He doesn't have any paper改为肯定句变否定句

Copy your teacher's behavior. This is the single easiest way to annoy your teacher. Most teachers have some distinctive talking style, may pronounce some words outlandishly, or use certain gestures, and emulating them in front of them in a discreet way may upset them. The best way to go about it is to act really sincere as you imitate your teacher, so it may take him or her a little while to catch on to what' your classmates, however, will quickly know the score and will start cracking up.
When your teacher gets angry, just play dumb. Say, "What? What did I do?" and shrug your shoulders. Use body language.
Make funny noises. There are so many great noises you can make to disrupt the classroom — you can make a farting noise, you can scuff your shoes on the ground, you can repeatedly click the top of your pen up and down, or you can clear your throat every few seconds. If these sounds make your classmates rock in laughter, then all the better. If you want to be more subtle, quieter, repetitive noises are also sure to annoy your teacher. Here are some other sounds that may annoy:
Rip a piece of paper an inch at a time. Do this only when your teacher turns toward the board.
Scratch your nails on your desk.
Repeatedly sniffle without blowing your nose.
Scratch your legs loudly.
Hum to yourself.
Drop your pencil multiple times.
Quietly repeat what the teacher is saying as you take notes.
Sabotage your teacher's equipment. If your teacher is a bit of a space cadet, then this should work well. If you're watching a movie in class or using the overhead projector, see if you can get a hold of your teacher's remote when he or she isn't looking — this will work best if you can leave a replacement remote that doesn't work in its place. Then, when your teacher isn't looking, turn the TV off, pause it, or change the settings on the projector. This will definitely annoy your teacher and will ruin her lesson — however, don't expect that this won't get you in trouble!
You can either use the remote openly, to have your classmates laughing, or sneak it under your desk so no one knows what you're up to and so that no one can tell on you.
Sleep in class. This works best if you are either in the back of the class or if you are watch all you need to do is put your head down and close your eyes. Nothing is more annoying or disrespectful than falling asleep while your teacher is talking. If you can't actually fall asleep, you can fake it.
You can fold your arms across your desk and get a big smile on your face or snore, making sleep look so appealing that other students want to copy you.
Another annoying thing you can do is to pretend to sleep for a while, and then wake up and ask a bunch of questions that the teacher answered while you were "sleeping."
Throw stuff at other students. Another thing you can do to really annoy your teachers is to throw stuff at other students when the teacher isn't looking. You should start small, with objects such as erasers, crumpled paper, pencils, or chalk. You can up the ante a bit and throw a smaller book, an apple, a tennis ball, or even your shoe if you really want to make your teacher mad. You should try to do this when your teacher is turned around and then look all innocent when she turns back to you. Be aware that, depending on what you throw, you could get suspended or charged with assault. Your victim may even retaliate.
For this trick to be most effective, you should get a partner in crime — a student who will throw something back and forth across the classroom with you. Otherwise, you're going to run out of tools pretty fast.
Doodle. If you want to drive your teacher crazy, start drawing something while she's talking. Make it pretty obvious that you're doodling — this can work great if you're in the front of the class and she sees what you're up to. It'll be even better if she can see that you're doodling but you try to act really interested in what she's saying and pretend to take notes, while you're actually just drawing.
If you really want to be extra annoying, you can even bring in a set of highlighters or colored pencils and go all out. Create a masterpiece in thirty minutes.
You can also show off your drawing to other students in the class, to show your teacher that you really don't care about what's going on.
Pass notes. Another way that you will annoy your teacher is if you pass notes. You can pass notes to your friends, or just to anyone in the class. Make it clear that you're writing a note by writing it on a notebook on your lap, and then fold the note into a square or a football and throw it to a classmate. If you're reading a note, hold it out in front of your face and laugh, making it really obvious that something other than the class curriculum is cracking you up.
It can be extra annoying if you have a sly smirk on your face while the teacher is talking to let her know that you're writing something funny to your friend.
Show up late. Teachers hate when students habitually show up late. Roll into your teacher's class a few minutes late with a shrug and a smu if you apologize, that will annoy your teacher a bit less, unless your apology sounds really insincere. You should not only show up late but look visibly frazzled, dropping your books, running, or taking forever to rummage through your bag to find the right supplies.
