
回楼上:surpringly用得有错我承认,但其他有错是你自己没掌握好语法,回去再好好看书吧,你第四题should后面怎么用起过去式来了啊?再说了,你那样翻译都是不定式做宾补了啊.want后面可以直接接过去分词作宾补你应该还不知道吧1.He just wants others attracted by his bizarre dress.2.I don't want the problem dicussed now.3.He surprisedly found the room cleaned thoroughly,everything put in order.(后句为分词独立主格结构)4.We should make what had happened here known to them.5.What he said makes me confused about what on hell he planned to do.
楼上的翻译有的地方有错误:1.He just wants others attracted(这里的过去分词用的不对) by his bizarre dresses(这里用的莫名其妙).3.He surprisingly(这个词用错,应该用surprisedly) found the room cleaned thoroughly,and everything was put i...
1. The reason he wears bizzare cloth is to get more attention2. I don't want to talk about it right now3. He was surprised to see the room had been cleaned and everything placed in order4. We should let them know what happened here5. I am puzzled by his words
一楼二楼的,我在英国呆了四年了,不认为suprisingly用的有错。suprisingly为副词,后面跟个动词完全正确。想揪错误的那位,英语翻译不一定要把每一个词翻译出来。1. He only wore fancy clothes because he wanted to attract other people.2. I don't want to talk about t...
您可能关注的推广回答者:回答者:还有一次特别的英语课,是一个美国外教。他很友好的和我们打招呼,交流。同学们也积极的提问题。虽然我们的英语水平并不怎么好,但是外教说的很慢,让大家的听得懂。当他说到家里有6个孩子时,我们都惊讶了。果然美国就是和我们中国有很大的差别。与他交流的短短的时间,让我们印象深刻。希望下次还有机会见到他。的翻译:There is a special English class, was a United States foreign teachers. He is friendly and greet us, Exchange. Students also actively asking questions. While our English and not very good, but the teacher said, very slow to let everyone understand it. When he says the House has 6 kids, we were all s 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
There is a special English class, is an American foreign teachers. He was very friendly and greet us and exchange. Students also actively ask questions. Although our English is not how good, but the foreign teacher said very slowly, so that everyone could understand. When he comes home with six chil
There is a special English class, was a United States foreign teachers. He is friendly and greet us, Exchange. Students also actively asking questions. While our English and not very good, but the teacher said, very slow to let everyone understand it. When he says the House has 6 kids, we were all s
Also some special class in English, are outside a US teach.He very friendly and we greets, exchange.Schoolmates also positive ask the question.Although our English proficiency not how good, but outside teaches to say very slowly, lets everybody being able to understand.When he talked about when in t
There is also a special English class, is one of the United States. He was very friendly and we say hello, exchange. Students are also active in issues mentioned. Although we have the standard of English teachers were very good, but it is very slow, so that we can say that in the can understand it.
There is a special English class, was a United States foreign teachers. He is friendly and greet us, Exchange. Students also actively asking questions. While our English and not very good, but the teacher said, very slow to let everyone understand it. When he says the House has 6 kids, we were all s过了很长时间,一只蚂蚁从这儿经过,看见天牛和螳螂坐在地上,就问:”这儿发生了什么事?”他们说:“都是搬这块面包惹的祸.”蚂蚁说:“让我来试一试”天牛和螳螂听了哈哈大笑后说:“我们都搬不动,你一只小蚂蚁怎么可能搬得动。”蚂蚁什么话也没说就走了。天牛和螳螂心想:蚂蚁一定是被吓跑了。过了会,那只小蚂蚁带来了成千上万只的蚂蚁,它们把面包块团团围住,并且把面包抬了起来。他们朝着家的方向慢慢移动。这太让人不可思议了。天牛和螳螂看见了,惊讶地目瞪口呆。他们都懂得了一个道理:团结就是力量。
参考译文1:正在翻译,请等待...参考译文2:参考译文3:参考译文4:语义参照:Is there a communicated and measurable environmental policy in place, including a commitment to meet the legal requirements of the country in which the site operates? & 是否有一个通知和可衡量的环境政策,包括一项承诺,满足的法律要求在该国运作的网站?有你们这样的兄弟就够了 & You have such a brother is enough拜访我的英语老师 &
Visit my English teacher5)洞身开挖(钻爆施工) & 5) tunnel excavation (drilling and blasting construction)因为我想尝试一下 &
Because I want to try the很可能他今晚给我打电 & It is probable that he called me tonight一级荣誉生 &
Honors students样品可以寄给你们,但是邮费你们付 & Samples can be sent to you, but the postage you paid他们充分利用各种方法伪装自己:有的在夜色掩护下赶路; 有的用白粉涂在脸上;还有的把脸用面纱完全遮住。 & They make full use of various methods to disguise: into the night under
On the face with also completely covered face with a veil.我是高中生侦探工藤新一 & I am a high school student detective gongtengxinyiThen the ugly bottle can find a suitable lid & 然后可以找到一个适当的丑恶瓶盖结 论 & 结论他的这种精神乐观向上值得我们学习 &
His spirit of optimism that we can learni am forever young &
我永远年轻Does he have a tennis racket? & 他是否有网球拍吗?A Free school is a school in England funded by the taxpayer,non-selective[1]and free to attend but not controlled by local authorities.[2] The concept of free schools is based upon a similar model found in Sweden as well as US charter schools. & 正在翻译,请等待...你能看见什么 &
You can see whatThe dark of a night & 漆黑的夜晚be ready for the excm & 在excmwork the other way & 其他的工作方式все будет хорошо & всебудетхорошо吃喝玩乐住 & eating, drinking and playing live我们之间距离多远? & How far distance between us?他正经受头痛之苦 & He was suffering a headache painThis is my first confession to the girl! & 这是我第一次忏悔,girl!她月养老金人民币5000元 & 5000 yuan monthly pension she请优先考虑推荐替代品 & Priority recommended alternativesThis apple on the table. It is a red apple. & 这个苹果在桌子上。它是一个红色的苹果。一个好的管理者不是每件事都要他亲自去做 而是要调动每一个人去做 & A good Manager is not everything to himself to do but to mobilize everyone to doAs long as you have the confidence I can work miracles & 只要你有信心我能创造奇迹企业案例 & Business Case镀金 &
Gilded寻找真爱 &
Finding true loveNot forbear crying i will not look to the sky won't let her tears flowed from & 隐忍不哭泣我不会看天空不会让她的眼泪流从cal flatkrm is out of position & CAL flatkrm位置我会努力的 谢谢 &
I'll try thank youconnection-specific dns suffix & 连接特定的 dns 后缀where is the prime ministers official home in london &
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