
Mike is my friend in America . He is a student in a middle school . The school is about six& kilometers from his home, he usually goes by bike.When it rains, he takes a bus , How about his parents ?His father works in a hospital .It’s very far, so he has to drive there every day. It takes him about forty minutes.& His mother works in a bank.It’s a bit far. She often goes there by subway.试题分析:本书面表达,是介绍一个朋友Mike。所以本文的人称应该是第三人称,应特别注意动词的单数第三人称形式,注意加s的规则。在写作时,尽量使句型顺畅并符合英语的习惯表达方法。点评:在写书面表达是首先要注意的问题就是人称,不能混淆人称;其次,应注意动词的英语,根据不同的人称确定动词的形式;再次,句型应该符合英语的表达习惯;最后,用自己熟练掌握的句型造句。
提纲作文:即是对作文要求中有提纲限定或叫做提纲提示,要求作文内容中包括提纲内容的一种作文形式。提纲作文注意:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有哪些要点。 2. 提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,&& 按照一定逻辑关系来写。 3. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;语言表达要符合英语习惯。
Nowadays ther are a lot of false advertisements in society.They have caused many harms to society.Generally,their harms can be listed as follows.First,they exaggerate the functions of the goods they advertise and mislead consumers.Second ,some advertisements contain obscene contents and bring about spiritual pollution.Third,they seriously damage the credit of businesses because the shops which sell those goods will be distrusted and even considered the conspirators of those advertisers by consumers.Personally,I am usually vigilant against any advertisements and so I have never been taken in.However,some people are credulous and are easily taken in.Therefore,in my opinion,effective measures must be taken to ban false advertisements and protect consumers’ interests.First,all the advertisements must be strictly censored by the authorities concerned before they are published.Besides,severe punishment must be inflicted on those who publish illegal advertisements.In conclusion,false advertisements must be eliminated in our society
Now the traffic in the city is more and more heavy.The air is worse than before.Since we are a memeber of the city ,we should prevent the pollution.We had better go to school on foot instead of by bus.When the summer comes,we had better turn on the fan.Leaving rubbish here and there will keep the air worse,so that we should leave them into the bin.In brief,each of us should protect the environment
De Zhiti foster the comprehensive development of environmental science with the basic theory, basic knowledge, basic skills and pharmacological knowledge base in scientific research institutions, scho...
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  1.What hobbies did you use to have? Why did you like them?
  2.What hobbies do you have now? Why do you like them?
  3.What different hobbies do you have in different seasons?
My Hobbies
  Different people have different hobbies. I used to ride a bike and read story books. They could give us lots of knowledge. I keep cats and dogs. I thought pets were very friendly and lovely, but now I like listening to music and chatting on the Internet, because music can relax me after the daily work and chatting can bring me happiness and friendship.
  I have different hobbies in different seasons. In spring I like flying kites. In summer I go swimming. I often climb hills in the fall. I like making snowmen best in winter.
