blow at them candles怎么读

n. [轻] 蜡烛,烛台(candle复数形式)
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生日蜡烛 / Candles
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圣诞树用蜡烛 Christmas tree candles
圣诞树蜡烛 Candles (Christmas tree –)
蜡烛 Candles
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stick of wax with a wick in the middle
the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the Systeme International d'U equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvin
examine eggs for freshness by holding them against a light
【光学】(新)烛光,坎德拉(发光强度单位)[亦作 candela, new candle];旧烛光,国际烛光[亦作 international candle];标准烛光[亦作 standard candle]
To make sure that the eggs are fresh, we had better candle them one by one.
(a game) not worth the candle
a lighted candle
be not fit to hold a candle to
= cannot hold a candle to
burn the candle at both ends
by the candle
cannot hold a candle to
go off like a candle in a snuff
突然死掉[亦作 go off like the snuff of a candle ]
hide one's candle (或light) under a bushel
hold a candle (或stick) to
hold a candle to the devil
hold a candle to the sun
sell by inch of candle
worth the candle
A candle is a stick of hard wax with a piece of string called a wick through the middle. You light the wick in order to give a steady flame that provides light. 蜡烛
The bedroom was lit by a single candle.
n. [物理]烛光(国际单位制中的照明单位)
n. 蜡烛,烛台(candle复数形式)
Five candles lighted up the bedroom.
They lighted the temple with many candles.
If you want to decorate with handmade crafts, they have silk flowers, wreaths and candles, too.
This modern festival of African-American culture includes lighting candles each night from December twenty-sixth through New Year's Day.
VOA: special.
The vast multitudes were still farmers, but they began to now buy goods, manufactured goods, readymade clothing and shoes, cloth, candles, soap, all kinds of foodstuffs.
The Buddha talked about it thousands of years ago, "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
The pope's sermon revolved around the light of the candles and was followed by artistic performances.
Protesters also threw concrete chunks, metal pipes, lit roman candles and molotov cocktails, police said.
The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, where folks haven't stopped lighting candles for miracles.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Blow Job (1980)
语言:意大利语 / 法语
主演:Alba Armani/Anna Bruna Cazzato
外文名:Blow Job
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Invisibility was the destiny of Cavallone’s next films. Shot in Summer 1979 and released in May ’80, Blow Job – Soffio erotico (1980: once again a Warholian title, even though the original was supposed to be La strega nuda/The Naked Witch) was an extremely rushed production14. Shooting originally had to take place entirely in a villa near Riolo, in North-East Italy, near the ci...
Invisibility was the destiny of Cavallone’s next films. Shot in Summer 1979 and released in May ’80, Blow Job – Soffio erotico (1980: once again a Warholian title, even though the original was supposed to be La strega nuda/The Naked Witch) was an extremely rushed production14. Shooting originally had to take place entirely in a villa near Riolo, in North-East Italy, near the ci...
Invisibility was the destiny of Cavallone’s next films. Shot in Summer 1979 and released in May ’80, Blow Job – Soffio erotico (1980: once again a Warholian title, even though the original was supposed to be La strega nuda/The Naked Witch) was an extremely rushed production14. Shooting originally had to take place entirely in a villa near Riolo, in North-East Italy, near the city of Faenza15. But after one of the producers committed suicide during filming, Cavallone had to radically rethink the project, as he suddenly found himself with no money at all. The extreme poverty shows throughout the film, and it’s sad to see how the director had to work virtually with nothing. Yet the result is strangely fascinating. Technically, Blow Job is hardcore porn, since it does feature several explicit sex scenes. Nevertheless, it is the closest Cavallone came to make a gothic horror movie: at times, it almost looks like a thinking man’s version of a Luigi Batzella film (think of Nuda per Satana, 1974, for instance). Its complex, Escherian plot deserves a detailed summary.
