china's english与china和chinese的区别 english有什么不同

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A sign in both Chinese and Chinglish near the Three Gorges Dam in Hubei province, China.&
(Walter Bibikow/Getty Images)
that shows the influence of Chinese language and culture.The terms Chinese English and China English are often used interchangeably, though (as shown below) some scholars draw distinctions between them.The related term Chinglish (a
of the words Chinese and English) tends to be used in a humorous or derogatory fashion to characterize English
(such as road signs and menus) that have been translated
(and often imprecisely) from the Chinese.
Chinglish may also refer to the use of Chinese words in an English
or vice versa. Chinglish is sometimes characterized as an .In Global English (2015), Jennifer Jenkins concludes that "there are probably more Chinese speakers of English in the world than speakers of any other kind of English."See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Examples and Observations"With some 250 million Chinese people currently learning to speak English or already fluent, there will soon be more English speakers in China than in the entire British Commonwealth. . . ."Since each Chinese ideogram can have many meanings and interpretations, translating Chinese ideas into English is, indeed, extremely difficult. Because of this, Chinese-English hybrid words [such as "No noising" for "Quiet, please," and "slippercrafty" for "treacherously icy road"] are often viewed with amusement by the rest of the English-speaking world. Nevertheless, this abundance of new words and phrases, unlikely as it may seem, is one of the prime drivers of the globalization of the English language."(Paul J. J. Payack, A Million Words and Counting: How Global English Is Rewriting the World. Citadel, 2008)
China English"On a theoretical level, China English is distinguished systematically from Chinese English, Chinglish, Pidgin English, etc. China English is understood as a standardizing or standardized variety in use in China, which reflects Chinese cultural norms and concepts. Chinese English refers to varieties of English used by Chinese learners (see Kirkpatrick and Xu 2002). Hu (2004: 27) puts China English at one end of a continuum where lowly Pidgin English or Chinglish is at the other. China English is 'a language which is as good a communicative tool as ,' but one which has important Chinese characteristics."(Hans-Georg Wolf, Focus on English. Leipziger Universit?tsverlag, 2008)Chinglish- Speaking both English and Chinese in one's sentences.Example of a sentence in chinglish: "At K-mart, I buy hen duo clothes."(A. Peckham, Mo' Urban Dictionary. Andrews McMeel, 2007)- "Fortified by an army of 600 volunteers and a politburo of adroit English speakers, the [Shanghai Commission for the Management of Language Use] has fixed more than 10,000 public signs (farewell 'Teliot' and 'urine district'), rewritten English-language historical placards and helped hundreds of restaurants recast offerings. . . ."But while the war on mangled English may be considered a signature achievement of government officials, aficionados of what is known as Chinglish are wringing their hands in despair. . . ."Oliver Lutz Radtke, a former German radio reporter who may well be the world’s foremost authority on Chinglish, said he believed that China should embrace the fanciful melding of English and Chinese as the hallmark of a dynamic, living language. As he sees it, Chinglish is an endangered species that deserves preservation."(Andrew Jacobs, "Shanghai Is Trying to Untangle the Mangled English of Chinglish." The New York Times, May 2, 2010) Also Known As: Chinglish, China English
Chinese English【日常英语】Chinese和china‘s有什么区别?_作业帮
Chinese在有些语境里面是跟China's一样:Chinese可以做“中国的”讲比如Chinese government = China's government.但是除此之外Chinese还有别的释义: 中国人,中国人的,华人华裔(的).总的来说Chinese意思上包括了China's但是还有更多
chinese是形容词表示中国的,中国人的或表示中国人;china’s是名词所有格的形式,也能翻译成中国的....,但是china's后面一定还要有单词,并且是相当主语的存在,必须形成完整的句子。而chinese 只是一个词
你问的应该不是他们的意思的区别,而是相同意思的时候有什么区别。说实话,我以前也查过这两个单词的区别。表示“中国的”时候,这两者区别并不是很大。如果你一定要纠结有什么区别,那就是china‘s 偏向于地理意义上的中国的,也就是960万平方公里上的“中国的”意思。Chinese偏向于民族啊情感啊等方面的“中国的”,指的是中华民族炎黄子孙这层面上的...


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