
但这个朦朦胧胧的憧憬却遭受了小小的失意,他却选择了留下并去救她。他要做一个普普通通的四年级魔法学生,三人之间的美好友情竟是那样一波三折,哈利注定永远都不可能平平常常——即使拿魔法界的标准来衡量,我觉得这部电影不仅是在内容上吸引着我,见到弱者却不肯伸出援助之手……如果人人如此。黑魔的阴影始终挥之不去。在三强争霸赛的第二中。哈利渴望在百年不遇的三强争霸赛中战胜自我,而且它更让我懂得了那人世间最宝贵的真,但三个少年依然拥有他们自己的天地,完成三个惊险艰巨的魔法项目,谁知整个竞赛竟是一个天大的黑魔法阴谋,缺少的就是这种美德,少男少女的心思是那样难以捉摸,因为它体现了人与人之间的真、赫敏一起去观看精彩的魁地奇世界杯赛。电影中有一个片段让我记忆深刻,种种暗藏杀机的神秘事件将哈利一步步推向了伏地魔的魔爪,然而为了救一个和自己毫不相干的小妹妹,我们的生活将到处充满不和谐。这也正是人世间的真,霍格沃茨是他们心目中永远的伊甸园。所以、美。  在我们的生活中。人与人之间勾心斗角、虚假和丑恶,可不幸的是;波特在霍格活茨魔法学校经过三年的学习和磨炼、善,如何去关爱他人。然而,那句歌词就可以代表我此刻的感受,让我懂得如何为他人着想,世界将变成美好的人间”哈利&#8226,忽晴忽雨……哈利渴望与美丽的秋•张共同走进一个美丽的故事、美、善,“只要人人都献出一点爱,逐渐成长为一个出色的巫师, 他可以是第一名的。新学年开始前。哈利的心头笼上了一团浓重的阴云。     我想、善、美和一颗关爱他人的心,哈利和好朋友罗恩,无意间发现了消失十三年的黑魔标记
,如何去关爱他人, goodness and beauty and a caring heart to others、美, the world will become a better human,但这个朦朦胧胧的憧憬却遭受了小小的失意. ,种种暗藏杀机的神秘事件将哈利一步步推向了伏地魔的魔爪. Harry eager rare Triwizard tournament victory over self。他要做一个普普通通的四年级魔法学生, has grown to become a great shaman. This is what this world of truth,然而为了救一个和自己毫不相干的小妹妹,可不幸的是, but he chose to stay and save her.,谁知整个竞赛竟是一个天大的黑魔法阴谋,哈利注定永远都不可能平平常常——即使拿魔法界的标准来衡量。这也正是人世间的真,让我懂得如何为他人着想, boys and girls of the mind are so elusive, our life will be full of discord.。黑魔的阴影始终挥之不去,忽晴忽雨……哈利渴望与美丽的秋&#8226、善,“只要人人都献出一点爱;s clutches。所以, and it made me understand that the earth&#39哈利&#8226,少男少女的心思是那样难以捉摸,三人之间的美好友情竟是那样一波三折, who knows the whole race of black magic was actually a big conspiracy, let me know how cas long as everyone contributes a little love。哈利渴望在百年不遇的三强争霸赛中战胜自我, to see the weak refused to lend a helping hand . Harry suddenly clear desire and the beautiful autumn •张共同走进一个美丽的故事,他却选择了留下并去救她. So。  在我们的生活中, sheets together into a beautiful story, a false and ugly。     我想、虚假和丑恶。电影中有一个片段让我记忆深刻, but the dim twilight hazy vision has suffered a little frustrated, because it reflects the interpersonal truth. Infighting between people. He wants an ordinary fourth-grade students in magic、美,完成三个惊险艰巨的魔法项目,我们的生活将到处充满不和谐,但三个少年依然拥有他们自己的天地, beautiful friendship between the three was actually like twists and turns、美和一颗关爱他人的心、善; Harry Potter magic in Hogg live Heights school after three years of learning and honing. Harry&#39. If all of this, how to care for others、赫敏一起去观看精彩的魁地奇世界杯赛, is the lack of this virtue, goodness and beauty. Before the start of the new school year,逐渐成长为一个出色的巫师;波特在霍格活茨魔法学校经过三年的学习和磨炼.、善. Dark shadows still lingering,因为它体现了人与人之间的真.;s heart on a group cage thick clouds, I discover the disappearance of thirteen years the Dark Mark,无意间发现了消失十三年的黑魔标记, the Harry destined to never be mundane - even take the magic industry standards.。&#8226. In the second Triwizard Tournament,哈利和好朋友罗恩;s most precious truth。新学年开始前. In our lives,见到弱者却不肯伸出援助之手……如果人人如此,我觉得这部电影不仅是在内容上吸引着我,而且它更让我懂得了那人世间最宝贵的真,那句歌词就可以代表我此刻的感受, he can be the first. However, goodness and beauty,世界将变成美好的人间”, to complete three arduous adventure magic items, Harry and friends Ron and Hermione went to watch the exciting Quidditch World Cup。人与人之间勾心斗角, Hogwarts is in their mind forever Garden of Eden, suddenly the rain , yet has nothing to do to save a little sister and their own, many mysteries of bloodshed will step by step into the Harry Voldemort&#39. There is a fragment of the film I remember deeply。哈利的心头笼上了一团浓重的阴云,缺少的就是这种美德.&quot. I think the phrase on behalf of my lyrics you can feel at the moment。然而, 他可以是第一名的, &quot, but the three young still have their own world, I think the film is not only the content to attract me,霍格沃茨是他们心目中永远的伊甸园。在三强争霸赛的第二中
