
As we know, food gives us
. We must have
food to keep us__3
. Of course, we must also have the right
of food. We should eat more__5_
and vegetables but
meat. Different foods help us in different__7
. If we eat too __8_
or too much food, or if we
the wrong food, it can make us
3. healthy
5. fruit 6. less
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旗下成员公司完形填空 gtv八大综合台 唐氏综合症 来吧综合网 彼得潘综合症 八大综合台 斯德哥尔..
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>>>综合填空(每小题1分,共10分) Long, long ago there was a bad k..
综合填空(每小题1分,共10分) Long, long ago there was a bad king. All of his people h&小题1:&&him.One hot day he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it. He was a good s&小题2:&&. But while he was in the river, he s&小题3:fell ill, and was nearly drowned(淹死). At that time two f&小题4:were working in the field n&小题5:They came over, jumped into the river, and he was s&小题6:&&. They didn’t know who he was until they p&小题7:&&him out of the water.The king was happy. He said to the two farmers, “Ask for a&小题8:&, I’ll give it to you. I’m the r&小题9:&&in the world. And today you have saved my life.”One of them answered, “You can do one thing for us.” “What is it?” asked the king. He thought that they would ask for a lot of money.“Don’t tell a&小题10:&that we have saved you.”
小题1:hated小题2:swimmer小题3:suddenly小题4:farmers&&&小题5:nearby小题6:saved小题7:pulled 小题8:anything小题9:richest&&&小题10:anyone试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了两个农民救了一位受人痛恨的国王,不但没有要国王提供的好处,反而不让国王告诉他们救了他这件事。可见这个国王是多么遭人痛恨。小题1:联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是他所有的人民都恨他。结合语境可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。结合语境及首字母可知填过去式动词hated,憎恨。小题2:结合语境可知此处指的是,他是一个很好地游泳者。结合语境及首字母可知填单数名词swimmer,游泳者。小题3:结合语境可知此处指的是,他突然生病了。根据首字母可知填副词suddenly,突然地,做状语。小题4:联系下文描述,可知此处指的是,那时,两个农民正在地里面劳动。结合语境可知填复数名词farmers,农民。小题5:结合语境可知此处指的是河附近的田地。根据首字母可知填副词nearby,在附近。小题6:联系下文描述,可知此处只是,这个国王得救了。结合语境可知本句主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。根据首字母可知填过去分词saved,拯救。小题7:联系下文描述,可知此处指的是把他拉出水面。结合语境可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。结合语境及首字母可知填过去式动词pulled,拉,拽。小题8:联系下文,可知此处指的是,要任何东西,我都会给你。结合语境及首字母可知填不定代词anything,任何东西。小题9:联系下文描述,可知这个国王说的是,我是世界上最富有的人。结合语境及首字母可知填形容词最高级richest&&&,最富有的。小题10:结合语境可知此处指的是不要告诉任何人我们救了你。根据首字母可知填不定代词anyone,任何人。点评:首字母一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据文章前后句子之间意思推断出词义,并结合首字母推断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,确定单词词形,进行适当词形变化。注意动词,名词等一般要有词形变化,注意主谓语数的一致问题。而介词则没有词形变化。在叙事性短文中,谓语动词多为一般过去时态及现在完成时态,说明性短文中谓语动词多为一般现在时态。
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“综合填空(每小题1分,共10分) Long, long ago there was a bad k..”主要考查你对&&连词成句&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
