
滚石的Peter Travers==========================================================。。。 The script isn't always steady on its feet, but the actors score knockouts. Tom Hardy, the fireball star of Bronson, brings animal force to Tommy Conlon, an Iraq War veteran returned home to Philadelphia after 14 years. 。。。 The brutal MMA action is skillfully staged. But Warrior aspires to myth. It's Cain and Abel battling it out in the face of a decidedly ungodly father before humanity goes down for the count. Strong stuff.===========================================================剧本虽然不是从头到尾脚步站的稳,演员们可是得的都是“一拳打昏”的高分。汤姆哈迪把汤米科伦,一个从伊拉克归来的军人,演得兽性。残暴的MMA的打斗编排得很技巧。但《勇士》是追求的是神话:Cain和Abel[注:圣经故事]在明显的不圣洁的父亲面前大战,直到把人性摧毁才计分。重口味。
NY时*报的A.O.Scott, 影评名字是“A Tale of Jacob, Esau and Muscles” (又是用的圣经人物!)======================。。。。。。。。。。。。“Warrior” takes place in the world of mixed martial arts, and it is appropriately blunt, powerful and relentless, a study of mAle b0dies in sweaty motion and masculine emotions in teary turmoil. But like the brutal, brawling sport that provides Mr. O’Connor with a backdrop, a storehouse of metaphors and a pretext for staging some viscerally effective fight scenes, “Warrior” possesses surprising poetry and finesse. Which is not to say that it is subtle. The director’s impressive technique — and all the grace and discipline of his excellent, hard-working cast — is mustered with a single, unambiguous goal in mind. This movie wants to knock you out. It will.《勇士》的故事发生在MMA的圈子里,自然粗钝,强势,狠,细述汗淋淋的动作中的男人的躯体和狂风暴雨的令人落泪的男性情感。这个残酷的打斗运动给(导演)O'Connor提供了场景,隐喻的库藏和借口来展示有效的打斗场面。同时《勇士》又含有出人意表的诗情和巧意。但不是说它含蓄。导演的令人有深刻印象的技术,加上优雅和训练有素的优秀的努力的演员们,是召集来为了一个简单明了的目的:这电影就是要打昏你。它会做到。
(老是说不好内容不许发。。。接着译NY时*报的影评)。。。。。。。。。。。。Tommy’s style of fighting recalls that of the young, unbeatable Mike Tyson. He attacks with a combination of speed and strength that turns an opponent’s bravado into fear in a matter of seconds. Brendan relies more on technical finesse and a capacity to withstand punishment. Mr. Hardy and Mr. Edgerton — an Englishman and an Australian playing a pair of Irish-American he-men — are physically potent actors, but the key to the movie’s effectiveness lies in their ability to convey fragility. These are tough guys, but you can only care about them if you believe that they can break.汤米的打斗风格令人想到年轻时的不可战胜的麦克泰森。他的攻击融合了速度和力量,把对手的虚张声势在几秒里转变成恐惧。。。。 哈迪和Edgerton是强健的演员,但这电影的有效的要点是他们有能力把人物的脆弱展现给你。他们是硬汉子,你关心在意他们是因为你相信他们会撑不住。
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。The engine of inevitability in “Warrior” is not history but fate. Paddy’s constant companion in his lonely, sober old age is an audio-book version of “Moby-Dick.” That novel’s theme of monomaniacal, violent obsession and the Shakespearean cadences of its prose underline what is happening on screen in a way that is only occasionally heavy-handed. (And in any case a good fight picture, like a good fighter, can benefit from a heavy hand.) 《勇士》的(悲剧)必然性的驱动不是历史而是命运。伴随着Paddy[父亲]的孤独清醒的晚年的是《大白鲸》。这小说的单筋的疯狂的迷恋主题和小说的莎翁的散文节奏,强调了在银幕上的事件,有时出力太重。(当然,好的打斗电影,和好的斗士一样,也会得益于出力太重的。)
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。Brendan, Tommy and Paddy uphold traditional family values — the tradition, that is, of Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, King Lear and the fallen houses of ancient Greek tragedy. 布兰顿,汤米和派迪的确保持了传统家庭价值观:这传统说的是Cain和Abel的传统,Jacob和Esau的传统,李尔王的传统,古老的没落希腊家族的传统。[注:全是经典的家庭大悲剧故事。如果用中国的故事来比,就像是玄武门之变那样的。]
But if there is something primal and archaic in Mr. O’Connor’s fable of fathers and sons, he nonetheless grounds it in the painful realities of contemporary America. With arresting honesty and enormous compassion — but without making a big topical deal out of it — “Warrior” looks at an American working class reeling from the one-two punch of war and recession. Tommy and Brendan are too proud for self-pity, which makes the evident pain of their circumstances all the more affecting. They fight because every other way of being a man has been compromised, undermined or taken away. Patriarchal authority, as represented by Paddy, is cruel and unbending until it turns sentimental and pathetic. The roads to an honorable life promised by work and military service are mined and muddied by the greed and mendacity of the institutions — government, schools, banks — that are supposed to uphold integrity. In such conditions stripping down to your shorts and beating another guy senseless can seem not only logical, but also noble. 尽管O'Conner的父子兄弟的童话有点原始古老,他的故事却是植根于现代美国的痛苦现实。带着不能逃避的诚实和巨大的同情,但又没有过度的在明面上做文章,《勇士》察看美国蓝领阶级在战争和经济衰退下的挣扎。汤米和布兰顿是自尊的不会自我怜悯的男人,他们困境的痛苦就更感人。他们去打斗是因为其他的做男人的办法被损坏,破坏或被拿走。以派迪代表的父亲的权威,是残酷的不妥协的,直到最后变得伤感可悲。靠工作和服役带来有尊严生活的路被本该是最可信的社会机构(ZF,学校,银行)的贪婪和谎言搞得泥泞难行。在这种情形下,脱了衣服把对手打个七荤八素,不仅是合逻辑的,更是高贵的。
The mock-gladiatorial theatrics of mixed martial arts may look tawdry and overblown, but the sport, perhaps even more than boxing, expresses a deep and authentic impulse to find meaning through the infliction and acceptance of pain. While the Conlon brothers are both fighting for the money, the real stakes are much deeper. Though their climactic confrontation is terrifyingly violent, it is also tender. And the most disarming thing about “Warrior” is that, for all its mayhem, it is a movie about love. 这个类似角斗士的MMA运动看似俗气夸张,但这运动比拳击更表现有深度真实的通过冲突和接受痛苦来寻找人生意义的冲动。虽然科伦兄弟是为了奖金而斗,他们的赌头要内涵的多。他们的决斗暴力得吓人,但又温存。最让人无法抵御的是,在各种混乱中,《勇士》其实是个关于爱的电影。[总算翻完NY时*报这篇了,好长。]
纯支持 汤姆哈迪 ,不爱看拳击剧
汤姆正在高兴地玩着电脑游戏=& Tom is playing computer games happily.
1.doing homework/schoolwork2.watching TV3.haviong the room cleaning up4.reading a book/doing some reding5.talk/speak on a phone6.writting a letter你可以把一套备有成套家具的房子出租给汤姆的句子翻译_百度知道
You can put a equipped with complete sets of furniture of the house rented to Tom


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