骑自行车的好处与坏处  骑自行车的好处:  1、自行车是克服心脏功能毛病的最佳工具之一。世界上有半数以上的人是死于心脏病的,骑单车不只能藉腿部的运动压缩血液活动,以及把备注从血管末梢抽转意脏,事实上却同时强化了微血管组织,这叫附带循环。强化血管可以使你不受年龄的威胁,青春永驻。  2、习惯性的单车运动,更能扩大你的心脏。  否则血管愈来愈细,心脏愈来愈退化,到了晚年,你就会体验到它所带来的烦恼,那时你会发现,自行车运动是多么的完美。  单车是需要大量氧气的运动,曾经有个老年人以6天时间,完成了460公里的单车旅行。他说:  老年人一周至少要有3次运动,使心脏强化起来,恢复正常功能。你要使心脏激烈跳动,但不可过久。  如此它将能适应紧急状况,如赶车或抵抗困境。  3、单车运动同时也能防止高血压,有时比药物更有效。还能防止发胖、血管硬化,并使骨骼强半。  自行车使你不必用药物来维持健康,而且毫无害处。  4、自行车是减肥的工具,根据统计,75公斤重的人,每小时以9英里半的速度,骑73英里时,可减少半公斤体重,但必须天天持之以恒。  5、单车运动,不只可以减肥,还使你的身段更为匀称迷人。  藉运动减肥,或边节食边运动的人,身材比只先靠节食减肥的人来得更好,更迷人。  不知道如何来描述更迷人,但事实上,运动所带来的结实肌肉,和单车运动所练成的细小足踝,比令人憔悴、青筋突起的节食,总好看多了吧!适当的运动能分泌一种荷尔蒙,这种荷尔蒙使你心胸开朗、精神愉快。从经验中,可知道单车运动就能产生这种荷尔蒙。  6、事实上由于踩单车压缩血管,使得血液循环加速,大脑摄进更多的氧气,因此你吸进了更多的新鲜空气。  骑过一阵子之后,你会觉得脑筋更清楚。  7、骑着这种靠本身体力往踩的双轮脚踏车,你会感觉十分自由且令人畅快无比,可以忘记工作和生活中的不快和困难,释放不必存在的压力。  8、自行车能带你免车费旅游观光。只要周末你有时间,可以骑着爱车,跟随好友,与大自然亲密接触。时间充足的话,可以长途旅行,领略不同的风土人情,感受不同的文化魅力,增长你的知识和阅历,增进您和朋友的沟通和交流。它不止是一种减肥运动,更是心灵愉悦的放逐。骑自行车的坏处:  一、最有争议的伤害:“对性的影响”。  原因:骑车时会压迫会阴部,影响局部血液循环,造成阴部不适,甚至引起前列腺炎和“阳痿”。  男性前列腺充血与“阳痿”:不少骑自行车的男士骑车后会感到阴部胀痛、肛门坠胀、有便意、阴茎麻木,或发生尿急、尿频、睾丸不适等。  其原因是骑车时阴部受到挤压,致使前列腺充血、肿胀而引起的。而传统的自行车车座,特别是后部狭窄,前部尖突的鞍座可使男性陷入阳痿的难堪  女性阴部充血肿胀:有些妇女患者长期骑自行车上下班,如果车座过高、过硬或是车把高低不适,身体重量会过多地集中在车座上,通过狭窄  的车座前端反作用于会阴部,压迫尿道上段、外括约肌,造成泌尿系统充血,引发排尿不畅或尿频、尿急,或导致阴部充血肿胀等炎症。  对策:  1.选择合适的座驾  选择自行车时一定要根据自己的身高、体重、甚至身材比例来选择适合的自行车,也可以,根据自身情况把自行车进行调整。总之,应该让自行车服务于你,是你健康、时尚生活中的积极分子。  2.选择和调整车座  如果车座太高,而骑车的人个子比较矮,这样,不仅造成骑自行车时身体不舒服,动作不协调,而且由于骑车人只能勉强上下左右摇摆地踏,  使会阴部与车座不断摩擦。特别是车座前部较高而使骑车人重心靠后,或道路崎岖不平使车子行驶时严重的颠跛,就更容易刺激会阴部,造成前列腺充血,肿胀和损伤。因此,要注意选择和调整车座。  二、毋庸争辨的害处:对手的伤害。  原因:主要是在骑行中上肢长时间受压且运动量极小,上肢的血循环减少造成的。  不少人长时间骑车后会感到两手木麻、酸胀无力,就连握笔写字、用筷进餐也会受到影响,医生称这种情况为“腕尺管综合症”。腕关节与手  掌相交处的尺侧有一个腕尺管,由豌豆大小的豌豆骨和纤维组成,尺神经由此管穿过,分布到手部尺侧。骑车时若双手紧握车把,手掌尺侧与  车把接触,豌豆骨卡居当中,当蹬车上坡或逆风前进,加快速度、身体前倾时,腕关节必然会过度背伸,使尺神经受到牵拉;同时上肢的支撑  力增加,腕尺管内的压力也随之增大,因而引起上述症状。  对策:长时间骑行时,应每一个小时左右下车活动一下上肢。另外加强对上肢的针对锻炼,如拍蓝球、哑铃。  三、应该注意的伤害:对颈椎与腰椎的伤害。  原因:主要是骑姿的问题。  骑车者身体过度前倾(如骑跑车)时,为了观察前方,必然要抬头仰颈,这是一种强迫性姿势,可造成颈部肌肉紧张。骑车时腰部的负担最重。  因此,长期远距离骑车可能会导致颈肌和腰肌劳损。  对策:骑车时间较长时,要注意变换骑车姿势。正确的骑车姿势是:上体较低,头部稍倾斜前伸;双臂自然弯屈,便于腰部弓屈,降低身体重心,同时防止由于车子颠簸而产生的冲击力传到全身;双手轻而有力地握把,臀部坐稳车座位。为了保证正确的骑行姿势,必须根据自己的实际情况,做好车辆的选择、车座的选择、车座的调整和车把的调整。  四、不容忽视的伤害:骨折和脑外伤。  原因:道路坎坷不平,车速过快,不遵守交通规则。  在坎坷不平的道路上加劲骑车,上下颠簸、碰撞,可能引起尾骨骨折。  与人与车抢道、横冲直撞、闯红灯、骑车大撒把或骑车遇到紧急情况时,骑车者可因紧张而失去平衡,加上车速快和车的惯性,往往会刹不住车,身体前倾冲向地面,导致头部受伤。五、可能较小的危害:尿路结石。  原因:主要是骑行时大量出汗后,造成小便量少,尿液中的代谢产物浓度过高所致。  对策:出门骑行时,一定要带足够的水。  六、自行车的骑车姿势会让你养成不良习惯,驼背的青少年就是最好的受害范例。  虽然骑自行车的确有一些不好的地方,但是主要注意骑行的动作姿势,长途骑行需要做好准备工作等,也无需过于担心骑自行车的害处方面的问题。Cycling pros and consCycling benefits:A bicycle is one of the best tools to overcome the problems of cardiac function. More than half of the people are dying of heart disease, cycling is not only compressed by the movement of the leg blood activity, as well as the notes from the peripheral blood vessels pumping escaping dirty, in fact at the same time strengthen the microvascular organization in the world, called incidental cycle. Strengthen blood vessels can make you free from the threat of age, and young.2, habitual cycling, more and expand your heart.Otherwise, more and more fine blood