连词成句:即是把错乱排列的词语根据语法或句法特点排列组合成为句式整齐,内容恰当,语气流畅的句子的方法。他基本的要求是句子完整和流畅没有语法错误,更不要有语病。连词成句题做题技巧:首先强调第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,其次句子的最后要有标点符号。然后分句型来做: 1. 陈述句的时候,先找主语,然后找动词,再找其他,记得时间和地点是放在后面的。 2. 疑问句时,有疑问词的情况下找疑问词,然后找助动词,找主语,找其他。没有疑问词的情况下,就找助动词/be动词,再找主语,找其他。 3. 做这一类型的题目时,学生要有一定的基础,会认读单词,熟悉基本句型。 具体可以分一下几步来完成:一、看清标点符号1.如果是句号,则是陈述语句。陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。2.如果是问号,则是疑问语句。要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。①如果有where 、what、how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、 what、 how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、is、are三个单词。②如果题目中有can、 may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是由情态动词引导的疑问句。例如:“have& I& a& may& new& bike (?)” 。这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。那么我们就要把may放在句子的最前面,后面紧接的就是这句话的主语(主语往往是人或者物)。很快我们就能写出这句话的前半部分“May I& have …”很显然,还剩下的几个单词可以构成一个词组“a new bike”,那么将整句话连起来就是“May I have a new bike ?”(我可以拥有一个新的自行车吗?)。同样其他的句子,例如:由can 、would、shall等情态动词引导的句子也是这样的方法可以完成。③如果题目中没有任何的特殊疑问词,也没有任何情态动词,那么它就是我们最最熟悉的一般疑问句了。例如:“you& a& are student(?)”。很显然是一个疑问句,而且没有任何特殊疑问词。所以这是一句一般疑问句,一般疑问句的基本准则就是疑问词是be动词(am /is/are),而且要把它们放在句子的最前面。通过观察我们看到题目中有一个be动词(are),所以这句话就很容易连到“Are you a student ?”(你是一个学生吗?)。这样的题目还可以先将它当作一般陈述句来做,然后再由陈述句改成一般疑问句。例如“you& a& are student(?)”这题还可以先将它写成一般陈述句的形式“You are a student.”。然后将它写成一般疑问句,即是将这句话的主语和谓语(be动词)对调,得到“Are you a student?”,这样这句话也就完成了。3.如果是感叹号,则是感叹语句。①由what引导的感叹句。我们知道有what引导的感叹句,其基本结构是What + a + adj. + n.。例如:“What a nice book !”(多漂亮的一本书啊!)② 由how引导的感叹句。与what引导的感叹句相似,how引导的感叹句的结构是“How + adj.( +n. /名词短语 + be动词 )!”。
二、注意特殊句型还有一些连词成句的题目看上去似乎是无规律可循。有这样一个题目:“to&& time& to&& go&& it’s& school (.)” 这样的题目就要求学生对有些句型的熟练掌握。这条题目考的是学生对句型“it’s& time to do sth.” 的运用和词组“go to school(去上学)”,这是一条交际运用题。很显然,这条题目的答案应该是:“It’s& time to go to shool.”(该到上学的时候了。)还有一类句型叫做祈使句。这样的句型往往没有主语。例如:“Go to the playground& ,please.”(请去操场。)这样的句子就省略了主语,完整的应该是“我请你去操场。”所以这样的句型也是学生所需要掌握。有这样一条题目,“breakfast , have& Mike(。)”。很显然这是一句祈使句。拿到这条题目时,如果对句子的意思不明白也许就无法下手。但是如果明白是“让迈克吃早饭。”这条题目也就很好做了,这是一条省略句,所以很快就能得到答案:“Have breakfast,Mike.”。有很多像这样的题目,没有明确的主语、谓语等。这就需要学生对所要完成题目的句子意思的了解,对一些固定结构的掌握。三、注意句子是否完整往往学生在做完一条题目以后,经常会出现句子还没有写完整,单词抄写错的现象。在做这样的题目时容易出现漏字、错字的毛病。这就需要我们在平时的训练中养成认真仔细的习惯。在做题目时加强对“难题”的训练,在“找错误”中增强细心意识。&&& 四、注意字母的大小写在英语中经常需要大写的有:每句话的开头字母、人名、专有名词等。例如:“thank you,liutao.”这句话中有三个字母没有大写,应该将它改成:“Thank you,Liu Tao.”这样这句话也就很明白了。与中文不同,在英文中字母的大小写有时也就决定了一句话的意义。Doctor 和doctor就是因为一字之差其意思也就大大不同,前者是博士而后者则是医生。所以在平时,应该注意这类题型的解答。
与“综合填空(每小题1分,共10分) Long, long ago there was a bad k..”考查相似的试题有:
作者:&&&&文章来源:本站原创&&&&点击数:1023&&&&更新时间: &&&热&&&&&
boughtbuylightslightreaches heavierheavy   
1& &Last Sunday the Browns went to the park. They got home very late. Father opened the front door and they both went into the house. It was very (1) d& &&&&&&&&&&so Mother turned on the light. On the way to their bedroom, Mother said, “John, (2) l& &&&&&&&&! I can hear someone in the bedroom.  
