
In the summer holiday,I not only wrote my homework,but also went shopping with my mother.I watched a movie with my friends.And I held a birthday party for my grandmother.I must get ready for my class.I will be in Class9.That's nervous.So I had a busy holiday
Respected Jack and Tommy,excuse me for my taking the liberty of writing you this letter,but as the company's employee as well as Marry's friend,I really could not tolerate what he did.You and your wife helped him in his most difficult time ,but he was ungrateful and exaggerate saying a lot of your cuss as well as inquiring about your operations to the company privately .He also said he would seize your gossip and expose to the Swiss corporation to make you unemployed!It is known he has mastered much :March of this year in the movement of the company your wife contacted a moving company spending about 20,000 yuan.The company also recently installed air conditionings using 25,000,your wife bought some machines from the U.S.costing 400,000 when the company needed to by machines.In all of these incidents above,he said,you committed embezzlement from corruption of public funds,advocated for the chaos acting almostly a waste.your wife's not a employee of the company,but abused of privacy in the company,meddled in the company's affairs.And not only these but you had also rent private cars using the company's money.please care this shameless villain!I wish you the best of luck ---- Marry friends!
大哥,对于我来说很难Respect Jack and Tommy, even slightly I take the liberty to write thisletter to you, but took company the staff, simultaneously also is theMarry friend, I really cannot get used to...
Respected Jack and Tommy, I am afraid I took the liberty of writing you this letter, but as a company's employees, but it is also Marry friends, I really could not understand what he did. You and your...
一楼的兄弟用的是翻译软件吧,词性都不对honorific Jack and Tommy, firstly please excuse me of my boldness, but my conscience drived me to write this letter. I really cannot stand and watch what Marry is doing any mor...
你那个中文信没写好容易造成很多误会1.人称使用的错误2.措辞不当建议修改再请翻译求高手翻译一篇英语文章 初中水平 翻译机绕道.No.1
EmptyThis passage is late.Sorry for everyone who is my friends.Now,I want to talk about the choose of your life crossing.The life crossing.That's cause so many things that you will do aft_百度作业帮
求高手翻译一篇英语文章 初中水平 翻译机绕道.No.1
EmptyThis passage is late.Sorry for everyone who is my friends.Now,I want to talk about the choose of your life crossing.The life crossing.That's cause so many things that you will do after a moment,a hour,a day,a year and so on.There is one very simple example to show the life crossing what has Positive and Negative Aspects.On my way from school to home.There are two bus which i can choose.One is No.13 and another one is No.42 bus.No.13 Bus always be late,it's about ten minutes of a bus.But,It stops at the Nan Lishilu Bei Kou.It takes me 4 minutes to get home.No.42 Bus always be early,It's about three minutes of a bus.But,it stops at the Fu Chengmen Wai.It takes me 10 minutes to get home.Are they like the life of choose,yeah?
If i am happy or pleasure,I would like to walk long.If i am unhappy,i would like to walk short.The life of choose like this as well. And the choose always has Positive and Negative Aspects like many things. 感激不尽
This passage is late.Sorry for everyone who is my friends.这篇文章写迟了.我对我所有的朋友感到抱歉.Now,I want to talk about the choose of your life crossing.现在,我想要谈谈关于你人生的交叉口处的抉择.The life crossing.That's cause so many things that you will do after a moment,a hour,a day,a year and so on.人生的交叉口……它会影响你在将来一刻、一小时、一天、一年要做的许多事情.There is one very simple example to show the life crossing what has Positive and Negative Aspects.这里有一个很简单的例子可以说明在人生岔路口(的抉择)的积极一面和消极一面.On my way from school to home.There are two bus which i can choose.在我从学校回家的路上,有两班公交车可以供我选择.One is No.13 and another one is No.42 bus.一个是13路车,另一个是42路车.No.13 Bus always be late,it's about ten minutes of a bus.But,It stops at the Nan Lishilu Bei Kou.It takes me 4 minutes to get home.13路车常常晚点,基本上10分钟一趟.它停在北口的南礼士路,从那里我只用花4分钟就能走到家.No.42 Bus always be early,It's about three minutes of a bus.But,it stops at the Fu Chengmen Wai.It takes me 10 minutes to get home.而42路车常常早到,3分钟就有一班车,但它停在阜成门外,我还要花10分钟才能到家.Are they like the life of choose,yeah?If i am happy or pleasure,I would like to walk long.它们就如同生活中的抉择,不是吗?如果我乐意,我可以走久一点.If i am unhappy,i would like to walk short.如果我不想,我也可以走少一点路.The life of choose like this as well.And the choose always has Positive and Negative Aspects like many things.生活中的选择也是这样的,并且每一个选择会像许多事情一样,都有好与不好的一面.
