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permanent basis是什么意思
中文翻译〔美国〕平时定额。:&&&&adj. 1.永久的,不变的,耐久的;持久的,经久的。 ...:&&&&n. (pl. bases ) 1.基础;基底;台座;【 ...
例句与用法1.Little in our historical experience prepared us for dealing with an adversary of comparable strength on a permanent basis .我们在对付一个从长远看是势均力敌的对手方面缺乏历史经验。2.It has been agreed to maintain this arrangement on a permanent basis经过商定,这一调整将永久维持不变。 3.Will be prohibited from turning right onto hoi yuen road on a permanent basis所有车辆将永久禁止由成业街右转入开源道4.Agents work as manufactures ' sales representatives on a relatively permanent basis , while brokers don ' t代理商是` ?种在较为长期的基础上的制造商的销售代表。 5.The brazilian is hoping to remain in the capital on a permanent basis after arriving at lazio on loan last summer在去年夏天以租借的形式来到拉齐奥之后巴西人希望永久的留在首都。 6.The visa allows you to stay in australia on a permanent basis for the purpose of owning a new or existing business商业技术签证支持您在澳大利亚以创办新的或者拥有已经存在的商业为基础的停留。 7.We are also exploring the feasibility of conducting a survey targetted at hong kong residents residing in the mainland on a more permanent basis另外,亦考虑进行一项研究长期居住内地港人情况的调查。 8.First , we will promptly make cross - straits charted passenger flights available not only on traditional festivals but on a more permanent basis第一,要尽快将海峡两岸的客运包机由“节日化”转向常态化。 9.Patrice evra insists gaby heinze ' s likely departure does not mean he will be handed the left - back berth on a permanent basis帕特莱斯.埃弗拉坚持认为即便海因策离开球队也不意味着他将是左后卫的绝对选择。 10.First , we should promptly make cross - straits charter passenger flights available not only on traditional festivals , but also on a more permanent basis第一,尽快将海峡两岸的客运包机,由节日化转向常态化。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&
permanent[5pE:mEnEnt]adj.永久的,持久的[p&r“m…-n…nt]D.J.[6p*8m*n*nt]K.K.[6p)m*n*nt]adj.Abbr.perm.(形容词)缩写 perm.Lasting or remaining without essential change:永久的,耐久的:没有根本性变化延续或维持的:“the universal human yearning for something permanent,enduring,without shadow of change”(Willa Cather)“全人类渴望没有变化、永恒且持久的东西”(威拉·卡瑟)Not expected to change in status,condition,or place:不变的:不希望在地位、条件或处所上有所变化的: permanent secretary to the president.永久地址;总统的永久秘书n.(名词)A long-lasting hair wave produced by applying a chemical lotion to the hair while wet,winding the hair on rollers,and drying it with heat.Also called permanent wave烫过的头发:用化学物质涂在湿头发上并将头发绕在卷轴上,然后加热烘干而成的长久保持的卷发也作 permanent waveMiddle English中古英语from Old French源自 古法语from Latin perman&s permanent- [present participle of] perman&re [to endure]源自 拉丁语 perman&s permanent- [] perman&re的现在分词 [持久]per- [throughout] * see per-per- [遍及] *参见 per-man&e [to remain] * see men- 3man&e [保持] *参见 men- 3per“manentlyadv.(副词)per“manentnessn.(名词)In this world of impermanence it seems that we have tried to hold on to a few things at least by using the word permanent.Coming ultimately from the present participle perman&s of Latin perman&,“to endure,” Middle English permanent (first recorded around 1425) also had to do with the enduring and the stable.When we consider some of the applications of this adjective,as in permanent press,permanent tooth,we are struck by the relative evanescence of the so-called permanent.But perhaps never more so than in the case of the permanent wave.When asked what this phenomenon was,one journalist wrote in 1932,“(so far as my experience goes):a wave that is anything but permanent.”在这个无常的世界里,看起来我们已经试图保持一些事物,至少通过使用permanent 这个词来保持.最终来自意为“持久,持续”的拉丁文permanere 的现在分词 permanens,中世纪英语permanent (大约在1425年首次记录)也与持久和稳固的意思有关.当我们考虑这个形容词的一些用法时,例如在句子耐久熨压,恒牙 中,我们便会想到所谓永恒的相对的短暂性.但可能从不会因波浪式发型而想到此.当被问到这种现象是怎么回事时,一个新闻记者于1932年写道:“(以我的经验而言):卷曲发型恰恰不是永恒的”permanent[5p\\:mEnEnt]adj.永久的;不变的;耐久的I have a permanent job here.我在这里有一个永久的工作.permanent[5pE:mEnEnt]adj.永久性的,耐久的,固定不变的常设的,常任的permanent address永久地址permanent tooth成人齿permanent assets【会计】固定资产a permanent job固定职业a permanent commitee常设委员会P-Court of Arbitration常设国际仲裁法庭permanent[5pE:mEnEnt]n.(= permanent wave)电烫发permanently[5p\\:mEntlI]adv.permanentnessn.permanent来自拉丁语permanere的现在分词permanens&per-通过+manere留permanentconstantdurableenduringlastingstablesteadyimpermanent
adj.永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的n.电烫发,烫发
adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的 n. 烫发(等于permanent wave)
永久; 常任Permanent Court of Arbitration是什么意思_百度知道
Permanent Court of Arbitration是什么意思
p&#602,隶属南科尔凡省;ə&#712,海牙常设仲裁法院将海格里格判给了苏丹;ʃnənt kɔn][经] 常设仲裁法院:məv &#716Permanent Court of Arbitration常设仲裁法院双语对照词典结果;ɑ. 2009年:permanent court of arbitration[英][ˈ;pənt kɔ; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句;n][美][&#712:bɪnətreʃˈətre&#618.A ruling by the permanent court of arbitration in the hague in 2009 appears to put thefield in the sudanese state of southern kordofan:t ɔrt ʌɑrbɪv ˌm&#601:1
出门在外也不愁刚才,服务器提示我被permanent ban这是什么意思???_战地3吧_百度贴吧
刚才,服务器提示我被permanent ban这是什么意思???收藏
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为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或permanent magnets是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
名词 permanent magnet:
a magnet that retains its magnetism after being removed from a magnetic field
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