worth it - Fifth fifthharmonyy 歌词中文翻译

跑步到底适不适合听音乐?这似乎没有一个标准的答案。但是毫无疑问的是,很多人会把MP3和耳机列为在跑道上必不可上的装备。的确,在一条长长的跑道上,如果你没有音乐的陪伴,可能很容易就会觉得枯燥无聊。美国媒体Scientific American的专栏作家Ferris Jabr指出,音乐不仅可以帮助阻断疼痛和疲劳感,提升情绪,增加耐力,减少压力,甚至提高新陈代谢功率。不过,如何选择跑步音乐也是一门大学问!合适的音乐不仅可以帮助你调整配速,甚至可能让你无法割舍每日的跑步时光!以下10首歌曲,正是从《Runner’s World》每一季的跑步歌单中精选出的最具人气的歌曲。准备好你的耳机了吗?千万小心,如果你在跑步时听这些歌,有可能会不想停下脚步哦!!文/苗苗、木马2015年十大跑步热曲1. Worth it–by Fifth Harmony & Kid Ink–专辑:《Reflection》(2015)来自美国女子组合Fifth Harmony联手Kid Ink, 这首歌五个女生依旧玩起性感,偏舞曲的风格绝对值得一听!不论是起跑还是最后阶段,都是极好的跑步歌曲!2. Beg for It – by Iggy Azalea & Mo–专辑:《The New Classic, titled Reclassified》(2014)Iggy Azalea的最潮运动风歌曲,持续霸占着欧美各类排行榜。跟着节奏迈开步子吧!你绝对不会后悔!3. Chains – by Nick Jonas–专辑:《Nick Jonas》(2014)小鲜肉Nick Jonas单飞后带来的首张同名专辑中的主打歌之一,在美国Billboard 排行榜取得第13名的好成绩。而这首歌也是被受国外跑友的推崇,因为他的节奏适合初级跑友和以及一些资深跑友进行恢复训练!4. Chandelier – by Sia–专辑:《1000 Forms of Fear》(2014)傲娇澳洲才女Sia姐在去年格莱美演唱这首Chandelier,声音辨识度极高。当年那首超火爆的Titanium就是她演唱的哦!这首歌的节奏非常适合跑步的中期!5. Somebody – by Natalie La Rose & Jeremih (2015)力荐歌曲之一!荷兰女歌手Natalie La Rose的处女单曲,刚刚发行就已经打入美国单曲榜前十,实力不容小觑。动人的编曲及歌词让你听了又听!这首歌的节奏非常轻快,适合跑步起跑阶段哦,这首歌会让你有个好的开始!6. Shut Up and Dance – by Walk the Moon–专辑:《Talking Is Hard》(2014)作为派对中必不可少的舞曲之一,Walk the Moon 把简单易懂的歌词和轻快的旋律融为一体,能给跑步时疲惫的你重新带来活力。这首歌是非常多跑友作为冲刺阶段的歌曲,不论从节奏还有他的曲调上,都是极佳的选择!7. Dear Future Husband – by Meghan Trainor–专辑:《Title》(2015)作为单身狗2015年必备热门单曲之一,清新可爱的Meghan唱出了所有女生的心声:致亲爱的未来老公,如果你想做我的唯一,那就要每晚都夸我美丽动人!如此动听的音乐,如此欢快的节奏,难怪这首歌不仅被单身狗喜爱,同时也被所有跑友爱着!!8. Time of Our Lives – by Pitbull & Ne-Yo–专辑:《Globalization》(2014)最嗨舞曲来袭!光头P叔携手Ne-Yo给你无限动力!这张专辑也是全球冲破500万张+5000万单曲销量的舞池最新大碟。有Pitbull,别的不说了,你在跑步时听了就知道!作为起步音乐,没得说!9. Talking Body – by Tove Lo–专辑:《Queen of the Clouds》(2015)瑞典斯德哥尔摩才女,词曲创作者Tove Lo带来的最新歌曲,让你在音乐歌声响起时立马爱上!要小心哦,这首歌的节奏感很强,如果你的配速不够高,这首歌不要在跑步中期使用哦!不过作为起步的音乐,这首歌绝对是最佳选择!10. Touchin, Lovin – by Trey Songz & Nicki Minaj–专辑:《Trigga》(2014)Rap女王跟才子联手合作,耐人寻味的歌词以及Trey 柔情的嗓音不得不听!有麻辣鸡,整条跑道都会“麻辣”起来的哦!!!亲,这些都是小奔亲测的哦!如果喜欢,就推广给更多的跑友吧!近期,小奔也会为各位跑友推荐另外一组适合拉伸使用的音乐哦!!敬请期待吧!!如何选择适合自己的跑步音乐音乐到底对跑步有多重要?这确实很难下一个结论,但英国的科学家就用一个实验证明了音乐和跑步到底有多配。英国布鲁内尔大学的运动心理学家科斯塔斯·卡拉吉奥吉斯(Costas Karageorghis)做了这样一个跟踪实验。他们邀请了15位水平接近的业余男跑者,来接受为期30周的实验,跑者需接受一连串的测试及训练,在400米的跑道上跑完5公里的路程。研究结果发现,跑者聆听慢歌或是快歌,他们抵达终点的时间差距不大,平均分别是26分及26分5秒;而在不听音乐的情形下,跑者平均抵达终点的时间则是27分19秒。从研究数据裡可以发现,跑步时听音乐,在跑步初期能够提升一点速度,但有没有听音乐对于之后的跑程影响不大。那么,应该如何选择自己的跑步音乐呢?长年研究跑步与音乐关系的运动学专家卡拉吉奥吉斯表示,音乐对于跑步的积极印象很大程度在于你选择恰当的音乐。在跑步初期,跑者可以选择一些比较轻快的歌曲,让自己有一个充满活力的开始;在中期时,跑者应该选择节奏比较快一点的音乐,来让自己的配速跑持在稳定的速度;而在最后收操时,跑者们应该选择的是抒情乐,配合收操,来放松刚刚密集使用的肌群。除此之外,他还表示,歌曲的4个方面决定它对运动的影响力:节奏、音感、文化内涵及文化交流,尤其是前两者。卡拉吉奥吉斯认为,每分钟的节拍数(BPM)在120—140之间的音乐是运动的首选,因为这样的节奏与人的心跳速率吻合。而运动节奏与音乐旋律同步可以让运动者需氧量减少7%;激励感强的音乐具有瓦解疲劳的功能,它能将运动者的耐力提高15%。不过卡拉吉奥吉斯也承认,一旦音乐节奏不对,那么将打乱跑者的呼吸节奏和步伐,增加疲劳感,甚至导致意外。私奔近期10大热帖,您可回复相应数字取阅。回复:1
2015裸体肌肉大赏,有没有被这些身体美哭了?特别提示:我们期待分享您的跑步故事和经验赐稿请发送至邮箱 .cn【声明,任何公众帐号转载前须与我们联系,并完整注明出处:“私·奔,中国跑者个性化服务平台。微信号码:sijiabenpao”。】
分享到朋友圈【Fifth Harmony】求Miss Moving On歌词翻译_fifthharmony吧_百度贴吧
【Fifth Harmony】求Miss Moving On歌词翻译收藏
高人在此!首先,你知道gaga的“born this way”的正确中文意思么?是《生育指南》。那么蕾安娜的“where have you been”的正确译法呢?一般人我不告诉他,既然自诩高人,当然要显摆一下,正确翻译是《威海油饼》。那么“miss movin'on”最贴切的译文是什么呢?你看过梦工厂的“chicken run”么?国内叫《小鸡快跑》,哈,对了,歌名的正确翻译是《小姐快跑》。下次给你译歌词,我最拿手了。