Distract the other students. Another way to annoy your teacher is to try to keep as many of the students off task as you can. Ask the others students lots of questions, crack jokes, laugh loudly for no reason, and talk about personal stuff during group work. Distracting other students can disrupt the entire classroom and undoubtedly annoy your teacher.
The important and tricky thing you have to do is to make sure the other students like and respect you, so they go along with what you're doing. If they just think you're obnoxious and roll their eyes any time you talk, then you won't be able to distract them.
Play on your phone. Take out your phone and text people, play Angry Birds, or just look at it every once in a while and smile. You can even look things up on Wikipedia to try to prove your teacher wrong. Your teacher may take your phone away after a little while, but it'll really annoy her while the game lasts. You can also set your alarm to go off during class, making sure that the alarm is as annoying and distracting as possible.
You can annoy your teacher by pretending to be sneaky about using your phone under your desk. Teachers are on to this, and they'll be extra annoyed that you're trying to hide your phone.
Disregard your teacher's rules. Every teacher has his or her own set of rules, and if you want to be annoying, you should ignore as many as you can without getting sent to the principals office. Even breaking smaller rules can get really annoying. For example, you can get the formatting wrong on your essays or turn in your assignment a day late, acting like you were sure that was the due date. If your teacher has a certain rule about going to the bathroom in the middle of class, try to break it.
When your teacher tells you you've broken a rule, you should act surprised or say something like, "But that rule makes no sense..." or, "That's not how the other teachers do it."
Show up without your notebook or a pencil. Your teacher assumes that you will take notes, write assignments, and use a writing tool during most classes, so showing up empty-handed shows that you really don't care. It'll be extra annoying if you say, "Anyone have a pencil I can borrow?" Or, "I don't have any paper!" so you completely disrupt the class while getting the materials you need.
You can bring the wrong book to class and laugh loudly, saying, "I brought the wrong book again!"
Be extra annoying when your teacher is being observed. If your teacher is being observed by the principal or a senior teacher, you should try your hardest to be as annoying as you can possibly be. This can mean talking out of turn, showing up really late, or just generally making it look like the classroom is completely chaotic. The more you can make your teacher look bad, the better.
Fight every wrong answer on a test. When you get your exams back, you should complain loudly and contest every single question you got wrong, even if you know that there's no use fighting it. If the answers are multiple choice or very black-and-white, such as the answers on a math test, you should be really insistent, telling your teacher that she's wrong.
You can try to waste your teacher's time after class, asking her to go through every question on the test with you.
Finish your tests absurdly early. If you are given a long exam, after 10-15 minutes or so, just slam your paper down on your desk or turn it in and say, "Done!" You can even say, "That was easy!" to be extra annoying. This will make there other students nervous about what was taking them so long and will cause confusion and nervousness. Of course, just be prepared to have your grade suffer — in more ways than one — as a result.
Talk while your teacher is talking. Nothing can drive a teacher crazy faster than talking while she is trying to give a lesson or to explain something. You can whisper to your friends, or even talk openly to your friends. Act like you really don't care that your teacher is trying to give a lesson, or like you don't even notice that your teacher is up there, working hard. It can be even more annoying if you ask one of your classmates a question that your teacher should be the one to answer. This will definitely annoy your teacher, but you won't be able to get away with it for long! It doesn't even matter what you say, it can be anything.
This can be particularly effective when you see that your teacher is low on time and that you'll be able to prevent her from finishing her lesson.
Be a know-it-all. If you really want to bug your teacher, then you should act like an expert on every topic she brings up – with little or no evidence to back it up. Whenever your teacher is trying to explain something, look really skeptical, like you know she's got it all wrong, even if she's talking about something really basic and obvious. Scrunch up your face as you stare at her until she feels compelled to ask if you have a question. Putting your teacher in constant doubt like this may make her lose her train of thought and bother her.
After your teacher says almost anything, you should say something like, "Can you explain that?"
If your teacher actually indulges you and tries to explain her point further, you can say something like "I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree."
Tell your teacher that other people know the material better than she does. If being a know-it-all isn't annoying enough, you can also waste your teachers time by saying, "I talked to my dad, and he says something completely different..." You can also tell her that your old teacher, or even your teacher in another subject, does things differently, implying that other people know the teacher's stuff better than she does. This can be extra annoying if you have a younger teacher who is trying to prove him or herself.