The opening sequence is truly unsettling in itself: the first images show the park of a luxurious villa, with secular trees under a rainstorm, then a subjective camera enters a squalid hotel hall, accompanied by a gloomy music, like a sort of malevolent, eerie present: the film’s two main settings are introduced and shown as strictly complementary – a hint at what will follow. Cut to a naked couple in a room: actors Stefano Vicinelli (Danilo Micheli) and Diana (Anna Massarelli) don’t have the money to pay the bill. With an embarassed phone call, the hotel clerk asks them to pay the hotel fee and leave. Meanwhile, upstairs, a woman is menaced by someone or something unseen. She screams and cries for help, then jumps out of the window. The aftermath of her fall looks like an outtake from Joe D’Amato film, with intestines spilled all over the pavement. ("Hey," Stefano says, "it looks like somebody threw a bowl of spaghetti upside down!"). Stefano and Diana take advantage of the ensuing chaos and leave. At a racetrack, Stefano meets a scarred woman in her forties, Angela (Anna Bruna Cazzato), who helps him pick a winning horse, and in return asks them a ride to her villa in the countryside: she wants Dario to help her "pass the gate". During the trip they meet a trio of surreal characters, while Stefano glimpses – and it’s an impressive, eerie moment – a biker whose head looks like a skull. At the villa, a sinister-looking, equally scarred butler, Alphonse (Valerio Isidori16) awaits them. Then, even stranger things ensue. Angela puts a spell on Diana, who g Stefano goes looking for a doctor and meets a young, beautiful woman named Sibilla (Mirella Venturini), who gives him a magic powder to cure Diana. Blow Job’s second half conveys a weird dreamlike quality. Angela and Diana leave Stefano alone in the villa and leave for a ball: in the middle of the night Sibilla comes out of a mirror and takes Stefano to a cave, where she hypnotizes him and they makes love. Cavallone was especially proud of the sequence, especially the 360° shots following Sibilla as she moves in circles around the man, like a predator.
Another beautiful, eerie moment is the scene where Stefano, in pitch black darkness, finds himself surrounded by a group of old men carrying candles who start when lights turn on, a ball is revealed to be taking place in the villa’s huge salon: the dancers – many of whom wear grotesque masks – are reflected on mirrors all over a wall and Alphonse operates a bull’s eye on the participants. Apparently, Stefano is in two different places at the same time: in the cave with Sibilla and at the villa, with a naked Diana seemingly in a hypnotic trance, dancing with the invited in turn, regardless of him. The mysterious biker arrives, and turns out to be a woman with a skull mask: she starts dancing too – a tribal, primitive dance – and all those she passes by drop down dead, until she and Diana are the only ones left in the room. Diana gets mad at Stefano – she utters the same words as the suicidal woman at the film’s beginning – and falls out of a window. Stefano is left alone with Angela: it turns out that she and Sibilla are one and the same, a powerful witch who absorbs her lovers’ energy in order to reincarnate into a new body. Stefano confronts and apparently destroys them by breaking the salon’s huge mirror.
He then suddenly finds himself back at the hotel. The woman who has committed suicide is revealed to be Diana. Among the crowd, Stefano glimpses Sibilla and Alphonse, staring at him. This circular, enigmatic ending is a powerful, absurdist coup-de-theatre that somehow recalls the work of David Lynch in the way it shatters both the film’s narrative and the audience’s perception. As Sibilla repeatedly says, reason must be left aside in order to understand events ("Get rid of the brain. That’s what prevents you to see the cosmic dance we are playing"), while throughout the movie Stefano is told that he is not free, that everything was predestined since the beginning.
Blue Movie was a stark, grim and matter of fact view o Blow Job, on the other hand, is metaphysical and elusive, even escapist. It’s as if Cavallone lost interest in the everyday world and concentrated on his own spiritual side: the film is filled with striking literary references that vary from Carlos Castaneda’s writings to Aldous Huxley’s essay on drugs, "The Doors of Perception". As Cavallone stated, "the whole film was focused on the possibility of escaping from our own bodies, by modifying sensorial perceptions through the use of drugs or self-concentration." Yet, at one point Sibilla says: "The world is tired, its end is near, people have lost the will of life…." No wonder that the film’s main characters are desperately void inside. Stefano says: "I have many air bubbles in my head .. Many white air bubbles."
Blow Job is a fascinating oddity: puzzling, scaring, even darkly comical at times. As in Blue Movie, absurd off-screen voices are used as a commentary and a counterpart to the characters’ deadpan behaviour: at the racetrack, for instance, an annoying announcer keeps repeating that a boy got lost and is waiting for his mother: soon, it will be Stefano and Diana’ there’s even room for one truly grim sight gag in the final scene as a cop picks up Diana’s offals from the pavement with his bare hands and puts them in a plastic bag, while indifferently talking to Stefano.
Despite its technical faults, continuity errors and miserable budget, Blow Job is technically more accomplished than Blue Movie and is perhaps the full expression of the director’s mystical and esoteric interests. But the filmic imagery is also extremely sharp, echoing Jean Cocteau’s Orphée (1950) with the recurring character of the skull/biker, and Bu?uel’s Cet Obscure object du desir (1977) with the dual appearence of the witch. The result is one of the director"s best.
