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Are Cats the Perfect Therapy Animals? Heck, Yeah! | Catster
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Are Cats the Perfect Therapy Animals? Heck, Yeah!
When life gets harsh, I believe kitties top dogs as therapy pets. Here are my reasons. What're yours?
We don’t see a whole lot of news stories about cats who visit sick children in hospitals or help traumatized veterans feel safe in their own skins, not to mention cats who alert their caretakers to an imminent seizure or other medical events. But that doesn’t mean such miracle cats don’t exist -- it just means the dogs get all the press. After a lifetime of living with cats and dogs, I’m convinced that cats really are the perfect therapy pets, and here are seven reasons why.
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1. They have built-in heated massage capabilities
As I lay in my bed this morning while my back throbbed, my cat, Siouxsie, crawled under the blankets, curled up right next to the hip where the pain was the most severe, and started purring. After 15 or 20 minutes of “purr therapy,” my back was feeling 100 percent better. This isn’t the first time a cat has offered me this kind of treatment. One day as I was nursing a bad case of food poisoning and my stomach was horrifically sore and I was so nauseous I was drooling, Siouxsie and her sister Sinéad lay down on either side of my abdomen and began to purr. I felt better in about an hour. A cat’s purr has a vibration of about 25 cycles per second, which is said to be a frequency that speeds healing.
2. They’re small and soft
When you’re in great physical pain, you definitely don’t want some big galumphing galoot of a canine to warm up your broken arm by positioning himself on top of it. An average cat, on the other hand, weighs about 8 to 10 pounds. Sure, there are small dogs, but cats are much more flexible and can maneuver themselves into positions that are comfortable not only for themselves, but for you, too.
Have you ever met a dog who could twist themselves up into such an adorable pretzel?
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3. They naturally smell good
Cats are fastidious creatures and spend a great deal of time grooming themselves. This causes them to have a pleasant fresh-cut-hay smell, which is very comfortable when your cat is curled up next to your head helping you cope with your migraine. Sure, dogs can be bathed, and they tend to like baths much more than cats. But if you’re sick, the last thing you want to do is give your dog a bath so you don’t have to bask in the delightful aroma of corn chips or old sweat socks while you’re trying to recover from an illness -- especially one that involves nausea.
4. They can take care of their own toilet needs
If you’ve got the flu or you’re having a flare-up of a chronic condition that causes massive fatigue and pain, taking the dog out for a walk can erase all the recovery you’ve made while resting. On the other hand, all a cat needs is a litter box and he’s good to go. Of course, the box needs to be emptied, too, but that task is nowhere near as demanding as taking a dog outside to do his business.
A cat would never pull such silly shenanigans!
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5. They don’t bark
If I’m finally drifting off to sleep through illness or pain, I don’t want to be ripped out of the arms of Morpheus by the frenetic barking of a dog who’s most likely trying to say something like, “The mailman’s here! The school bus just went by! A squirrel is in the yard! And oh, you just have to come and say hi to the Jehovah’s Witnesses at the door!”
6. They have good boundaries
Sometimes you want love and affection, and sometimes you just want to be left the heck alone. Generally speaking, cats have a better sense of what their people need, and I’d judge that they also have better boundaries than their canine cousins. When your cats decide they’re going to give you affection, you know it’s because they want to, not because they’re trained and bred to do so.
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7. On the other hand, they’ll give you what you need, whether you want it or not
I’m not the only person whose life was saved by a cat who simply refused to give up on me when I’d given up on myself. In the depths of my depression, the last thing I wanted was any kind of physical or emotional connection with anyone -- not even my cats. But Sinéad and Siouxsie wouldn’t have it: They kept sitting on me, no matter how many times I pushed them away, until I finally gave up resisting them. Even when I couldn’t see anything to love about myself, I could see in their eyes that they saw a lot to love about me. I couldn’t abandon any creature that loved me even when I hated myself.
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I don’t mean to diss the dogs -- I am “bipetual,” even if I’m not currently acting on my dog-owning inclination -- but I am a bit tired of cats getting dissed by the tiny percentage of the population that thinks only dogs can be good companions or therapy animals.
Do you think cats are the best therapy animals, like I do? Share your reasons, no matter how serious or silly, in the comments!
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Copyright & I-5 Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.仁爱英语八年级课本仁爱英语八年级上册P79页上面出现了这样一个句子:I like cats best because they are cuter than any other animals.可我们所看到的语法书里面any other后面 跟的是单数,这个句子对吗?_百度作业帮
仁爱英语八年级课本仁爱英语八年级上册P79页上面出现了这样一个句子:I like cats best because they are cuter than any other animals.可我们所看到的语法书里面any other后面 跟的是单数,这个句子对吗?