You can reference TV shows or books to say that other scientists or educators know more about the subject than your teacher does. Say something like, "I saw this show on Discovery Channel that says..."
Ask incessant questions. Usually asking questions isn't a problem, but it will be frustrating if you can't understand a math equation and ask your teacher to explain it to you for the tenth time. This also works with irrelevant questions such as "What color was George Washington's hair?" Try to act really earnest when you ask these questions, so your teacher can't tell if you're just
if your teacher thinks you're serious, he or she will try harder to answer your questions.
It may get annoying if you keep asking the teacher questions that she's answered a million times. If she says as much, you can say, "Oh, really? You covered that? I must not have been paying attention..."
Interrupt your teacher as much as you can. When he or she is talking about something important, raise your hand and keep making random points that have nothing to do with what he or she is talking about, or ask questions that only make everything more confusing. Interrupting your teacher is really rude and annoying, and it can be even more annoying if you raise your hand and your teacher keeps telling you to wait, to show that you are trying to interrupt her "politely."
Talking out of turn, especially if you're just going to crack a joke or distract the class, is annoying under any circumstances.
Ramble on when you're supposed to answer a simple question. If your teacher asks a really basic question, like what the capital of Florida is or what 10 x 15 is, then you should raise your hand and talk at length about your family's trip to Florida or about how you think the number 10 is the most perfect number on earth. When your teacher looks frustrated and confused, talk even more slowly so you really end up taking up way too much time.
Act completely oblivious, like you don't think you've done anything wrong.
Read way ahead and ask about the material. You can annoy your teacher by reading ahead in the textbook and then asking about all the stuff you've read about a week too early. Your teacher will say, "We haven't gotten to that yet," or, "I'll explain later," but you should be really insistent, until you end up confusing all of your classmates.
This can work especially well in an English class, if you read ahead and announce the ending of a book way before the other students know what happened.
Call out to people in the hallways. If your friend, or even a random person, is walking by your class after the bell rings, say something like, "What's up?" or, "I'll text you in a minute!" to show that your mind isn't really on the task at hand. This will annoy your teacher, as it'll show a blatant disregard for his or her rules.
Talk really slowly. Raise your hand and answer a question, but mumble a lot, say "uh" and "um," and act like you forgot what y generally take forever to get to the answer. Talking as slowly as possible, without making it look like you're doing it on purpose, may annoy your teacher.
If you're called on to read, you can try to read very slowly and stumble over words.
Can you tell us about
Clothing Stains?
Can you tell us about
finger puppets?
Can you tell us about
Can you tell us about
Personality Traits and Attributes?
Tell us everything you know here. Remember, more detail is better.
Please be as detailed as possible in your explanation. We will take your detailed information, edit it for clarity and accuracy, and incorporate it into an article that will help thousands of people.Don't say: Eat more fats.
Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
Never try to cover your mouth or place your head on the desk during class. If you think such actions are going to make the teacher think you're not the one who's making the noises, think again.
Don't just do it all alone. Team up with friends and other students in the class, and annoy your teacher in unison. This will make it much tougher for the teacher to catch and punish anyone.
Make sure the classroom is big, and there's a good number of students in the class. Your chances of not getting caught while annoying your teachers is much higher that way.
Another way to annoy a teacher is to constantly hum songs while working or while the teacher is talking. It works even better if you know that particular teachers hate a certain genre of music. Hum songs of that genre, and they will more likely get annoyed at you!
Try to make noises off objects that give a loud noise. It will annoy the teacher and since they don't know exactly who it is and also makes it an interesting and 'fun' time for you.
This is a tip to annoy any teacher. Just follow them around all time.
Whisper to your classmate when the teacher is talking.
Don't do the phone thing your teacher will most likely take it away and you will probably get in big trouble with your parents or some teachers can suspend you or even be snobby enough to take it away for a year!
If you have a really strict teacher, only annoy them occasionally. If you annoy them too often, you will get in trouble and have a bad reputation for it.
If you have tattletale classmates don't let them know you are the one annoying the teacher if you want to keep it a secret.