They stood quietly outside the bedroom door. They could hear some(3 ) v&& &&&&&&&&in the room.  
You’re right,”& Father said. “There are two men in it. They are talking.” Then he shouted, “Who is there?” But (4) n& &&&&&&&&answered. Father opened the door quickly and turned on the light. The room was (5) e &&&&&&&&&. Then Father found something and laughed. The radio was still on! “I (6) f &&&&&&&&&&&to turn it off this morning,” Father said. Then he turned it off.  
2& George Ellet had a bright silver dollar for a New-year gift. He thought of all the fine things he might buy with it.  
The ground was all covered with snow and everything1l&&&&&&& beautiful.  
So George put on his hat, and ran into the street. 2A&&&&&&& &&he went along the street, he met some boys throwing snowballs. George soon3
j&&&&&&& &them. He sent a ball at James Mason, but it missed him, and broke a window on the other side of the street. George feared some one would come out of the house and find him. So he ran off as fast as he 4 c&&&&&&&& &.  
As soon as he got round the next corner, George stopped, 5b&&&&&&&& &&&he was very sorry for what he had done. He said to 6h&&&&&&& &&&, I have no right to spend my silver dollar now. I ought to go back, and pay for the glass I broke with my snowball. He went up and 7d&&&&&&&& the street, and felt very sad. He wished very much to buy something nice. He also wished to pay 8f&&&&&&& &the broken glass.  
At last he said, It was 9w&&&&&&&& &to break the window, though I did not mean to do it. I will go and pay for it. If it takes all my money, I will try not to be sorry. I do not think the man will hurt me10i&&&&& &&I pay for the mischief I have done.  
3&& I wrote my first poem when I was 5 years old. It was (1) f_______ Mother’s Day.
The poem was not my best work, but my mom kept it C just like she kept every other piece of writing and artwork I ever made. She (2) a________ kept my baby clothes and a piece of hair from my first haircut. Sometimes I feel like my mom runs a museum of (3) m_______ life, and she is the only visitor.
But it feels (4) n________ to be loved like that. Who else would care enough to keep all of my terrible drawings and silly poems? Only a (5) m_________.
(6) O________ Mother’s Day when I was little, I used to bring my mom breakfast in bed, (7) m________ her a card, give her kisses and tell her I loved her. I’d say to her: “You’re the (8) b________ mom in the whole world!”
I don’t get to see my mother very much these days. Now I live in  China , 11,200 km from my parents’ home in the   US  . I’m too far away to bring my mom breakfast in bed or give her kisses. (9)B_______ when Mother’s Day comes, I’ll call my mom from   China  . Over the (10) p________, I’ll tell her I love her. No matter how far away I go, she’s always in my heart.
4& On a hot summer day, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the lake behind his house. He (1) j&&&&&&&&&& &into the water, not realizing a crocodile was swimming (2) t&&&&&&&&&& &him.
In his house his mother was looking out of the window. She saw the animal getting closer and closer to (3) h&&&&&&& &son. She ran to the water, shouting as (4) l&&&&&&&&& as possible to her son.
Hearing his (5) v&&&&&&& &, the little boy made a U C turn to swim to his mother. It was too (6) l&&&&&&&& . The crocodile reached him just (7) a&&&&&&&& &he reached his mother. The mother held her little boy by the arm as the crocodile bit () his legs. The crocodile was much stronger8 t&&&&&&&& &the mother, but the mother would never give up. &Luckily, a farmer happened to drive by, heard their calling for (9) h&&&&&& , and shot the animal. The little boy was&&&&&& (10) s&&&& &.
After that, the little boy said to the reporter, “I love my mum! She never let me go when I was in ganger!”
5& There was a Van Gogh() art exhibition in Taipei from (1) D&&&&&&&&&& , 2009 to March, 2012. (2) O&&&&&& 200,000 people went to see the paintings by the world well-known artist. However, when Van Gogh was alive, he wasn’t very (3) p&&&&&& &.