视频来自:楼主上音悦台看吧,有人已经制作了中英文字幕版,不过我觉得里面的call me翻译的不对,应该是请称呼我的意思(虽然5H在舞蹈动作里表现的是打电话给我)
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或求For What It s Worth(Allan Taylor)的歌词的中文翻译(英文已给出)_百度知道
求For What It s Worth(Allan Taylor)的歌词的中文翻译(英文已给出)
s the way life sometimes goes Hm composing these words trying to tell you somehow I didn&#39, ts writing the song I&#39, no place to go Wt think of you, he&#39, you started to cry I said I loved you, it comes what may I&#39? Well, was he good and kind like I should have been for your first time, but it was a lie You were gentle and I was rough I was talking big and acting tough Now I&#39. I love you now That’s the way life sometimes goes How things can change Ns worth, nobody knows For what it&#39, to show that I cared That've feeling bad when I think of that day Young love should be pure and true I should have been so good for you Do you remember the kid ve forgotten your name It was so long ago when we were two young kids No place to go. Did you think of me When you fell in love, I had a world to see I didn&#39: We sent our postcards saying wish you were here then made love under the bobo bed Is worth 歌词, but I love you now, nobody knows? I should have got you a ring from the twinkest star and drew a heart with an arrow on the bobo wall Maybe got you a flower to waving your hair I should have done something that was tender to show that It love you thenAllan Taylor的For what it&#39
他是不是很优秀很友好,内心无比忏悔Young love should be pure and true
初恋应该是纯洁的真实的I should have been so good for you
那时的我应该好好珍惜你Do you remember the kid who got it all wrong,没有人知道?I should have got you a ring from the twinkest star
我原本应该摘下天上闪烁的星星做成戒子送给你and drew a heart with an arrow on the bobo wall
用箭在墙上画一颗心Maybe got you a flower to waving your hair
或许送上一支鲜花搏动你秀发I should have done something that was tender
我至少应该做一些让你感动的事情to show that I cared. Did you think of me
我并没有想你,如此爱你That’s the way life sometimes goes
生活就是这样How things can change
我们没办法改变它Nve feeling bad when I think of that day
当我想起那些日子的时候,没有地方可走We lost touch, to show that I cared
告诉你我有多在乎你?Wve forgotten your name
现在我竟然连你的名字都忘了It was so long ago
事情仿佛过去了很久when we were two young kids
那时的我们还是小孩子No place to go, nobody knows
没有人知道下一步又作何改变For what it&#39,我告诉你我爱你but it was a lie
但是我撒了慌You were gentle and I was rough
你那么温柔而我却那样粗暴I was talking big and acting tough
我在撒谎, was he good and kind
你恋爱了;m composing these words
我现在写下这首歌trying to tell you somehow
是为了告诉你I didn&#39, it comes what may
珍贵的东西,我在乎你(意译)That&#39,谁都不知道;t think of you, nobody knows,像恶棍一样Now I&#39, no place to go
没有地方可去;s writing the song
那个小孩现在已经长大成人并写下了这首歌I&#39, nobody knows有谁知道?
你还记得那个错上加错的小孩吗,我所面对的是一个花花世界I didn&#39. I love you now
但是现在我爱着你?like I should have been for your first time, I had a world to see
我们失去了联系;s worth,
我以前并没有爱过你but I love you now?Well,而你是否在想我;s the way life sometimes goes
生活有的时候就是这样How things can change,
我错了;t love you then,总是会让你在某天明白它的珍贵I&#39, he&#39, that kid is now a man,你哭了,我们把自己交给了对方(含蓄)I got it wrong?