Make sure other students in the class are loyal and won't spill your name even if the whole class gets into trouble.
Never make anyone in the class your scapegoat, not even the class shrimp. If things get terribly out of hand, stand up and admit it.
If you get caught, do as your teacher says (him/her telling you to get out of the class, to the principals office etc.) but act somewhat amused. Don't try to act rough or arrogant, a teacher who's upset may not bother taking the drastic actions.
Don't take it too far as you might face more serious consequences. Even if you don't take it too far, this will probably land you in trouble.
If you don't have the wherewithal to withstand any repercussions your actions might bring, don't try to annoy the teacher.
Some students take their you could end up alienating the very students you're trying to impress.
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Becomean Author!新概念英语1练习册p58--82答案_百度知道
5 I't got much. She bought a new car last year.3 She smiled pleasantly.3 He is boiling some eggs.2 We were there at four o&#39.B1 When was Tom at the hairdresser&#39.30.4 I always go tot let talk in the library! You mustn&#39!7 Don&#39! You mustn&#39.2 Sam and I must see the dentist at 3.11 He must telephone me at 2.4 When was Penny at the baker's on Saturday.6 What did she do yesterday morning.4 When did you ask a question.4 She hasn&#39.4 Yt had any beer.8 I&#39, she has already found her pen.2 Yes.B1 No. They come from China, but tonight he is washing clothes.2 What't play with matches.B1 Where were you and Susan on March 23rd.3 Heve just had some coffee. Js Finnish, but wt talk in the library? He stayed in bed in the morning the day before yesterday.2 I&#39? He had breakfast at half past seven.3 No.3 What do you usually do in the evening!3 Don&#39.3 He swam in the river yesterday.10 They haven&#39, George swam across the river an hour ago? He always shaves in the morning.5 Jimmy listens to the stereo? I typed thoseve alrll fly to Gt have any lettuces.3 Where were you and Penny on Saturday.7 They haven&#39, too, but they have some bananas?We were at school on February 22nd.4 I't like ice cream.7 What&#39.5 They haven&#39? They didn&#39, but I have some potatoes? They cleaned tt sweep the floor this morning.2 What does he do in the morning.6 When was Nicola at the office. I dusted the cupboard this afternoon.4 She does the housework.2 Where were Sam and Penny in 1986.2 Has the boss left yet? I am reading a book this evening.B1 When did you walk across the park. Jones went to the butcher&#39.5 What've already had one. He'clock? He sent the letter the t have a stomach ache.2 They haven&#39?Yes She&#39.3 When did you work in an office.2 She will go to Ss on Thursday.Lesson 90A1 Did the sun set at twenty past seven.4 Jimmy often reads in bed? They didn&#39, he doesn've already sharpened my pencil.2 He can't had any bananas, but I have some cabbages.4 He has already painted that bookcase.Sve already walked across the park.He has flu? He got a television two weeks ago.5 What&#39. Frank hasn&#39, too.3 Whes to get some butter, but wt leave this morning.00, Tom and I won&#39. She hasn&#39, but I have some steak, she has already made the bed. It rained yesterday.B1 What does she do in the morning. I washed my has on Thursday.8 Wheve already asked a question. Williams at the grocer&#39.6 What does she do every day.When did she find her pen.2 They drank some milk yesterday?Does she have an earache.6 Yes. They&#39? He was at the hairdresser&#39? I usually cook a meal in the evening, I saw the film yesterday.B1 He hasn&#39.3 They were in Australia in September, but we have some peas? The sun doesn&#39. Jones.They must go to the newsagent&#39.6 My daughter was in the country on Friday?No?Yes. Williams hasn&#39. I turned on the television ten minutes ago.She must go to the grocer&#39?We were in Austria in At take any aspirins.6 I don&#39.10 Where does she come from.5 No.3 Yes? Yes. I sharpened myve already had some.She must go to the grocer&#39. She emptied it yesterday.2 When did you wash your hands.9 What did she do yesterday evening. We enjoyed it yesterday.7 Where were you and Penny in December.6 Where were Sam and Penny on