vessels, heart more and more degraded, late in life, you will experience it brings trouble, then you will find how cycling is perfect.Cycling is a sport requires a lot of oxygen, there was a time the elderly to six days to complete the 460 kilometers of bicycle travel. He said:At least three times older one week campaign to make up the heart to strengthen and restore normal function. You make the heart beat fierce, but not too long.So it will be able to adapt to an emergency situation, such as the plight of the coachman or resistance.3, cycling also can prevent high blood pressure, and sometimes more effective than drugs. But also to prevent weight gain, hardening of the arteries, and bones strong half.Bike so you do not have to use drugs to maintain health, and there is no harm.4, the bike is a tool to lose weight, according to statistics, 75 kg weight person, an hour and a half at a speed of nine miles, riding 73 miles, you can reduce half kilogram of body weight, but you must persevere every day.5, cycling, not only can lose weight, but also make your figure more shapely and charming.By exercise to lose weight, or side diet side movement畅哗扳狙殖缴帮斜爆铆, first by the body than just dieting to lose weight much better and more attractive.I do not know how to describe the more attractive, but in fact, the movement brought strong muscles, and excel at the sport of cycling as small ankle, than it is haggard, blue veins protruding diet, total pretty much it! Proper exercise can secrete a hormone, a hormone makes you mind cheerful, happy spirit. From experience, know cycling can produce this hormone.6, in fact, riding a bicycle due to compression of blood vessels, making blood circulation and accelerate the brain more oxygen intake, so you inhale more fresh air.After riding a while, you'll feel clearer brains.7, riding this by itself physically to step on a two-wheeled bicycle, you will feel very free and very very fun, you can forget the work and life of unhappiness and difficulties, release the pressure does not have to exist.8, a bike can take you avoid tourist fare. As long as you have time on weekends, you can ride your car, follow friends, intimate contact with nature. Enough time, you can travel long distances and enjoy different customs, different cultures experience the charm, increase your knowledge and experience, improve your communication and exchange with friends. It is not just a weight loss exercise is exiled spiritual pleasure.Cycling disadvantages:First, the most controversial injury: &The nature of the impact.&Cause: When the rider will oppress the perineum, the impact of local blood circulation, resulting in perineal discomfort, and even lead to prostatitis and &impotence.