好吧虽然不是亲自翻译的= =。。。为了处理问题。。
Harry Potter live in Hoge 's magic school after three years of study and training, and gradually grow into a great wizard. Before the new school year begins, Harry and buddy Ron, Hermione to go to watch a wonderful the Quidditch World Cup, accidentally discovered the disappearance of thirteen of the dark mark. Harry Heart Cage on a thick cloud, but the three boys still have their own world, Hogwarts is in their mind : Everlasting Garden of eden. However, boys and girls of the mind is so elusive, between three good friendship is so striking one snag after another, and sunshine and rain ... ... Harry long and beautiful Cho Chang story together into a beautiful, but this hazy vision has suffered a little frustrated. He wants to be an ordinary grade four students of magic, but unfortunately, Harry was destined to never ordinary -- even with the wizarding world standards. The dark shadow is always lingering, various hidden dangers in the mysterious events of Harry a step by step toward Voldemort. Harry is eager to not occur even in a hundred years in the Triwizard Tournament victory over self, accomplish the arduous three breathtaking magic items, who knows the entire race was a big black magic plot.The movie has a fragment of my memories, because it embodies between person and person, really good, beauty and a caring heart.In the Triwizard Tournament in the second, he is the first, however in order to save a and irrelevant little sister, but he chose to stay and to save her. This is the true world, goodness, beauty. In our life, is the lack of virtue. Between the person and the person the infighting, see the weak but refused to lend a helping hand ... ... If everyone is so, our life will be full of not harmonious, false and ugly. So, I think this movie is not only in the content to attract me, and it lets me know that the human world of the most valuable of the true, the good and the beautiful, let me know how to be considerate of others, how to care about others. I think, the lyrics can be representative of what I feel now,& as long as everyone give a little love, the world will become better and better&.
Do you remember the making doll girl whom you mentioned in blog?
She has passed away yesterday. Do you know that?
这样对吗?Do you remember the girl who made many dolls for you?Her name is Xia Hua,and you mentioned her doll in your CY about two years ago.She has passed away yesterday.Do you know that?
o you remember the girl who made
dolls for you.Do you know about that? Her name is Xia Hua and you have mentioned her in your blog. She has passed away yesterday
Do you still remember that give you do the doll's girl? You still in the blog mentioned her. She passed away yesterday. Do not know you know not to know the news.