May 25th.2 It is snowing now.5 What did she do last night.5 He shaved slowly? I wanted a car likes to get some eggs.9 Theyt lose his umbrella yesterday.3 Did they do their home work last night, and she will sweep the floor tomorrow. He comes from Finland.2 I don&#39?No;s on Wednesday.2 You haven've alret done his homework yet. He&#39, he doesn's on Friday.5 They must have a meal? She told him the truth last night? Are they Nigerian.She has mumps.4 She always listens to the news? Yes. They't drive so quickly.10 They had a party.5 Yes?Does het have a headache.4 I need a lot of beef.4 We will go to St take this medicine.B1 I&#39.7 What do they do in the afternoon? I asked a question five minutes ago, too.B1 She must go to the library at 1.When dt have a stomach ache.7 I't have any beans. I't have any mince.2 I's the matter with Jim. Jt call the doctor. She hasn&#39.Lesson 72A1 It is raining now. They've already had some?No, I did my homework last night.8 We enjoyed ourselves very much.4 What do you usually do at night.7 Has she made the bed yet? She telephoned her husband yesterday evening, but I have some steak? We didn&#39.2 She needs a lot of eggs. So we must call the doctor. He comes from Canada,the boss has already left. She listened to the news yesterday! You mustn&#39.8 What does it do every day,ve already emptied the basket.Lesson 80A1 I haven&#39.3 My son was at school on Tuesday. So she must take some medicine.Lesson 58A1 She usually drinkt come from Ell snow tonight? She made the bed this morning. I walked across s just had some wine.7 He is having a bath. They haven&#39.3 They need a lot of magazines.They must go to the baker&#39. I haven's to get some medicine.7 I&#39.Lesson 86A1 She has just boiled an egg.B1 Has he met Mt come by car this morning.2 No?Yes.4 Sam and I don&#39! You mustn&#39.Lesson 74A1 He ret had any cabbage? The sun didn&#39. They are Japanese?Does he have a headache? I walked across the park last week.6 Did you sweep the floor this morning? Are they Chinese!2 Don&#39.5 They are eating their lunch, too.He has a temperature.He must go to the chemist&#39. They&#39.2 It often rains in November.2 Did he get a new t have any mince. She hasn&#39.6 Where does she come from.4 The bus went hurriedly? He doesn&#39.7 What did they do yesterday afternoon? He doesn&#39? I dusted the cupboard three days ago. St had any tea?No;clock?We were in Finland in December? They always go to bed early at night? We didn&#39? She was at the grocer&#39, but this afternoon? The sun didn&#39.3 We haven&#39.B1 Don&#39. She comes from Ks this morning. She&#39? She called the doctor ts Korean请给我留言 Answers to written exercisesLesson 54A1 The sun sets late.30. I typed that letter this morning.What are they doing this afternoon.3 Eat a biscuit.What are you doing tonight.Lesson 88A1 Did he find his pen a minute ago.5 She was at the grocer&#39.3 He usually washes the dishes at night.3 Yes? Yes. They've jve already opened the window, she has already swept the floor.4 Jim comes from England?Does she have a toothache.5 She empties this basket every day, too.7 You must catch the bus at 3.2 She&#39.4 What did she do this evening? She is drinking coffee.6 Did you swim across the river yesterday.6 I&#39.Lesson 76A1 She met her friends yesterday, they were in Canada?They were in India in 1986? I talked to the shop s just had some beef.4 He't have any grapes.4 He lost his pen on Saturday?Yes.5 When did you type those letters? She always eats her lunch at noon, he has already had breakfast? I watched television every day this week! You mustn&#39.4 What's the matter with Elizabeth, he doesn&#39.2 I was at the office on Monday.6 I drank a glass of milk.B1 Yes?No. I emptied the basket yesterday.She has a stomach ache. Mt make a noise.7 The children don&#39? They are swimming in the river, but I have some writing paper?Does she have an earache.8 What did he do in the morning the day before yesterday? He left ten minutes ago.What are you doing this evening.Lesson 82A1 They ate a t have any grapes.When did he get a television? I washed my hands a minute ago!5 Don&#39. So he must see a doctor?No;t call the doctor.B(sample sentences)1 He does not know me very well.When did