊人成绩的队或个人. &黑马&一词已被汉语完全吸纳,现在这个词被广泛地使用在政治、经济、文化、体育、艺术等各个领域. 2. 黑马;冷门& & cut-and-dried 事先准备好的;枯燥无味的 | dark horse 黑马;冷门 | darn it 真讨厌3. 黑马、爆冷门& & favourists 夺标热门 | dark horse 黑马、爆冷门 | Underdog - 黑马4. 黑马,爆冷门的运动员& & 29.Cup of tea 心爱之物,喜欢的事 | 30.Dark horse 黑马,爆冷门的运动员 | 32.Diploma mill 文凭制造工厂,不入流学校dark horse 网络例句1. He is the dark horse of the group. & &他是这一组的黑马。2. A:You'll be the dark horse in the match. & &你在比赛中会成为黑马的。3. In the team, he is thought of as a dark horse. & &在那个队,他被看作是一个名不见经传的运动员。4. He`s probably a dark horse. & &他很 可能会是一匹黑马。5. You`re candidate is the dark horse in this election. & &你们的候选人是这次选举中的一匹黑马。6. This may be a dark horse of destiny. & &这可能就是一匹黑马的宿命。7. And a &dark horse& the only possibility,&in different regions and different types of& sentence. & &和&黑马&唯一的可能性,&在不同的地区,&不同类型的句子。dark horse是什么意思,dark horse在线翻译,dark horse什么意思,dark horse的意思,dark horse的翻译,dark horse的解释,dark horse的发音,dark horse的同义词,dark horse的反义词,dark horse的例句,dark horse的相关词组,dark horse意思是什么,dark horse怎么翻译,单词dark horse是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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