试试点普通搜索一下Beth Orton的《Candles》 歌词_百度知道
Beth Orton的《Candles》 歌词
Sun don&#39歌曲名;ll conduct the spheres to move at certain anglesI heard if you forget yourselfThat&#39;&#39;t st never far from the morning lightIt will get to you if you just hold tight until the morning light;&#39, what&#39,Don&#39;&, downWon&#39;&#39;&#39:Candles歌手:Sugaring SeasonBeth Orton - Candles;t shine but it is there:Beth Orton专辑;s when you meet yourself.Sun don&#39;&#39;&#39,t shine but it is there, to cry;ll blow that moon out just like a candleI&#39, what&" target="_blank">http,You just found another way to crySun don&#39;t see the wind but it moves my hairM&#39;ll blow them stars out just like candlesShe&#39;s done is doe, down,I just foun&#39;&#39://t see the wind but it moves your hairMll conduct the clouds to move at certain anglesWon&#39://&#39;t let the st&#39;t see the wind but it moves your hairMorning comes.Though you&#39,Don&#39, bone, what&#39;t let the s&#39.You ain&#39, to cry.I&#39, downDon&#39;&#39;t let them horses pull you over ground,&#39;ve been cold right throughT&#39;s done is done.Won&#39, boneIt&#39,Don&#39;s always safe and warm back home,&#39;&#39;&#39;&#39,You just fount let it force me underground;&#39.<a href="
1. His resignation was a body blow to the team.
2. But Ivanisevic's no-show will be a blow for Wimbledon chiefs.
3. He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head.
4. It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow.
5. It was so humiliating, a terrible blow to my self-esteem.
blow away 【俚语】
1. 用火枪射杀
2. 强烈影响;征服
That concert blew me away.
blow in 【俚语】
1. 不期而至,突然造访
1. 减轻,释放(压力);放走
1. 吹灭或被一阵风吹灭
blow out a candle.
2. 电器断电
3. 爆发:以势不可挡之势爆发。用于指煤气或油井
blow a gasket【俚语】
1. 勃然大怒
blow hot and cold
1. 反复无常,出尔反尔:经常改变对某事的意见;动摇
blow off steam
1. 释放被压抑的情感
blow (one's) cool【俚语】
1. 失去冷静
(风)吹,刮 When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves.&
A chill wind blew at the top of the hill...
We woke to find a gale blowing outside.
(风)把…吹到;吹到,吹向 If the wind blows something somewhere or if it blows there, the wind moves it there.&
【语法信息】:V n with adv
【语法信息】:V adv/prep
【语法信息】:Also V n prep
The wind blew her hair back from her forehead...
Strong winds blew away most of the dust...
Her cap fell off in the street and blew away...
吹气;呼气 If you blow, you send out a stream of air from your mouth.&
【语法信息】:V prep/adv
Danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them...
Take a deep breath and blow.
(用嘴)吹,把…吹到 If you blow something somewhere, you move it by sending out a stream of air from your mouth.&
【语法信息】:V n with adv
【语法信息】:Also V n prep
He picked up his mug and blew off the steam.
吹,吐(泡泡、烟圈等) If you blow bubbles or smoke rings, you make them by blowing air out of your mouth through liquid or smoke.&
【语法信息】:V n
He blew a ring of blue smoke.
吹奏;吹响;鸣响 When a whistle or horn blows or someone blows it, they make a sound by blowing into it.&
【语法信息】:V n
The whistle blew and the train slid forward...
A guard was blowing his whistle.
擤(鼻子) When you blow your nose, you force air out of it through your nostrils in order to clear it.&
【语法信息】:V n
He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose.
炸飞;炸毁 To blow something out ,off, or away means to remove or destroy it violently with an explosion.&
【语法信息】:V n with adv
【语法信息】:V n prep
The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows...
Rival gunmen blew the city to bits.
导致;致使 If you say that something blows an event, situation, or argument into a particular extreme state, especially an uncertain or unpleasant state, you mean that it causes it to be in that state.&
【语法信息】:V n with adv
【语法信息】:V n prep
The dramatic World Motor Sports Council meeting in Paris blew the championship wide open as Schumacher was also docked six points...
Someone took an inappropriate use of words on my part and tried to blow it into a major controversy.
挥霍;乱花 If you blow a large amount of money, you spend it quickly on luxuries.&
【语法信息】:V n on n
【语法信息】:V n
Before you blow it all on a luxury cruise, give a little thought to the future...
My brother lent me some money and I went and blew the lot.
失去,断送(机会);搞砸(努力) If you blow a chance or attempt to do something, you make a mistake which wastes the chance or causes the attempt to fail.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V it
He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.
...the high-risk world of real estate, where one careless word could blow a whole deal...
Oh you fool! You've blown it!
(保险丝)烧断;使(保险丝)熔断 If a fuse blows or if something blows it, the fuse melts because too much electricity has been sent through it, and the electrical current is cut off.&
【语法信息】:Also V n
The fuse blew as he pressed the button.