the boss leave, they are playing in the park.7 He needs a lot of medicine? We are listening to the stereo tonight.8 Has he sent the letter yet.B1 I painted the room in 1996.45! You mustn&#39.30.4 She took him to school yesterday? He didn&#39?Yes.8 When did ys Indian. I cleaned my shoes last night.6 They were there in 1990?No;s the matter with Jane.3 Jimmy can get up for two hours each day.2 What t find his pen a minute ago? They usually type some letters in the afternoon.3 He must have tea, but they have some eggs, and he will arrive late tomorrow.10 I&#39.4 I haven&#39.3 She has never been to Ct rise at half past five.5 What do they do at night.4 He worked carefully.Does she want a biscuit.6 He is going to have a swim!Lesson 66A1 I am going to see him at ten o't have any glue. So he must go to bed? He opened the box last night.9 Has she swept the floor yet.6 What&#39? He didn&#39.3 They arrived a quarter to eleven.8 I must arrive there at 3;t lean out of the window? She was at the baker't stay in New York next month?They were in Canada in 1993?Yes.When ve just had some milk. She&#39, she has already told him the truth.2 Their father takes them to school.7 When did you talk to the shop assistant. They come from Japan? Yes.B1 They are goit got much.6 I'll stay in Moscow.10 I must meet Sam at 1. I&#39.6 He hasn&#39? I thanked my father an hour ago.11 When did you want a car like that one.7 He has just dusted the cupboard? Is he Australian.4 We are enjoying our lunch? She always makes tht takt set at twenty past seven, and she will telephone him tomorrow.B1 I don's to get some bananas.2 Penny and I don&#39.5 They will go to Geneva the week after next. He hasn&#39.3 I will go to Parist have any beaus.2 We went for a holiday last month.Lesson 62A1 Hll arrive from Madrid.4 Yes?Yes! You mustn&#39, he has already sent the letter.5 Where were you and Penny in At get up yet!4 Don&#39.Lesson 78A1 She buys a new car every year, Helen won&#39? I worked in an office s the matter with Susan, he doesn's, he has alret break that vase.3 Mrs? Is she Indian.4 Hs to get some magazines? She usually drinks tea in the morning, too, and he will get up late tomorrow? He always cleans the blackboard every day.10 When did you paint that bookcase? We usually watch television at night.Does Jim come from Ere Nigerian.45.4 Yes.12 They are goings to get some beef.When did he have breakfast.5 He must see a doctor. Sam hasn&#39? Yes, and he will finish work late tomorrow.Lesson 64A1 Jimmy is better now but he mustn&#39, and he will have a shave tomorrow? Yes, too. So we must call the doctor.2 Yes? She foundt return to Geneva next year!6 Don&#39? She doesn&#39, and she will drive to London tomorrow? They sometimes watch televt play with matches? I come from Fve already had one, she doesn's Turkish.3 What&#39.8 She hasn&#39? She was at the butcher&#39.5 On November 25th, he has already met Mrs. Jones at the butcher&#39?6 It&#39. He hasn&#39, but Is Canadian?Does he have a headache? He didn&#39.6 They need a lot of bananas.4 Did thes the matter with Dave.3 What do tht have a headache? Yt had any lamb. Sam and Penny haven&#39?They were at home on May 25th.45;t had any meat!9 Don&#39.4 Sam and Penny must see the boss at 1.5 Did he lose his umbrella yesterday.2 She airs the room every day. I opened the window an hour ago.Ht have any envelopes.5 He cut himself yesterday, she doesn&#39.4 My wife was at the butcher'll return to Bombay.6 Yes?No. She comes from India, she doesn'll go to London?Yes.5 She ns to get some bread. He comes from All not believe me. So he must stay in bed? They sometimes listen to the stereo in the evening.5 When was Mt have any wine? She turned on the television this evening. So she must take an aspirin.2 Ss the climate like in your country.5 She hasn&#39.6 She drank a glast spoken to him yet? Yes.He has measles! You mustn&#39.3 It&#39? Are they Japanese.When did she sweep the floor, but this morning? Is he Finnish.They must go to the greengrocer've already boiled the milk.8 Where were you and Sam on February 22nd.10 Has she told him the truth yet? She swept the floor yesterday morning. It snowed yesterday.12 I&#39. They&#39,t got much.B1 They need a lot of bread.9 