&Prostate congestion and &impotence&: Many cyclists men will feel perineal pain, anal, it is intended, penile numbness, or the occurrence of urinary urgency, urinary frequency, testicular discomfort after the ride.The reason is that the rider genitals squeezed, resulting in prostate congestion, swelling caused. The traditional bicycle seat, especially narrow rear, the front of the saddle can cusp male impotence into embarrassmentFemale genital congestion and swelling: Some women patients on long bike ride to work, if the seat is too high, excellent handlebar height or discomfort, body weight will be too much focus on the seat, through the narrowCounterproductive in the front seat perineum, urethral pressure on the segment, the external sphincter, causing urinary tract congestion, causing urination or frequent urination, urgency, or cause genital congestion and swelling of inflammation.Strategy:1. Choose the right carMust be based on their height, weight, body proportions and even to choose the right bike when choosing a bike, you can, according to their bike to adjust. In short, you should let the bike to serve you, you health, fashion life activists.2. Select and adjust the seatIf the seat is too high, while the cyclist sub relatively short, so that not only cause physical discomfort when riding a bike, incoordination, and because the rider can barely swing around to step down,Perineum constant friction with the seat. In particular, the higher the rider leaving the front seat rearward center of gravity, or when the car is driving on bumpy roads so serious Britain lame, it is easy to stimulate the perineum, prostate cause redness, swelling and damage. So, pay attention to select and adjust the seat.Second, argued needless harm: the harm the opponent.Reason: time pressure is mainly in the upper limbs and riding exercise is extremely small, upper extremity blood circulation caused by the reduction.Many people will feel numb after a long ride wooden hands, soreness, weakness, and even hold a pencil, using chopsticks to eat will also be affected, doctors call this condition the &cubit tunnel syndrome.& Wrist and handUlnar palm at the intersection of a cubit tube, peas from pea-sized bone and fibers, thus tube through the ulnar nerve, ulnar distribution of hand. If cycling handlebar with both hands, palms and ulnarHandlebar contact, peas bone card ranks among forward when pedaling uphill or headwind, speed up, leaning forward, the wrist dorsiflexion bound over to make
while the support armForce increases, the pressure inside the tube cubit also increased, thus causing the symptoms.Solution: When a long ride, every hour or so to get off should look at the activities of upper limb. Also strengthening exercises for the upper extremity, such as basketball shoot, dumbbells.Third, it should be noted that the damage: cervical and lumbar spine injuries.The reason: The main problem is the riding position.Cyclist excessive body lean forward (such as riding a sports car), in order to observe the front, Yang neck is bound to rise, which is a forced position can cause neck muscle tension. The heaviest burden on the waist when cycling.Therefore, long distance cycling may lead to cervical and lumbar muscle strain.to worry too much about the problem of harmful aspects of cycling.


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