(轮胎)爆裂;使(轮胎)爆裂 If you blow a tyre or if it blows, a hole suddenly appears in it and all the air comes out of it.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V P
A lorry blew a tyre and careered into them...
The car tyre blew.
Blow out means the same as blow .blow out同blow
A tyre blew out when the coach was on its way.
自我炫耀;自吹自擂 If you blow your own trumpet or blow your own horn, you tell people that you are very clever or successful.&
【搭配模式】:V and N inflect
Hollywood cameramen have good reason to blow their own trumpets.
to blow someone's cover→see:
to blow hot and cold→see:
to blow a kiss→see:
to blow a raspberry→see:
to blow your top→see:
to blow the whistle→see:
重击;猛击 If someone receives a blow, they are hit with a fist or weapon.&
【搭配模式】:oft N to/on n
He went off to hospital after a blow to the face.
打击;挫折 If something that happens is a blow to someone or something, it is very upsetting, disappointing, or damaging to them.&
【搭配模式】:oft N to n
When the marriage finally broke up it was obviously a terrible blow to Soames...
That ruling comes as a blow to environmentalists...
His death dealt a severe blow to the army's morale.
激烈争吵;动武;打架 If two people or groups come to blows, they start fighting.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
The representatives almost came to blows at a meeting.
减轻,缓和,缓解(打击等) Something that softens the blow or cushions the blow makes an unpleasant change or piece of news easier to accept.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
Senator Sarbanes expressed concern that programs designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.
支持;拥护;为…而战 If you strike a blow for a particular cause or principle, you do something that supports it or makes it more likely to succeed.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
The team struck a blow for women's rights by winning the match.
1. 一击, 打击
He gave him a violent blow on the head.
2. (用手、武器等的)猛击
1. 吹; 吹气; 刮风
The fan was blowing.
The door blew open.
The wind blew a hurricane.
风越刮越大, 终于形成一场飓风。
2. 吹响, 吹奏; (使)鸣响
He took out his flute, and blew at it.
3. (使)爆炸
The balloon has blown.
1. (被)刮动,吹动
2. 擤(鼻子)
3. (向某人)送飞吻
4. 吹出(某物);把(某物)吹出形状
5. (使保险丝)熔化,烧断
7. 泄露;暴露
8. (在某事物上)花大钱,挥霍
9. 浪费(机会)
10. 突然离开(某地)
1. a powerful stroke with
"a blow on the head"
2. an impact (as from a collision);
"the bump threw him off the bicycle"
3. an unfortunate happening tha something that is thwarting or frustrating
4. an unpleasant or di
"it came as a shock to learn that he was injured"
"the tree was bent almost double by the gust"
6. street names for cocaine
7. forceful exhalation throu
"he gave his nose a loud blow"
"he blew out all the candles with a single puff"
"blow on the soup to cool it down"
"The wind blew from the West"
3. free of obstruction by
"blow one's nose"
4. be in motion due to some
"The leaves were blowing in the wind"
"the boat drifted on the lake"
"The sailboat was adrift on the open sea"
"the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore"
"The whistle blew"
"Blow a glass vase"
7. make a mess of,
"I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"
"the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"
"He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends"
"You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree"
9. spend lavis
"He blew a lot of money on his new home theater"
10. sound by having air exp
"The trumpets blew"
11. play or sou
"She blew the horn"
12. provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation
13. cause air to go in, on,
"Blow my hair dry"
14. cause to move by mea
"The wind blew the leaves around in the yard"
15. spout moist a
"The whales blew"
"shove off!"
"The children shoved along"
"Blow now!"
"certain insects are said to blow"
18. cause to be reve
"The story blew their cover"
"The double agent was blown by the other side"
19. show off
"blow a horse"
21. melt, break, or becom
"The lightbulbs blew out"
"The fuse blew"
"The tire blew"
"We blew a tire"
2.锤头向下运动时所积蓄的动能在极短的时间内(一般只有千分之几秒)释放出来,使锻件获得塑性变形的过程。 玻璃瓶罐头杀菌时瓶盖跳脱现象。
Beautiful Ladies Of Wrestling
Benevolent Loyal Order Of Witsters
Booster-Lift-Off Weight
blow ones lid
1. 发脾气,勃然大怒
I just knew you'd blow your lid.
blow the joint
1. (黑社会用语)匆匆或赶紧离开、离去
Come on, let's blow the joint before there's trouble.
They blew the joint about an hour ago.
give somebody a blow
1. 呼唤(某人),向(某人)打招呼或行礼
An old friend gave me a blow from the other side of the street.
blow by blow
adj &adv .
1. 极为详细地(的)
I'll tell you what happened blow by blow.
The book gave a blow by blow account of the historical event.
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