正确的,若表示复数,则意思是同一范围内的东西,若表示单数,则表示其他的(不是同一范围的)…例如,China is larger than any other country in Asia (错)China is larger than any other counties in Asia.(对)要注意排除主语…
您可能关注的推广回答者:英语翻译翻译1.Am I the one who pare填空1._____are the biggest of all land animals.They are eat____.2._____are the largest of all sea animals.They eat small_____.3._____are the biggest fish in the word.They live in the_____.4._____are the tallest of all lan_百度作业帮
英语翻译翻译1.Am I the one who fly highest2.compare填空1._____are the biggest of all land animals.They are eat____.2._____are the largest of all sea animals.They eat small_____.3._____are the biggest fish in the word.They live in the_____.4._____are the tallest of all land animals.They eattree_____.5.Normally we keep_____or_____as our pets.They give us much happiness.用词的适当形式填空1.The pink sweater is_____(expensive) thanthe green one,but I think the pink one is_____(good) than the green one.2.The whale is_____(big) than the shark,but it eats_____(little) than the shark does.3.The eagle flies_____(high) of allbirds,and the leppard runs_____(fast) on land.4.In this supermaket pears are_____(cheap) than lemons,and apples are the_____(cheap)fruit.选择填空Joe:Welcome to may flat.Is this your___time to be here?①one ②once ③fist Harry:Oh,yes.JWhat fruit___ you like,grape,pine,applesor coconuts?①could ②would ③should Harry:Grapes,please.They are my___fruits.①lover ②like ③favourite Joe:Are they?I like pineapples____.①better ②best ③favourite Harry:Oh!You have a cat!____lovely it is!I love yellow cat!①How ②What ③When Joe:Thank you.I love catstoo.I think cats are ____ than dogs.①clever ②more clever ③cleverest Harry:You think so?But most people ____ think so.①don't ②didn't ③doesn't Joe:Well,I know that.But I think everyone ____ his own idea and preferences.①has ②have ③had Harry:That's rightJoe:Thank you.I love catstoo.I think cats are____ than dogs.①clever ②more clever ③cleverest 这究竟怎么填呀?三人答案都不同...汗....
dogs适当形式:1.more expensive
less3.the highest
the fastest4.cheaper
cheapest选择填空:1.③fist 2. ②would 3.③favourite 4. ②best 5.①How 6.②more clever 7.①don't 8.①has
1.Am I the one who fly highest 我是飞得最高的! 比较填空 1._Elephants__are the biggest of all land animals.They are eat__grass__. 2._Whale____are the largest of all sea anim...
翻译 :1、我是飞的最高的人之一 2、比较、对比选择填空 :③fist ②would ③favourite ②best ①How ①clever ①don't ①hasThe cats are lovely animals in her mind.中mind的意思_百度作业帮
The cats are lovely animals in her mind.中mind的意思
So what does each person below do?的中文意思
下面的每个人做什么?animals are a favourite subject of many photographers.Cats...Animals are a favourite subject of many photographers.Cats,dogs,and other pets top the list,followed by zoo animals.However,because it’s hard to get them to sit still and “perform on command,” some professional ph_百度作业帮
animals are a favourite subject of many photographers.Cats...Animals are a favourite subject of many photographers.Cats,dogs,and other pets top the list,followed by zoo animals.However,because it’s hard to get them to sit still and “perform on command,” some professional photographers refuse to photograph pets.One way to get a nice picture of a cat or dog is to hold some delicious food above the camera.The animal’s longing look toward the food will be captured (捕捉) by the camera,but the food won’t appear in the picture because it’s out of the camera’s range.When you show the picture to your friends afterwards,they’ll be impressed by your pet’s loving expression.If you are using fast film,you can take some good,quick shots of a pet by simply snapping (抓拍) a picture right after calling its name.You’ll get a difference expression from your pet using this technique.Depending on (文章网上有,放不下了)1.Why do some professional photographers refuse to take pictures of pets?A.Pets may not follow orders.B.Pets don’t want to be bothered.C.Pets may not like photographers.D.Pets seldom change their expressions.2.Paragraph 3 is mainly about __________.A.the function of fast filmB.why to call your pet’s to deal with pets’ and why to take quick shots3.In what way is photographing zoo animals different from photographing pets?A.You need to have fast film.B.You need special equipment.C.You need to stay close to the animals.D.You need more time to watch and wait.
1.A 2.D 3.D


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