就像当初我们初恋时我们应该做的那样, you started to cry I said I loved youWe sent our postcards saying wish you were here
我们把卡片送给彼此并相互祝愿then made love under the bobo bed
还不错 谢谢
出门在外也不愁Worth It-Fifth Harmony, Worth ItMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Give it to me I'm worth it
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
Give it to me I'm worth it
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
[Kid Ink - Rap]
Okay, I tell her bring it back like she left some
Bring it Bring it back like she left some
Uh in the club with the lights off
What you actin shy fo', come and show me that you
Wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
Stop playin', how you know that I
Wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
What you actin shy for
Just gimne you, just give me you
Just gimme me you, that's all I wanna do
And if what they say is true, if its true
I might give me to you
I may take a lot of stuff
Guaranteed I can back it up
I think I'ma call you bluff
Hurry up, I'm waiting out front
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like oooh I love your style
Uh huh, show me what you got, cus I don't wanna waste my time
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like oooh I love your style
Uh huh, show me what you got now come and make it worth my while
Give it to me I'm worth it
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
Give it to me I'm worth it
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
It's all on you, it's all on you
It's all on you, so what you wanna do
And if you don't have a clue, not a clue
I'll tell you what to do
Come harder just because
I don't like it, like it too soft
I like it a little rough, not too much, but maybe just enough
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like oooh I love your style
Uh huh, show me what you got, cus I don't wanna waste my time
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like oooh I love your style
Uh huh, show me what you got now come and make it worth my while
Give it to me I'm worth it
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
Give it to me I'm worth it
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
[Tyga - Rap]
Okay, I tell her bring it back like she left some
Bring it Bring it back like she left some
Uh in the club with the lights off
What you actin shy fo', come and show me that you
Wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
Stop playin', how you know that I
Wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it, wid it
What you actin shy for
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like oooh I love your style
Uh huh, show me what you got, cus I don't wanna waste my time
Uh huh, you see me in the spot like oooh I love your style
Uh huh, show me what you got now come and make it worth my while
Give it to me I'm worth it
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
Give it to me I'm worth it
Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Gimme gimme I'm worth it
编辑于 00:54
编辑于 14:46
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