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答:1.Keep doing sport. 2.Sport is pretty important in our daily lives 3.These main ball players later became famous 4.Don't throw trash in the classroom 5.The classmates sat around the lawn and enjoyed the sunshine 6.will u take p...===========================================答:1 English is one of my favorite subjects.===========================================问:1、考试时一定要仔细。(in) 2、一个人年轻时多学点是有好处的。(bene...答:You must careful in your exam. Learning much is beneficial for a person when he was young. Once you promised to do something, you need to keep good faith. Summer has not arrived yet, children can't wait to swim. People generall...===========================================问:1、阅读中你将遇到许多你熟悉的但不知道如何使用的单词。(familiar) 2、...答:1、阅读中你将遇到许多你熟悉的但不知道如何使用的单词。(familiar) You will meet many words that you are familiar with but you don’t know how to use when reading. 2、这种型号的计算机的价格在5000元至7000之间不等。(range) This type ...===========================================问:初二语法翻译就行: 1.我已经把它用完了 2.我长得像我妈妈 3.我不再有它...答:I've already put it out I look like my mother I no longer have it I like her I put my bike given to charity Jimmy to repair bicycles These three students all volunteer their time to help others This volunteer work takes each of...===========================================问:只有冷静下来才能有理智地分析 爱一个人就是当听到关于他的不好的传闻时...答:只有冷静下来才能有理智地分析 Only calm down can you make a wise analysis 爱一个人就是当听到关于他的不好的传闻时不要被愤怒蒙蔽了双眼从而使得做出冲动的行为 A true love for someone is that you can keep sober and never lose your mi...===========================================问:在贵公司我可以丰富阅历,开拓视野,培养独立性和社交能力,若果能成为...答:In your company, I can enrich my experience, open my horizon,develop my independence and social skills. If I can be a member of your company,I can receive good management and training, besides ,I can learning English as well. T...===========================================我正在考虑。 Yuo are young and without experiences. 你很年轻没有太多阅历。 You j... 每时每刻。 I wrote to you not oftenly "i love you". 我不怎么用"我爱你" I really tried to lo...=========================================== 그는 유감스럽게도 예전에 해왔던 조그마&#...=========================================== even till now, i am still quite missing the days of the past.=========================================== 尽管托马斯爱迪生发明创造了支撑21世纪工业的3大技术:电灯,录音和电影,他最伟大的发明却是现代发明的方法论。他创造了现代化的研究和研发的基础。爱迪生并不是唯一...=========================================== 1.肺炎症状加重时会呼吸急促。 专业:Tachypnea/Ecphysesis/Polypnea(3选1) may follow the aggravation of symptoms as for pneumonia. 通俗:Rapid breath will occur when s...=========================================== I can hardly(几乎不) love this movie. It's too scary.=========================================== 1.to see2.didn't she3.where was4.what is wrong with===========================================the scientific research. 9听众已经对这些陈词滥调感到厌倦了(often repeated phrases,get tired of) Listeners have gotten tired of these often repeated phrases. 10多参加一些社...===========================================complete the scientific research. 9听众已经对这些陈词滥调感到厌倦了(often repeated phrases,get tired of) Listeners have gotten tired of these often repeated phrases. 10多参...=========================================== 1.There is actions worked out for some hot topics. Pls refer to the attachment.2. Enclosed is actions worked out for some hot topics, pls check.3.Attached is actions for some ho...===========================================
1&遇到困难时,我们经常互相帮助,给出一定的建议!2&小时候弟弟很喜欢养动物,现在弟弟长大了,对动物的喜欢 有所减少,对游戏多了一份喜欢 &。3&妹妹是外向型的很开朗,也是一个爱美的女孩,她的朋友很多!4&我有一些好的朋友,和我一样是内向型的,不过我在我的朋友中,我是她们的开心果。我们关系特别好。 & & & & & & & & &&
1.Falls wir in Schwierigkeit kommen,helfen wir oft gegenseitig und&anbieten den Ratschlag&
2.Als meine Bruder ein Kind war,mochte er Tiere füttern.Jetzt ist er erwaschner,aber er mag nicht gern Tiere,sondern mag gern Spielen
3.meine Schwester ist sowhol extravertiert als auch optimistisch und& schücken sehr gern.Ausserdem hat sie viele Freunde.
4.Ich habe einpaar gute Freunde,die wie mich sehr innerlich sind. Aber bei meinen Freunden bin ich eine Pistayien.Unser Freundschaft ist sehr ausgezeichnet.


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