您可能关注的推广回答者:中学生百科英语 The Ainu of Japan 求翻译 如果能有英语高手能对文章中的重点句型进行批注给高分_百度作业帮
中学生百科英语 The Ainu of Japan 求翻译 如果能有英语高手能对文章中的重点句型进行批注给高分
The Ainu of Japan日本的阿伊努人Introduction - 介绍The Ainu are aborigines of Northern Japan. Estimates vary on the age of Ainu people and culture, but it reached its height in the 13th and 14th centuries. Today, it is close to extinction.阿伊努人是日本北部的土著,人种和文化起源众说纷纭,但有一点相同,那就是:在13世纪和14世纪达到了顶峰.而现在,它正逐渐走向消亡.Mean -阿伊努的含义"Ainu" means "human." They live by hunting, fishing, farming, and selling crafts to tourists. They have an animistic spirituality that regards all things, including inanimate objects, imbued with life and spirit.“阿伊努”含义是“人”,他们以打猎、捕鱼、耕种、出售手工艺品给旅行者为生.他们信奉万物皆有灵性,认为所有的东西,包括没有生命的物体均有生命和灵魂.Feature -阿伊努人的外貌Ainu are heavily bearded and have thick wavy hair. Their mix of European and Asian physical traits contrasts so sharply from other indigenous peoples of Asia.阿伊努人有着浓密的胡须和厚厚的卷曲的头发.他们混有欧州人和亚州人的外貌特征,与亚州本土的其他人形成了显著的对比.Prospect -前景Little about the Ainu are taught in Japanese schools. The image of traditional Ainu culture held by most Japanese consists almost entirely of tourist trade Ainu villages, "ethnic" performances, commercialized woodcarvings and other such "folk art" objects.日本的学校里很少会学习关于阿伊努的知识.阿伊努传统文化被大多日本人想象为阿伊努村庄的旅游贸易,充满少数民族风情的表演,木雕商品和其他诸如民间艺术方面.求高手翻译一段美文~~(中译英)
It was a fact that &fast& and &slow& were respectively the left bank and right bank of Seine in Paris. Where there were prosperity and nois there would be leisureliness and tranquility of the left bank. Where there was flourish and luxury of the right bank, there would be vicissitudes and simplic where there were lightness and joy of the right bank, there would be heavies and sadn where there was epitome of life of the right bank, there would be the art in endorsement of the left bank.
The shadow of the &fast& and &slow& seems to be processing a overlapping relay without stop, from one shore flower falling to the other shore flower blooming.
Although life was in disorder, I can find the balance. Sometimes, the rhyme was fast and just let it go fastly, but I would adjust my own pace, brandishing asperses, and let the heart have a carnival thoroughly. Sometimes, the rhyme was slow and just let it go slowly, but I would relax my mood, releasing freely, and let the heart have a comfortable relax thoroughly. I don't have to grasp anything, to chase anything, or to give up anything. I just need to be myself with simpleness and happiness, so-called life decided by myself on which the pace of &fast& or &slow& depends.
The pace of life may &fast & or &slow&, but full of joyful things as well as leisure.
&fast& seams that time passes quickly like a white pony's shadow across a crevice.
&slow& seems that Stepping to the place of water poor , sitting up and watching the clouds.
—— winter@2009
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