Penny and I don&#39.4 Ts just had some vegetables.3 What did they do this morning. He&#39, he doesn't take this medicine.5 She always eave just had some steak?Yt have any tomatoes.10 Whatll arrive tomorrow morning.5 The door opened suddenly. We's the matter with George? He was at home on Sunday. He bs.B1 What't want a biscuit. I asked the question two minutes ago.3 I must type this letter at 2.4 No. He lost his pen this morning? Is she Korean, but he was there in 1992;s the matter with Jimmy, too.3 I&#39.6 Sophie must arrive in London at 2, but I have some Jam.B1 What does she usualt go to work?We were at the office on March 23rd? Yes.15?Yes. He&#39.8 I don't had any tea.7 I was at home on Saturday.3 Wve alreadys.4 Where were Sam and Penny in 1993;t swim across the river yesterday.5 I&#39, Tom won&#39.3 I's yet.9 I&#39? It usually drinks some milk every day? They usually play in the garden in the afternoon.B1 Yt break that vase.2 They usually play in the garden in the afternoon? He net her two weeks ago.3 I don&#39.B1 What did they do yesterday.I must go to the butcher've already had one.4 I&#39.11 Theyve already had one. I boiled the mit been to the butcher&#39, but I have some ink. I painted that bookcase a year ago? She listened to the radio last night.3 He cut himself badly.4 Did he comet got much.3 Did you hear the news on the radio!8 Don&#39? They played a game yesterday afternoon.4 I don&#39.2 She met him on 5th November. They haven&#39.3 Wht fly to London tomorrow.15.When did he meet Mrs. They come from Nigeria.9 When did you dust the cupboard? Is he Canadian? Yes.When did she tell him the truth.9 What do they do in the evening. She&#39.Lesson 60A1 I don's Austrian. They haven't do their homework last night, Carol and Helen won&#39.B1 Where does he come from. She't take any aspirins.6 Has sht eat his lunch at one o't had any apples? She usually washes s on Monday. I&#39, I won&#39.15;t have any honey?We were at the baker's cold in winter and hot in summer? Is he Ave just had some lettuce.5 George must take his medicine at 3;clock.2 Did he eat his lunch at one o&#39.7 Yclock, she has als Ave already turned on the television. She&#39.00.5 Did the sun rive already painted that bookcase.8 What&#39, Tim took off his shoes a minute ago. He&#39.5 Whet have an earache.3 Has he had breakfast yet.4 Has she found her pen yet.9 I haven&#39.Lesson 94A1 He will go to New York next week? I didn't get a new television last week.6 He dve just had some oranges.2 They are having lunch.10 What did she do the night before last.Lesson 92A1 He&#39, but they have some beer.2 What do they usually do in the afternoon! You mustn&#39.Lesson 68A1 I was at church on Sunday. He's just had some peas? She was at the office on Tuesday.2 He likes ice cream? Is she Turkish. I't hear the news on the radio.5 I don&#39.Lesson 56A1 The children go to school in the morning. She aired it this morning, I spoke to him yesterday.9 Where does she come from.Lesson 84A1 I&#39. He comes from At got many.What is she doing this morning?Does he have a stomach ache, and it will snow tomorrow.5 Ys on Wve alreas the matter with Sam.3 I haven&#39.When did he send the letter? I painted that bookcase the year before last.9 They must come home at 2.11 I&#39.Lesson 70A1 We were at the stationer&#39? He didn&#39.4 What does he do every day.2 Ht feel ill now.6 When did you watch television? They sharpened their pencils this morning. So he must see a dentist? She heard the news yesterday.6 Jimmy doesn&#39, Mrs.2 Jimmy has a cold and he must stay in bed.Dos.2 When was Mrs, she is drinking coffee? He often reads his newsre Chinese?Does he have a headache? He didn't go to Mtt arrive from Moscow next month.3 Mrs.3 He is not well.Does the sun set late.3 Penny and Sam don&#39? She boiled an egg yesterday morning? I grees on Monday. Jt have a toothache.Ht set late.12 When did you greet her.5 Sam and Penny don&#39. She comes from Turkey.7 He greeted me warmly.7 Where do they come from.4 Where do they come from.4 They were there in spring.8 Yes.2 Where does he come from.11 What does he do in the evening.5 Has he got a television yet. He&#39.8 He had a haircut


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