Van Gogh Started painting at the (4) a&&&&& &of 27 and died when he was 37. He painted almost 2,000 painting during those ten years, but didn’t become (5) f&&&&&&&&& . In fact, he was only able to sell a single painting during his whole life. (6)A&&&&&& &time went by, his paintings became very valuable. His Sunflowers was sold for 39.000.000 US dollars. It is still one of the most (7)e&&&& &&&&&paintings in the world.
It is quite ironic() When Van Gogh was alive, hardly anybody wanted to buy his paintings. After he was dead, everyone wanted the paintings but few had (8) e&&&&&& &&money to buy them. Most people of Van Gogh’s time could neither see the beauty of his paintings (9)
n&&&&&& &understand him. But for those people (10) w&&&&&& &had the chance to visit the exhibition, maybe they see what a beautiful mind he had.
6&& As teenagersyou have many dreamsThese dreams can be very bigsuch as winning the Nobel Prizeor they can be smallYou may just want to become one of the ten best students in your (1) c&&&&&& &
Once you find a dreamwhat do you do (2) w&&&&&& &it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?
Follow Your Heartby Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that (3) m&&&&&& &our dreams real is lifes biggest challenge
You may think youre not very good at some school subjectsor that it is impossible for you to become a writerThese kinds of thoughts (4) p&&&&&& &&&you from reaching your dreamthe book says
In (5) f&&&&&& &everyone can make his dream come trueThe first thing you must do is to remember the dream in your mind
(6) D&&&&&& &let it leave your heartKeep telling yourself what you wantDo this step by step and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is made up of many small (7) o&&&&&& Please never give them up
There will be difficulties on the road to your dreamsBut the biggest comes from yourselfYou need to (8) d&&&&&& &what is the most importantStudying instead of watching TV will (9) l&&&&&& to better exam resultswhile saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy anew bookAs you get (10) c&&&&&& to your dreamit may change a littleThis is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests
1&&& 1 dark&&&& 2 listen&&&&&& 3 voices&& 4 nobody& 5 empty& 6 forget
2&&& 1 looked&&& 2 As&&&&&&&& 3 joined& 4 could&&& 5 but
6 himself&&& 7 down&&&&&& 8 for&&& 9 wrong&&& 10 if
3&& 1 for&&&&&&& 2 also&&&&&&& 3 my&&& 4 nice&&&& 5 mother
6 On&&&&&& 7 make&&&&&& 8& best&& 9 But&&&&& 10 phone
4&& 1 jumped&&& 2 to/ towards&& 3 her& &&4& loudly& 5 voice&
6 late&&&&& 7& as&&&&&&&&& 8 than&&& 9 help&&& 10 saved
5 &&1 December&&&& 2 Over&&& 3 popular&&& 4 age&& 5 famous&&
6 As& 7 expensive/excellent& 8 enough&& 9& nor&& 10 who
6&& 1 class&&&& 2 with&&& 3 making&& 4 prevent& 5 fact
6 Don’t&& 7& once&& 8& decide& 9& lead&& 10close/closer
下一篇文章: 没有了
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There are four people in my family. Every
day my parents are very busy t 73 &to make money in order to
pay& the high tuition(学费)for my brother and me. They hardly say &I love you& or
send f74 &&to each other. Besides,my father has a bad temper(脾气).It is easy for him to lose
his temper w 75&& he's very tired from the hard work. I didn't
know whether there was love between them u &76 one spring. At that
time,my father
suddenly got badly sick .My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a
month. When they returned from the hospital,they both& looked very w 77as if both
of them had a serious illness.
After they were back,my mother helped my father walk
slowly on the country road every day in the morning and dusk. H 78 &,after two months my father
still couldn't walk by h &79_ .All of us were worried about him.
&Dad,how are you f &80 &now?& I asked him one day.
&Susan,don't worry about me.”he said i 81a low voice.“I just like walking with your mom. I like& this kind of& life.”Reading his eyes,I know he loves my mother very
&& Once I thought love m &82 flowers,presents and sweet k83&
. But from this experience,I understand&& that love is inside,making life strong and warm.
74. flowers&& 75.when& 76.until&&& 77.weak 78.
However   <coog79.
himself&&&&& 80. feeling 81.in&& 82meant


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